
FAKE drammies, do NOT engage :marseyking: The Drammy Awards 2024 - Nominations Thread ($150,000 Marseybux and 9 badges up for grabs!) :!marseyking:

Nominations will stay up until January 12th, upon which the finalists for each category will be decided.


Happy New Year, strags and hags! Against all odds, we've survived another year, despite an absolutely shameful showing from our jannies this past year! You might be wondering, "why isn't @Marco making this post?" Well, when I DM'd @Aevann asking the same, he told me Marco was AWOL and to "make the darn post urself." (This includes the badges.) So I am!

2024 was a truly insane year for IRL drama, so it makes sense things on-site would be tame in comparison. In fact, it would be an insult to the utter mayhem of 2024 to pretend anything we did compares, so our on-site awards will be a little different than usual. Also I was told to not just directly rip off @Marco's thing.

Now, the structure will be as usual, but for those who are not familiar: this thread will stay up for a week. Beneath this thread proper, there will be sticked comments for each category of nomination. Reply to those comments with your nominations. In one week, on the 12th, nominations will close, and the top three most upmarseyed replies, plus a jannie's pick and a host's (my) pick, will move on to the finalist voting thread. If you don't nominate your favorite things, NO ONE ELSE WILL, so nominate them!

Without further ado, the categories!


:marseypopcorn: Best Real-Life Dramatic Happening :!marseypopcorn:

The real shit. 2024 was an American election year and also some irrelevant countries did some things I think. :marseysaluteusa: I can't be bothered to keep up with the Third World.

Which dramatic happenings from meatspace did you find most compelling?

Nominations Comment


:marseylaptopangry2: Best Off-Site Online Dramatic Happening :marseytypinglaugh:

The fake shit. Politicians and celebrities have embraced the Internet to the point where they're having interviews with livestreamers. Kill me. What was the funniest farce to come off the World Wide Web this year? What event makes you regret the Industrial Revolution the most?

Nominations Comment


:marseykingretard: WORST Dramneurodivergent of the Year :marseykingretard!:

Research indicates that the last good user to sign up for this website was in June of 2021. Our on-site performance in 2024 reflects that.

Which user did you hate the most this year? Which user do you think ruined the site experience more than anyone else? And which user do you want to see rewarded for that?

Nominations Comment

$50,000 mbux + Profile Badge


:marseyeyemixer3: Shittiest Shitpost :!marseyeyemixer3:

Research indicates that the last good post made on this website was in... March 2015? Oh dear. Well, since there's nothing good worth writing home about, why don't we celebrate the biggest turd in this open-air sewage system?

Nominations Comment

$20,000 mbux + Profile Badge


:marseycarpfisherman: Best rDrama Bait :!marseycarpfisherman:

This has already been decided, it's going to /r/fuckluigimangione and it's top contributors. :marseyclapping:

$20,000 mbux + Profile Badge


:marseysupersorensoarin: In Memsorial :marseysupersorensoarin!:

Soren was a beloved user, famed for being the best meta-troll to ever exist. No one has ever lived up to the example he set for proving dramneurodivergents are just as troll-able as the Redditors we hate. Soren stopped posting on the site to focus on his studies at the Georgetown University Law Center, and we wish him the best of luck. In Soren's memory, and to make up for the fact that there's no vote for the best off-site bait, we'll be having a vote for the best meta-troll of 2024. Which user was best at baiting other dramneurodivergents? Who trolled the most fellow trolls?

Nominations Comment

$20,000 mbux + Profile Badge


:marseyletsgo: Best rDrama Activist :!marseyletsgo:

This is going to @Sphereserf3232 because he was grass awarded eight times this year. We know for a fact that there are users on this site ( @Spiderman ) who didn't even go outside eight times this year.

$20,000 mbux + Profile Badge


:landlordpride: Eviction Notice :!landlordpride:

This one is new, and a little special. Our dear friend @BILLYBIGBOLLOCKS has long been complaining about the existence of House Edgy and saying that it should be removed. Aevann agrees that there should only be four. This award is for an entire rDrama House- whichever one showed the LEAST House spirit, the LEAST House activity, and the LEAST reason to exist. Whichever House wins this award will be removed from both rDrama and WatchPeopleDie, and all of its former members will receive this badge.

Nominations Comment

House Deletion + Profile Badge


:pikachu!: Ugliest Marseymon :pikachu:

Did you know that our Pokemon event is still on-going? Neither did I, because our jannies can't be bothered to keep site spirit events alive! See: the fact I'm doing this. Anyway, a lot of people made some really, really ugly excuses of emojis in order to get the badges from that event. Let's find and shame the ugliest of them all! All emojis tagged "pkmn" are eligible, whether they be a Marsey, Platy, Wolf, Carp, Capy, Donkey Kong, Taylor, or anything else, really. So long as the creator got one of the Marseydex badges from it.

Nominations Comment

$10,000 mbux + Profile Badge

The badge will be made from said emoji once it's voted on.


:marseylolcow: Lolcow of the Year (rDrama) :!marseylolcow:

The opposite of In Memsorial, this user was the most hopelessly prey to other's bait attempts, the most mockable r-slur, the funniest freak, the hardest seriousposter. Who gave our community the most laughs at their own expense?

Nominations Comment

$10,000 mbux + 2 Profile Badges


:marseycow: Lolcow of the Year (off-site) :!marseycow:

People have been making real fools of themselves online for all of history, but this year was especially densely packed. Who was the most laughable internet citizen with NO rDrama affiliation?

Nominations Comment


:marseyjanny2: Worst rDrama Janny :marseycatgirljanny:

Last and least, which of our useless, lazy moderators do you think is the worst among the bunch? Who do you think is the biggest detriment to the site and its community? Former jannies who were demopped in 2024 are eligible for the election. If a sitting janny other than Aevann or Carp wins this category, they will be demopped!

Nominations Comment

Demopping + 2 Profile Badges


Thank you for reading this far, now let's get nominating!

User accidentally reveals that his wife has a mustache, posts several comments of pure seethe in response.
:marseychud: FWISD teacher calling for ice to raid his school :!marsey69:


Thread full of sneeding on r-slurred teacher chudding out on xitter on an account linked to his information/job. Surprisingly no journoids picking up on this yet.


So it's his fault for not wanting the law to be broken? The patents shouldn't be putting their kids in harms way so it's actually their fault.

replying to a government account and saying "please come to MY school, MY place of work and come deport the KIDS (literal minors btw) that i see and teach every single day" is genuinely crazy regardless of your beliefs.


ALL children deserve to be poorly educated and not taught anything. Not just white children.


Ambulatory equivalent of an assemblage of bovine excrement. (Based on his comments and despite being a teacher, he probably needs me to dumb this down, if he happens to be reading it: "Like a walking pile of cow poop". )

Who tf talks like this 🀣


We've already seen a news/weather employee fired for calling a Nazi salute what it is, let's see if this guy gets fired for parroting some fascist stuff.

I wouldn't want my kids learning from fascists

He said something stupid on the most hated platform on reddit right now, but what fascist stuff did he say. Make that word as meaningless as racist since you use it every time somebody says something you don't agree with

Scapegoating immigrants who statistically commit less crimes than naturalized US citizens is a tactic as core to fascism as thumbs are to hands.

So is dedicating legislative time and energy to harm, invalidate or discriminate against trans people, who make up a population so small, there are more people to vote on the laws than are actually affected by them.

Nobody is making the word meaningless, you just don't know what the words mean.

Well, judging from the past, it will mean something different next week anyways when the left gives it another meaning

You are a deeply unserious person and I hope you better yourself.


He's right tho

Despicable. Be better

I am better than you.



You aren't allowed to vote in the legislature, or speak on the floor, except to apologize, for pointing out the guy was a star pole vaulter last year and is now destroying the girls (female) pole vaulting contenders.

The only way this stops is when the girls (female) stop competing against men. Apparently their parents have no desire to protect girls' sports. The government obviously doesn't

Pleiades (The seven sisters)

Those dots are the seven sisters (I couldn't take a clear and nice pic because I'm using my phone camera :/) :marseystars2:

the last week, summarized
words are my love language

Longpost for me bby




1. :marseytippinghand: "some of you Chuds shouldn't reproduce" :chudsmug: "neither should you by the looks of it"

2. :10inbongland: "did she breed with an alien?"

3. :marseybabushka: "he looks like Megamind!" :femcel: "he also looks like he's out of Star Trek

4. :marseyraging: "Grow the F up!" :chudsmug: :handsomechud: :doomerchud: :chudmutt: Chudposting intensifies

5. :marseybong: :marseynorf: Brexit Geezer jokes intensifies

6. :chadwomannordic: "I've got a sick sense of humor... but this is too far..."

7. :oldwoman: "is there something wrong with the baby?" :marseytroll: "nah, Modok is fine" :oldwoman: "okay"

8. :chudette2: "imagine pushing that out... pray for my poor vagina" :marseyhijab: "not funny" :chudette2: "who's joking?"

Are you just living day to day?

I don't have a link to the reel anymore, but look what I started.
Mark Hamill :marseyskywalker: Leaves Guests 'Horrified' :soycry:As His Pants :marseymonsterpenisshadow:Fall Down While Presenting BAFTA Award :marseyawardretard:

article with video on :marseychud: news site

2025 Nicester Award [Announcing Winner]


vikrant gupta getting honey trapped

Musk should get the wall

Will Stancil ( 2025-01-31T23:16:36.450Z
Dr Oaken is now writing poetry about being a mod :marseyloopy:




Yeah, all those high paying civilian jobs will go away. That's smart

the fricking comments in the thread :marseyxd:

New York Ragazine cropped out all the Bipocs to race bait :marseyemojilaugh:
Lebanese are sad no one cares about them


Prison Abolition drama as the rats cling to the sunk ship

"I won't answer the most obvious 101 questions about my fringe ideas" is such a perfect summation of US leftists

except it's not

I can't believe college academia is still taking this shit seriously. I'm having to take a 100 level Geography class where an entire week was spent on prison abolition. In a Geography class.

admitting you dont take racialized ans black women seriously on the same account you use to simp for kamala harris is crazy work

it's amazing how all you need to dismiss something is a bullshit four panel caricature with no attribution d

It's not a caricature, it was drawn by this person

it's weird how you assumed I was talking about the art

You called it a 4 panel caricature. It's not a caricature because the artist isn't exaggerating anything. You were talking about the arte when you mentioned "4 panel caricature"

it's always very funny when people tell me what I meant by what I said. if you don't have anything other than intentionally misunderstanding me, be on your way

"can't believe people ever took this seriously" says guy who never actually listened to what people had to say about it in the first place

I was at many, many, many BLM protests

The best one was where instead of prison your family member's murderer takes their place in your family as penance. Your brain has to be mush to think that's a good idea.

still can't believe people take the criminal prosecution system that capitulates to dripping charges against the new god king seriously

i think it's good to lock up murderers

A 2 month old was murdered by police but yeah glad we stopped caring

I'm glad we have prisons to put those murdering cops in

this, quite notably in fact, never happens. which is kinda a central tenet of prison abolition, yet another thing that scares you because you don't understand it. frickin dork

If there is a silver lining to be found in all of this is that the Bernie/Warrenworld left is dead and buried. Nobody will ever take student loan forgiveness or withdrawing from long term wars or progressive stimulus or antitrust seriously again and good riddance.

all of those things are good and will survive

i prefer not to give government handouts to kids earning 3x the median salary just cause they're angry they can't afford a yacht

In 2019, NYTimes did a fawning, unintentionally hilarious profile of a prison abolitionist who responded to such questions - from children - by citing Spain, a country that very much has prisons - the kids walk away unimpressed - she later takes unearned credit for "lifting" them

They put George Floyd in a golden casket while everyone else had to watch their grandma get buried on zoom. Obama was there and everything. Kamala was bailing out random murderers. Genuinely don't know why you were surprised.

Progressives believe all sorts of stupid stuff. Many of them still believe that a man can become a woman.


We should have lighter sentences for all crimes across the board.

This reads very plainly as a right wing satire. Stunning to think it was made in earnest

My favorite part of her book is where she said she was opposed to even putting murderous white supremacists in prison.

it's not a dream, it's a better world. guess you are satisfied with how things are; and with a cushy job and platform why wouldn't you be?.........

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