▶︎ •၊၊|၊|။||| | 𝕥𝕙𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕕 𝕥𝕙𝕖𝕞𝕖𝕤 ദ്ദി(˵ •̀ ᴗ - ˵ ) ✧



"Grab yourself a snack and a glass of orange juice, and try not to reach through the screen, because HERE WE GO!" - D3 Entertainment


--> BORING HISTORY N BACKSTORY N SHIT AHEAD :marseysleep: (you can skip to when the non-whites arrive, it's ok with me :smile:) In the grim dankness of the 21st century, there is only corporate war. The Pokemon Company has sit firmly as the top dog of the monster-catching RPG after taking the seat from Atlus in 1996. For 28 years it has stood, with it only serious competitor, Level-5's Yo-Kai Watch :marseyyokaiwatch: :marseyyokaiwatch2:
:carpsper: , collapsing under its own weight. The Pax Pokemona survived because it was good for business, because Pokemon sold. Alas, all good things come to an end. Sadly, the average gaijin :marseymutt: is too retarded to appreciate the finer complexities of a lovingly crafted turn-based JRPG and have long wanted (they didn't know they want it though because their souls lack creativity :marseywarhol:) an ACTION GAME with GUNS :marseydylan: :marseyeric!: n SHIEEET :marseypoop:. Of course, our glorious :marseyjapanese: and wise :marseymonk: Nipponese overlords knew better than to sully their artistic integrity :marseybadgemaxxer: with inferior game design features. However, the market was there, and there were less scrupulous men willing to capitulate. :marseyberniemadoff: The "Chinks of the Occident", better known as the Irish, sponsored the creation of "Pokemon but with Guns" to please their :marseymutt2: ZOGcattle. And into this game, they poured all their cruelty, their malice, and their will to dominate all life. Finally, in the year the United States of American elected its first BIPOC female president :marseykamala: , it was kongpleet: Palworld. It was an instant classic, being the first videogame to sell over a billion copies. It was so popular, the New York Stock Exchange halted all trading for a week :marseystocksdown: and the Federal Reserve printed four trillion dollars :marseybux: in order to keep the world economy afloat while everyone was inside playing Palworld. Over a brazilian people ( :marseysurejian: if you consider gaijin people) died being stampeded by the hordes of :goblina: goyim rushing to their nearest Gamestop :marseywallst: to purchase Wii copies of Palworld. The collective burden on the Internet of people downloading digital copies of the game was almost as bad as 1.5 billion Indians sending all other 1.5 billion Indians a text saying "Good morning!" every single day. :truestorybro: Everyone thought it was over, that Pokemon was gone, that we were in the era of Palword, but it was not to be. The Irish are good for many things, but when they distributed points on their character sheets :marseyfighter: they forget to invest into Lore: Law. The combined power of Nintendo, the Pokemon Company, and Creatures, Inc got to work building their case and army of lawyers :marseysaulgoodman: and began to march on Ireland. :marseytunaktunakinvasion: The Irish knew they couldn't win in the fair and honorable Japanese court system, so they called in a favor from the IDF :chadjew: to hack the network :capyhacker: of the Pokemon Company to find dirt they could use in court. What they found, nobody could see coming. They found THE DOKUMENTZ.

--> POKEPHILIA STARTS HERE :horny: Turns out, the Pokemon Company had a bunch of scrapped dev notes that included ["mythology" about humans fucking pokemon and having weird hybrid children.

What the fuck. :marseyeyemixer3: We all thought this would be the revelation that burns down the internet, and it did, but the charred ashes continued to burn because there was also GIGA FUEL byond :marseynietzscheretard: human comprehension in the documents:

That's right, remember the red-haired blue-eyed pale-skinned gym leader from Gen 5?

This one. At some point in her design history, they considered making her a Latina flight attendant. When the subhumans learned this, it blew their tiny little minds.

--> TANGENT ON THE PSYCHOLOGY OF NONWHITES :chadlatino: For reasons beyond any comprehension, for some reason, the more inferior an ethnicity is, the more its members tend to believe that they are the master race. See how the :marseymayo: vanilla gorillas hate themselves and long for their own eradication, while niggers believe that every good thing ever was invented by one of them. The problem is, no one ever gives the inferior races attention for their contributions to civilization, because they don't have any. :marseypoor: So they latch on to ANYTHING that they can pretend is theirs, somehow. [imadethis.jpg] See: Brazilian Miku (rest in piss.) :marseymikucos:

--> OH FINALLY THE THING OF INTEREST Latinx on 4chan had been particularly riled up lately. Brazilian Miku had just been ripped from their shit-covered hands and they'd just been conned out of years worth of savings by the release of Dragonball: Sparkling Zero. :gokulaugh: It's a shitty shovelware Unity game but because it has the Dragonball name tied to it :muttrun: brownoids will pay $110 for it.

Anyway yeah it sucks ass so it made the Latinx super angry which made them super horny because lesser races have super high sex drives in order to produce more quantity of themselves to make up for their lack of quality :toddhoward: and this revelation is exactly the excuse they needed to start posting Skyla porn everywhere to 4chan so they did. The following threads are only the ones that contained the phrases "Skyla" or "espousa" in the first post, there were probably more!

Exhibit A:

This one was the biggest thread on /v/ and it literally had HARDCORE HENTAI :marseyleafsmiling: posted in it on a blue board without being jannied. 543 posts, 235 images. I would include screencaps but there's not much to it, just third worlders posting hundreds of porn images.

Exhibit B:

Exhibit C:

Exhibit D:

:marseyshy: oh what's that Gigachad? You need a break from this subhuman muttbabble? Don't worry, I've got certified VRYVN CLVSSVC GVM :gem: just :marseybane:

:marseyblush: I'm so glad you like it... now let's get back to the exhibits...

Exhibit E:

Exhibit F:

Exhibit G:

Exhibit H:

Exhibit I:

And that's just from 4chan. Who knows how the Latrinos on Twitter are reacting.

--> MY FINAL MESSAGE It has been brought to my attention that allegedly some of the people freaking out over this are in fact white men with fetishes for Latinas. That's incomprehensible to me. I imagine most of them must live in Maine and have met a single-digit number of Latinas in their life, if any. I went to a Latinx-plurality high school and it left me with a great distate for the Latinx race. Latinas are uglier, fatter, shorter, and darker all over than white women. To genuinely prefer them to white women as a white man is insane. I don't normally get this racist but something about the way nonwhites and race traitors do this meme

but for "anime girl; anime girl (your shitty ethnicity)" offends me deeply.

Creatures, Inc, quietly said "hey maybe one of our characters might be Latinx?" and they immediately got the entirety of South and Central American running damage control and simping for the billion dollar corporation. Browns will be this gullible and still claim personhood.


Stressed so I've been taking photos like crazy :marseyschizotwitch:

!animalposters !cats

Generation Beta Starterpack

Is Cenk Uyghur a full blown chud now? :marseyhmm:
Australia Day celebrations have been banned at dozens of clubs and pubs, including Cargo and Bungalow8 - r/australian


The irony that the company which owns a bar called the 'Colonist' has a problem with Australia Day.

Support the country you live in, or live in the country you support

I can support the country I live in while also recognising that sovereign territory of the indigenous population was invaded and choosing not to celebrate the anniversary of that invasion.

It must have been the only invasion fleet in history where the soldiers' guns were trained on those inside the ships.

Many invasions have used slaves or prisoners captured in previous invasions to bolster their ranks but I don't think that's what you're getting at. You seem to be making a point about Australia being used as a penal colony which we all know is correct however possession by the colonialists was declared as unilateral on the basis that few people lived here. When it became apparent that there was a sizeable population of people already having possession of the land with their own languages, boundaries, political hierarchy and use of said land then it effectively became an invasion. snip because leftist_meme.jpg

If it's not banned by the government, it's private businesses making decisions about their own business. Personally I think we should sign a treaty on Jan 27 and have a New Australia Day right after Old Australia Day and everyone from every political background can have a big hug at midnight

Woke ideology is dying off. Give up

Woke ideology was a label made by people filled with hate for those with empathy. It'll die off as you do.

Then it wouldn't be Australia Day, it would be 'Treaty Day' that focuses on Indigenous Australians, not all Australians like it should do. If it needs to be changed it should be to the date when Australia actually became a united country, January 1st. Although if we're being honest the same people who moan about 'Invasion Day' will continue to moan about whatever new date that comes up too. They hate the very concept of 'Australia' and see it as an illegitimate colonial entity built on 'stolen land'. There is no pleasing them short of a complete collapse of the nation itself.

Well a treaty is between two or more groups so it would focus on more than just indigenous. January 26th is UK centric. I don't have Anglo ancestry and don't feel any attachment to the 26th.

You should. It's the start of modern Australia. The transition from the stone age. :chudspin#:

It was the day a bunch of British sheep thieves started building a prison. It's a pretty silly reason to commemorate the "start of Australia" January 1st or the day we become a Republic. Actually Australia Day

So it begins. Patriots vs Globalists.

The day pommies squatted here is an un-Australian day for Australia Day.


A patriotic Australian would not celebrate their national day on a date when British ships carrying British convicts established a British penal colony under a British flag. The word "Australia" wasn't even in use until the early 1800s.

The woke mind virus can't influence us. We see through the delusion.

On the contrary, use of term like "woke mind virus" is a cpear indicator of delusion.

Being patriotic is a fricking embarrassment. What are you? A seppo?

What's embarrassing about loving your country?

Seems like you don't have any personality or anything else going on in your life

You sound like an edgy teenager still in the middle of a phase

Found the globalist.

What's your definition of a globalist?

Somebody that wants a one world government. A world without borders or diversity.

Oh, well that's not what I am. Nice try though champ keep it up!

Your actions say otherwise.

You've never met me nor do you know anything about me. Are all patriots as stupid as you?

Your comments on reddit, silly.

Unaustralian. Just an excuse to save money.

Cry more

No you.

Vote with your wallet! Woolworths hasn't seen a single cent from my family or I.

Woolies is doing fine without you mate

Yeah I know. I can only hope others do the same. Telstra is another company I avoid. Ubisoft, Logitech in the PC space.

Lol what do Ubisoft and Logitech have to do with Australia Day?

Meh, Australia hasn't done much worth celebrating for in decades anyways

Compared to where, for example? North Korea? You've just dismissed the sweat and hard work and talent of twenty five million people!

What about the invention of Vegemite? Weetabix? Chico Rolls? Wifi? Lolly Gobble Bliss Bombs? Pavlova? Hey Hey It's Saturday? Aussie Rules Footy? Chicken Parmi? Holdens?

Notice I included WiFi? WE invented it. At least, it was invented at the CSIRO. And that has certainly changed the world we all live in.

Why is there a competition between pieces of ground with imaginary lines drawn around them?

What a sad state our country is in at the moment. Can't even celebrate Australia Day.

Yes you can, no one is stopping you celebrating. Stop acting like a boomer sook.

Actually, a lot of things stop us celebrating. This is one, the other is how you can't say "Happy Australia Day" without the snowflakes crying "invasion day" "you stole our land" etc.

You sound like the one that's crying mate.

Maybe get out more and you'll see I'm right.

I used to not give a frick. Just drink cans somewhere. Now I do something deliberately. Cause and effect in play.

Ah, the response of a child.

We were no longer allowed to passively enjoy the day. Like all politicised shit in the country we were encouraged to pick a side. That's cause and effect.

Who was stopping you from passively enjoying the day?

Prominent commenter:

>7 minutes ago

Get in quick guys.

Singularity achieved: ChatGPT can now be racist
Knockkers stay winning! :chadblack2: :chadblack2: :chadblack2:

MISSION, Kan. (AP) — An 86-year-old Missouri man has died just days after pleading guilty to a lesser charge in the 2023 shooting of Ralph Yarl, a Black honor student who rang the white man's doorbell by mistake, prosecutors announced Wednesday.

Yarl testified at a hearing that he rang the bell and then waited for someone to answer for what seemed "longer than normal." As the inner door opened, Yarl said, he reached out to grab the storm door, assuming he was at his brothers' friends' parents.

He said Lester shot him in the head and uttered, "Don't come here ever again." Although the bullet didn't penetrate Yarl's brain, the impact knocked him to the ground. Yarl said Lester then shot him in the arm. The teen was taken to the hospital and released three days later.

Imagine the terror if a Texas A&M student showed up at your door uninvited. :marseyyikes:

I love sucking peepee and seeing racist old Missourians die. Kill all Missourians, knockkers forever. :marseyblack:



Trump frees another neighbor from the tyrannical Dems

The letter notes "independent reasons" as to why Adams' case was being tossed — including that the case was retribution for him speaking out against the Biden administration for its handling of the migrant crisis.

"It cannot be ignored that Mayor Adams criticized the prior Administration's immigration policies before the charges were filed, and the former US Attorney's public actions created appearances of impropriety…"

average rs girlie

Ever wonder where all the r-slurs who show up at protests come from? :npc:

Probably employs the same people you get from rent-a-drunk temp agencies.


Sadly, looks like we won't be getting any totes authentic grassroots kitty hat marches for the inauguration.

Protesters-for-hire firm sees dropoff in inquiries from Democratic groups 'dejected' after 2024 election loss


I wonder how much it would cost to hire them to spam bardfinn with ywnbaw posting?




I hope we hit back so fricking hard it gives Trump a stroke.


27 you can't just cut tax OK :soycry: :soycry:

Findom enjoyer genocide


Nah indirect taxes are better even at progressive taxation. Taxing income is stupid.

The middleclasscel will kiss his robber's feet for leaving him a little more and he will be happy.

Madarchod NRI I hope some wignat screwdrivers your fat gut.



People living in first world countries typing from cozy air conditioned rooms while drinking a cup of overpriced starbucks coffe as usual won't understand that maybe, just maybe, giving up your civil liberties to gain the perk of being able to go to work every day without the very real fear of you or your family falling victim to crime violence, might actually be a decent tradeoff.

When a country's institutions have been corrupted to the point of allowing crime related violence rise to those levels, it's a clear sign that its democracy has already been long subverted.

It's very rich for us in countries privileged with at least somewhat functional law and order and no essentially paramilitary criminal cabals in control of a shocking amount of the country to judge a country resorting to extreme measures due to a literally insane homocide rate.

The biggest tell will be if powers are relinquished when the cartels have been crippled to a degree where they cannot easily return.

Privileged little redditors will always find a way to preach about how they could easily find a way to fix all those issues, while preserving their virtuousness on top of their moral high horses.

!chuds !neolibs !latinx

Where is X (formerly chiobu)tt :marseychonkerchingchong:

bottom text

:marseynullbipolar: Kiwifarms is kill

!dramatards !ranchers

Reported by:
  • X : AI manipulation



Based on a TRUEE :marseyserioushatfact: story

Expect to hear "but cheap eggs tho" 1000+ times the next four years under President Pete BootEdgeEdge gets elected in 2028 after pledging to return to normalcy (again).

Gоооооооооооd mоřníng :arabpepecheers:


Fоíd shоws hеr sеļf wíthоut fíļtеřs thеn sоmе guуs dоnt gеt whеřе аřе аļļ thе gооd ļооkíng fоíds

Hot mouth on feet action.
Pitbull haters should be euthenized


Schizophrenics should be medicated

The only Jew reddit likes is a kapo like Finkelstein


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