Twitter ads are getting weird :marseywut2:
"Get ready as the world stares at Uranus for two weeks through telescopes!" A Rare Alignment of 7 Planets Is About to Take Place in The Sky : ScienceAlert


it's that thing

:marseyembrace: this is what I want.

What is true love to you? Have you ever had it with someone?

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Horse Hat


Sam Sloan's Home Page

:#marseytruthnuke: :#marseytruthnuke: :#marseytruthnuke: :#marseytruthnuke: :#marseytruthnuke: :#marseytruthnuke: :#marseytruthnuke: :#marseytruthnuke: :#marseytruthnuke: :#marseytruthnuke: :#marseytruthnuke: :#marseytruthnuke: :#marseytruthnuke: :#marseytruthnuke: :#marseytruthnuke: :#marseytruthnuke: :#marseytruthnuke: :#marseytruthnuke:

:#marseytruthnuke: :#marseytruthnuke: :#marseytruthnuke:

:marseytrumpfistpump: The inauguration of President Donald Trump - CNN :!marseytrumpfistpump:



Anyone here ever check out the Post-Leftcow threads on lolcow farm?

These people are some high level haters considering how irrelevant the targets of their scorn are. I have to imagine some who post there know this crowd irl because idk how else they could inspire such hatred haha


"Imagine if the Gays πŸ’… were as smart as normal straight people? πŸ™Œ" a short essay mainly comprised from stolen quotes!



Enticing somebody of a lesser intelligence to engage in an online argument in order to make a display of their inadequacy.

When someone states their opinion that is a obvious bait to get people mad and fight in the comment/reply section

this definition is rage bait tbh

>bait - 3 years ago according to New York.

>no so obvious, and not intentional,


>How do you stop falling for (rage) bait?

>Goes onto give some advice by another user

>Another post goes onto say this about bait


It's a simple concept.

Interaction with content defines what is valuable on the internet. Whether someone clicks on a link because they enjoy what they see or to confirm that they hate what they see is all the same in terms of user metrics. And it's easy to create strong emotions for interaction by making people mad.

Rage bait is content geared to captivate the attention of users by confronting them with something that will make them mad. Mad enough to click on a link, consume the content, then go to the comment section, hit caps lock and angrily type an unhinged comment. Unhinged enough for other angry users, trolls and moderate users to feel the need to respond.

There is also a ton of political rage bait that pretends to be on one side while making particularly disagreeable statements. This will ofc create the intended backlash + engagement from both sides fighting.

Examples of rage bait

>With the remark

Statistically Speaking..

The Virality of Anger

So, why rage-baiting? Why not "amusement-baiting," or "sad-baiting" or "confusion-baiting"?

More than a decade of research suggests anger makes people more likely to engage with online content than any other emotion.

In 2009, researchers from the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania conducted a series of experiments involving 147 people and 7,000 New York Times articles. Investigators discovered people were more likely to email around stories that inspired high-intensity emotions like anger, anxiety and awe.

>cringe alpha male talk

A subsequent study of joy, sadness, disgust and anger on Weibo, China's version of Twitter, confirmed the Wharton School's results. Of the 70 million comments analyzed, researchers from Beihang University determined those conveying sadness and disgust β€” low-intensity emotions β€” didn't spread as far as the high-intensity emotions of joy and fear.

Further, the study determined anger spread the farthest by far:

Far more than even joy, anger spread quickly among those who were closely connected, and continued to spread beyond immediate social media friends significantly more than positive tweets.

This graphic illustrates the spread of messages containing emotions, with anger (red) overtaking joy (green), sadness (blue) and disgust

>so what does one do, when the bait becomes anti-bait bait, and your anti-bait becomes then-after anti-bait-anti-bait! Does one even win an arguement with an ignorant aspect? Was it all true that Mike Tyson should start punching these people in the face?


how tf do yall make an effort post anywyas?
Coil - The Death of Pasolini


Bonnet wearing mayofoids induce extreme rage in our queens.


Kill YT!


The "shes/he's invited to the cookout" people piss me off even more. Just so eager for people to like you. It annoys me too OP. β™₯️

Frick that cookout! I'm not going…it's gone be too many white people there

thank you i feel the same way & when i started seeing yt women in the beauty supply it sent my blood pressure up. like we cant have shit??

Can we add LASHES to the list? πŸ˜’

We can add everything to the list.

In the Girlfriends subreddit there's a thread about Lynn's (white, adoptive) sister who was wearing a daishiki, a headdress and saying the n-word.

I went to the grocery store a couple days ago and I saw a group of girls with an older woman (I assume one of their mothers). IIRC, there were two black girls and one white girl. I think the older woman with them was white as well. Anyway, the white girl had a bonnet on. A long one, like what you use for braids. None of the other girls had anything on their heads.

I get weirdly irritated when I go to the beauty supply store these days because I'm seeing more and more white folks. A part of me feels like it's our space, one of the few things that else have and they're encroaching on that too. Of course the store owners don't care, just as long as they make money.

I agree, I feel like we're way too generous with who gets invited to the cookout.

:gaygenocide: RAINBOW ALERT :gaygenocide: THE R/CENTRIST COMMUNITY IS TERFING OUT! :marseyrowling: :marseytransattentionseekergenocide:


I have been a left leaning centrist and an active member of the LGBT community for over 40 years. It seems that much of the modern far left discourse is done in the name of LGBT people and especially trans people. I am a trans woman and a lesbian and while the far-left is masquerading as supporters of our community, I believe that they are actually destroying it. Sadly, I can't say that in any of the mainstream LGBT spaces, so I am saying it here.

They are redefining every LGBT community to include nonbinary genders instead of creating new labels that apply to these relatively new identities that many of us don't believe in. They claim to be another gender, but that can't be true if they are also inserting themselves into other labels in the LGBT community. They also advocate for the abolition of gender, but without gender the LGBT community ceases to exist.

With trans people they have hijacked our community by pushing narratives that you can be trans without gender dysphoria or doing anything to medically transition and calling us transphobic if we disagree, even if we are trans. They have also taken over every other community.

With lesbians they redefine women loving women to instead mean non-man loving non-man, which has flooded lesbian spaces with people that look like men. With bisexuality they created a whole new label pansexual and claim bisexual people are transphobic for not being this new label. With gay men they insist that people who look like women are now men. It seems that nonbinary is redefining every label to be meaningless.

This all begs the question, if they really believe they are a 3rd gender, why are they doing this? It seems to imply that nonbinary isn't actually a valid gender. Why aren't they using words that mean nonbinary loving nonbinary or nonbinary loving other genders? It seems like if they are going to create nonbinary genders, they should also create new labels for their sexuality.

It seems that nonbinary people can claim that everything is transphobic or homophobic if you don't accept their narrative, but do they really support us? If they want to abolish the gender binary, that means they want to eliminate everything that LGBT people fought for. If lesbian doesn't mean wlw and gay doesn't mean mlm, they mean nothing. If bisexual isn't inclusive of trans people it means we aren't really men or women to them. If you can be trans without gender dysphoria then being trans is body modification and not medically necessary.

Nonbinary genders are taking over every LGBT community and they are often indistinguishable from cis/heterosexual people, which are perfectly acceptable identities, but don't belong in LGBT spaces. It's time that we insist they create their own labels and not be called transphobic because of it. We need to turn the word transphobic/homophobic against nonbinary genders, because that's what they are.

Chat is this that post-irony people keep talking about?


Note to OP: i don't even disagree with a chunk of your post, but you gotta be able to self-reflect and laugh a little bit at yourself on this post. This sounds very much like what cis lesbians have been saying for years about trans lesbians. Tbh I always felt just using the term transbian was the clever work around... but your post is really driving the same points female lesbians have been shouting from rooftops. Sooo idk what else to say.]


Will Kendrick Lamar perform "Not Like Us" at the 2025 Superbowl?



Trump Stocks E.P.A. With Oil, Gas and Chemical Lobbyists : neoliberal


Trump's Number #2 pick to the EPA has lead a legal challenge against the ban on abestos.

The USA is completely fricked.

this is my ama bread





this whole account is gold

Phone screen just died, going to buy a new phone please recommend me one

!codecels only vaguely related but I trust you to have alright phones

Ascended Hyperborean Carnivore Goals


For A Minute There I Lost Myself


Finally no need to pretend anymore

But what are u going to do with elections ? I don't think it would be fair to give them just one vote. 2 would be perfect 1 for English speaking 1 for French speaking and 1 for Greenland and Panama

So total votes US will have is 542. I also would build land bridge from Greenland to Mexico so they would build stuff on that shithole

Now playing: Lockjaw's Saga (DKC2).mp3

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