Terrifying 'doomsday' fish :carpwave: found on beach in Canary Islands sparking fears :marseypearlclutch:of disaster

its says they rare, butt not when we're living in the end times. There were three such sightings last year

Just a coincidence im sure, butt dont tell that to the tech billionaires planning for something

also dont tell the Doomsday Clock

also these prophecies be wack, when the pope is sick af

Safe Play?? Or Intervene


The people on this threads must have never had a dog or taken care of another living being in their lives. This happens when you own an animal, it completely normal. They are playing and its safe. Someone making a loud noise is not the dogs fault but the humans. The owner should have seen its just safe play and not interfered.

Republicans plot to weaken democracy in South Dakota
How would you feel if you weren't daddy's favorite? But I am daddy's favorite :marseybib:

I fricked up.

I am sorry :marseyteehee: I let you all down.

Andrew Jackson Jihad - I Love You :marseyhugretard:

!oldstrags you will never again get to experience the pure youthful joy and unrequited yearning of vagueblogging about a crush on your myspace

ОbjСсtΓ­vΠ΅ rΠ°nkΓ­ng ΠΎf rасísm ΔΌvΔΌ bΡƒ rасС

Δ»ΠΎw rасíst tΓ­Π΅r: Bļасk Π°nd mΠ°ΡƒΠΎ

MΓ­d rасísm tΓ­Π΅r: SΔΌΠ°vs, MΠ΅xíсаn Π°nd smΠ°ΔΌΔΌ Π΅ΡƒΠ΅d Π°sΓ­Π°ns

Hígh rасísm tíСr: Аrаbs

UΔΌtrΠ° hΓ­gh rасísm tΓ­Π΅r: Ξ™ndΓ­Π°n

:marseychtorrr2: who works at a bakery gets mad at the comments people make about their 700+ calorie abominations


>I have a kid in Girl Scouts and people will talk like that in front of the Scouts selling cookies. It's so frustrating because I have tried to raise my kids as body neutral as possible but that shit is pervasive.

Tell the kid to learn how to mind their own business like an adult lmao

>Maybe a sign? "Please stop bumming out the baked goods by calling them Bad."

>Years ago used to have a small bowl of candy & mints at my office desk. The performative diet culture is REAL. Just come over and say hi, then grab a piece of candy, there's an actual sign that says "help yourself."

Sorry, but food doesn't and will never have feelings, I should be free to shittalk it as I please

>I worked at a barista at a trendy (college students and rich white moms) cafe and yeah it's pretty bad. I would just deadpan and not respond to it or play dumb and say "why would you feel bad about eating a croissant"

Because it's like 600 empty calories you don't need



The Cleo math stack exchange drama has been solved!


Urgent fiπŸ…±οΈancial advice needed @pizzashill

One of my CDs matures next week. It was a 6-month, 4.90%.

I checked last month and the 6-month rate was 4.1%, now it's 4.0%. Clearly Trumpenomics hasn't kicked in yet.

Which is the better move for my renewal:

:chutbatfast: Chudlet :chutbatfast: takes a brave :marseybraveglow: stance and calls leftists :chadleftoid: :aryanlarp: children. Leftists cry :soysnooseethe:, poop their pampers :soyjaktantrum:, and report post to xommy :marseyjanny: for hurting their feelings :soymad:.


This post is obnoxious, but being obnoxious is not against the rules. Stop reporting this post because it doesn't break any rules. It's already been reported for "report button abuse" so you'll just get penalized by admins.


:#soyjaktantrumfastgenocide: :#chadleftoidgenocide: :#aryanlarpgenocide:

Proudly stolen from @autodrama

Bongland is doomed


If you're in London, be on the lookout

This post rests on native land

:marseyitsover: :marseyyeezusgenocide:

Karoline Leavitt, the White House press secretary, made a similar claim on Tuesday during her debut news briefing. She stated that the Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE) and the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) "found that there was about to be 50 million taxpayer dollars that went out the door to fund condoms in Gaza."

She called the alleged aid "a preposterous waste of taxpayer money".

Jesse Watters, host of a conservative-leaning talk show on Fox News, said Hamas was using the nonexistent US shipments to make "condom bombs", floating explosives-laden balloons into Israel. Did he share any evidence to back up that bomb-astic claim? No.

The chuds, some of them are fine people, but they're not sending their best :chudtantrum#:

An April USAID report shows that the US delivered $60.8m in contraceptives and condoms to four regions – the Middle East, Africa, Asia, and Latin America and the Caribbean – in the previous fiscal year.

The Middle East received just $45,681 while Africa received more than $54m, or 89 percent, of the contraceptives in fiscal year 2023.

The report added that the $45,681 was made entirely to Jordan and included oral contraceptives and injectable contraceptives but did not include condoms.

Sorry Palestinians, African kings need those condoms more :marseykente#:

My Husband Only Cums in Doggie



Caturday morning

being a sensitive young woman is torture


i'm at my big firm corporate girlboss job and one of my coworkers said something about grad school - i missed a deadline last month, guess that's a sore spot for me - and i just started crying. tried to hold it in but all i managed were tears silently sliding down my face. had to slip out after a minute when it didn't stop.

literally been slinking around the office and hiding in the bathroom for an hour trying to stop crying. once, i thought i was in the clear, but when i put my hand on the doorknob to the meeting room it started up again.

i'm so annoyed because i'm a totally competent person otherwise. i'm not even really ""emotional"", like i stay pretty girlboss professional eloquent deadpan all the time - which makes it even worse when i turn into a blubbery red-eyed swollen-faced mess.

all my life i've been someone who cries at the drop of a hat - in elementary school, during ballet class, at parties, etc etc. one of my exes would get so mad at me when i cried and accuse me of doing it to derail whatever stupid fight we were having and make him feel bad. i kept swearing i wasn't doing it on purpose and i tried my best not to cry but he never believed me. i do try!! i hate crying. it's embarrassing and it's a waste of my time. i'm missing an important meeting right now :( i have to go collect my laptop that's been sitting there abandoned. what do i even say? nothing? say my tummy was upset?

Good lord this woman is a MESS. Someone casually mentioned grad school and it caused her to cry for the rest of the fricking day.

The Gay Canadians are BIG MAD at The Orange Man 😀
Islam take on gay people


:marseymegaphone: Naming & Shaming a scammer: Shop1104541052 : Aliexpress :!marseyjewoftheorient:


Redditor orders a $12 guitar case from an unknown store on aliexpress and is shocked to only receive a washer.


So you have clear evidence you did not get what you paid for so open a dispute.

But having said this you have not included an image of the order page of the item you paid for so we can see if it was a scam or your mistake

Only half the story

Sorry I didn't send you nude pics either. You go ahead and make up the rest of the story in your head if you like, it'll at least keep you busy.


My us spy ops have fake sellers account on aliexpress and the scams are an attempt to negatively affect chinese reputation. Use standard legit stores, not fake us stores.



Dude buy from user named 154646343274 then conplain lol

Iq test rejected.

Did I complain?

You are complaining posting it on reddit Muppet


Don't mean that in an offensive way, but shouldn't you try to avoid buying something you already expect to be a scam?The Shop earned money with a scam while Aliexpress lost it for the refund.

Common sense kinda tells us what to buy and what not to buy. I was never disappointed.

So think of it this way: my experience incentivized AliExpress to police the scammers better.


Zuck owned by :marseybeaver:
Yall coppin the straight up swastika :marseyaustrianpainter: shirts by Ye AKA kanye?
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