Respect the legal system


Not sure exactly what's going :marseysal2: on, but a bunch of the early power :marseyzeldaganon: users are insane :marseyschizoshaking: creeps I think? The baddies include people called anonsee and kairi as well as pedos and zoophiles if anyone wants to try find the goss.

examples of spicy stuff:

P.S. I object to bard-posting on principle, but penny :marseybardfinnrentfree: remains an active user


Governor of Florida Ron DeathSantis vetoed a bill worth $30 million in grants. Naturally, art is very important and the kids that get art degrees and art scholarships are going to be very important contributors to society, or they would've been if not for those darn conservatives :shakefist:

RON DESANTIS: You have your tax dollars being given in grants to things like the Fringe Festival, which is like a sexual festival where they're doing all this stuff, and it's like, how many of you think your tax dollars should go to fund that?

As usual, it's the gays' fault. :marseylgbtflag3genocide:

BRUTUS: That's a Latin jazz jam session at the arts garage in Delray Beach. It's a small venue with music, theater and comedy shows. It was expecting more than $70,000 in state funding.

Nooooo think of the Latin Jazz scene in some random guy's garage, they NEED $70k in free money to survive!! :marseycry: :soycry: :marseytears:

WALDO: We gave out over a thousand free tickets in the last year. We'll have to look at every dollar differently as a result of this.

>WHAT DO YOU MEAN we have to actually CHARGE for stuff instead of just giving it out for free?! This is outrageous! :soyjaktantrum:

BRUTUS: According to analysis by the state of Florida, arts and culture organizations generate nearly $6 billion a year in economic activity. It attracts tourist activity and employs a lot of people.

This is a good point, but it just emphasizes that museums popular with tourists should get the lion's share of any remaining grants, and Janet Moonflower running a poetry slam in her basement should take a hike



Sonicmega is Sean Chiplock is Pommy. voice actor in BotW, Persona 5, genshit and a thousand other things

"Glip" refers to Glitchedpuppet, an insane furry artist who also hates Pommy. Also fricks dogs (yes, really, long :marseykiwi: thread)

Skype is a millennial-era piece of software that was purchased for billions of dollars by Microsoft and subsequently murdered

Reported by:
I'm proud of what /r/drama has become

Military coup is underway in Bolivia :marseyletsgo: :marseycomrade: :marseyhappening:

I know, I know. The BBC is not a reliable source, cope.

I have no idea why they are doing this but former commie leader and American hater Evo Morales has denounced it so it must be a good thing. Hopefully it leads to a lot of helicopter rides for leftist scum.

:#marseypinochet: :#marseypinochet: :#marseypinochet:

Cute twinks of reddit clutch pearls

Most stable South American shithole

/r/Bolivia for those who speak lettuce picker


The Catholic Church is set to canonize their first saint who was also an avid g*mer.

Carlo Acutis was a young man who died from leukemia at the age of 15. In life, Acutis was a devout Catholic who brought his parents back into the faith due to his curiosity and interest in the religious rites of the Catholic Church.

Acutis allegedly even donated games to children in need through the Order of Friars Minor Capuchin.

Since his death in 2006, the charity and devotion of Acutis became more widely known among Catholics. One of the requirements for canonization into sainthood is to have two miracles attributed to the candidate.

The first miracle of Acutis was in 2019 when a mother in Brazil prayed to Acutis to help her son who was born with a pancreatic defect. The defect kept him on an all-liquid diet, but shortly after the prayer the family claims he felt "healed" and became able to eat solid foods again.

The second miracle of Acutis was in 2022 when a young woman in Costa Rica experienced a brain hemorrhage with a low chance of survival. The woman's mother prayed to Acutis on her behalf and she began breathing on her own shortly after, with all evidence of the hemorrhage allegedly healing.

Acutis is expected to be recognized as a saint during the Catholic Church's 2025 jubilee.

Beauty :marseyspa: and brains

Most Based Comments

Basedness: 🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘

I'm not saying this is real or isn't. Don't know, can't know from photographic evidence. It is difficult to see detail given the age of the photo. I find it interesting that the 'debunkers' are able to state with absolute certainty that they see dominoes or plastic army men. Im an r-slur but they're defending their knee jerk biases without evidence. (-25)

Basedness: 🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘

Ron James, has released a new photograph of a UFO sitting on dominoes, he has released it together with his friend Greenewald, the creator of TheBlackVault.Flying Saucer photograph needs to be sourced & tracked.The hunt is on if you find any information regarding this image post below A hoax? Misunderstood or miscommunicated images?His latest Documentary, "Accidental Truth - UFO Revelations" narrated by Matthew Modine, was released on April 18th, 2023. It has won 24 awards and has stayed in the top documentaries on Apple for 18 weeks. He is also the Media Relations Director for MUFON, the Mutual UFO Network. In this role, he facilitates contracts, licensing agreements and content cooperation with TV shows such as "Ancient Aliens", "The Unexplained", "The Proof is ot there and more." He frequently appears on TV and web programming. (-14)

Basedness: 🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘

Hold up let me search my miniatures collection real fast. (4264)

Whoa….just had a thought…..what if….what if the miniatures were based on the saucer photo?? As a way to discredit it when it came out to public???This goes way deeper than I thought. (-13)

Angriest Comments

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

If I were the military trying to discredit the existence of captured flying saucers, I'd definitely create replica fake images with miniature figures to ridicule anyone who tries to leak real information/photos. These fakes would look almost identical to the real thing. That way, if an actual witness comes forward (even with a real photo), they'd be discredited by all the fake images already out there that look almost the same. This is likely what happened with those fake alien dolls sold at Kmart. By making a toy that looks 95% real, any leaked photos get instantly dismissed. They probably also release balloons and other objects shaped like actual crafts. Then, all it takes is a link to a store selling the balloon/model ufo/doll alien/miniature figure for a quick debunk/dismissal.Flooding the internet with fakes ensures that when something genuine does appear, the online skeptics immediately discredit it because of how many times they have been burned with fakes in the past. The pr... (4)

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

God darn, this looks so fricking fake. This is just some sad shit, looks like some disinformation shit to discredit the community by putting silly butt shit out there (1)

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

Ron James is apparently considered a UFO "expert". He apparently has a collection of bogus UFO images that he had been planning to use in his upcoming movie. Unfortunately for him he accidentally publicized one of the compelling images and was forced to backtrack after real investigators pointed out the attempt to peddle BS to the gullible. This level of incompetence or outright grift is not surprising but he actually complained about the somewhat harsh criticism that came out of this affair. He will probably complain about the stigmatization of ufology while being completely oblivious about his sterling contributions. (10)

Biggest Lolcow: /u/Turence

Score: 🐮🔘🔘🔘🔘

Number of comments: 3

Average angriness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘

Maximum angriness: 😡😡🔘🔘🔘

Minimum angriness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘

NEW: Subscribe to /h/miners to see untapped drama veins, ripe for mining! :marseyminer:

:marppy: autodrama: automating away the jobs of dramautists. :marseycapitalistmanlet: Ping HeyMoon if there are any problems or you have a suggestion :marseyjamming:


BTFO lmao 🤣 :tayyes:

This is my response when people say we should give up on Biden.


0-30 means your coach is a fricking r-slur



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