- Hotcake : BIPOC WTF???
- TedKaczynski : seek Christ
- snooder : i hate this website
- 33
- 29
Al jazeera
a lot of dummies about to get decapitated
Hamas fanboys cope that their hero is dead
Defund the un
Israel isn't committing genocide but they should down boy
Thai cucks
American leftist Jews cope that they suck and are about to die
I'm not bothering with this one
- whyareyou : no LOL dont be a cute twink
- Invincibleirl : Psyop
- 18
- 8
A lot of ppl here have mentioned this lately so let's get a roll call
This is a ghost thread so no one can see your responses.
The poll got reset when I edited so please answer again if you already did.
- 7
- 27
The /r/news mods keep locking and removing every post about this. Here's one:
The /r/europe mods are doing the same:
/r/WorldNews has two posts about it though:
Not a good day to be an ex-Muslim:
- 152
- 118
Today I'm affirming what I have long believed and what three-fourths of the states have ratified:
— President Biden (@POTUS) January 17, 2025
The 28th Amendment is the law of the land, guaranteeing all Americans equal rights and protections under the law regardless of their sex. pic.twitter.com/oZtS6Q89zG
The Constitution does not specify a time limit for states to ratify the ERA and 38 states have ratified it. The dramatic call is to assert that it is in fact the law of the land. Women will now be drafted.
Helpful [45] Not Helpful [11]- 4
- 11
- 2
- 8
wearing the shirt she got from Galentines day !sigmastacies !christians !atheists QUESTION SISTERS: strag patrol or jesussianna feetwashing?
- 57
- 93
- 49
- 78
The Colombian president started the fight on accepting undocumented immigrants back into his country. His main complaint was that they were coming on a military plane and that's inhumane treatment. Good news, you can treat them as humanely as you like when you have them back.
— Cenk Uygur (@cenkuygur) January 27, 2025
- 5
- 5
the host asked him, "mr godzilla, would you like to have something?"
godzilla replied, "yes, you!" and ate him
- 27
- 80
1. "Asked a girl to prom and she laughed at me"
2. "a guy once offered to give me $10 not to kiss me..."
3. "I was bullied by girls so much as a child, my self-confidence is ruined..."
4. "chick I dated said I imagined us together... but as a joke"
black guy gives a short history of his time as a kid
"are you neurodivergent?"
6. "just hit the gym they said... just become successful they said..."
7. "invited girl to movie, she didn't turn up, saw post online with her and her ex-boyfriend, the next day her front tire blew on the highway... had nothing to do with me..."
8. "when I was 15, I got laughed at for asking for help against me girlfriend who was abusing me"
9. "a teacher I had a crush on called me an r-slur"
10. "you guys probably stunk..."
"nothing compared to your unwashed micro peen"
"weak non sequitur"
- 49
- 95
1. "why didn't they put that niqqa in the back?"
2. "WTF is that in the middle?"
3. "sad... he could have been a tight end and not a D catcher..."
"he looks dudes with tight ends"
4. "dude looks like Magic combined with Jordan Peele and Tyler Perry"
5. "y'all want Magic to disown him because y'all don't love your own family"
6. "I wonder if he has the same disease as his Father"
7. "Magic wanted him to play basketball but instead he just plays with balls"
"he wouldn't be in my family"
"that's his son, bro..."
"IDGAF, take yo fruity butt in the back room!"
Some of Fruity Johnson's greatest hits aka wearing weird shit in family photos:
Caribbean Cruise Johnson
Hot summer day out at the beach Johnson
Ageing woman who still wants to "Thot-it-up" Johnson
Boss's 50-year-old wife who likes all eyes on her Johnson
Stylish gimp with a rich boyfriend Johnson
- 2
- 22
- tempest : spam in some kind of weird pidgin language
- ShitTornadoToOz : I don't speak chinese
- HailVictory1776 : This is America. Speak English trans lives matter
- 1 : .actual-post:has(.mr-2[href="/h/brasil" i]) { display: none; }
- 12
- 28
Um dia atrasado pq eu tomei um ban de 1 dia por postar mulheres com pinto
Trancado pq estavam falando verdades inconvenientes demais, isso obviamente só pode ser obra de infiltrados fascistas de outros subs
Um monte de bosta sem sentido, os caras tão dando nó na própria fimose pra defender o governo. Eu não li mas eu imagino que seja mais do mesmo: mercado fascista malvadão etcetc
O post não trancado mas altamente janniado
Olha só
Esquece, já trancaram
Vamos aos outros subs
Não li, mas imagino que seja tudo 'faz o L'
Cagando na cabeça de um twitteiro r-slurado
Cagando na cabeça daquelas jornalistas nojentas
Esse é pro @nuclearshill, tu que curte a argentina. viu que mataram um argentino no rio e o juiz não mandou prender?
Seria esse governo horroroso uma vingança do lula?
Já aproveitando a deixa, isso aqui foi engraçado, mas não tem a ver
/r/Farialimabets -- era um sub de meme mas meio que virou um campo de batalha entre MAV do rBrasil e seres humanos
/r/Flanelaa (reduto de gente que quer xingar o /r/Brasil)
/r/investimentos -- Segura que agora vem pedrada
E pra finalizar, você sabe o que realmente é brigading?
Quando um MAV do /r/Brasil vai em outro sub pra fazer post desonesto defendendo o governo.