[Poll] should I get a hair transplant from my pubes to my armpits?

I am as smooth as a seal and do not grow any hair under my armpits

However, I do have a luscious carpet that matches the drapes

I am now considering getting my pubes transplanted to my armpits

poll: should I do this? upgrizzly for yes, downsandkwinn for no

!coolcobras !ebayers !familyman !hibernians !hallowhitesupremacists @Discuss

Bellatrix pic

Info about Bellatrix: Bellatrix is the third-brightest star and a candidate binary star in the constellation of Orion, positioned 5ยฐ west of the red supergiant Betelgeuse (Alpha Orionis). It has the Bayer designation ฮณ Orionis, which is Latinized to Gamma Orionis. With a slightly variable magnitude of around 1.6, it is typically the 25th-brightest star in the night sky. According to parallax measurements by the Hipparcos spacecraft, Bellatrix is located at a distance of 250ยฑ10 light-years. And this pic is low quality but magnificent :marseystars2:

[๐Ÿค“๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜] Are there any pro-Trump businesses in Naperville?


Most Based Comments

Basedness: ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ

JB is that you? (-91)

Basedness: ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”˜

The people who think & talk about Trump the most are his haters. And that makes his supporters very, very happy. Nothing you do matters or will change anything (-56)

Basedness: ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜

Jesus Christ are you kidding me? Get an actually life and stop being a child (-57)

Angriest Comments

Angriness: ๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก

You're equating slavery to supporting a political candidate which is pretty disgusting.Btw many people supported the candidate because of terrible leadership failures on the left. Trump is a byproduct of bad policies all around. Nobody would have considered him if the left hadn't failed so epically. Don't get me wrong, Trump is a narcissistic idiot but the left failed us in more ways than one. (-8)

Actually, just no.Trump is not the result of failings on "the left". Trump is the natural end of the trend in the Republican party that has been happening since Reagan. The pattern has been consistent. Reagan, Bush, Bush, and Trump have made terrible domestic and foreign policy decisions that have royally screwed us over. Each worst than the last. Democratic presidents have not been perfect, but they have been doing their best to pick up the pieces of inherited disasters, and then they get blamed for the fallout of decisions their Republican predecessors made that were not easily fixable. Clinton was the only President in the past four decades to balance the budget and start to decrease the nation debt which skyrocketed under Reagan. Obama was left with remnants of a phony war that W started. People like to blame Obama for increasing debt, but a lot of the increase in his years in office was consequence of things he couldn't control. People blame Biden for inflation that is a direct... (20)

Angriness: ๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก

Mmm sounds like you're uneducated on Donald Trump being a racist. Let me educate youโ€ฆ.Trump invited leaders of the HBCUs to the White House in his first term, proceeded to help get them more funding. The Platinum plan was drawn up to create safer urban neighborhoods with the highest policing standards. Introduced new criminal justice reform most of which greatly affected the black communityโ€ฆ.all of this comes at a time when the Left is telling you he's racist, but Americans that have interacted with Trump tell you he is one of the most genuine humans in the world. Which is shown by his Numerous Humanitarian awards/nominations. (0)

Assuming he isn't racist, who cares? What I can't stand about the man is that he is weak as a human and he misuses his power for stupid stuff. I am a Republican but I walked away from Trump when I heard him badmouth John McCain's POW statusโ€ฆthis tough talk from the coward who failed to serve in the same war. Taking away security details for his enemies is petty and immature (MAGA morons wont care to admit it but Biden reauthorized those security detailsโ€ฆthat is how a real man behavesโ€ฆyou rise above the petty crap).Like Trump MAGA losers are all tough at the keyboard but everyone I have met IRL can't even look me in the eye when I ask challenging questions, like the McCain scenarioโ€ฆone guy, a vet, denied it happened then when I showed him the clip he made some lame claim about editing or whatever.I heard the quote as it aired in real time. Trump is a coward.Character counts. (1)

Angriness: ๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก

Yeah, frick freedom of speech!! (-12)

"oh no, I have to care about other people to be accepted by society"!!!!!!!!!!!! If you sit there and spew hatred and then people genuinely don't like you as a person, then people DONT want to hear you, be around you, or spend time with you dude. That's just reality and basic human relationships. If you cannot reconcile that concept, consider thinking that if you are not capable of considering the other person when you interact with them, you're probably stuck on caveman shit. Genuinely - if you are an unkind butthole in this current society - people don't want to spend time with you. That's the end of it. They don't want to hear from you because you think LESS of real human beings. Because you think that poor people don't deserve the same respect and dignity as other human beings. Because you are willing to condemn innocent people to death because of their religion, race, sexuality, or otherwise. That is NOT the human connection or intended experience. "Do no harm" commit no evils, ... (3)

Biggest Lolcow: /u/JokeMaster420

Score: ๐Ÿฎ๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜

Number of comments: 3

Average angriness: ๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜

Maximum angriness: ๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก

Minimum angriness: ๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜

NEW: Subscribe to /h/miners to see untapped drama veins, ripe for mining! :marseyminer:

:marppy: autodrama: automating away the jobs of dramneurodivergents. :marseycapitalistmanlet: Ping HeyMoon if there are any problems or you have a suggestion :marseyjamming:

18 (ish) Mechanical Design Tips and Tricks for Engineers Inventors and Serious Makers: # 093
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brainstorm ideas on how to make this website more foid friendly.

A lot of foids feel unsafe here with the level of harassment we allow and the predators we've had run rampant here. What are some ways we can make this website foid safe?

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Another sleepless night :marseyyawn: :marseyyawn:

I'm really tired but I can't sleep, how is that even possible

Musk v Grimes twatter drama continues


:marseyleafpearlclutch: Canadians are super pissed... : PrepperIntel :marseyrake:



Canadian here. Not sure if this is PreperIntel worthy but just reporting something I've honestly never seen in my life. Canadians woke up today feeling super patriotic. And super pissed. Not that we aren't usually patriotic but we aren't a bunch of flag wavers. It's more a quiet patriotism we keep to ourselves. And we are generally a polite and reserved bunch in general.

Not today. Holy... the mood in Canada is ... PISSED.

Most of the anger is aimed at your current head of state but also at your country as a whole. Not so much individual Americans. You will be perfectly safe traveling through Canada or visiting. But there is outright anger directed at any product with a "Made in the USA" flag. Every store in Canada is going around with maple leaf stickers marking the "Made in Canada" products. Consumer boycotts are springing up organically across the country. The talk is really sort of ... ugly.

I get the sense there has been significant damage done to the US Brand in Canada. And I don't think it's confined to Canada. I have friends in the UK who say the same. They are also just frankly pissed beyond all reason. I expect it's the same across Europe.

Hopefully it dies down. It's absolutely non-productive and unCanadian. America and Canada have been ride or die BFF's for a century or more. I live in Arizona 1/2 time and I love LOVE it here. I have yet to personally meet an American I didn't genuinely like. You are good people. You do not deserve any of this.

Unless of course you voted for this. In which case... hope you get everything you voted for and then some.


also RIP to /r/prepperintel, it has turned into just another 'Drumf le bad' subreddit :marseylibations:



What would a "good" dating app look like to you? : datingoverthirty


People who are using apps have been vocal about how much the experience sucks. Hinge seems especially awful to me with its limited number of photos, lame prompts, limit on likes per day, and keeping your "best" matches behind a pay wall.

Imagine foids don't have enough likes to give it to all top 1% guys and top 0,0001% guys are pay locked.

Frick life of foids is hard.

I want to combine Facebook dating with OkCupid. I think Facebook gives you ample room to write about yourself, and it gives you more than enough photo slots. I love that you can see if you have mutual friends with someone. I'd mix that with the part of OKC where you answer questions and that give you a compatibility percentage. Unfortunately, both of those platforms are very unpopular in my area, so I have to deal with Hinge & Tinder.

Every guy knows that foids don't give shit about it. They will read is if you are absolutely Chad but if you are absolutely Chad you already getting like from her since to foids guys they like are automatically funny

I'm curious about what a better dating app experience would look like to others.

PostWall inc

I agree about filters. Even when you pay to apply the filters, it still shows you people outside of the filters you've set and just highlights the people who match the preferences you've set. To me, something like childfree or monogamous is non-negotiable, so showing me people outside of that is just a waste.

App be like: b-word your filters are so extreme, why not look at this decent guy (that probably won't like your flobs back)

childfree or monogamous is non-negotiable

Why would a successful good looking 34 year old man would want a fat 34 year old sterile foid and be monogamous to her ?

And I know many of you won't question her being fat

I've been in "romantic" relationships before where the man I was with wasn't physically attracted to me, and it was really painful to endure.

And we know he was in shape

The problem is, though, that too many of the men I've talked to who say they prefer plus-size women have been awful. They've rushed to talk about s*x

She also don't understand supply and demand curves. There so many fat foids supply and so few demand and such guys are working hard

To make sure all fat chicks get some D

I feel so stupid even asking this, but are there actually decent people out there who are more attracted to a size 16 than a size 6? Because I'm having suuuch a hard time finding someone who likes my body and is also capable of just being kind & normal to me and not scaring me or sexualizing me too much too soon.

Yes there are decent people like 1 such guy for 50 size 16 kwins and if she has green card to share.

When I was single, this was my experience as well. I would always hear men say "We want to be asked out too" but what they don't say is that they only want to be asked out by women they find attractive. Otherwise they will freak out, be upset or get weirded out.

My experience as well. That look of disgust they get that an average woman like myself dare think they be interested, or even I dare be attracted to them lol. I've asked out plenty of men in my early 20s and pretty regularly rejected-gives you thick skin. But unfortunately socially, we are not at a place where women have equal footing when doing the approaching. Now I don't approach-if he's interested he'll approach me.

I actually were approached by shit tons of fat foids and it always surprised me like I always looked at them and was thinking (wow she is a foot smaller than me and weight more than me, why is she even approaching me ? We look like cartoon troop of tall and skinny person and fat and short)

Especially this

:marseyhmm: :marseyhmmm: Is it normal to give your mom Valentine's Day gifts? :marseythonk: :marseydetective:

I was talking to @PegMeMommy about Valentine's Day. I was telling him about how me and my siblings got our mom flowers and stuff for Valentine's Day. During the conversation he said he had never heard of kids getting their mom something for Valentine's Day, and he doesn't know anyone who does this. For me, this is the opposite: Where I'm from, everyone gets their mother something. Now both of us are wondering which is normal.

Decided to make a poll!

Do you buy your mother something Valentine's Day?

this r-slur let Elon Musk shoot his aspie semen inside her kitty

!sex_havers good for him but she's going to raise tard baby

!r-slurs !neurodivergents

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:marseydisgustnotes: COMMUNITY NOTED new toss

Community Note by @Count_Sprpr

This post was stolen from another hardworking dramatard:

All jannies are bastards

Helpful [149] Not Helpful [6]
Community Note by @QuadNarca

Jannies are allowed to steal, other rdramatards' posts, it's one of the perks.

Helpful [52] Not Helpful [89]
when was the last time

you took a dump without your phone probably 2009 for me

deleted the apps and now this girl isn't texting so muchโ€ฆ didn't go out a ton but i thought we had a very strong connectionโ€ฆ hope she's just busy because i had some matches in there c'est la vie

Ambien Users a little weirded out: Melania Trump revealed to be 'The Hat Man'

This figure will be well-known to abusers of ambien and benzos, word to @Sneedman.

Post here for drama coins

I never use them and I'll give you 200. :marseyshrug:

:marseynull: vs :marseyfatrick: Who will enjoy prison? & A MATI Listener claims to also have had success by appealing "I AM INDIAN" to twitter

direct link to fatrick tweet


also that , comma :marseyeyemixer3:

:at: :h: :space: :marseyh: :marseya: :marseyt: :marseye: :space: :marseyt: :marseyh: :marseyr: :marseye: :marseya: :marseyd:

:marseyk: :marseyy: :marseys:


Oil lamp-chan

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Backstory about this effortpost, and probably the first ever film script!

17 days ago, @QueenOfSpades (:marseyblacked::chudbbc:) asked what happened to the /r/Drama-adjacent subleddit /r/JapanCircleJerk (, and thus, 17 days ago, I started writing this comment-turned-effortpost-turned Dramakino-turned schizoposting from my head that I want misinformation and rumors to be corrected, but due to a variety of reasons, I did not posted it back then, but now since today is my last day to farm dramacoin, and also since I would really, really appreciate insights, corrections, and addendums from folx who are more familiar with this story, then I will just post it in here anyways.

Anyway, my memory on this is hazy, I miss /r/JapanCirclejerk so much that my brain excludes traumatic memories as a coping mechanism, so since it was banned I have intentionally avoided looking up anything about its history, much like /r/Drama in a certain way :marseycope:, here is what I remember, and what I could piece together as a dramatic story about this historical event in the an(n)als of the Dramastorians, corrections and more information are very appreciated :marseysadge:, !effortposters !bookworms !kino could you please give critiques on my writing style and storywriting skills?:marseythanks:


(original Brazilian Portuguese audio)

(Japanese dub with different lyrics)



(I was going to make a more detailed poster but I need to post this ASAP before Homoween ends, and I have no idea which catchy tagline fits the poster of the movie better)


One day, /r/JCJ was doing the average things that it did as the biggest Japan Circlejerk subreddit, it was making fun of a creepy Gaijin guy in Japan, run off the mill stuff!, what they spent years doing on their subreddit that existed since around the early 2010s, for over a decade JCJ made fun of the average gaijin r-slurs in Japan doing average gaijin r-slur things, this happened all the time in almost all of their posts making fun of in-site drama, so what is so special about this case?:marseyclueless:, well, unbeknownst to the denizens of /r/JapanCirclejerk, this day was the day that would enter in the history of the late-stage Dramasphere on Soyddit.... the cope before the storm.....:marseyaware:

JCJ just so happened to have found the biggest goldmine in the history of their subreddit, the redditor that JCJ was making fun of, was the biggest living stereotype of the 2000s-2010s 4chan incel weeaboo neckbeard libertarian loser neurodivergent r-slur creep to have ever existed, he is almost an AI-generated caricature, what happens when you feed AI on outdated 4chan memes and "Otaku" articles from the mid-late 2000s and create a character based on him , basically, the antagonist of this story is a libertarian English teacher on a JET program.... who got into a relationship with one of his underage students:bruh:

(I do not know her age, perhaps she was 16-17 or so, but she was underage in the eyes of the law, and no, "age of consent is 13 in Japan lol" :marseypedo:, this is a redditor myth that gets repeated, the legal age of consent in Japan is de-facto 18 at all prefectural levels), so his JET agency/school eventually noticed that a child in their school is the "girlfriend" of an grown fricking adult teacher, and sought to either have a serious chat with him, or to take legal action/call the police on him. :siren::marseycop::marseyneckbeard::marseycop2::hansen2::siren:

CHAPTER 2::#objection:Nihonjin v. Chomo P. Lolilover:marseychingchongsupremacy::vs::marseypedo:

Still not being satisfied with living the ultimate 4chan weeaboo neckbeard isekai fantasy of moving to Japan, having easy and instant access to all weebshit you can think of, getting a real-life UwU kawaii loli gf, and becoming a s*x offender as a foreigner in a country with an extremely strict law system that does not acquits almost anyone, much less foreigners for their crimes, the reddit user (whose username I forgot, so for convenience, shall be named here as Chomo P. Lolilover :marseygroomer2:), Mr. Lolilover wanted to go far and beyond and explore more Tranime genres now that he lived in glorious Nihon, so after he became a s*x offender who groomed a child that he was supposed to teach good values towards, Mr. Chomo sought to also get into a real-life Ace Attorney courtroom drama anime!

After realizing that, well, he had committed a serious fricking crime, the 400 IQ IRL Anime protagonist did the shining glasses move from Evangelion :soyjakanimeglasses:, and realized that the best way to get out of trouble was to ask for help, ask for help where you say?, of course, the best website on earth where libertarians ask for help! -

reddit. :#soysnoo:

Chomo-kun fled to the reddit hugbox of smart Gaijin intellectuals on either /r/Japan, or /r/JapanLife, or /r/JET (do not remember which exact sub that was) to ask for assistance for his Ace Attorney case of Nihonjin v. Chomo P. Lolilover:marseychingchongsupremacy::vs::marseypedo:, the tard was proudly and without any fricking shame openly admitting on reddit that he is a grown man who is in an illegal relationship with an underage girlfriend in another country, and claiming having no idea as to why the school is fricking angry at him committing a crime, and want his head.:marseywoodchipper2:

As you can now guess, as it is to be expected from the average English teacher in Asia, Mr. Chomo is not really a bright individual, from committing a serious crime in a foreign country, to publicly admitting it on reddit on the account that he links with his Touhou lolicon and child idol blogs, to thinking that he did nothing wrong, to- HOLD THE FRICK UP:marseyspit: what the frick was that?:bruh:

CHAPTER 3::#cirnopost::#soyno: (no, literally :marseydespair:)

Of course, the neighbor got ripped to shred :!stoningdownvotes::marseypedo::stoningdownvotes: even the tards at either /r/Japan or /r/JapanLife or /r/Jet were fuming and thought that he was a fricking weirdo predator menace that needs to be either arrested or deported before more children get groomed, and their already-not-good Gaijinoid reputation gets stained, as the Gaijincels, above all English teachers, already have a stellar reputation as predators and creeps in Asia, so this libertarian freak needs to be stopped ASAP, before his number of victims grow, local media gets involved in it, and other Gaijinoids start to get hated and labeled as libertarian predators even more than they already have the reputation for.:marseychingchongraging::!stoning::mutttantrum::stoning:

I remember that the guy had a schizopost-y style to his writing and rhetoric, angrily replying to all negative comments calling him a libertarian freak, and I recall that he even LIKED TO USE RANDOM ALL CAPS TO SCREAM LIKE THIS:soyjaktantrumfast:, and since he replied to literally all comments mentioning him in the thread, the libertarian lolcow later flocked to /r/JapanCirclejerk to defend xhir heckin cute and valid relationship with an irl kawaii anime japanese loli girlfriend UwU from these heckin harasser stalker chuds and discriminatory Japanese law system:marseyrofl::soysnooseethe::marseylaughpoundfist:

Well, since the guy was quite a prolific schizoposter present in other subs, and had a quite old reddit account, JCJannies stumbled upon his older posts to see what else he was sperging about, but they ended up finding out.... the truth..... but not any average kind of truth, no!, Mx. Dramanxut!, this was a form of TRVTH powered by NVCLEAR fission, a TRVTHNVKE, in fact, this was THE most enriched TRVKERALD that would unfortunately, be the demise of /r/JapanCirclejerk :marseytruthnuke:

By surfing through his account, /r/JapanCirclejerk found out that not only he is a massive Touhou lolicon fan, with a fricking enormous posting history on Touhou subreddits and an also gigantic collection of Touhou memorabilia in real-life, and also off-site blogs where he talks about his figurine collection and love for Touhou lolis, no.... no!..... the motherlover has an enormous blog dating back to years ago, where he posts pictures of REAL SEXUALIZED CHILDREN from "Japanese Idol" magazines. :marseydespair:

Me writing this text from start to finish::marseyaware:

Chapter 4: PERSONAL ARMY REQUEST: ACCEPTED:#marseysaluteccp:

When his CP "blog" was discovered by JCJ, the sub understandably freaked the frick out at an outspoken libertarian with access to children, who has a gigantic blog where he posts "idol" (i.e. sexualized) photographs of real children, who is openly obsessed with loli shit, and who most importantly, has already got in trouble for grooming an underage girl, so all of the "lulz guyz, look at this funny internet r-slur lolcow lolz!!!:lolface:" aura around the subreddit immediately ended, but this was unfortunately, the very last time that /r/JapanCirclejerk would type "/uj" on their comments :marseylibations:

Through the open and proud r-slur posting his personal information on his CSAM blog, they doxxed him (:based:), apparently contacted JET to immediately take action against him (:based:), and overall just started to non-stop shit on him wherever he went on reddit, which is heckin problematic behavior that is against the reddit inc. terms of conduct, and a violation of redditiquete:bardfinn:

Even before the JCJannies started to shit on him, reddit banned their sub for violating their rules on doxxing, and also banned other related subreddits for ban evasion, thank you reddit for making the world a better place, and protecting an outspoken and proud libertarian who has gotten into legal trouble for grooming minors!

Chapter 5: See you, Space Dramanaut:#marseycowboy:

And that was the true story of /r/JapanCirclejerk, yet another extremely funny and informative reddit sub getting banned for them trying to bring a bona-fide open libertarian to justice.

6. Where are xhey now?:#marseymugshot:

I forgot most details of what happened following this, however, I am certain that the libertarian's account is still up, and he is still posting his love for underage Japanese children and lolicon, I do not remember his name, but perhaps KiwiFarms or old Pullpush archives still have the name of his account. !libertarianhunters !ranchers

Also, I made this image in a rush in order for me to be able to farm dcoin before Homoween ends, I forgot to add in some Touhou figurine in Toguro's hand for example :chuditsover:

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  • pet : my account was approved. now is your chance to get a hexbear acct just reference this post
  • HailVictory1776 : :!marseytrain:s need to be physically removed from 109 websites trans lives matter
Transgenders are giving up on BlueSky and are planning on moving to, home of former /r/ChapoTrapHouse


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