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Once again- it is my rDrama cake day and not a single one of you wished me a happy cake day. Fricking disgusted at this point.

The value I bring to this platform is unmatched. I'm

hilarious and handsome and have level headed takes. People irl actively seek my attention and input.

Once again, rdrama is showing their bias against excellent users who bring positive change here. Please do better. I do not want to have this conversation AGAIN moving forward.

real AGP hours
Living Pod in the Ruins of the Blue-Collar City (1966)

Living Pod by David Green

originally from Archigram



Taylor's about to be single again!
Reported by:
  • X : michael tracey is usually quite chuddy on glennpai's show :marseythonk:
  • UraniumDonGER : The faster America burns down, the better. SLAY QUEEN :marseynails:
  • hello_how_are_you : michael tracey is a fake chud

:marseyhelp: Reminder that these are the people who actively use reddit

I'd ask why would brainlets :brainletpit: publicly admit they are brainlets... :brainletchest: but I then remember they are, in fact, brainlets :marseybrainletclapping:. !nooticers !pings

@Kongvann can you make a chatgpt pull that autopopulates relevant reddit comments, as a phone poster that is difficult and I'm lazy enough :marseyantiwork: :marseysleep3:. !codecels


USAID funded homosexuality in gaming
Reported by:
Anime avatars big mad some libertarian got blocked

Yep, just your average couple looksmatched by a dating app with an 80% male userbase. So cute! Here's the pic in case no-fun jannies delete it.

Of course, there are a few naysayers.

Weird post for Reddit

Avg looksmatch 2025

I always wonder are these types of post just shills.

Above average height guy gets below average looking girl. My guys celebrating completing gta v story with god mode activated.

It works if you take the bait and sacrifice yourself by jumping to the live grenade

Aaw that's so sweet. Not losing weight because of this post!:) Sorry hope. I meant hope.


Is in the eye of the beholder

And of course the hall monitors pooping up the thread with their whining about how negative the buried comments are:

Here to apologize on behalf of the Incels in the comment section.

That means you're an incel dumb neighbor XD

2, maybe 3 comments tops even alluding to something rude.

"The AMOUNT of people being RUDE."

This Reddit tradition is so fricking annoying. I see it in sports subs too. It's like you want an award for being the first to be outraged at bad group behavior when like, one person demonstrated that bad behavior in a sea of dozens of positive comments.

And furthermore, all you're doing is just drawing attention to those comments and making people seek them out. Why not just downmarsey (or report if you're so offended) and let reddit do the work?

But uh-oh, scrotes gonna scrote and there's trouble in paradise:

As long as you actually like her and aren't fetishizing her. Your comments about overweight women have me (and other commenters you interacted with) wondering πŸ€”

Shit, you made me look at his comments 😬

Yup, it appears that OP is a bit of an architect. Here are some of his feeder fetish posts:

Yessah, I say, lots of potential on that there porkypie :marseysoutherner:

Some might say there's a bit of a gulf between "skin and bones" and his porky princess :tayshrug:

Ugh you guys it's not a fetish to want your woman to look like a Jeep Grand Cherokee and fart on your face.

If you use a website to see deleted posts, one of them is this one:

I purposely have tried to fatten up all of my past girlfriends.

There's also:

AITA for encouraging my girlfriend to gain weight and now she's obese?

And a long post from June:

Hey all I've been contemplating posting this for a while. I am a M26 who has long been a lurker on this community. I work with a new girl who could best be described as your typical attractive sorority type girl that most men find attractive. She's a F23 and I would guess her to be 5 ft 3 and 120 lbs or under. We have a cubicle right next to eachother and I have overheard her conversations with friends on the phone saying how much she loves the cafeteria at work. I also heard her the other day talking with a friend on the phone and she told her friend "not to judge her this summer if she wears a high waisted bikini on vacation because she's put on weight since working here". This got me to take a closer look at her. I always found her attractive but she was too thin for my tastes when she started. While she is by no means fat though I did notice her work skirts fitting tighter and a starter belly and starter double chin. While the gain is probably only 15 lbs at this point it has me wondering if I've possibly found a girl who is into this weight gain fetish. I decided to ask her this week if she had anything yummy for lunch and she responded by saying "Yeah I had a delicious burger, French fries and coke, oh and the cashier in the cafeteria has been giving me a free cookie every day". I kept the conversation going by telling her I never get a free cookie and she responded by laughing and saying "lucky me must be female privilege". The next morning I decided to test my theory and bring in doughnuts to work. I stopped by her cube first and offered her a doughnut. She couldn't decide between two and I told her she should just take both and it would be our secret. She happily took both and I told her I'd leave them in the break room. She laughed and said "oh so you only brought them to my desk you're not doing that for everyone?" I then said she was getting more female privilege and she laughed and started eating the doughnuts. I know this post is long but I was wondering if y'all think she is into this fetish stuff or if it's just a coincidence. You can message me for more info. Any advice is appreciated!

Some commenters are wise to the coomer menace. But of course, the lards of reddit are overall pretty comfortable with a deranged fetish as long as it plumps up their egos and assuages their guilt from eating entire Pringles cans in one bite:

The thread is still developing, so maybe he'll update with something cool like if she has a massive heart attack while he's using her mouth to play cornhole with Totino's pizza rolls :fingerscrossed:


Fоíd jоurnоíd sауs: ZСļСnskуу just рubļíshСd thаt 57% suрроřts hím nоt 3%

FΠΎΓ­d gΠΎv: Γ­n vΠ΅rhΠΎvnΠΎ rΠ°dΠ° (Π Π°rΔΌΓ­Π°mΠ΅nt) ΠΎnΔΌΡƒ 9% suΡ€Ρ€ΠΎrts hΓ­m

@duck wΠ΅ nΠΎw gΠΎt Π°nswΠ΅r whΡƒ hΠ΅ dΠΎΠ΅snt Π°sk Ρ€Π°rΔΌΓ­Π°mΠ΅nt tΠΎ СļСсt hΓ­m :marseyxd:

GΠ΅nΓ­us Π°ΔΌsΠΎ tΠΎΔΌd hΠ΅ dΠΎΠ΅snt Ρ€ΔΌΠ°n tΠΎ bΠ΅ fΠΎΕ™Π΅vΠ΅Ε™ Ρ€Ε™Π΅sΓ­dΠ΅nt Π°nd wΠΎuΔΌd ΔΌΠ΅Π°vΠ΅ Γ­f UkΕ™Π°Γ­nΠ΅ Γ­s ассСрtΠ΅d tΠΎ nΠ°tΠΎ, Ε™Γ­ght nΠΎw. HΠ΅ Γ­s mr ΠΎxΡƒmΠΎΕ™ΠΎn

Reported by:
  • HailVictory1776 : Where the frick is Terry when we needed him most trans lives matter

DHS, FBI, FAA & DoD Joint Statement on Ongoing Response to Reported Drone Sightings

Tuesday, December 17, 2024

There are more than one million drones lawfully registered with the FAA in the United States and there are thousands of commercial, hobbyist and law enforcement drones lawfully in the sky on any given day. With the technology landscape evolving, we expect that number to increase over time.

FBI has received tips of more than 5,000 reported drone sightings in the last few weeks with approximately 100 leads generated, and the federal government is supporting state and local officials in investigating these reports. Consistent with each of our unique missions and authorities, we are quickly working to prioritize and follow these leads. We have sent advanced detection technology to the region. And we have sent trained visual observers.

Having closely examined the technical data and tips from concerned citizens, we assess that the sightings to date include a combination of lawful commercial drones, hobbyist drones, and law enforcement drones, as well as manned fixed-wing aircraft, helicopters, and stars mistakenly reported as drones. We have not identified anything anomalous and do not assess the activity to date to present a national security or public safety risk over the civilian airspace in New Jersey or other states in the northeast.

That said, we recognize the concern among many communities. We continue to support state and local authorities with advanced detection technology and support of law enforcement. We urge Congress to enact counter-UAS legislation when it reconvenes that would extend and expand existing counter-drone authorities to identify and mitigate any threat that may emerge.

Additionally, there have been a limited number of visual sightings of drones over military facilities in New Jersey and elsewhere, including within restricted air space. Such sightings near or over DoD installations are not new. DoD takes unauthorized access over its airspace seriously and coordinates closely with federal, state, and local law enforcement authorities, as appropriate. Local commanders are actively engaged to ensure there are appropriate detection and mitigation measures in place.

You silly civilians confusing stars with drones :carpfacepalm:

Anyway here's 1000 Breitbart comments on the joint statement

Jinxthinker laughs at a wrestler/wrestling podcaster's dead dog

the dejenerate podcast - bad things happen to bad people 9:53

  • This has been amusing Jinxthinker all day. Basically Jim Cornette's dog died (I assume this has something to do with wrestling because he's on /pw/). He got energy drinks and jelly beans from the shop, and the shop guy was new.

  • 1:00 it's okay to be mean to Jim because he's just getting his just deserts. We look at /pw/ comments. Right right right.

  • 1:50 He responds "one less b-word but he's still got his wife who also probably has fleas & is more filthy than his dog, she's unkempt, fat & less hygienic"

  • 3:10 AI navis are back. Jinxthinker has been fiending for alien ladygarden because it's superior or just as good as emo women.

  • 3:50 The libertarian crew is messed up, right? Jinxthinker is a heroine addict for adult women.

  • 4:20 Jinxthinker is unsure what day it is. It might be friday or saturday.

  • 4:50 Jinxthinker "cuts a promo" on Jim

  • 5:10 There was a person that went undercover on a Columbian or Argentinan child s*x trafficking site

  • 5:40 what would happen if Jinxthinker started sieg heiling and swasticking

  • 6:00 Jinxthinker will stick to adults, thank you. If he took a screwdriver and fricked up his brain to become a libertarian, he'd be 2nd only to Hitler.

  • 6:40 No dogs, no children, no pokemon

  • 7:05 Jinxthinker the first time he saw an emo girl at school.

  • 7:40 According to science (a tv show) said that the peak age of women is either 23 or 27. Talks about Liv Morgan and other wrestlers.

  • 9:00 It's cheesecake city the way people are getting their just deserts. Jinxthinker ated burgers today with doritos crumbled up on top. Tomorrows dinner will be different or maybe Sunday's dinner will be.

!jinxthinkers you probably have fleas and are more filthy than your dog, you're unkempt, fat & less hygenic

I'm going to be real, probably a 2/10 jinxthinker vlog.

Yo Dramatards are you as cool as the guy who was literally named Nicholas "If-Jesus-Christ-had-not-died-for-thee-thou-hadst-been-darned," Barbon in 1640?

!historychads !christians !catholics !calvinists

!neolibs @nuclearshill

FAKE drammies, do NOT engage :marseyking: The Drammy Awards 2024 - Nominations Thread ($150,000 Marseybux and 9 badges up for grabs!) :!marseyking:

Nominations will stay up until January 12th, upon which the finalists for each category will be decided.


Happy New Year, strags and hags! Against all odds, we've survived another year, despite an absolutely shameful showing from our jannies this past year! You might be wondering, "why isn't @Marco making this post?" Well, when I DM'd @Aevann asking the same, he told me Marco was AWOL and to "make the darn post urself." (This includes the badges.) So I am!

2024 was a truly insane year for IRL drama, so it makes sense things on-site would be tame in comparison. In fact, it would be an insult to the utter mayhem of 2024 to pretend anything we did compares, so our on-site awards will be a little different than usual. Also I was told to not just directly rip off @Marco's thing.

Now, the structure will be as usual, but for those who are not familiar: this thread will stay up for a week. Beneath this thread proper, there will be sticked comments for each category of nomination. Reply to those comments with your nominations. In one week, on the 12th, nominations will close, and the top three most upmarseyed replies, plus a jannie's pick and a host's (my) pick, will move on to the finalist voting thread. If you don't nominate your favorite things, NO ONE ELSE WILL, so nominate them!

Without further ado, the categories!


:marseypopcorn: Best Real-Life Dramatic Happening :!marseypopcorn:

The real shit. 2024 was an American election year and also some irrelevant countries did some things I think. :marseysaluteusa: I can't be bothered to keep up with the Third World.

Which dramatic happenings from meatspace did you find most compelling?

Nominations Comment


:marseylaptopangry2: Best Off-Site Online Dramatic Happening :marseytypinglaugh:

The fake shit. Politicians and celebrities have embraced the Internet to the point where they're having interviews with livestreamers. Kill me. What was the funniest farce to come off the World Wide Web this year? What event makes you regret the Industrial Revolution the most?

Nominations Comment


:marseykingretard: WORST Dramneurodivergent of the Year :marseykingretard!:

Research indicates that the last good user to sign up for this website was in June of 2021. Our on-site performance in 2024 reflects that.

Which user did you hate the most this year? Which user do you think ruined the site experience more than anyone else? And which user do you want to see rewarded for that?

Nominations Comment

$50,000 mbux + Profile Badge


:marseyeyemixer3: Shittiest Shitpost :!marseyeyemixer3:

Research indicates that the last good post made on this website was in... March 2015? Oh dear. Well, since there's nothing good worth writing home about, why don't we celebrate the biggest turd in this open-air sewage system?

Nominations Comment

$20,000 mbux + Profile Badge


:marseycarpfisherman: Best rDrama Bait :!marseycarpfisherman:

This has already been decided, it's going to /r/fuckluigimangione and it's top contributors. :marseyclapping:

$20,000 mbux + Profile Badge


:marseysupersorensoarin: In Memsorial :marseysupersorensoarin!:

Soren was a beloved user, famed for being the best meta-troll to ever exist. No one has ever lived up to the example he set for proving dramneurodivergents are just as troll-able as the Redditors we hate. Soren stopped posting on the site to focus on his studies at the Georgetown University Law Center, and we wish him the best of luck. In Soren's memory, and to make up for the fact that there's no vote for the best off-site bait, we'll be having a vote for the best meta-troll of 2024. Which user was best at baiting other dramneurodivergents? Who trolled the most fellow trolls?

Nominations Comment

$20,000 mbux + Profile Badge


:marseyletsgo: Best rDrama Activist :!marseyletsgo:

This is going to @Sphereserf3232 because he was grass awarded eight times this year. We know for a fact that there are users on this site ( @Spiderman ) who didn't even go outside eight times this year.

$20,000 mbux + Profile Badge


:landlordpride: Eviction Notice :!landlordpride:

This one is new, and a little special. Our dear friend @BILLYBIGBOLLOCKS has long been complaining about the existence of House Edgy and saying that it should be removed. Aevann agrees that there should only be four. This award is for an entire rDrama House- whichever one showed the LEAST House spirit, the LEAST House activity, and the LEAST reason to exist. Whichever House wins this award will be removed from both rDrama and WatchPeopleDie, and all of its former members will receive this badge.

Nominations Comment

House Deletion + Profile Badge


:pikachu!: Ugliest Marseymon :pikachu:

Did you know that our Pokemon event is still on-going? Neither did I, because our jannies can't be bothered to keep site spirit events alive! See: the fact I'm doing this. Anyway, a lot of people made some really, really ugly excuses of emojis in order to get the badges from that event. Let's find and shame the ugliest of them all! All emojis tagged "pkmn" are eligible, whether they be a Marsey, Platy, Wolf, Carp, Capy, Donkey Kong, Taylor, or anything else, really. So long as the creator got one of the Marseydex badges from it.

Nominations Comment

$10,000 mbux + Profile Badge

The badge will be made from said emoji once it's voted on.


:marseylolcow: Lolcow of the Year (rDrama) :!marseylolcow:

The opposite of In Memsorial, this user was the most hopelessly prey to other's bait attempts, the most mockable r-slur, the funniest freak, the hardest seriousposter. Who gave our community the most laughs at their own expense?

Nominations Comment

$10,000 mbux + 2 Profile Badges


:marseycow: Lolcow of the Year (off-site) :!marseycow:

People have been making real fools of themselves online for all of history, but this year was especially densely packed. Who was the most laughable internet citizen with NO rDrama affiliation?

Nominations Comment


:marseyjanny2: Worst rDrama Janny :marseycatgirljanny:

Last and least, which of our useless, lazy moderators do you think is the worst among the bunch? Who do you think is the biggest detriment to the site and its community? Former jannies who were demopped in 2024 are eligible for the election. If a sitting janny other than Aevann or Carp wins this category, they will be demopped!

Nominations Comment

Demopping + 2 Profile Badges


Thank you for reading this far, now let's get nominating!

Dragon: The Bruce-Lee Story Pick A Fight At The Gym [4K]

This kills the box

Imagine a guy doing the ahegao face while fricking a girl
Xbox Showcases Will Now Have PlayStation And Nintendo Logos

I just want blue dragon and lost odyssey

mrery crhistmas everynoe, motherlover! :marseychristmasparty:

i lvoe u all, thnak u for usnig the fukcing stie :marseyshy5:


USAID sponsored this

Like for real nafo presence died by a lot after USAID stoped Jfl

@JimieWhales Once Bought a Huge Wrap in a Walgreens in Manhattan

trans lives matter

Do you eat food from pharmacies? Back when I lived in the US I used to sometimes get these sad little fruit cups at the CVS that was across the street from my office and eat them alone in the park. They weren't good but they made me feel virtuous and I enjoyed the self-abnegation and a moment of silence in the sunshine away from my coworkers.

:laugh: :laugh: FtM discovers something completely new (She doesn't like life on Male-mode)


Don't get me wrong, my life has improved greatly from transitioning, but I'm still having trouble with the simplest of things. I have a great deal of mental issues, I used to talk them out, but nobody wants to hear that shit anymore.

:laugh: :laugh:

jeez I feel so unloved. If I felt like nobody cared about me before transition, well darn well ain't nobody care about me now.

:laugh: Neighbor forgot how easy life was in female mode

It's a lot of "help yourself and shut up, do your work now and you can't ever be upset, if you cry you're not a man and if you get angry you're a threat."

Even the most effeminate gays hate a whiny gollum like creature

The stress is so much to me, I get to points where I'm just waiting to hit something. I can barely cry due to testosterone

Shoot up your elementary school, Audrey Hale :laugh: :laugh:

As long as I am upset, I will not rest and I need to do something about it, I can't just talk about it so I have to workout, which is difficult as is because I have fatigue issues and am paranoid about things lurking in the darkness of my basement

I feel like I'm growing increasingly more paranoid, stress and fatigue are driving me mad, the fact that no one cares drives me more mad.

But it would help if people at least showed some sympathy for me, I get their caught up in their own issues, they don't have to hear the whole story or give me advice just at least say like "that sucks". Idk man


You might get your hormone levels checked. If fatigue, paranoia, and the detachment is out of the ordinary, if could be low testosterone plus mental health issues and stress.

That's it. Time to increase your T even more

It's true there's less social support for men than for women, but this sounds like there's something else going on. Hallucinating due to fatigue isn't a common experience for men.

OP: I did talk about the fatigue to my therapist, I've been going to the doctors to figure it out, they suspect it's due to low oxygen

Touch Grass

This is OP:

You think they pass for a teen boy but then you see her in a natural setting and yeesh

!chuds !nooticers

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