Frick it, one struggle


Histrionic e girls seethe over having their ultimate weapon taken away


keep em dumb, keep em conservative - r/GenZ


Tournament summary of 2025 Freestyle Chess Grand Slam Weissenhaus

stolen from reddit:

Final standings:

1 - Vincent Keymer: He was unimpressive at Tata Steel and was nothing special in the round robin either, but in the classical portion of this tournament, he was a different player altogether. First beat Alireza, then Magnus, then Fabiano. Never looked in trouble against any of them outside of a couple of moments in the second game against Magnus. A very deserving winner, since he was clearly the best player in the classical.

2 - Fabiano Caruana: From leading for most of the round robin and eventually finishing 3rd there, and then convincingly beating world champion Gukesh 2-0 in the quarter-finals, there was never a moment when he looked out of touch. He had nothing for Vincent in the finals, but it was a really good event overall.

3 - Magnus Carlsen: For Magnus, any event where he doesn't win is a disappointing result. That said, outside of the first day in the round robin, he played really good chess throughout, scoring 3.5/4 on the second day and beating Nodirbek and Sindarov 2-0. Just like Fabiano, he also came up short against an inspired Vincent, and because he met the latter in the semi-finals he had to settle for 3rd.

4 - Javokhir Sindarov: In what could be his big breakout event, he was dominant for most of the round robin, only finishing 2nd there due to losing in the last round. Showed incredible resistance and tenacity to beat Hikaru after bravely picking him, and was incredibly close to getting to the finals. 4th after such a run must feel disappointing for him, but he has a lot to be proud of.

5 - Hikaru Nakamura: His tournament was similar to Magnus, outside of the first day he generally played really good chess, starting off by scoring 3.5/4 on the second day. A couple of critical mistakes in time trouble against Sindarov meant he lost his quarter-final match, and despite convincingly winning against Gukesh and demolishing Nodirbek, that put him in a situation where he couldn't go any higher than 5th.

6 - Nodirbek Abdusattorov: Not exactly a tournament to write home about for him. Was not convincing in the round robin, sneaking through in the final spot. Got demolished by both Magnus and Hikaru in the knockout phase, but swindling Alireza in between those matches was able to help him get to 6th.

7 - Alireza Firouzja: After winning the round robin with 6.5 points, the classical portion just did not work out for him. From being outplayed by Vincent in the first match, he also lost out against Nodirbek after initially having a winning position. He did win the 7th place match against Gukesh (after again blowing a winning position in the first game of that match), but that is a very underwhelming end after such a promising start.

8 - Gukesh Dommaraju: He showed amazing defensive resilience to draw a lot of worse positions in both the round robin and the knockouts, but the fact that he consistently got into them was a disappointment. And being the only winless player in the tournament. Exhaustion from Tata Steel and world championship combined with being less experienced in Freestyle than the others definitely played a part in his performance.

9 - Levon Aronian: The round robin was a disaster, and as a result he was not able to make it to the knockouts. Being the oldest player did not help his chances considering the round robin was with rapid time controls. He did smoothly win the 9th place match against Fedoseev in classical to avoid last.

10 - Vladimir Fedoseev: He has a reputation of being a streaky player who can go on a big run but is also prone to tilt. The 0/4 start in the round robin pretty much put him in a position where qualifying was difficult, and despite two wins later on including one against Magnus, he missed out by half a point. Lost the 9th place match against Levon who played a lot better in that match than he ever did in the round robin.

ESPN rightfully tweets praise at the Black team beating the white one in superbowl. Chudamok in the comments, "I DONT SEE WACE!!"
Millions must crack :marseyhammersnoo:


Funny title prolly a good thread I mean picture

Trump deport a Stacy


She is almost 26 clearly photoshopped, clearly to westernised so bad goods

Reported by:
27yo femcel here

Graduated last year and have a useless degree now. I'm technically doing my masters but I'm thinking of dropping out (haven't told my parents yet). Still live with my parents. Never had a real bf. Don't really have any friend. Is it over?

Pooners own cismoids by checks notes... doing the dishes???????????


!cuteandinvalid !lgbt !nonchuds DO BETTER WTF

LOL! Funny post here guys!


If you didn't think being bullied off tiktok was bad enough

They are now wholesome and on bluesky :marseyanon:

These are the people who are genuinely afraid to go on 4chan now wearing the corpse of a 20 year old meme

Dear Americans. You will NEVER be forgiven. : AskCanada | Leafs declare jihad against the yankee menace (but will do nothing because they were disarmed already)


Your imperialist tendencies are disgusting. My people are prepared to give our LIFE to see your nation collapse. We are not alone, the Middle East will join us along with South America and Mexico im the effort of liberation.





There was a worldwide transaction volume of $8,000 [USD worth of Bitcoin] today. That doesn't give me much confidence that I'll be able to exchange any significant value


Safe Play?? Or Intervene


The people on this threads must have never had a dog or taken care of another living being in their lives. This happens when you own an animal, it completely normal. They are playing and its safe. Someone making a loud noise is not the dogs fault but the humans. The owner should have seen its just safe play and not interfered.

my iq is 87 and i have a 3 inch peepee when erect

That is all

The shove you into lockers meme makes me sperg out. Never happened. I was a bully, I know.

Amarna brought this archetype to my attention and I've never noticed it before. Seems like exclusively Millenials or dirtbag left types say "should have been shoved into a locker" or some variation with lockers. 100% drawn from the TV. Turn it off.

Not sure why it's so popular tbh. Trying some pop psych maybe it's peaked-in-high-school adults nostalgically hallucinating a higher status youth. Us vs the nerds. That, "dweeb" as insult and the lunch money thing compose the totally unreal 90s bully media tropes.

This stuff was never done, and the very online don't know it.

Apu playing in snow
Reported by:
I (20F) found out that my boyfriend (21M) of two years watches snuff porn.


The mods removed the post, but I have the body text saved and the comments are still up.

It all started when we both got fired from our jobs and I opened up a bookstore with my bestie (22F). My boyfriend would drive me to and from work because I was having car troubles. This story starts last week when he kept going to the city which we live two hours away from. This was really weird because he never goes to the city without me because he knows I enjoy going. It also was a red flag to me because he had been talking about this other girl (21F) that he had went to high school with. Later before he picked me up from work (which he was late for) he texted me and said he was with his uncle and his grandpa but he didn't mention that he had went to the city. I know he was there because we have each others location.

The next day I was going through his phone (he is fine with me doing that because he knows I have trust issues) and I found that he had went with his uncle but I also found that they were talking bad about me saying that I was breaking his car by relying on him to take me to work and pick me up even though he is currently unemployed and I'm the only one bringing any income in. I also checked his Facebook and saw that he was looking other girls up and they were all dressed "sexy". I didn't bring any of this up to him because I didn't want to start a fight over something that I thought wasn't too important even though it hurt my feelings.

Two days later I had a gut feeling and I looked through his phone again and I was looking through his google search history and found the worst possible thing imaginable… snuff porn. Tons of it. So then I told my bestie and she said "LEAVE HIM NOW, BRING THE CATS AND MOVE IN WITH ME." I was in the bedroom crying and he heard me so he came in and I started yelling at him. A lot. He told me he has been watching since he was 13 years old. He also told me he didn't watch it to see the women but the murder and that it has always been a dark fantasy of his but that's all.

After we stopped arguing I went through his phone again and found regular porn therefore proving that he was interested in seeing some women. I also looked at his google and found a Reddit post of talking about someone being unattracted to his girlfriend. Which was a couple days after he was watching the regular porn. I went over to my besties house for the night just to give us some space and the next day we talked about it some more. He agreed to go to therapy for it and that's when I mentioned the other porn and the Reddit post to him.

He said the reason why he looked up the Reddit post was because I was SA'd before we even knew each other and he thought he was taking advantage of me. My bestie is worried and I will admit it is very scary to think about and I do feel betrayed. But on the other hand I do want to help him. Please give me advice.


The furry :marseyroxy: award :marseybadgejew: needs :marseyspecial: some gay representation! Here are some ideas

The lack of gayness in the furry :marseydinosaur: award :marseypin2: is a crime :marseychiraq: against LGBTQ++FJ&79 furries, here are some suggestions to add to it


Based BLACK gaymer forced to choose between fat gussy and viewers


Reddit knows the answer

Took a second but cinna is fat gussy saying like every other word and other is black y

Spent 30min on a dating app.

:soyjak: Soys of r/books praise foid :marseyfoidretard: torture porn so bleak it makes 40k look noblebright



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