Some pics of me and my coons.

Is it okay to have a business lunch with a woman? Absolutely not :marseyindignant:


Just to get it out of the way, he probably was trying to tap that. This was recommended to a lot of people's feed so there are accusations of "not a real lawyer" flying around that I'm not going to bother posting.


We have a new undergrad intern (a young woman, perhaps 19 years old), and I thought I'd take her to lunch to welcome her and answer questions about the work. Simple, right? Apparently, taking a female intern out to lunch is now a high-risk situation requiring oversight.

When we got back, it was suggested in the future that I invited other attorneys and avoided going to lunch one-on-one with female interns.

Lesson learned, and in hindsight I get where the firm is coming from. I still think it's a bit of an overreaction, though. I've gotten mixed responses when I've told people this. I'm curious what the subreddit thinks

His darning follow up post where he admits to having something in common with her and actually talked to her.

[–]TurnDownTheRadioJerk[S] -47 points 3 days ago

So here's more: I'm a 24 year old first year and the school she's going to is the same school I went to for undergrad, and she even has some of the same professors I had. We got talking and I asked her to lunch. No, I don't assign her work, but we seem to get along. Yes, there are other interns, but I haven't really had to talk to them yet

Responses to the follow up:

That sounds a little better than I initially imagined, given your ages are pretty close and the power dynamics aren't super crazy off (I'm assuming you don't have much influence at your firm). But your follow-up also makes it sound more like you are in fact trying to hit on her (or at least become her friend), and your firm gave you good advice. You shouldn't be doing anything that looks like you might be looking for a romantic relationship with anyone subordinate to you

Yea OP is totally hitting on her he wouldnt have done this for a dude I'm guessing.

That is pure speculation on your part, is really hard to imagine forming connections and mentorship in a professional field without ulterior motives. It seems reasonable to plausible to me I have gone to lunch with both male and female colleagues.

Dude… that's a crush let's be real, and you were testing the waters.

There's nothing mentor-ly about this. You were trying to get to know her in a personal capacity 😭

Why did this get so downkongd?

Because the world of genuine courteous courtship has gone entirely to the wayside and in its stead is this hyper-sensitive environment. All of this whilst people complain that they can't meet others organically anymore.

He's a young man and shes a young woman. If he is courteous and respectful in his proceeding with her and he doesn't have power over her directly or otherwise in the firm, I don't see the issue. Statistically, the workplace used to be a great place to meet your spouse.

Young man and a younger** woman. She's a teenager AND an intern. He is an adult who can drink and her mentor at a law firm trying to isolate her. He can treat all the interns or a few more so they arent alone.

There is nothing improper, legally or ethically, about a 24 year old and a 19 year old dating

Got ourselves a :marseypedo: over here.

Other Responses:

More context is needed. Are there more interns than just her? Are you working closely with her? If you were her direct supervisor or somebody formally assigning her work, and she was the only intern, I don't think it would necessarily be weird. If you were some random associate who just showed up and was like, "Yo, wanna grab lunch", and didn't invite any of the male interns in the same room, I could see how that might not have the best appearance

I think he left them out on purpose. He didn't want to look like a creep

Two comments in we have him being called a creep. Doesn't appear to be a lawyer and posts in a really odd mix of subreddits including /r/aupairs.

Barely a crumb of context which might be explanatory in itself.

Is this the only intern you've ever taken out? If so, why this sudden exception?

Is she the only intern? If not, why exactly did you choose her and her alone?

Do you work more closely with her than anyone else? Most attorneys work more closely with paralegals, so why her and not them?

[–]PoundTown68 -35 points 3 days ago

That's a lot of useless questions. In a sane world, two consenting adults can go to lunch without concern. Two consenting adults should be able to do whatever they want together if we're being honest. This is exactly why feminists should be ignored. We've allowed them to create a culture of fear, where everyone is tiptoes around unnecessary regulation that benefit nobody….except for 40 year old feminists, jealous that they're no longer sexually attractive, who want to force everyone else to be unhappy with them. Misery loves company.

Darn, found the incel

$100 this guy sexually harasses people on the daily


Yeah, I mean, look alive brother. Avoiding the appearance of a questionable situation is very easy if you have situational awareness.

Was it actually questionable? That's not the right question and doesn't matter (unless it got weird). Protect yourself and the firm. Heck, the vast majority of lunches I went to as an intern or otherwise young firm employee were with multiple people, now that I think about it.

This is crazy. Taking someone out to a business lunch in a public place is not out of bounds or even close.

Why was this intern chosen for a solo business lunch with an older male attorney? I'm not saying OP had any untoward intentions, but let's not pretend the optics don't raise valid concerns.

Also, though, based on the follow up, op definitely does have untoward intentions

The optics of it are not great. Put yourself in the shoes of a supervising partner. Perhaps his 28 years old associate has no bad intention when he asks the 19 year old intern to lunch. Perhaps the 28 year old intern has romantic intentions. Partner has no idea. Does the 19 year old intern know your intentions. Did you take any male interns to lunch. If there is no romantic intention perhaps bring along another associate (perhaps female) and more than one intern or staffer.

Yeah he has to think what the firm partners would think if this 30 year old associate took the 19 year old to lunch. It's a bad look when a 34 year old associate is doing that with an 18 year old intern. The 17 year old intern doesn't know she can decline the lunch invite from the 38 year old.

When I was a 19 year old college student, I invited a visiting professor to lunch to discuss their career. I thought thats what we were supposed to do "networking" and all, build a rapport. The lunch was 100% professional the entire time. No drinking. I paid for myself. All day time hours in public. Afterwards i was invited into the deans office and told that my behavior was inappropriate and unprofessional and that I needed to learn my place and not be so forward. When I was ultimately asked to leave the school (we aren't expelling you, we want to encourage you to go to a place better fitted for you) they cited my inappropriate relationships with visiting professors as one of the reasons.

It was humiliating.

15 years later that school got sued into the ground for 30 decades of sexual abuse against minors.

(am woman)

Talk about getting absolutely :marseychaosdunk: on.

I think they are trying to help you out.

I went to not-lunch with a support staff ... we were both new to the org, and she accused me of being a predator. And then coworkers hacked my email and spread it around the community. It was too late by the time we established that she was lying, for my email inbox was everywhere and the firm decided I had to leave before I could figure it out.

You need to be extraordinarily careful.


I found one of the few dissenting voices that wasn't downkongd into oblivion.

I strongly disagree with this take. Be professional about it. Make sure it's a public place, but refusing to take women to lunch in a professional environment is Mike Pence culture crap that prevents women from having the same opportunities as men.

IMO, a work culture that discourages men from meeting 1 on 1 with women is a massive red flag and usually the #1 sign that the employer has fostered an anti-woman environment.

There is a difference between "men and women can't have lunch together" and "attorney shouldn't take young intern of the opposite s*x to lunch alone". The power imbalance inherent in the latter certainly has a higher chance of producing a bad situation, from either direction (attorney actually taking advantage, or intern falsely claiming they did).

Keeping that sort of thing as a small group activity avoids all the possible issues.

Muh power imbalance.

You're a lawyer and don't understand professional conduct or ethics?

OP about to be disbarred.

Why is no one talking about the 19 year old intern's perspective. That's what matters here. And that's what the others at the firm are focused on, not the intentions of the OP.

Possibly the most incorrect response in the whole thread.

I checked the best books of the 21st century goodreads list. :marseydeadinside:

Holy shit it is bleak. There are three Harry Potter books in there and two Hunger Games books in there in the top 10 best books.

Then you compare it to the best books of the 20th century ( still one harry potter book in there in top 10 but they are still doing way better than the 21st century.

How did the quality of the "greatest" works fall down so quickly. It is like humanity has forgotten how to write anything with any depth anymore and it is all at the level of quality of teenage story writing.

Is it simply over for the writing genre as a whole or is it that the best quality writing is actually no longer being recognized as the best because it didn't sell enough copies nor got enough appreciation from writing critics, or is it that there is a complete disconnect between what the average person considers enjoyable writing and what is considered actually good high brow writing?

I think it is a shift in medium where all the people looking for depth and high quality in their literary works moved on to movies and video games instead and all who are still hanging around the writing genre are those who will pick a random niche and the general books based on lowest common denominator which is teenage angst or teenage wonderment slop.

What this means is that the writing genre is going to keep going further down in quality over time and we need to look at the possible extinction of reading one day if everything turns out to be possible to be done by video because people are clearly getting worse at appreciating literature while getting a whole lot better at their expectations and appreciation of better video entertainment content.


In terms of ease of entry into the writing department this is the easiest time period. In terms of making money from it, likely one of the harder time periods. We can expect the quality of writing meant for general audiences to have reached the lowest floor and never rise above it again this generation. The Zoom zooms are too r-slurred when it comes to quality writing in just a book.

Also if you still read Harry Potter books, READ ANOTHER BOOK!



Musk's Team Receiving High School Credit for Running Government :marseyemojilaugh:
Idolatry in USaid


City in third world country is finally making headway on their rat problem

New York literally just invented garbage cans :mjlol:

I'm sure it cost the city tens of billions of dollars to pilot this program.

Orange sight:

Wake up babe, latest "Trump fans are mad Ackshully" cope has hit the third tower (roof fire)


I'm so mad I can't stop smiling.

"This sub has been getting really evil lately" - r/redscarepod :marseycrying:


I remember when I first joined it was kind of cheeky and irreverent, and it still seemed plausible that women posted here. But it's become progressively more shallow and heartless. I mean I can't be the only one picking up on this, right? "The worst thing about DOGE is how soy it all is"? We can't just express outrage at immorality anymore, every criticism must be given through the lens of haughty indifference and framed around coolness or lack thereof. I think some people here have genuinely replaced their concept of wrong and right with cringe/not cringe and never stopped to consider how cruel and purposeless it could make them.

every criticism must be given through the lens of haughty indifference and framed around coolness or lack thereof

Quick question did you ever listen to the pod? Like even one clip or so?

People actually listen to Rspod?!

Gooooood, for the 100,000th time - this is a unique sub and one of the only decent culture/current events subs on reddit, the podcast sucks shit so most people here either never listened or stopped listening in 2019 (me). I used to like A&D but in the last five years one became a Fox News dork and the other is hawking a shit coin, they've changed. That being said, what drew me to them and this sub in the first place was their critique/thoughts on the overly woke/grifter left and establishment liberals. What I and many didn't know back in 2018 was A&D are insecure dorks who just adopt whatever ideology they currently find chic/edgy, and as soon as Bernie/progressive politics became boring they moved onto the next thing. But a lot of us here have beliefs based on morality/ethics/what we find to be true, so here we are

Tldr: "I have never and will never engage with the content this sub is about but here's how it should be run."

Anyways I thought this was a fun thread. The commenters even got OP to self delete out of shame.




:marseysoyhype: Lift, run, fight, shoot. Become strong in all.

:chudsmug: So basically, you're all fricked

:chudglassesglow: Yep lol

They post shit like this while their side unironically believes the below

:shadowrage: And don't forget to look up delicious, healthy recipes in the @N@rchist cookbook!

:marseychuddance: Yall are screwed ngl

:marseychud: You won't do shit

:soysnooseethe: Sounds like projection on your part.

:marseysoylentgrin: I'm never going to be strong enough to repel a Nazi, but generalizing here, keep up your health. It is beneficial in so many ways I won't bother to list them. Everyone on reddit hates me because I always bring up cooking your own food, not smoking, not drinking, getting exercise every day, giving up fast food and ultraprocessed stuff. It's all key to keeping your body and teeth healthy over the years.

The effects are cumulative - one day you wake up and you have some godawful chronic disease, or your ticker isn't what it could be, or you need yet another root canal, and you are slowed down and inconvenienced by having to use the medical system all the time, take pills, etc.

Also, get an annual check up if only so you have a record of your own stats. It's actually interesting to compare your numbers year to year.

:marseyauthright: As a nazi myself, this is all really good advice. Regardless of what ideology you have, everyone should abandon unhealthy lifestyles and unhealthy food. Most fast food/door dash and other stuff you get in groceries are deliberately kept unhealthy in order to have a population that can't resist and constantly kept broke and in debt. (not to mention how immoral some of the sources of this food are.) You don't need to be shredded but eating well and working out daily with basic calisthenics goes a long way.

:marseytroll: As someone who's immunocompromised from a COVID vaccine injury, I've learned that sometimes the best choice isn't to fight head-on, but to hide and protect myself. It's a hard reality, but sometimes survival means stepping back, staying safe, and waiting for a time when I'm stronger.

In Harry Potter, Harry and his friends often had to choose between direct confrontation and retreat. Hiding, like when Harry and his allies went into hiding in The Deathly Hallows, was often the wisest choice. It wasn't about surrender, but about preserving their strength for when it was truly needed.

Similarly, Anne Frank showed us the power of survival. She and her family lived in hiding, and though it was painful and isolating, it was their only chance to stay alive. Sometimes, hiding isn't a sign of weakness; it's a strategy to make sure we can continue the fight later.

For me, hiding isn't giving up. It's about protecting my health and holding onto hope for a better, safer future.

:soyjakwow: (OP) this is real and valid, but PLEASE try to avoid citing transphobic authors. Stay safe!

:chudspin: This thread is the most chronically online shit I've ever seen in my life 😭

:marseydarkxd: Lol

:marseyrapscallion: YES! me and my wife's boyfriend hit the gym everyday so we can own the chuds!

:soyjakanimeglasses: /r/Swoletariat

It fricking exists btw :marseyemojilaugh:

:marseytroublemaker: I am trans so I don't want to lift too much, maybe some toning

:marseyderp: That's a little ableist but I'll support the idea of being healthy! I'm on track at the moment having gone from 260 -> 250 lbs, nearly there =)

thats literally just water weight lmao you can drop that much in less than a week on any strict diet. So you haven't really accomplished anything. Don't pat yourself on the back too hard there bud

No negativity in my revolution :marseydownvotemad:

:marseygigachad: Now we're getting somewhere!

Go with testosterone, as well. Makes you more conservative.

Or just stop taking estrogen lmfao

We've officially found the saddest subreddit out there 🤣🤣

At this point it's >50% trolling by volume lmao

:marseyhesright: I saved this post yesterday before going to bed only to discover it crawling with MAGAts. How many are from here? :capywalking:

!wfhchads the future :marseykangtheconqueror: is here!

apparently you can get an AI clone now! and attend smeeting from the bed :marseytoasty: or the pooper :marseyskibiditoilet2:!


!codecels !wfhchads

More demos on their YT channel. IMHO, it's interesting but still a bit uncanny.


Babies are 6 MONTHS OLD TODAY! We are tired and proud!

!animalposters !cats




new Former Gifted Kid discourse just dropped


Yikes, my dude. Whats wrong with waving a Mexican flag at an anti-ICE protest? :sciencejak:




Muh birthright citizenship native land

Taking action on rule-violating content


Over the last few days, we've seen an increase in content in several communities that violate Reddit Rules. Reddit communities are places for civil discussion and are one of the few places online where people can exchange ideas and perspectives. We want to ensure that they continue to be a place for healthy debate no matter the topic. Debate and dissent are welcome on Reddit—threats and doxing are not.

When we identify communities experiencing an increase in rule-violating content, we are taking the following steps as needed:

Reaching out to moderators to ensure they have the support they need, including turning on safety cowtools, reminding mods of our rules, or offering additional moderation support

Adding a popup to remind users before visiting that subreddit of Reddit's Rules

In some cases, placing a temporary ban on the community for 72 hours to enable us to engage with moderation teams and review and remove violating content

Currently /r/WhitePeopleTwitter is under a temporary ban. This means that you will not be able to access this community during this cooling-off period while we work with the mods to ensure it is a safe place for discussion.

We will continue to monitor and reach out to communities experiencing a surge in violative content and will take the necessary actions noted above to ensure all communities can provide a safe environment for healthy conversation.

Clean it up janny :#marseyjanny:

Cuckdom C*m 2: Deliverance cucks Polygone from getting a review copy. :soyjaktantrumfast: ensues

The embargo for reviews of Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 has lifted. We don't have a review on the site here at Polygon. This is not an editorial decision; we had hoped to review the game. On Jan. 2, Polygon requested a code for Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 from Warhorse Studios, the studio behind the game, and received no response. On Jan. 7, we reached out to the PR firm working with Warhorse, who told us they were "not able to provide access. We'll let you know if this changes." We reached out to parent company Plaion on Jan. 9 as well — no response. On Jan. 10, we saw our peers publishing early previews for the game. We re-upped our request and were again told we would not be given access.

This was very unusual. But this was the situation that transpired with Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2. It can be difficult to tell when a studio's decision to withhold a code from a publication is intentional and personal. That's due in part to the fact that the process for getting advance review codes is about as rote and administrative as it gets. Sometimes, PR firms working for studios send us codes unsolicited in hopes we'll cover the game in question. Other times, we request codes from the game's representatives ourselves, several weeks ahead of the release date, and we get those codes when and if they are available.

As part of our final request for code on Jan. 10, Polygon's editor-in-chief Chris Plante contacted Plaion and Warhorse's PR firm to get a comment as to why we were denied advance access to the game. He stressed in his message that our hope is that this decision wasn't due to any personal bias against Polygon, nor motivated by any of our previous coverage of games made by Warhorse or any other. In short, we wanted to know: Was Polygon being blacklisted?

On Jan. 10, we did receive a response to this request stating that we could get one code for the game on launch day, Feb. 4. We did not receive any clarification as to how this decision was made. Nor did we receive the requested clarification on why the developers of Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 declined to provide Polygon access to the game.

Because we will not receive access to this game until its public release, our review is nonetheless forthcoming but will not be published in time for its release date. We look forward to telling you more about this game in the weeks to come.

KIA Gloats

And now, for the why. From Charlie Hall's review (12 February 2018)

"The game is also not without its controversies. Warhorse is a team of more than 150 people, but the game's creative director has gone out of his way to rationalize his support of G*merGate, a loosely knit hate group that has devoted time to harassing women, people of color and journ*lists in the past. So outspoken is the studio's leadership on cultural issues that they have found it necessary to work with a German outlet to publish anti-fascist, anti-sexist and anti-racist statements prior to their game's launch."

Thank you for that completely unnecessary bank-shot that turned a poor review into a politically motivated hit piece. And you wonder why they weren't lining up for more of that?

!g*mers !chuds @kaamrev its G*MER GATE REVENGE TIME! :#marseyvengeance:

r/theadamfriedlandshow has been banned

The downward spiral keeps going, yet another CT sub has fallen. 😭 Cumboys and cumgirls are the most persecuted people on reddit. Nick leaves, and now reddit kicks us off again. Dark times.

Many NSFW subs recently got banned for being "unmoderated" actually like /r/drugs. reddit sucks butt.

/r/redscarepod is next in line for the rope, betting on it.

Edit: NVM it's back up :marseyembrace:

What should I listen to tonight when I'm on acid?
The United States has already effectively lost to China, right? : TrueAnon


Reported by:
  • Impassionata3 : Impassionata called it when they came here: disruptive weirdos learn to moderate their space lmao
"Nobody understands what it's like to be a mod until they live it." :carpjannie2: Tears in r/jannysupport


ITT: Janny cries to his mopping buddies that users treat him the same way he treats them

:carpjannie: [–]soulself 11 points 4 days ago

I think you may be engaging too much. It's easy to get caught up in fray and try to mitigate situations, but perhaps you should be more of an observer and just enforce the rules.

Nobody understands what it's like to be a mod until they live it. You are going to piss people off no matter what you do.

If you "live" being a janny you shouldn't

:marseyweeb:[–]CitoyenEuropeen💡 Skilled Helper 4 points 4 days ago

Yes, you have to escalate each report individually. No, you cannot fire them from the feed or the mod queue with your own account.

I use a very simple auto moderator script to alert the whole team when one mod is under attack, so that we can cover for each other.

is_moderator: true

report: 1


You can also add your alt account to the mods. Switching accounts is faster than navigating to reddit/report in my experience.

Beware of cross-fire! When mod A files a report such as, say, HATE or HARASSMENT, and mod B hits REPORT ABUSE under the same content, AEOT bots will whack mod A.

When a janny "is under attack" :marseylaugh:

:soymad: I moderate /r/veteranpolitics. As you can imagine, everything you do is a lose/lose. Unfortunately, I have had multiple reports on my account for hate based speech across the sub. You guys are more than welcome to crawl through it and make judgement, but it's just on moderation comments. I've had people putting me in a position where rule 3 is possibly being violated as well as actual hate speech that I'm removing. It's happening over multiple posts at this point and is consistent. I know it's suggested to send a report through the report feature, but do I need to send every post/comment individually or can I send a report in general. The issue is I'm at about 10-15 hate based reports so I know I'm gonna get clapped by AEO at some poi

Proof that reportmaxxing jannies works. Even if they don't get banned they spend the whole day :soyjaktantrum: that someone dared defy the mop

:marseyfedoratip:[–]Eclectic-N-Varied💡 Expert Helper 3 points 4 days ago

Had nothing but good luck once we've used the Report Abuse button -- never had either the positives or denials been laid at our doorstep.

What the fuck does this even mean

My hands look like this

so hers can look like this

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