EFFORTPOST Schizo Stacey documents „being stalked by the feds" for TikTok views :marseyglow2:

Lisa is an American TikToker who goes by the handle @ stalkedbythefeds, where she posts videos alleging she is under FBI investigation as a result of her having an affair with an FBI agent named Lenny DePaul. She claims that ever since she told DePaul's wife of their affair, the FBI has retaliated by opening up an investigation against her. Her proof that she is under investigation includes:

  • Videos of random people in public

  • Videos and pictures of cars parked outside of her house, cars with tinted windows, or cars with „weird license plates"

  • People sitting in their cars outside of her gym

  • Other insane nonsense

How does she have time to schizo post all day? She previously was a psychiatric nurse pratictioner, but now she collects monthly disability checks for an undisclosed disability, which some of her viewers assume is some sort of mental illness causing her delusions. She claims that the FBI is trying to find evidence of her committing "insurance fraud" relating to her disability, and that they've concocted schemes to make her look like she isn't actually qualified. Or alternatively, just find her guilty of absolutely anything so Lenny can get his sweet, sweet revenge over 4 years later.

Here are some of the ways she claims the FBI have tried to entrap her:

She said that the FBI approached her hairdresser and convinced her to become a CI. She says it was "so obvious" to her because her hairdresser "Started asking questions." She claims that almost everybody that she interacts with is in cahoots with the feds and anybody who isn't will be coerced into becoming an informer.

She also claims the FBI turned one of her lifelong friends into a CI. Supposedly, the FBI tried to get her to commit fraud by convincing her long-time friend to ask Lisa (who was a RN at the time) if she could help get the friend's sister on disability, because she couldn't work due to health complications. Lisa says she "didn't take the bait", and instead accuses her friend of selling out to the FBI when she was seemingly just looking for help for her sister.

She again claimed that the FBI poached one of her friends, this time by trying to get Lisa (still a RN at the time) to sign "emotional support animal" paperwork so she didn't have to pay the pet fee to her landlord. Suprise Lisa, the FBI isn't setting you up- your friends are asking favors from you.

Recently, she announced that to escape the feds, she was going to be moving to Bali (which to many may seem like a worse fate…) But, lo and behold, to the shock of almost no one, within less than 4 days of moving she claimed she was still being followed in Bali. Including the riveting proof of: a lady standing outside on her own porch (complete with scary music in the background)

Although on the surface, this may seem like just another insane schizo "gangstalking" victim, some of her followers have theorized that this is all a very intricate scam concocted to scrape the wallets of r-slurred tiktok users and collect tiktok creator fund money in addition to her disability (which I believe in itself would be insurance fraud. We got er boys!!! :marseyglow:) Her denial of this is not helped by the GoFundMe link in her bio (even if it's only raised less than $300 with a goal of 20k.) Another TikToker, released a series of videos claiming to have previously worked for Lisa, and stating that she believes her story is a ruse.

Even if the whole stalking story is fake, I do not believe that she is not crazy. This is not the face of a sane woman:

JD Vance To Elon: "Hire more Internet racists!" !chuds :marseywereback:




/u/fleurbb please sit on my face

Fatties get filtered by chairs :fatchair: :marseychonkerfoid:


:zoomer: :!marseyjournogenocide:


Unfortunately Jannies have been on high alert mopping duty but heres some REDdit scrapes:

QTards think that governor josh Shapiro (D) tried to assassinate trump.

Bring back the poll exams. If you can't get a 1500 minimum don't bother voting.

90% of her comments are libs seething and calling her dumb (they are just jealous that she's got a low IQ which makes life more fun).

OP in r/bayarea has been getting flipped off and hail hitler'd a lot; redditors respond


Silicon Valley built the modern world. Why shouldn't we run it?

Is Portland really overrun by hordes of crazed drug addicts?


Comrade accidentally joins the revolution


Redditor :soysnoo: gets fired :marseydarktrump: for being 1 minute :marseywait: late for work :marseywagie:. Runs to r/adulting :soyjakwow: to vent :soysnooseethe:.


The followup:

/u/No_Excitement5215, you were fired for being a peepee, not for being late. I've done this too with people. It's way easier to fire you on a technicality than to go through the rigamarole of HR bs. Your former coworkers are probably thrilled you're gone. I feel bad for your preggo gf. Judging by your posts, you're going to split the second she shits that thing out.

Community Note by @KindaKongy

Kitty Korner tidbits are read-submitted :marseynotes:

Helpful [132] Not Helpful [12]
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EFFORTPOST The story of April30th2015: How a doomsday larp caused mass chaos and panic

I've lately felt the need to make a few posts looking back on the days when Reddit wasn't completely lame and normie-fied, and this seemed like a good place to start. This occurred back in the days of 2015, ten years ago now, before Reddit would go on to become completely buckbroken by Trump's victory and G*mergate, thus ushering in the soulless website that is modern Reddit. The drama sub was in its infancy, culture wars and Tiktok hadn't ruined online discouse, it was a simpler time.

Back around the end of 2014, a subreddit would appear by name of 'April30th2015' with a sidebar message and post from user '20141220' explaining that he had mysteriously time traveled in his sleep back to the year of 2014 and felt the need to warn everyone of the impending solar flare disaster on April 30th, 2015 that would effectively plunge the world into chaos. Note: I had difficulty finding the original post as the sub OP eventually deleted their account but most of the sub's other posts are still readily available. The sidebar reads:

At 0250 UTC on Friday 1 May 2015 (which is late on Thursday, April 30th in the US) the power goes out throughout the world due to a solar storm on the level of the Carrington event of 1859 (though most people won't know the cause for several months): the power has gone out and there's no more running water or food deliveries ... and it will be this way for many years to come.

Within a the short period of time leading up to April, the sub amassed a decent amount of attention and as expected, reactions were very mixed.

Most immediately suspected it was a larp and reacted accordingly, quickly developing a meme culture around it and shitposting about the coming 'skeleton apocalypse'.

If the power goes out, people will say 430 blaze it instead of 420 blaze it because they will need to light candles

MRW the power goes out

April 29th be like...

BREAKING: Time Traveler has brought back photographs of the world after the power outage. Warfare and banditry become comonplace.

But this is Reddit and inevitably, some would take the bait.

Realscienceguydude comes to explain to us why time travel is impossible:

Why all of this is Bullsh*t

And 2015 Reddit responds as 2015 Reddit does:

Another brave skeptic steps forward:

Why This Can't Be True

And of course, some would play into the larp to the ridicule of most of the users.


The OP would eventually gain his own cabal of edgelords playing along in every post

Horrible... very horrible things await this poor planet

April 30th is not what you think it is. And it's exactly what you think it is. It is probably the end of Humanity as we know it.

I did it, but I couldn't stop them. Their plans have only been delayed for a year.

However, the reactions that would attract the most attention would be the ones genuinely panicking under the conviction that societal collapse was upon us.

I'm legit kind of freaked out about this, someone tell me why I shouldn't be, please.

This guy is a fricking butthole

Gullible person with anxiety here, is this roleplaying?!?!

Is this real?! D:

Now in the days leading up to April 30th, the larp would start to amp up: 20141220 would prophesize that a Malaysian Airlines planes set to take off the morning after April 30th would crash. Reactions were, again, mixed but largely skeptical but this wasn't enough to stop one user from rising up to the occasion.

20151220, you are terrorist and a fear monger. You either release a public message saying that this is a load of bullshit, or I and countless others will report you to authorities. Who's with me?

He'd go on to argue in a now deleted post about his valiant efforts to stop this terrorist.

Now, after rumbleshit had supposedly contacted the authorities over this, 20141220 would abruptly delete his account and a gloating thread would follow.


With the bulk of his gloating occurring here

But that wouldn't be the end of this as new accounts stepped in to push the larp.

I am 20141220, and I do not live in Greater London

Many would argue in the comments section about whether he was the legitimate 20141220 or not, but a new account would soon appear. The user SaveTheSpyCrabs would step forward with a post announcing he was 20141220 and this had merely been an epic troll.

He never broke character, *I never broke character.

He'd go on to try to argue some sort of proof in the comments but users remained skeptical. April 30th of 2015 soon approached and to no one's surprise, nothing happened. Users responded accordingly.


SpyCrabs himself would show up to shitpost and try to revitalize the edgelords.

I can't keep hiding.

But this time around, Reddit users weren't biting.

SaveTheSpycrabs most recent post is just him roleplaying.

The subreddit would die a slow death as users got tired of skeleton posting and many moved on to other pastures. Nonetheless, this sub is one of the last remaining vestiges of what Reddit was like in a time not wrecked with culture wars slap fighting.

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Finally saw cabin in the woods. In depth review and analysis.

I was just going to leave the thread blank for two reasons:

1) Since the film is so in love with cutesy little meta-metacommentary it seemed appropriate because

2) I felt absolutely nothing for this movie,

however that's too subtle, so like Cabin in the Woods itself I will now belabor the point long past anyone's ability to care.

I honestly don't even know where to begin with this. It wasn't offensively bad or anything a la Black Swan, it isn't good-bad like Chopping Mall, it's not just plain old serviceable and therefore solid in its decency like The Omen, and it certainly isn't good. And it's like it was written to preemptively shield itself from criticism.

I could call it formulaic. The defense would be that of course it's formulaic, that's the point of the movie haha they even named the generic slasher archetypes at the end, the formulaicism is part of the joke.

I could call it uninspired. The defense would similarly be that of course it's uninspired, there's a Cube-style room of rooms with all the monsters from everything, it's all deliberately derivative and referential.

I could call it not scary. The defense would again similarly be that this is also intentional, look how it's also billed as a comedy. Nevermind that it's not funny either, because it's also billed as a horror.

The plain and simple of it is that it is formulaic, and this goes for the meta-meta narrative as well. Yes the silly organization's point is to enact the contrived ritual that plays out with horror movie tropes because it's supposed to, that's not whats formulaic about it. It can be argued that every beat up to the descent into the facility is formulaic by design, but once they're through that door that excuse falls flat.

The plain and simple of it is that it is uninspired. One of the technicians remarks early on that they're allowed to cheat to make things play out as needed as much as they want. Later we see that security personnel gunning down the sacrifices meets the requirements—there's no reason not to lead with that and just shoot the whore first. Or to bomb the cabin after shooting the whore. Or literally anything else. The overarching narrative cannot be flimsy because the arguably intentionally shitty internal narrative is wink-wink-shitty to allow room for that larger one. The overall story is just there as an excuse to make 8104 different references (HAHA THE WHITEBOARD TALKS ABOUT THE R*PE TREES FROM EVIL DESD LOL) and give 3 second cameos to creatures from other movies. The facility and organization itself is just a Cube Zero knockoff anyway.

The plain and simple of it is that it is neither scary nor funny. There are no stakes even with the apocalypse on the horizon and then actualizing to end the film. Everyone is boring and sucks. Literally Shaggy from scooby doo as the lead can't go any other way. The humor predates it by several years but it all smacks of that atrocious Rian Johnson Star Wars movie with the yo momma joke; it's quip "comedy" without the quips but the exact same degree of unwarranted and omnipresent self-satisfaction.

This is, however, a lot more negativity than Cabin in the Woods strictly deserves. I don't feel any sort of profound loathing for it or anything, it did nothing to elicit any particular emotion that strong. It's a completely unremarkable hour and a half.

For a movie with such an incredibly promising cover and inexplicably golden critic reviews from the beforetimes when critics evaluated things by metrics other than how much gay s*x a film has in it, the only thing I feel in any notable sense is confusion as to how either of these things happened. That and I want to watch Hellraiser because cenobites are great even if they are bootleg and have 30 seconds of screentime in an utterly mid movie.


!kino your thoughts?

cc @LainkeyKong as requested

I noticed there's an anti-foid hat but no anti-moid hat.

Clearly my kind is not welcome here. You will all regret this.

Hotties of the Hasanverse dox themselves to dunk on the chuds.

Now time for the freaks:

Why does he have hotter foids than rdrama tho;



There are more if you wanna browse.

r/RATM jerks themselves dry over how much smarter they are than MAGAtards


Dolly Parton musical finds the most homophobic gay man in Britain

A Dolly Parton-themed musical had to be suspended mid-show when homophobic abuse was hurled at the stage, an actor in the production has claimed.

Stevie Webb said an incident at the Opera House in Manchester during Here You Come Again saw the whole cast "leave the stage, because a woman was so disgusted there was a gay character on the stage".

Mr Webb, who plays a superfan of the country music superstar in the show, said there had also been problems during the London run of the production.

He described an incident involving a man shouting an offensive slur and adding: "I just want to see Dolly Parton."


How gay must this gay character be if multiple attendees of a Dolly Parton musical are offended?

National Science Foundation bans all research mentioning females :marseybased:

Orange Site thread

What has happened to respect for academia? : self





This is going to have hilariously predictable consequences.

Prices will fall for things we produce & prices will climb for things we don't. When Trump had a much smaller trade war in 2018 the price of corn fell by 20% over 2 months because countervailing tarrifs and it wasn't until Rona that they recovered.

Futures started pricing this in on Friday (all grains were down, meat was up) but Monday is going to be fun. Anyone who owns a farm in the US and isn't a corp who can hedge this is fricked.

First consumer price to see movement is going to be onions as they don't have a futures market. Anything that's harvest to supermarket in days-weeks will be next, anything that gets sprayed with water/is refrigerated.

We are also going to see next week if congress are going to hide in the corner while their authority is being usurped or not. POTUS doesn't have authority to do tarrifs like this absent a declaration of war.

Edit: Canada have already announced countervailing tarrifs. waiting for the schedule and hoping they are troll enough to stick 100% on Teslas for the lulz.

Reported by:
:marseytrump: US govt website drops the T from LGB :marseylgbtflag4: :!shadowkick: :carptransflag:


They really said:

The old page:

New page:

right at the bottom btw :marseyderp:. That's some foreshadowing, gays :marseypridepearlclutch:!


/r/4tran4 reacts

There are a lot of policies they're putting in place that will directly hurt trans people, but this one in particular strikes me as purely performative. They're trying to make sure the LGB-without-the-T idiots continue to tow the line by pretending that they still care about them. It's a distraction tactic to keep eyes off their efforts to outlaw gay marriage.

sorry for existing

Oh were not going to make it

Step 1, make it very difficult to transition

Step 2, make it very difficult to get treatment

Step 3, censor their existence

Step 4, marginalize everyone who is trans

Step 5, make the world see them as horrible beings so that no one can relate to them

Step 6, in a generation or two, have completely eliminated trans people

we're finally free from being associated with strags

Its not the lgb that dropped the t. Its us that dropped the lgb


:marseyflagcanada: [SEETHE LEVEL 10] :redlight: If you are a conservative and you support Trump, you are a traitor, to the whole entire country : AskCanada :marseymoose:


leafcucks are BIG MAD! 2,105 comments of delicious Canadian seethe to pour onto your pancakes :marseylickinglips:

I get it people don't like Trudeau but to side with someone who is literally trying to destroy your country is wild.

I didn't realise Trump did this? :marseyconfused:

I'm a conservative, I agree with Trudeaus response… we have too respond we can't just sit back

:really: Entire Canadian military force:

Frick les traîtres!!!

Traitors..? :marseyconfused:

:marseyfrenchitsover2: Frogs go literally two seconds without switching sides challenge

As an American, I'm so sorry that our idiotic country voted for this guy.

:marseybegging: please love me

So do something about it :gigachad2:

Mass protests in all 50 states are planned for February 5th.

:marse#ysal: mass protests huh?

How insane must somebody be to support a foreign politician (which is kinda weird by itself, I don't walk around with hats of foreign politicians 🤣🤣🤣)

:marseysmug3: Uh, yeah almost like Canada is just an American state at this point, huh? Someone :marseytrump: should do something about that...

Woa there buddy, don't go getting all patriotic on unceded land. According to its leader, Canada is a post-national state with no core identity, after all.

:chudsmug#: :chudglassesglo#w: chuds are so fricking boring

If you support the leader of a nation who openly declares war on our country and constantly talks about annexing us, you're a fricking traitor. :marseydisagree:

He declared WAR? No way. Do you have a link to anything saying that? :marseycatbert2:

Not all wars are fought with sticks

Nowadays they're fought with :marseytunaktunakinvasion: !

By the way, THE ENTIRE SUBREDDIT is just a huge struggle session about DJT. :marseytrump: :soysnooseethe: There's more seethe here than I know what to do with. REPORTMAXXERS IN IN IN :marseyreportmaxxer2:

All I can see is a people ripe for conquering. Demoralised and impotent, the Canadian nation has jeeted itself into irrelevance. :marseytunaktunak: !leafs weigh in

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