EFFORTPOST I am back and I reached a good morning lvl I didn't knew it was possible to reach

So I had to logout from this site because my spring exams were shity so I had to redo them. I aced them. One day had 3 exams, university statistic is like 10% success rate to pass 2 exams in one day and I aced 3 :gigachad4: Basically the first time I failed those exams was because my ps5 broke and I was dedicated to fix it. It also got me reee that local repair centres (Morrocan those who bashed Jews supporters last night) had no fricking idea what a FUSE was :marseyraging: :marseywitchtriggered: the only thing those kankerholebi do is clean ps5 for 120 euro, replace the power supply for 200 euro and replace hdmi for 250 euro.

So at that point I was like:

So I bought a microscope and fuses I needed to replace and fixed it and recovered my save files.

After receiving my exams results I decided to take couple more weeks off and then decided to return when I fix all my daily life problems all related to foids incompetence including helping mossad elect Trump.

One of problem was there was a bug with my university account. It took me more than 2 months 100's emails send to the university (student administration, faculty, IT service and etc) until finally my mail reached a man that fixed my account in 5 minutes. Bros, pain was real.

I legit tried not to be judgmental. One day I even visited IT office, thinking mb in person I would been able to explain my problems better. But there was a 16 year old looking Indian girl working there that didn't even speaks Dutch

And I encountered 100's of such foids moments and I thought foids are at worst when you date them but no. It's when you have to deal with them in your daily life. They are like gatekeepers. It's like everyone puts them to the front(secretary) so nothing will be done.

Also went with couple of different girls out during that period. Somehow had success with tinder this time. Of course all of them were epic r-slurs. Most interesting was one ugly neurodivergent Asian girl.

If simp /r/truerateme rating this girl as 4,5/10

Then that Asian girl would been below 2/10.

She told me her type is "Jordan Barrett".


I was like :!marseybooba: how da frick did she knew who he was and it's legit over when even ugly girls want top tier guys. I first learned about this guy from /r/braincels I never thought I would encounter a girl in real life who knew who this guy is. And since the girl is true neurodivergent she brought up that guy out of nowhere, like randomly told me who her type was when I didn't even asked this.

Now I regret I didn't told that flat Asian girl what's my type in response jfl. To lift her ego.

Other interesting girl I had a fun encounter.

I was watching this:

Then decided to check tinder.

I got a like from a girl that was cosplaying Misa from death note.

It was such hilarious coincidence almost like Putin decided to gift me a petite goth gf


But I consider myself more of L than Kira :marseysweating:

But regardless I couldn't let such flex opportunity go so invited her to an con event :marseymerchantsoy:

I also asked her who would I cosplay well, she told me Yoruichi. I have no idea if it's an L or an :gigachad3:

But I am legit impressed how AI improved since AI could easily tell what was she cosplaying and another example I matched with a girl. That girl told me she has no bf.

The girl is fine, her boobs are top tier.

I added her on FB.

FB offered me to ad her bf as friend :marseyxd:.

I asked her if that guy was her bf.

She started telling me no that he is just her classmate and etc.

She thought that guy profile was closed.

But no it was open and he posted their pictures together and calling her his babe.

But honestly her bf was some special kind of ugly.

He had similar phenotype of riddler from Batman 2022 but more manly and balding, had some psychopaths vibes so the girl is legit trash, dates an inkwell and cheats on him.


And one girl tried to use me as backup man, she ghosted me in August and couple of days ago replied. Hoe has an business instagram account and a telegram channel where she post everything about her life and basically guy she was dating lied about his wealth so she is looking for a new bf :marseythumbsup:

Foids are evil, bros. And it's no nut Novembers bros.

Stay strong and good morning

Edit: just checked instagram and instagram offers me to ad that girl bf also now jfl

FYI - The Great MAGA Depression is Coming Soon : centrist


Look at the fricking fur on those coons. This guy 100% abused them with cheap dog food.

He's a poser guys.

Оbjесtívе rаnkíng оf rасísm ļvļ bу rасе

Ļоw rасíst tíеr: Bļасk аnd mауо

Míd rасísm tíеr: Sļаvs, Mеxíсаn аnd smаļļ еуеd аsíаns

Hígh rасísm tíеr: Аrаbs

Uļtrа hígh rасísm tíеr: Ιndíаn

How do I short the US?
Reported by:
  • Grue : I ditched a date that couldn't mentally break a 20 for a purchase ending in .00
  • Chapose : Thats every relationship with a woman right 😂😂😂
"intelligence gap relationships"


I wanna be the semi r-slurred midwit bf to an intellectual queen

Reported by:
Client confessed love for me and then ended their life : therapists [EDIT: SHE WAS ALSO IN LOVE WITH HIM???]


Client confessed love for me and then ended their life

Tragic, tragic, heartbreaking loss. Won't go into any details to protect client privacy, but it's hard to swallow. Would be so grateful for any resources, groups, or advice as I grieve.

I've canceled most of my sessions for the week, but have kept a few. My backlogged notes for other clients are creating some anxiety. What a rollercoaster.

The most captivating client I've worked with to date, and they continue to be so even in their death. Grateful to have known them.

Update: Unbelievably thankful for the outpouring of support. It's been incredibly helpful to read and utilize ❤️ Very unfortunately I just got news of a second client passing. Two in the same week. This one was not by suicide.


Erotic Countertransference

Looking for personal experiences navigating romantic/erotic countertransference (especially that in response to erotic transference)... I'm seeking supervision and being mindful about how I'm showing up with this client, but I'd love if anyone would be open to sharing more about their own experiences with this, and what the ultimate outcome was for you. Interestingly, this client has expressed their own attraction to me, and we're working through it/making use of it in our work together. They are not aware of my feelings beyond the genuine care I have for them. My framework leans relational psychodynamic for reference.

Tokyo Drift is the most @BWC movie to ever exist

The movie starts off where this white trash redneck effortlessly steals chad's gf in a dangerous street race

So he goes to Japan where a real challenge awaits, stealing ricechad's gf

She immediately is into him, she shows no loyalty to ricechad

So he wins some gay car race and steals her

I literally cannot think of a more @BWC plotline if I tried


liamdev: I need graphical user interace (GUI) instructions for installing Wireguard on Silverblue - Fedora 34. I'm visiting family at the moment and evidently they have Avast - which I do not want to use and I don't want the VPN that they have set up with the router to interfere with mine.

I've read the 1981 internet protocol that was published by DoD. I'm so immeasurably frustrated that something like an encrypted tunnel from end point to end point is such a complicated issue.

The articles on Fedora Magazine are not sufficient for a beginner and only show command line instructions and the only video on YouTube that's worth watching is chaotic with a guy typing a millions commands plus he's using Ubuntu anyways. GUI instrucitons please.

computersavvy: If they are already using a vpn why add another layer. Since you are just visiting you can temporarily disable your own vpn, use the one they already have configured at router level and go with it.

liamdev: With all due respect, I was looking for GUI instructions on how to set up the Wireguard VPN on Fedora Silverblue, not advice on what I should be doing with a presumption that I had one set up before.

liamdev: I haven't come across anyone that has sucessfully set up a VPN on a YouTube tutorial or anything else via GUI. VPN's should be simple, point and click free solutions to protect your identity and information from being transmitted widely over the internet. There's literally no point in moving forward with any future releases of any distribution if a GUI VPN hasn't been developed.

Regarding a server - i don't have a personal VPN server - that's what WireGuard is supposed to be ? WireGuard is supposed to be both the VPN Server and the VPN Client for someone that has neither right now.

computersavvy: I think you are misinterpreting what a vpn is & does.

It securely connects you via a tunnel from one point to another, the remote being a vpn server and may be free, paid, or company owned.

liamdev: Thanks for the info. My use case is this - I want to be able to install a VPN so that anything I search for on the internet is encrypted. I want an encrypted tunnel between my computer and the internet browser.

The reality is, there are (from what I see) 1.5 million man pages that have 10,000 functions. In other words, there's 150 ways to do the same thing. The system is so broken that I'm shocked the DoD has even let it carry on the way that it has.

From what I understand, Gnome Box VM's don't even hide your physical IP address or MAC address or anything really? So if someone wanted to use the hacking cowtools that are in Linux - well there wouldn't be much stopping them from getting literally all of my passwords and information…

So if someone wanted to use the hacking cowtools that are in Linux - well there wouldn't be much stopping them from getting literally all of my passwords and information…

augenauf: interesting, I would be curious to learn how to do that, just for research purposes. could you share any insights?

liamdev: Gothca - thanks, Sure thing, I'll map them out. Here's how you:

Get Kali Linux -

Fingerprint Web Apps & Servers for Better Recon [Tutorial]

Clear the Logs & History on Linux Systems to Delete All Traces You Were There [Tutorial]

Haunt a Computer Using SSH [Tutorial]

How Hackers Can Find Hidden Wi-Fi Networks & Their Names

Generate Crackable Handshakes with the ESP8266 [Tutorial]

Watch Hackers Craft Malicious Office Macros (ft. Kilian from SecurityFWD)

I mean just follow that channel in general. Then look at:

How to HACK a password // password cracking with Kali Linux and HashCat - how to HACK a password // password cracking with Kali Linux and HashCat

You get the point.

So, regarding the VPN and just general freedom to have privacy haha… I'll check out the blog post again. I don't understand how it's so easy to find out how to track and airplane from a video tutorial but something as basic as a VPN seems to have so many different components to the workload that could break at any moment.

liamdev: With all due respect, it's none of your business why I don't just turn it off at the Router level. I genuinely mean that as well - I don't mean to disrespect you, but posting in a public forum why I don't do that shouldn't even be a consideration as a response.

I'm gathering that no one has developed a GUI to use this Wireguard VPN. I clicked through the link that you sent, and the link that was in there and the link in that one too. Thanks for the effort but it didn't provide an actual GUI answer.

I'm gathering that no one has developed a GUI to use this Wireguard VPN.

augenauf: It's integrated in Network Manager in Gnome, consider searching the internet.

liamdev: okay so there's no way to easily install the WireGuard VPN via a GUI. The strategy here is to loop people in w/ Lenovo, offer them "free" everything that's not really free, offer tons of documentation to the point where people either give up or - the optimal outcome - they hire a company like Red Hat - that's using non-profits as a tax write off - or someone else that's anonymous but the risk in the anonymous folks is that they could be hackers ha.

If there was a "CEO" of Fedora, who would that be? Who is in charge of operations? Who is in charge with the Lenovo relationship? Who is in charge with the financial side is probably the most important in this question. I don't want to reach out to an anonymous profile and this VPN is arguably one of the most critical elements of the research I'm doing. If this is seriously the end result - the messages on these threads and recommendations - then there is a massive problem that needs to be addressed.

augenauf: So, you tried to set up the wireguard between your Fedora Workstation and your EC2 instance?

Where are you stuck? What are the error messages? Any logs?

liamdev: No, I'm hopeful you can help me find some way to connect directly with the Fedora leadership team. What is the best route? I believe whoever would be equivalent to the CFO would be the most appropriate.

augenauf: So, I am going to close the topic if you are not interested in technical support solving your problem. You're wasting your time and our time by discussing useless stuff. Had you ever posted a link to the guide you are trying to follow, the commands you had executed, the conf files you used, and error messages or log files that were generated, we could have long solved your problem. Instead …

As for the contact to Fedora Council and its Chair, I am sure you find that in Fedora Docs or by means of a search engine.

Do you actually call Jeff Bezos if your EC2 instance doesn't install an update?

I can only second @ilikelinux comment; get a professional IT consultant. He or she will setup wordpress and a store within a couple of days, including a wireguard connection for you to mess up the installation.

!schizomaxxxers press :f: to pay respects to our fallen king

:marseydisgustnotes: COMMUNITY NOTED Now we know why Trump :marseyhitler2: had such an obsession :marseybardfinnsbiggestenjoyer: with Hunter :marseycastlevania: Bidens peepee

!r-slura I do not post very often but when I do it's quality :marseycertified: politician :marseykamalarentfree: Micropeepee :marseydicklet:

Community Note by @whatastory

this is 100% a real photo btw. certified bunked :marseyokay:

Helpful [76] Not Helpful [2]
Community Note by @Epicaricacy

This tweet is from 2011, but the image is from 2016. Trump did not post this image from the future.

Someone either changed the link shortener to point elsewhere, or bought the domain and changed the page itself.

Helpful [4] Not Helpful [1]
Pol/lorcks" hate white people

I'd ping but aevann told me to stop doing that

Bros… Foids outgooned us again :marseybottom:
Is this gay or should I keep working on it? It's a tribute to some dead raccoons.





Tips on trolling people from the middle kingdom :marseychingchong:

I've been browsing XiaoHongShu ever since the tiktok ban. If you don't know what XiaoHongShu (on the app store it is called Rednote) is it is basically the Chinese pinterest, if pinterest was more video oriented. Actual Chinese tiktok is only available for those with a Chinese phone number so a lot of american creators talked about going to XHS around the time of the Tiktok ban.

Its a pretty cool app, I was surprised that the algo would guide me to thick women so quickly considering that isn't in style in asia. But in my time on the app I came to notice that chinese people have some very thin skin and big egos about their nation, their national standing, and what is and isn't Chinese. Anyways here are some quick tips on how to troll em.

1. Talk about how great the game Astrobot is:

Recently Astrobot, a silly marioesque platformer, won game of the year over Black Myth Wukong, a game by Chinese devs that follows a classic Chinese story. This ENRAGED Chinese g*mers as Black Myth was super popular and had a real shot at getting China it's first game of the year, and to see it beat by this childish platformer where the main character rides a ps5 like a rocket ship was triggering :pepereeeeee:. I think that all you have to say is something to the effect of "what do you guys think of Astrobot? I really like it" to get waves of chicom malding.

2. Say Lunar new year instead of Chinese new year:

Chang is very protective of things he thinks as Chinese, some other asian countries decided to call Chinese new year Lunar new year and now Chang wants to put the Chin back in Chinkmas. Chinese people also claim Kimchi, sushi, the color red, and if the pattern continues they are going to say that they invented the Nanking massacre. They claim that it is the Koreans that actually do this, and say that Koreans claim christmas as a Korean holiday. As far as I can tell they just completely made this up on their own.

3. Downplay the importance of China in history:

To no surprise to anyone, the middle kingdom acts like they are at the center of the universe. They are super protective of the idea that China was a super important part of the world, while this isn't wrong they are REALLY insecure about it and constantly make up attacks to react to.

Like "Westerners say that Rome conquered China!" uh... no?

"Westerners deny Chinese history!" No, what does happen is that historians don't take stories of ancient Chinese dynasties as fact when there is no physical evidence or contemporary accounts of these empires.

4. Perform horrific medical experiments on them as part of unit 731 :trollface:

Like a boss



Previous thread containing more cope desuarchive

another dramatic thread desuarchive

It's never been more over for techlet /aicg/ zoomer subtards and they deserve it, considering your average /aicg/tards are low IQ r-slurred libertarians lmao.

:elonsalute: :chadbaby: tells :marseytrumppresident: that he isnt president and should go away :marseywave2:


8 colors | :soyjakwow: :soyjakwow: :soyjakwow: 600 upgrahams, 247+ comments

Is there any reason to use the word uchu? It seems like almost everything (colour schemes, AI models, startups, cowtools, apps, ...) is named using a single randomly-selected Japanese word these days. But... why?


you know why


I'm confused by the usage of the word color scheme.

To me a color scheme is something like monokai. :marseyjerkofffrown: A small number of colors that go well together. The application (eg syntax highlighting in a code editor) is obvious and easy. This is just...lots of monochrome colors? How would I use this? Not trying to be dismissive, I'm just confused.

Yeah imo they should've used "color palette". :marseyakshually:

DataRepublican is a qt deaf girl in an attic

Talks (well signs) about reddit at 4:25

!simps discuss

:marppy: Drama Report: 2025-02-06 :marseyminer:

Top Drama

🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘While attending a media day event, Travis Kelce said "it's a great .../r/Fauxmoi (5M)64%3647
🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘Lets all just get along :)/r/GenZ (427K)57%1552
🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘Trump & Elon are right and doing a GREAT job, Reddit is wrong and n.../r/TrueUnpopularOpinion (148K)56%676
🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘Society isn't serious enough/r/The10thDentist (303K)60%524
🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘I was unaware that growing old made your cheekbones grow disproport.../r/GGdiscussion (5K)52%408
🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘Am I wrong for letting my 8 year old changer her brothers diaper?/r/amiwrong (432K)53%409
🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘Why everyone's against Trump's plan? It's not so bad/r/IsraelPalestine (96K)49%373
🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘RGV Businesses: Fly your American flag upside-down as a sign of dis.../r/RioGrandeValley (61K)49%322
🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘Handy Chart of EVERY Socialist regime tried in the 20th century and.../r/austrian_economics (51K)53%340
🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘Try not to disappoint, Henry./r/GGdiscussion (5K)47%294

Relative Drama (takes into account the size of the subreddit)

🤓🤓🤓🔘🔘I was unaware that growing old made your cheekbones grow disproport.../r/GGdiscussion (5K)52%408
🤓🤓🤓🔘🔘Try not to disappoint, Henry./r/GGdiscussion (5K)47%294
🤓🔘🔘🔘🔘COME STAND WITH US!!/r/Oceanside (11K)49%117
🤓🔘🔘🔘🔘Well, well, well…./r/realhousewivesofSLC (35K)57%296
🤓🔘🔘🔘🔘Handy Chart of EVERY Socialist regime tried in the 20th century and.../r/austrian_economics (51K)53%340
🤓🔘🔘🔘🔘RGV Businesses: Fly your American flag upside-down as a sign of dis.../r/RioGrandeValley (61K)49%322
🤓🔘🔘🔘🔘Passport Design Concepts for Kashmir/r/Kashmiri (26K)53%142
🤓🔘🔘🔘🔘Trump & Elon are right and doing a GREAT job, Reddit is wrong and n.../r/TrueUnpopularOpinion (148K)56%676
🤓🔘🔘🔘🔘Why everyone's against Trump's plan? It's not so bad/r/IsraelPalestine (96K)49%373
🤓🔘🔘🔘🔘Anyone here attending the protest today?/r/PeoriaIL (23K)50%83

:marppy: autodrama: returning jobs to dramneurodivergents. :marseycapitalistmanlet: Ping HeyMoon if there are any problems or you have a suggestion :marseyjamming:

No Man's Sky: Worlds Part 2 update is out. Patchnotes and trailer inside.


Sean did another little behind the scenes video




Mountains miles high

Oceans miles deep

Local environmental hazards

+18 ship storage


Krakens and other deep sea megafauna

Sea atmospheric pressure

Supermassive planets with heck gravity

Gas giants

New stellar class

Water worlds

Enhanced variety for existing planets

New ocean flora and fauna

New surface fauna

+18 MT slots

Cooking overhaul

Auto eat options

Exocraft flamethrowers

Customizable fishing rods

The usual massive modernization of graphics and lighting



this is fricking theft and should be illegal. is trump doing anything about this?

this has haunted me more than anything I've ever read on here :marseydepressed:



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