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This is how she set up the board:
This is how it should be normally set up:
Its typical for new people in chess to mix up the placement of king and queen in middle, but its another level of blunder to mix the knights and bishops, which indicates you havent played a single game in your life.
Seems Elon is not picking the brightest genes for his infant farm.
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Yes, I said all didnβt I?
— Matt Walsh (@MattWalshBlog) January 29, 2025
- 14881350 : Groomercord pdf-file total Groomercord death
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You aren't allowed to vote in the legislature, or speak on the floor, except to apologize, for pointing out the guy was a star pole vaulter last year and is now destroying the girls (female) pole vaulting contenders.
The only way this stops is when the girls (female) stop competing against men. Apparently their parents have no desire to protect girls' sports. The government obviously doesn't
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For anyone unfamiliar, the eponymous "crises" in the title are NOT about the evil orange man who is bad - Notes on the Crises is a political economy newsletter started a few years ago by Nathan Tankus to comment on the intersecting global economic disasters triggered by the Covid-19 pandemic.
Nathan is a @TracingWoodgrains style "truth neurodivergent" not a wingcucked political hack. He's just a big giant dork who does things like FOIA request the minutes from all US Federal Reserve Board meetings from 1967-1973
Nathan looks like this, and I would believe almost anything that he writes, because it is backed by powerful neurodivergent spirits.
When he writes about the COBOL code in the treasury department, I'm confident he's talking to beardy old men who write and maintain that code.
I would also like to clarify some confusion on social media. The issue with understanding and grasping a COBOL system is not knowing COBOL, as a programming language, in the abstract. Nor is it, god help me, something that AI can "do" because you fired one of these chatbots up and got some code that could compile when you asked "write me some COBOL code". The issue is understanding the specific physical limitations of the system, the way that it interacts with the "Business Logic" of the code and a million other contextual factors.
There is specific code which tells you where to direct specific payments in specific ways and the structures, and why they are structured the way they are, requires deep contextual knowledge. This is "business logic". The entire issue with COBOL and why it has been such a struggle to maintain it is that COBOL systems (both private and public) developed for decades with very little documentation, have a million different path dependent coding choices. Mar Hicks 2020 article in Logic Magazine "Built to Last" is worth a read on this topic.
This is what I meant yesterday when I referenced that 30 different COBOL systems at Treasury had developed their own "dialects" and they launched Payment Application Modernization (PAM), which among other things, unified them. What they unified was the business logic of those systems (as well as likely other factors, most notably the physical architecture of the systems they ran on). Part of me wishes they didn't modernize with PAM because those 30 different and distinct systems would have been more secure from their infiltration. PAM processed 4.7 trillion dollars of payments in 2024.
It's also true that some similar issues can emerge with other more recent programming languages and the way "business logic" emerges if a mission critical IT system developed using a more recent programming language. But COBOL is unique; after all it's literally "common business-oriented language". So while knowing the COBOL programming language is better than not knowing it, it does not make that much of a difference with these young Musk programmers mucking about.
- Arran : you're good
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I'm a lifelong Catholic, but to be honest, I've never been a fan of Pope Francis. He's a bit woke for me. Hope the next one opposes illegal immigration.
Anyway, I'm not sure if it's sinful or not to hope he dies since his teachings are directly leading the Church to sin.
Just wondering your thoughts
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: They say the same shit about Babylon 5.
- The10thMan : Avery was a DEI hire before we even knew what DEI hires were (Janeway even more so)
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That was horrible. With the singular exception of the wonderful TOS time travel tribbles episode, DS9 never once exceeded mediocrity at its very best.
The entire thing was stupid. The entire thing was boring. All of the original characters (exceptions being Garak, Quark, and briefly Nog) were boring and one dimensional. It says a lot when the only actually likable, interesting characters are the two B-listers they pulled from TNG (O'Brien, Worf).
Avery Brooks can't act. None of the cast could act. It's like they were directed to play someone playing an actor playing their part. And then there's Avery Brooks who had to have been directed to play an actor overacting the part of an actor overacting the part of an actor playing Sisko, a man with a debilitating brain injury.
Sisko wasn't even the worst though, that honor is split between Jake and Kira. Jake would clinch it easily if he had appeared more often (though he still appeared WAY too much) and this fucking episode that Reddit ADORES remains the single worst episode of anything I ever remember seeing. Kira ties him though with the sheer volume of her appearances and how the writers were deadset on having her be this sexpot despite being an aging, fuck ugly hag with some of the ugliest hair ever to grace the 90s, a grating voice and an utterly hateful personality. The mirror universe episodes where she was always in leather are going to haunt me for the rest of my life.
"teehee rom sounds goofy but hes actually a super smart engineer" would have been a funny bit for one episode but they built large swathes of the later series around this. It wasn't cute for very long and Rom is insufferable.
Bashir x O'Brien forced bromance is the most egregious example of what Peter meant when he said something insists upon itself.
Ezri was a horrible replacement for Jadzia and I don't know why we needed a trill for the last season. Just write the character out instead of inserting this pointless therapist bitch with a pixie cut and spending HALF THE SEASON telling us her backstory and showing us who she is.
Bajoran mysticism is fucking retarded and the entire show was built around this nonsensical space magic. Everything about the bajorans sucks. I think there are probably a double digit number of episodes where the premise is "Kira must work with a hated cardassian but what if the cardassian is actually a good guy????" and absolutely none of them were remotely interesting and having Kira be the focal point just made them all the worse.
Absolutely no one wanted 20 episodes of boring ass horrible actor Sisko romancing the ugliest women in the galaxy but we got them anyway
Oh and don't even get me started on fucking Odo and the entire race of shapeshifters
And that sappy fucking bittersweet instrumental music montage of all the Moments throughout the series at the end???? It didn't even come close to earning that fuck OFF
What else
!trekkies kill yourselves
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I lost all of my life savings this weekend thanks to the actions of you and your team. Hope youβre happy knowing the money in your pockets was taken from my kids college fund
— Blur (@BlurCrypto) January 20, 2025
Not only will they miss college, but also food on the table for at least the next week. @ChaseStars__ https://t.co/0BB366SrGR
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I haven't dreamt of this website even once before, so I kind of feel like sharing the one dream I had of it, even if the rDrama appearance is brief.
It started with a nuclear war breaking out in Europe (reasons unknown) escalating with European countries (France/Britain I guess?) and Russia nuking each other with bigger and bigger nukes, until Russia dropped an equivalent of Tsar bomb ending the exchange. (Interestingly my house did not get destroyed by the bomb, but the giant tsunami that it caused.)
Without much of a transition I was transported to Singapore in order to witness @X (formerly known as Chiobu) get personally destroyed by a nuke dropped straight down on his head by a remotely controlled Russian Kirov airship. I don't think he (or the entirety of Singapore) survived, but he was looking like a handsome Asian businessman in my dream, so that's a little bit of consolation for the man (may he rest in peace).
Then, in a big twist, it was revealed US did nothing this whole time. Perhaps Trump was strictly keeping with his America first mentality.
Russia knowing it couldn't get past American defenses opted out of openly attacking, and instead covertly took over some East Coast military bases in order to assume control of HAARP and use it to Earthquake the country to pieces. I got captured by Russians for nooticing that the bases allowed Russian MiG's to land. Not sure when I got to America tbh.
After overhearing that HAARP revelation from my captors (led by some evil woman) I checked the web on my phone that they apparently decided not to confiscate. Internet was working, and not that surprisingly, Americans were making memes and joking about the current state of the rest of the world. What's more rDrama was still up. The most unrealistic part being the pitiful number of posts and comments, this site is 90% American and global nuclear war is a fairly dramatic event, it would hit solid numbers even with the rest of the world in flames.
For some reason the one person I decided to check on was @UraniumDonGER, sadly his last activity was just before the nuclear exchange. So, he was dead.
At the end of the dream a lone American destroyer engaged the Russian command ship. Seeing that US was staying out of the war, I assume the crew was comprised of Kamala voters disobeying Trump. While it killed a bunch of Russians on board the command vessel it got driven away by stolen American rocket launchers the Russians were using.
And, that's that. There is no point to this, unless I'm a prophet. Hopefully I'm not.
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(Reply to this post)
@Redactor0 grandpa confirm what I got wrong
Nothing fam. Just like I expect from you. Let's see if there's a few points I can elaborate on slightly.
USA Navy forces were not immediately aware of the ramifications the Battle of Midway would have upon the momentum of the Pacific Theatre
Keep in mind that both sides didn't even know how what ships the other had. They were getting bullshit intelligence from their own pilots all the time, so for example the Japanese were overestimating how many carriers they had sunk and had no idea we still had 3 left in the Pacific at that time.
the sheer dominant magnitude of the influence an aircraft carrier would as a weapons platform would supercede even the wildest prewar speculations
I gotta push back on this just slightly. Battleships were going obsolete but it wasn't completely over quite yet. Notice how important they were at Leyte Gulf on both sides and that was near the end of the war. This is one thing where I actually got some insight from computer games. Like so often, that comes in the form of actually getting the geometry involved. A battleship at flank speed could get about as far overnight as a carrier-based plane could fly (I'm oversimplifying here, but you get it). So you could actually dash in and catch them with a little luck. Especially if there were a few clouds out.
But it was really marginal. At the end of the war the proximity fuze for AA shells came out which helped the battleships a lot but also jet engines and guided bombs. And just planes that could fly farther. So it was really obvious by 1945 that within a few years they would be totally useless for fighting other ships.
the Royal Palace in hue
The bastards got there before Old Man Redactor could take pictures of it. But there was a lot of beautiful stuff left in Hue even after the battle.
this upcoming deafeat would be the greatest blow dealt to the US for the entire war
That's a really good way of putting it. You must have some angloid DNA.
It was the single greatest massacre of VC forces to the extent that they literally ceased to fricking be a political power within the communist sphere in Vietnam entire and Cambodia. From then on the North Vietnamese had near absolute control of military operations.
The VC were never really an independent force. At least not at the top level. There were lots of commies in South Vietnam at the beginning of the war of course, but the leadership was always directed from Hanoi. What was really changed by Tet is that all these low-level commies native to the South got killed off. After that, there was no longer any pretense that this was a guerilla war. By the time the old man got there (I think 1970) it was completely a conventional war between the North and the South fought with advanced high-tech weapons. He wasn't hauling an M-16 around when he was on his photography trips to old historical buildings in Hue because there weren't any guerillas to be scared of. Those people were all dead.
The Phoenix Program was also very helpful here. Just using basic 1960s police and office work they rooted out the commies in the villages. This was basically just turning the tables on them. Going after everyone who is on the enemy side. Except we didn't use terrorism the way the VC did, chopping off the head of the mayor's kid and shit like that. The cops just arrested people in 90% of cases. (Statistics on the Phoenix Program are quite interesting, something to go into more detail about someday.)
The US and ARVn performance was absolutely spectacular, perhaps one of history's great battles like fricking Cannae or Waterloo or something
Let's not suck our peepees too hard here. Old Man tells me a story second hand of a guy who had been in some big base around Saigon during Tet. He complained that he never got to shoot anybody because they were all slaughtered by .50 cal machineguns before they even got close enough. This wasn't Hannibal or Wellington we were dealing with.
us Air Cavalry (helicopter troops)
My dad will swear up and down that he hated everything about the Army but this is exactly the kind of comment that would draw him out. The 101st was airborne, it was NOT cavalry!
the lies and deception of the military a and 2 administrations about how good the war went
That's what the real crisis was. If it wasn't Tet it would have been something else to trigger it. They kept saying the war is about to end and they were clearly lying. This is a generation that wasn't beyond sacrifices. Everyone's parents had been in WW2 in some shit job sweeping asbestos off the floor of a shipyard or on the side of the world fighting. A lot of them never came back. But there was a purpose. People will sacrifice a lot for a purpose, but if they're getting jerked around, they notice real fast.
Old Man's story about this is listening to the radio where Nixon is saying that we're not bombing Laos and he's looking up in the sky and there's planes above him heading west. It didn't take fricking Descartes to guess where they were going.
unexpectedly brought low USA civilian morale to continue to send their sons overseas into the meatgrinder
A lot of the conventional wisdom about this isn't always right. We had something like half our casualties after Tet. (One third, I dunno.) And popular support for the war wasn't really eroded all that much if you look at the polling data.
Keep in mind that there's a certain class of people who dominate the discussion of the Vietnam War. Specifically: Guys who dodged the draft so they didn't have to go there and know anything about it. There's an extreme level of self-serving bullshit they claim. Like that the "Anti-War Movement" (lol you sure cared about the Vietnam-Cambodia war) had any impact at all on anything other than being so disgusting they helped get Nixon elected in 1968. These are the last fricking people on Earth you should ever believe. I trust the guys fighting on the other side 1000x more than them.
By the time 2023 arrived the most critical munitions would be basic artillery shells
So my two things I was saying going into this is ATGMs are gonna be important (because of experience in the Middle East in previous decades) and basic b-word artillery shells. There was this cult of precision munitions from Desert Storm. The thing I never heard anybody explain is: What if you don't know exactly where the enemy is tho?
Unironic WW1 bunkers and trenches also came to dominate the southern and eastern parts of Ukraine from Donbass to Crimea, with static artillery war and massed charges for both sides being the most popular strategy, on a grinding stalemate similar as to the ending phase of 1952s Korea War.
The last full-scale war we had between two opponents that was a fair fight was the Iran-Iraq War and it was a heck of a lot like this. I keep telling everyone, but nobody believes little old Redactor. I guess I gotta post more Chronicles of Victory.
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Prior thread: https://rdrama.net/post/335949/tariq-nasheed-and-other-fba-patriots
FBA lessons:
There is a Nigerian dude who is selling online courses on how to look like FBAs and how to talk with Foundational Black American accents#smh pic.twitter.com/hS6wztF5Sv
β Tariq Nasheed πΊπΈ (@tariqnasheed) January 29, 2025
True & Honest FBA's unpleased by this, but some respect the hustle
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De minimus entries from China shut down effective Tuesday.
— Ryan Petersen (@typesfast) February 2, 2025
Maybe American Apparel can come back