
It looks like he's stabbing a child lmao.

Also /r/games, which normally has reddit-tier opinions, is chudding out over the game.

EFFORTPOST Mark Robinson - the Black Gooner Nazi. Can /ourguy/ pull through?

Preamable :marseyyawn#:

In 2016, Democrat Roy Cooper narrowly defeated Incumbent Republican Governor Pat McCroy by 1% in North Carolina - an incredibly impressive result, considering Donald Trump also won the state by roughly 2% at the same time. While McCroy had been a truly awful governor and Cooper's margin was about a c*nt's hair difference between win and lose, that's still a tremendously impressive result. Cooper even repeated the result in 2020, winning re-election by a respectable 4%, when Trump won the state by 1% again. Term limited, Cooper's impressive record and the state slipping out of Donald Trump's may suggest that North Carolina is becoming a Democratic state - not the case, as seen by the downballot elections. Mark Robinson, a hard right Republican, was nominated as the mostly ceremonial Lieutenant-Governor, and Dale Folwell was the moderate Republican treasurer. Still, the Attorney General Josh Stein was Democrat. North Carolina seems likely to be a new swing state in the new, Trumpian party system.

2024 :marseyzoom#er:

Roy Cooper, the proven winner, was term limited and couldn't run for re-election. In the Democratic primary, the standard, mainstream liberal and Attorney General Josh Stein won by nearly 70%. In the Republican Primary, the hard right Lieutenant-Governor Robinson beat the relatively moderate Treasurer Dale Folwell by 65%

Literally during the exact same day, audio was leaked by a mysterious Sosh Jtein where Robinson called for a 0 week abortion ban, saying on North Carolinas 12 week ban "I would love to get down to six weeks. And I'd like to get down to zero. I would like to push it back as far as we could and eliminate as many abortions as we can." This is exactly what Republicans want to hear, but when even safe Republican states like Ohio and Montana pass ballot initiatives protecting abortion, is not something you want leaked.

So that's how he started. He started with a scandal that could have cost him the campaign. This is the minor thing. It only gets worse/funnier from here.

The Black White Supremacist :marseyconfused#2:

Mark Robinson, described by Trump as "Martin Luther King on steroids", has shown a lot of sympathy for the White Supremacist movement, to the point the only thing that stops me from calling him a White Supremacist is the fact he's black - and I'm still fairly confident he is a White Supremacist.

On 2014, he posted on his facebook account "Note to liberals; I'll accept "Gay Pride" when you accept "White Pride"". Calling for White Pride (a phrase created by George Lincoln Rockwell of the American Nazi Party, directly inspired by the Nation of Islam) is a pretty eyebrow raising statement, but it gets a lot better!

He was probably seething when Drumpf compared him to MLK, because Robinson hates MLK. In his shitty book, he says "December of 2007 was when I joined Facebook. Every political thought I had in my head, I put on there, up to and including my posting photos of Martin Luther King and calling him a communist." So understand that while these posts aren't explicit, he's pretty blunt about not liking him;

"I don't like Communist. No matter what 'color' they are."

"Tomorrow I will do my 'service to the community' by going to work to continue to support myself and my family so I'm not a leach on said community." - on MLK day.

"It is at once funny and sad that so many people will follow the lead of a bunch of atheists and worship an ersatz pastor as a deity."

Pooping on MLK is a really bad look, absolutely a race ender if you're white, but Robinson being black has given him a deflector shield. I wouldn't call him a White Supremacist based on any of this stuff. It's the following remarks he's made on the Civil Rights Movement that convinced me;

:marseykente: : "So many things were lost during the Civil Rights Movement. So many freedoms were lost during the Civil Rights Movement. They shouldn't have been lost. (...) You talk about the sit-in movement. We're in a free market system. So we've got a place called Woolworth in Greensboro that won't serve Blacks at the lunch counter. What do you do? You go down there and you sit at the lunch counter and you demand for these people to take your money. How crazy is that?"

:marseykente: : "The Civil Rights Movement destroyed hundreds of very well-run Black schools. They destroyed Black businesses across the nation."

So you have a man that dislikes MLK, dislikes the civil rights movement and called for White Pride. What a bizarre r-slur... and it gets even better. Like a lot of radicals, he has a fascinating stance on;

Da Joos :marseytinfoil2#:

With Republicans being the party of Israel while the Democrats try to balance their progressive base and not pissing off AIPAC too much, Robinson has been running a pretty strong platform against anti-semitism. Unfortunately for him, he forgot to delete some "interesting" comments on Jews and Nazis on his public facebook account.

:marseykente: : "I am so sick of seeing and hearing people STILL talk about Nazis and Hitler and how evil and manipulative they were. NEWS FLASH PEOPLE, THE NAZIS (National Socialist) ARE GONE! We did away with them!" (...) Marxist Socialist and communism pose the bigger threat and control the media. After all, who do you think has been pushing this Nazi boogeyman narrative all these years?"

So that's a pretty bad statement to make, but jeeze guys cut him some slack. 2017 was practically a different time. Later that same year;

:marseykente: : "Please STOP wasting my time, your time, and the time of your fellow conservatives talking about, and making mention of, the NAZIS who have been DEAD since 1945."

Well, that's not an awesome thing to have leak when you're trying to look strong on anti-semitism. Still, it could be worse right? 2018;

:marseykente: : "It is absolutely AMAZING to me that people who know so little about their true history and REFUSE to acknowledge the pure sorry state of their current condition can get so excited about a fictional 'hero' created by an agnostic Jew and put to film by satanic marxists. How can this trash, that was only created to pull the shekels out of your Schvartze pockets, invoke any pride?"

:marseywtf: Well, that's really bad. Really bad. Also 2018;

:marseykente: : "The center and leftist leaning Weimar Republic put heavy gun ownership restrictions on German citizens long before the Nazis took power. This foolishness about Hitler disarming MILLIONS of Jews and then marching them off to concentration camps is a bunch of hogwash. Repeating that hogwash makes the conservative argument against the current attempts by liberal Marxist to push Unconstitutional gun control measures in this Nation look FOOLISH."

Did he just call the Holocaust hogswash. He of course, refused to apologise for any of these remarks.

So, those are two pretty massive scandals that would, and from all polls, did cost him the election. But then CNN did some investigative reporting, tracking down what he had been saying on his private accounts. This breaking news, less than 24 hours old, and it's all amazing

Minisoldr, and other tales of Coomerism :marseycoomer#:

A combination of tracking down his alt-user name and his weird phrases like "frog's fat butt", "dunder head" and "gag a maggot", CNN were able to track his porn account on a website called "Nude Africa".

He bragged about peeping on girls as a 14 year old, saying "I came to a spot that was a dead end but had two big vent covers over it! It just so happened it overlooked the showers! I sat there for about an hour and watched as several girls came in and showered (...) I went peeping again the next morning but after that I went back the ladder was locked! So those two times where the only times I got to do it! Ahhhhh memories!!!!"

Like most Republicans, he's a transphobe, and I'm sorry for the Arachnophobe meme posters, but he's the kind of guy that wants to frick spiders;

:marseykente: : "I like watching :marseytrain: on girl porn! That's f*cking hot! It takes the man out while leaving the man in! And yeah I'm a 'perv' too!"

And despite his hardline stance on abortion, he said on Nude Africa; "I don't care. I just wanna see the s*x tape!"

If you had any doubts that he was a black white supremacist, he also made a lot of awesome non-coomer comments on Nude Africa. Quote: "I'm a black NAZI!", mostly unprompted when talking about Black Republicans, "Slavery is not bad. Some people need to be slaves. I wish they would bring it back. I would certainly buy a few.", "I'd take Hitler over any of the shit that's in Washington right now" which in fairness he's under the Obama Administration and Republicans are just like that when Dems are in power - when Reps are in power, Democrats just call them Hitler.

And finally, good old Martin Luther King. What did "Martin Luther King on Steroids" say about MLK on this porn forum for some reason? He said that MLK was a "commie bastard", a "ho-fricking phoney" (in fairness, he was a ho-fricker) and "worse then a maggot" while calling him "Martin Luther Coon", like George Lincoln Rockwell did.

The cherry on top - he is confirmed to have an Ashley Madison account, and an earlier, minor scandal (minor compared to the SHIT he'd get up to), was that he was a regular at a porn store.


The Trump Campaign was allegedly asking Robinson to drop out of the race, but it's too late for that. The NC GOP are stuck with the Black-Nazi-Coomer, with stories so disastrous constantly, as basically ensured that the Democrats will win North Carolina. There has never been a worse non-incumbent candidate - it's known Presidential Candidates affect the "down-ballot", things like the Senate and Gubernatorial races, but Robinson may be the first candidate to affect the up-ballot, making Trump the first Republican to lose North Carolina since Komrade McShame's blowout loss against Barack Obama - that itself being the first time the GOP lost the state since 1976, when Moderate Southern Democrat Jimmy Carter beat Moderate Northern Republican Jerry Ford.

But while Mark Robinson may be so terrible that he'll make North Carolina a full on Blue State in 2024, he'll live on in our hearts forever. He will be /ourgovernor/ - the biggest, dumbest r-slur to ever become successful despite not deserving it even a little.

The blackpill ruined me:blackpill::chuditsover::blackpill: I'm 16 btw

I'm thinking it would be almost impossible. I remember someone making an app that was like Tinder but only for cuddling, and it got shut down because people would meet up and try to have s*x instead of just cuddling.

It sucks that people (let's be honest, mostly men) can't behave themselves. :marseygiveup:

:marseybased: Based :marseyridin2:
Jewhaters upset Isrealis have started hitting back in earnest :marseyjetbombing: :marseyjetbombing: :marseyjetbombing: :explode:

"Make no mistake, if Hezbollah wanted to inflict serious damage, they could. I am not sure what Israel wants from this escalation." :soymad: :soymad: :soymad:


some related threads I think

Poster Note: I don't know who any of these cute twinks are so if someone would like to explain I'll probably pin it but not read it anyway

I could be wrong but... and cucked

I don't know what Moonmoon's wife looks like but probably a step up

Reported by:
  • HailVictory1776 : Gas this thread and ban all these disgusting blaspheming prots
  • Corinthian : I miss @HailVictory1776 so much bros. @Aevann free him you overgrown mouse :marseyraging:

The post

So, what did all those martyrs throughout the centuries die for?

I still think that the Holy Father is wrong here and is causing confusion. Especially considering that the deposit of faith says that Catholicism is the one true Faith (as says our Creed).

The actual quote is so much more boring. Let's ignore it and hate on Pope Francis!

Can we all agree that SOME of the pagan gods are demons like Baal?

Can you be catholic and acknowledge that the pope is a heretic?

Why can't people not immediately react negatively to the Pope, and instead consider reading his statements with an open mind and a willingness to wait until all information comes out

Reported by:

Hasan doesn't think palestinian lives matter and wants them all too die in war against israel.

87 more days until Christmas

Just a heads up :marseyandjesus: :marseychristmasgift:

PhD candidate :marseykamala: genius :marseybigbrain: demands Kamala :marseyridin: forgive his almost MILLION :marseysamhyde: USD student :marseycoonass: loan debt
Everyone I don't like continues to end up being a p-dophile vol. 8140



Boris Johnson's dramatic plan for a military raid on Holland to snatch back our AstraZeneca vaccines


Boris Johnson memoir quote:

"Britain's top brass filed into my office in No 10, bearing with them hundreds of years of collective operational experience, from Afghanistan to Zimbabwe. It was about 6pm, at the very end of March 2021, and after several days of deliberation they had reached a verdict.

"They had seen sieges, firefights, hostage rescues and hairbreadth 'scapes in the imminent deadly breach. It was clear from their ­manner, however, that they did not like the look of this one, Sarge.

"It fell to the deputy chief of the defence staff (military strategy and operational), Lieutenant General Doug Chalmers, to act as their spokesman. 'Well, PM,' he coughed, 'it's certainly feasible.'

"He explained how we could do it. We would send one team on a commercial flight to Amsterdam, while another team would use the cover of darkness to cross the Channel in ribs (rigid inflatable boats) and navigate up the canals.

"They would then rendezvous at the ­target; enter; secure the ­hostage goods, exfiltrate using an articulated lorry, and make their way to the Channel ports.

"'But I have to warn you, PM' – and they all looked at me ­meaningfully – 'that it will not be possible to do this undetected.' He pointed out that there were lockdowns in place in Belgium and the Netherlands, and the local authorities might observe our movements.

"I considered this. It did not seem an insuperable objection. OK, I said: so what if our movements are detected?

'Well, PM,' he said, 'if we are detected we will have to explain why we are effectively invading a long-standing Nato ally.'

"Of course, I knew he was right, and I secretly agreed with what they all thought but did not want to say aloud: that the whole thing was nuts.

"I beg you to forgive my ­desperation. It was in the best possible cause. I had ­commissioned some work on whether it might be technically feasible to launch an aquatic raid on a warehouse in Leiden, in the Netherlands, and to take that which was legally ours and which the UK desperately needed."


G*mers rise up

rDrama Bimonthly Census (badge opportunity) (LGBT EDITION)

would you rather be a not remotely passing (post-op) train who really hot lesbians are attracted to OR an ugly gay dude who only attracts other ugly gay dudes who want to fuck you in the ass (you are immune to STDs and won't be raped)


!poll_voters !badgemaxxers




Reported by:
:chudsmug: for all those who celebrate

Most Based Comments

Basedness: 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔘

Then don't say anything! Or does she really not understand how evil Trump is? Make it make sense? Or how not voting can help Trump. She didn't need to say anything then. (1216)

there is a significant difference between not voting and not endorsing a candidate she cannot morally endorse. (86)

Basedness: 🔥🔥🔥🔘🔘

The former is more important than the latter. I agree with her that we should look closer at local stuff, too. (404)

I mean it seems like she's doing both, I don't see why that's bad (207)

Basedness: 🔥🔥🔥🔘🔘

All the critical thinking, posturing and wheel spinning you want to do will still bring you back to that exact reality. Kamala, Trump or abstain.If you have a family member, friend or in this case fans who are interested to hear you opinion because they may be undecided for whatever reason - which of those three would you encourage them to do?That's all an endorsement is at the end of the day. If I had the power to influence another person's decision - which way would I influence them? It doesn't require a 2min30 second video to tell them I would rather not influence them. (3009)

Wtf are you talking about? That is not all endorsement is for celebrities. You know the second she endorses Kamala they'll be doing hot to vote across the swing states. They're already doing it without her endorsement. If you are for Palestinian liberation, you are probanly plugging your nose to votr for Harris this year because you've got a metaphorical gun to your head if she doesn't win. Chapell has made her stance on Palestine clear, so it makes complete sense that she won't happily endorse the woman actively facilitating this genocide. From her interviews and care for trans rights its pretty clear she will vote Harris, but she doesn't have to fricking endorse her. (-199)

Angriest Comments

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

Yeah seriously I don't understand the logic of voting a third party, they wouldn't ever win. It's Kamala obviously is the best choice and only choice that matters, especially for trans rights. (138)

Trans rights and abortion rights are their weapons to wield and fool everyone into thinking they're left, inclusive and progressive. But no one seems to care this administration is funding a genocide, they could hardwire abortion rights at any time, have rescinded their opposition to capital punishment, and has a party leader who just declared to Oprah she would shoot someone who trespassed on her house to appeal to the gun nuts. You people can't keep blindly following the dems as they inch further right, just because the Republicans remain even further right. It's so fricking dumb it makes my mind bleed. You people need to wake up and realise the bar is so god darn low if all a candidate needs to be is better than trump. And don't come at me with some rubbish about "if trump is so bad then why would we risk him getting in" cos at this point I'm starting to think that yall need another trump term to spawn the third option you so desperately need. If you keep voting in dems to avoid t... (7)

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

I feel like a lot of y'all are too libbed up to understand the nuance here.She doesn't have to endorse anyone. If you're looking to celebs for political tea leaves, you have personal problems to address.She disavowed Trump, for those of you that crazily accused her of being right wing. Shame on you for even implying that.She doesn't owe anyone anything really. She doesn't owe Kamala anything, she doesn't owe you anything.Her refusing to endorse Kamala is not an implicit endorsement of the other side (see #2).She's not wrong that trans rights have been disregarded by the Democrats, both Biden and Kamala's campaigns have shied away from championing LGBTQ+ rights broadly, but especially trans rights in particular. They even let that internet safety bill pass that could have terrible implications for queer people. (Edit: People are trying to fact check me on this, but the campaign has not been vocal about trans or LGBTQ+ rights broadly. I have not seen anything outside of milquetoast pa... (1806)

If I had the authority to pin this comment to the top of the comments here, I would.I'm going to vote for Harris because I fully understand what's at stake, but that doesn't mean I'm going to enjoy it. It doesn't mean I'm going to put Harris signs out front. I'm not buying bumper stickers or t-shirts or hats. I'm voting for her resentfully, not enthusiastically.And I'm sure as heck going to criticize her every step of the way - like I have since she was Copmala putting trans prisoners in danger and ruining people's lives over marijuana. All the more now that she's trying the "no no look I'm a belligerent gun-toting warmonger too please vote for me Ohio," meanwhile Israel is escalating from plain ol' genocide against one "undesirable" ethnic group to straight up starting WW3 in the ME because they know they have the United States' unwavering, unqualified support.Point is, if I had any platform, I would be making the same darn statement Chappell Roan is making, which is no endorsement... (9)

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

[deleted] (72)

How can you honestly say "take the genocide issue off the table because it's not up for debate" and not see how completely fricked and pathetic that is, what the frick? How can we ever claim to have moral standing on anything if we do that? The point is that it should be up for debate (or condemnation more accurately) and the fact that it isn't should be unacceptable to anyone with a moral compass. How do you just let shit slide like that? "Oh there's no point in trying to change their minds so let's stop trying"??? Is that the message? (42)

Biggest Lolcow: /u/milchtea

Score: 🐮🐮🐮🔘🔘

Number of comments: 6

Average angriness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘

Maximum angriness: 😡😡😡😡🔘

Minimum angriness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘

NEW: Subscribe to /h/miners to see untapped drama veins, ripe for mining! :marseyminer:

:marppy: autodrama: automating away the jobs of dramneurodivergents. :marseycapitalistmanlet: Ping HeyMoon if there are any problems or you have a suggestion :marseyjamming:

:10inbongland: Whore scams and abuses Magic nerds

Hey everyone!

Seems like Kayla owes a bunch of people money, and has done a bunch of shit over the years

If you have a story you'd like to add to this list, DM me (Rodney)

*all names have been added with explicit consent from the affected parties

Meet Kayla Ann Bridges or Kayla Davison the :marseymid: OF whore that scams magic players. She sounds like a real piece of shit that's scammed and fricked with dozens of people. Apparently she fled to Europe and is laying low.

I (Rodney Bedell) sold her a mox pearl ($3000). She claimed it was an onlyfans customer gift for her. Refused to pay me for a couple months, claimed paypal was broken / cashapp was broken / would pay me cash at future event, etc. she did eventually pay me

He deserves it for subscribing

(Harrison Bates, California) Kayla and I met on FB, she drove down to meet me and we started dating in Oct 2018. I was crazy broke during the relationship but Kayla was more than willing to offer and pay for things we did or food we ate etc. In Feb 2019, she moved in with me & my dad in Los Angeles. For a month, everything was ok but my dad got extremely sick, March 2019, and was put on life support until September 2019. I was a mess during this time, emotionally and financially. Kayla offered to help me with money stuff so I wouldn't have to stress about bills and things. In June 2019, I discovered that Kayla was cheating on me. In July 2019, I had discovered that my dad's bank account was heavily used, and I thought that was weird because the only thing that should've been pulled from the account was rent and other bills. I go to the bank, prove to them that my dad is in the ICU and can't come, they give me records of the past month. I notice a lot of the charges were for things Kayla and I were doing. Food, shopping, travel etc. I asked the bank for documents from the beginning of the year, and the statements say that in march, money had started to be spent by Kayla. In September 2019 I have to break the news to my dad that this has happened, and when he was able to come home, we curated a contract with Kayla saying that she will pay us back the amount she spent on things that aren't the bills etc. She strung us along, making excuses, fake accounts, and chargebacks of paypal etc. In 2021, my dad passed from a heart attack, I took over his debt, and Kayla hasn't paid much since. At GP Vegas 2019, I and a few others tried to approach the head judge and tournament organizers about my situation, and they said they couldn't do anything unless there was something legal about Kayla happening at that moment in time. (stole/used $24295.04, paid $12850 (( to date )), signed contract to pay) She also probably stole close to 2k worth of mtg at the beginning of our relationship, but I don't have proof of that.

The guy is an idiot but it's fricking vile to steal from someone who's dying :marseysad:

(rodney) kayla claimed to me (in 2022, with no proof) that Harrison hit her / put her in the hospital twice in one day (harrison has photo of her journal that day, says "car accident")


(Riley Keane, maryland) While we were together we decided to open 2 credit cards to earn hotel/flight points. She told me her credit was frozen because her step mother stole her identity so we opened them in my name with her as an authorized user. She managed to max out both of them(15k total) in a few months around the end of our relationship. Getting her to pay me back was a huge pain over the next year or so but she slowly gave me back around 12.5k total. At some point she gave me a beta mox sapphire as collateral which was of course confirmed as fake when I had someone at TOA look at it.

Not sure if people already know but her legal name is Kayla Ann Bridges, Davison is her mother's maiden name.


(Mike Mckinney, of 95mtg in delaware) She owes me $2,080: At scg richmond she wanted to buy something/needed cash, said she would send me paypal but her phone was over on the charger. Has since made excuses, bailed on events, and ghosted.

(Ryan McKinney 95 MTG) I gave Kayla $1,000 the exact same time as Mike McKinney. Pretty sure it was SCG Richmond when we gave it to her and she claimed she'd get us paypal to pay it back. She has claimed to have cash but keeps bailing on events where she says she can give it to me.

These are the :marse#ybrainlet: brothers

Mikey (@CatanEthusiast) She did social media stuff for Topdeck briefly, but we were pretty disappointed with her performance. Would check in and there was always an excuse, so we ended up having to re-do a lot of her work. I tried to give her the benefit of the doubt and increased the pay for one month since I was assured we didn't originally contract for enough hours to have everything done that we wanted. Overall, after the pay increase, she was fairly non-existent and clearly just pocketed the money, which amounted to $600 for the month. Told her we were done around halfway through the month, since it was clear the money was gone and she wasn't going to do the job we expected. I also paid to have around 10 hours of footage edited from one of our events which came out to a few hundred dollars. Was told it was done several times and that the link would be posted, but it has been months and no link has been received. Even had other people on the team and people involved with footage ask for it and no one ever received the edited footage. At this point, I can only assume nothing was edited and just accepted my losses. Glad to have cut ties when I did, since it's clear this sort of behavior is rampant.

Also, a large reason that she was brought on was for her "experience" doing social media for several brands in the MTG space, most notably SCG. However, it has come to my attention that this was all a lie.

Seems like the typical :marseyzoomer: work ethic here. Don't hire zoomers folks

She used to also be banned from buying merch at gps for chargebacks


(monty britton) She owed me ($15k) at one point. I collected off her at Minneapolis after a year of nonsense

She's almost at six figures worth of scams at this point

(anon judge 1)She used my name to get approval to host a judge conference with foils. She did host the conference but staffed all of her friends for bullshit presentations and didn't let me contribute at all. She ended up stealing like 50 dollars worth of promos from me. Maybe closer to 100. Supposedly she did this with other judges too

(Elliot R., VA)Don't have any personal stories about money, but she's demonstrably lied. She claimed at multiple judge conferences I was present at that she has played on the Pro Tour (she hasn't -, posted pictures on her Facebook claiming to be a Stanford fellow (fake assertion simply by Googling the certificate in the photo). These are just the provable lies that immediately come to mind. I know personally of many others that aren't my stories to share.

(anon judge2) She was sent a bunch of judge foils to run conferences. She was supposed to return extras. Instead she kept the rest and tried to sell them in bulk to local game stores, who refused to buy them.

(Anon judge 3) She lied about attending Stanford. Also claimed she was accepted for Harvard law. She's recently made claims about being paid $5K+ to put on something secret for SCG, which I never believed. A judge saw her selling 80+ Animate Dead judge promos at LD Oakland in '23, which raised eyebrows because other judges claimed to never receive theirs from the conferences she ran. She has repeatedly used other TOs money like it has been her own without asking, and it has affected the events.

She even hosted a fake conference to steal more, this is wild

(anon, confirmed by Rodney) Convinced her ex to co-sign on a Tesla she found on a lot saying she would pay it off in full when she got the refund from the Tesla she had ordered. She didn't make payments and ruined his credit score, claiming her identity had been stolen and she didn't have access to her money. Paid off the car in full when threatened with legal action.

She convinced this tard to buy her a car.

(Ben H., MD) Claimed repeatedly to have worked directly with Ravensburger on constructing the Lorcana Core Rules document, including stating that it would "definitely" be released by X date. It was not, and there has been no evidence that this work occurred, with an entirely different individual being hired as the rules manager for the game.

Why even lie about this lol?

(Ben H., MD) $20-ish - I can't recall the specific event, but I was at dinner with Kayla and a few other judges. A few of us "gamed for the check", agreeing that whoever came in 2nd would get the cash from everyone at the meal who didn't want to game for it - I came in 2nd, Kayla never paid me for her meal.


(Levi W) borrowed a pioneer deck from me, blocked my messages and calls for months


(anon, maryland) At an NRG Conference, Kayla claimed to have organized the judge community of the DMV to enforce better wages and working hours. She also claimed to be connecting judges to stores as the area captain used to do. This was entirely a lie. In reality, she was banned from judging from multiple MD stores for repeated lies to the TOs as well as suspicious behavior involving selling mass amounts of judge promos.


(MMG) I am the Marketing Director for Misty Mountain Gaming brands, which includes our Clash for Cash tournament series. Kayla was hired as my C4C social media marketing assistant roughly 3 months ago. She was interviewed by our company President and hired based on her impressive work experience in marketing and social media management within the MTG space which included working on the marketing team/running social media for Star City Games and Topdeck, among other reputable, established brands in the space. Over the course of the roughly 2 months that she worked with us, I met with her several times to resolve issues we were having with her regarding communication, dishonesty and assigned work not being completed. A very similar experience to the one given above by Mikey of TopDeck.

Prior to our event in OKC, myself and our Manager of Operations met with Kayla again to discuss our concerns regarding the quality of her work and other issues. In this meeting, we came to the understanding that Kayla would be removed from managing our Clash for Cash social sets and discussed her moving to something in the realm of ambassador and content creator for our brand, as we valued her experience and knowledge within the community. We brought her out to our OKC event as a member of our C4C team with the understanding that her role would be creating content around our tournaments, players and guests.

While Kayla was pulled aside several times throughout this event to discuss on-site issues, it was Sunday morning when we received confirmation from SCG that she had not and did not work for them in any marketing capacity that we decided to part ways immediately. I then sat Kayla down, with our TO present at the other end of the table only for mutual oversight, and explained that we had become aware that she had acquired her position with us by misrepresenting her work experience and would be ending our professional relationship with her because of this.


(anon) I overheard Kayla say to another person that she got 10 of her Secret Lair Giant Growths from one member of the event staff (295 limited giveaway at MagicCon minneapolis 2023, intended to be distributed one at a time to random people at the con, current value ~$200 each)

Whores gotta work for that :marseypiggybank:

(anon) She was judging a Modern Monday at Level Up. I believe was playing for the 3-0. For whatever reason she had a vendetta against me. My storm opponent cast flashback Past in Flames. I Remand the flashbacked PIF. Opponent (new to Magic) calls a judge to ask where the card goes. After checking Gatherer she rules back to his hand (the wrong ruling, somewhat obvious). Opponent recasts and kills me.


(Gabi Emerson) i'm not sure if this wholly counts but we had agreed to carpool to nrg lansing from Baltimore and as i was driving down to meet up with her, at the very last minute she says "don't come we have covid" (with no offer to help me out after she had committed), which resulted in me having to desperately scramble to find a place to stop along the way due to the length of the drive, me going by myself, and my inability to back out because of my own financial issues. I got halfway, and my car broke down as i was leaving my stop and i had to drop $800 i didn't have to do a hasty engine repair that then spiraled out into me not being able to afford rent on top of having a super broken car, even after getting paid for the event and getting judge promos from the conference it kinda was the tipping point that financially ruined me and i'm still nowhere near recovering from it


Abandoned her 2 dogs and 2 cats, is living in europe to avoid consequences in america (the pets have since been rehomed)


(anon judge) Last year 2023 I worked an event where Kayla was my lead. The event was ok, but as our lead Kayla would be ready for the day and the team would still be engaged in various roles at the convention and she would leave (for the day) leaving her team behind still working. One day she had some of her Chandra tokens out that have a QR to her OnlyFans on the back and she knowingly gave one to a younger attendee (if I had to guess somewhere around 15-16) and told him that "he can scan the back in a few years haha" To be perfectly clear I support and don't condemn SW but time and place and that was not the time, place or the audience she should have been engaging with.

Gotta get those teens hooked on the OF

She made incorrect judge rulings that conveniently helped her friends and hurt people she didn't like


She's prominently very close friends with 13 year old Dana Fischer, and has been for several years. She often wears lingerie to Magic events (walking advertisement for her OF) and has pictures of her in these outfits with Dana.


Faked a robbery


Had a fake service dog

She stole some other whores BF

The other whore literally tripped and fell on peepee.

She tried to date r*pe Nicole Dubin (dcsports8).

:marseyeyeroll: fricking losers can't imagine getting their friends drunk

(anon, maryland, condensed / summarized by rodney, approved again by anon)

  • lied about being friends with The Professor (TolarianCommunityCollege)
  • lied about Pro Tour finishes
  • lied about being cast as lead in a Hallmark movie
  • lied about being a tournament winning chess player (i'm not good, beat her easily, she got mad)
  • lied to me about being in an open relationship to cheat on her previous partner with me and later cheated on me as well. (Unprotected s*x when she cheated on her partner with me and unprotected s*x when she cheated on me as well. This was also during 2020 COVID lockdown)
  • convinced / coerced me to make onlyfans content with her, paid me much less than i expected
  • repeatedly gaslit me, made me feel worthless in our relationship, emotional abuse, etc
  • lied to people about me physically abusing her in our relationship while i was in the hospital after a suicide attempt. I lost many friends, my lgs community, and got texts and calls harassing me for the next 6 months. I had to get the police involved. Afterwards, I quit Magic, blocked everyone, and now live in peace.

The new Class of 09 SUCKS and the lesbians are PISSED

There are TWO foot fetish routes, comprising 40% of the endings. Another ends with S*X SLAVERY. LESBIANS NOT HAPPY

I'm personally not a fan of the dialogue and humor but the cute butches are screeching rn :marseylaugh:

there is this really really funny scene where the main character kisses another girl (for bait purposes) and them immediately talks about guys she likes as the other girl (who is an actual lesbian) looks visibly downcast ahahahahahaha get FRICKED Muff Divers

:marseyblind: :marseysteer:


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