



Make the left Jedi Anakin Skywalker... we're falling for the fascists as well, some of us (Italy) already have fallen.

:#speechbubble: !eurochads !soyteens

California got to be the most pristine land nature/geography wise right?

say what you will about the satanic things that go on there. It's dry, by the sea, mountainous, deserty, green. Great surf, great snow. Warm climate all the time.

Maybe parts of Spain, Greece? Is it the best nature on earth??

Reported by:
  • Impassionata : RDRAMA'S BEST WORK THUS FAR
  • Healthy : If you're interested in pics of a woman's literal shit in the potty look through this user's posts.
  • soapysoapy : it was a contest :((
Even BPD girls can find True Love? (Part 1) :marseyheart:

I come to you writing this from a polar heck-scape, somewhere I never thought I'd end up. My fingers move at a snail's pace and the toes of my right foot have gone numb. Frozen fog fills my lungs. Thick blankets of snow absorb almost all sound, except for the faint whistling of a breeze brushing through my unwashed shit colored hair, and the sound of my heart beating strongly with anxiety...

Women with my particular issue sometimes struggle to find their one and only. I gave up this endeavor before even starting, doomed to a life of ao3 scrolling and liveleak watching. I've actually known him for more than a year, and you wouldn't believe where we met. Our relationship is something straight out of a Shoujo romance... If you've ever read Kimi ni Shika Kikoenai you know what I'm talking about. He's like a beautiful flower I found and keep locked in my garden, of course I ensure he's well taken care of. He wants for practically nothing with me, and I truly believe that he'll never need another person in his entire life ever again.

They warned him about me. Some people fear me, but I know it's because of the demonic presence that have taken up residence in their souls. I have the cunning ability to expel these demonic spirits. Infected peoples can sense this unique strength I posses and without even really understanding why, they feel a sense of hatred towards me. Through the goodness of my heart I do not hold it against them, only pity them, and hopefully one day bring sanctity to their poor souls. They run from me though, and my more worthy endeavors demand the most of my attention.

Despite being warned by liars of my doings, he does not fear me. Even still I believe he is drawn much closer to me and the flame that is my burning heart. It's greatly endearing and he will be rewarded for this loyalty. Even in the bitter cold, I don't need a coat or boots because my demon expelling spirit burns hotter than the sun. He is drawn to this aspect of me, among many other things.

Recently, he flew me out to visit him. No man has ever done such a kind gesture for me, so I was honestly taken aback. Nevertheless, like a stag in a snowstorm, I pushed ahead into the unknown. And by god I was rewarded for it. Chat, you could never know how innocent and perfect he looks while asleep. Like a puppy, my flower is. I always carry a pocket knife in my bra, for safety and utility reasons, and I honestly just couldn't help myself. He was in a deep sleep, but not even snoring or drooling. Perfectly laying on his back, soft hair tumbling over his forehead in an angelic fashion. The temptation to bite him until I drew blood was overwhelming but even better ideas flooded my mind.

Slowly, I knelt over the bed, careful not to wake my perfect sleeping flower. My movements were as delayed as they were precise- can't frick this perfect opportunity up. The knife was removed from my bra and I flicked it open with a singular, smooth motion. He doesn't even notice the sound of a pocket knife flipping open inches from his face while he's sleeping (can you imagine how lucky I am?) I quietly warm the blade up to body temperature by pressing it against my forearm, enjoying the view from beneath me. Like I've been possessed, the tiny but deadly sharp blade is moved up to his neck. At this point, I'm not even myself anymore- someone completely different. An "out of body experience" would be a massive understatement. My flower isn't awoken by the blade at it's vulnerable stem, the control is all mine- so is he. 'Is he having a nice dream?' I wonder. This control is intoxicating. After withdrawing my pocket knife from his neck, I take this opportunity to check his driver's license for valuable information on him. It's always good to know more about those you love.

Anyways, I think that despite my many faults, I've really found the one for me. He's perfect in every way and I will never let him go. Do other girls with BPD struggle finding long-term romantic partners? It would be nice to talk about this issue with some other BPD sisters :)

Happy Valentine's Day! <3

je suis gentwl avec les gens sympas.
:marseydisgustnotes: COMMUNITY NOTED We wuz status: maps and shit :marseymap2:

For some reason nobody is buying it. It's like they don't even believe lived history. :soycry#:

Community Note by @sit_on_my_face


Helpful [179] Not Helpful [20]
Reported by:
  • Grue : Weird how calls for justice look like attacks on your nation to you :marseythonk:
Stalactite Formation: corporate social issues

Weekly Anime Post 182

Watched a bit more ranma, nothing else.


@Aevann pin pls

Bruh I'm seeing a proper family fight for the first time in my life

Thought this shit only happens in movies and shit man. My landladys son and DIL are really going at it. She just threatened to break his face and specs if he said anything about her relatives again. Hes keeping his voice down but seems to drop bombs every now and then from how his wife gets shrill. I have food coming for delivery and they have their door open from when she was screaming at him to get out I really don't want them to see I'm awake but idk how to avoid that. So uncomfortable.


!poll_voters !male feminists

The younger brother told investigators that he would see the teacher and his brother "exiting the 1st-floor bathroom together, both wearing towels and wet."

The sister told detectives that the children would sleep in a shared room on the second floor but frequently noticed her brother would not be in his bed the next morning and would instead be sleeping in Caron's bed with her โ€“ the victims' younger brother, who was eight years old when he started living with the teacher, also said the same in a statement to law enforcement two days later.

One night while the younger brother was supposed to be sleeping, he told police he witnessed Caron, then 26, molest his brother, 11, while they were on a reclining chair watching a movie with a blanket over them.

In 2019, following the birth of the child, the victim began permanently sleeping in Caron's room and started to keep clothes in her dresser, according to the younger brother to police.

According to the criminal complaint, the crimes were first raised to police following a darning Facebook post by the victims' father who called out the uncanny resemblance of Caron's son to his son on December 12, 2024.



Friday :marseyjason: should :marseynorm: be 80s night :marseysamfisher: on /h/music

the next time someone asks what have indians given to the world, reply "the absolute cinema meme"


:marseysowsmug: :marseyreapcrying: :elonsalute:

!chuds !nooticers :marseyemojilaugh:

Sad update :marseysad: . The momma cat is dead :marseydead:. Killed by a street dog :marseytrans: . She made at least 12+ kittens before she died.

Last two of her kittens that are still with my relatives :tuckedin:.

Previous posts.

RIP :marseytombstone: .

Reported by:
  • Grue : "lol stop with the handmaid's tale fantasies" chudditors deserve the rope


Funniest youtube short I've seen in a while.

Yeah no hotdogs for you broke b-word.

Foid destroys friendship despite being more intelligent and having correct opinions - AITA?



Honestly I (f19) feel like I messed up very badly here, despite having been the "more educated" one on the topic. I blame it on my impulsivity, bad debating skills and lack of empathy, and now I regret having cut someone off too quickly. (posting from a throwaway acc. Might delete this post later). Ok, very long wall of text incoming, only read if you have time to care to hear about the troubles of a dumb leftist teen...

We got along greatly, shared a lot of hobbies and interest in the same media, she (f20) seemed to like me a lot, and I might've even developed a crush on her. But then the issue appeared when I once compared the depiction of an oppressive system from "Arcane" to what's going on in Palestine. Turns out she's "neutral", is only focused on the current war (without any regards to the broader historical context) and refuses to support a liberated Palestine bc then Hamas would rule and enforce sharia law (she's specifically concerned about the women. In her own words, she "can't support a country that treats women worse than animals") (also she spoke of Hamas as if they're the only Palestinian semi-governing power, it seems she has never heard of the PA (although I'm aware that they're collaborators of the occupation)). (Also she wrongfully regurgitated the claim that Israel is more tolerant towards other religions.) I told her, among other things, about how Israel forces all of its citizens into military training in order to maintain the occupation, but her only response to that was "yeah, I too wish they would leave the women out of the conscription", completely missing the point. I also mentioned the Nakba, but eh, to no avail. And to be fair, it was probably a mistake on my part to not provide sources right away the first time it came up. I wish I had just sent her the purplewashing-article from right away instead of wrestling with my weak words. And I feel like in general I didn't address her points and concerns well and precise enough, such as failing to make it clear enough that supporting Palestinian liberation has nothing to do with inherently supporting Hamas' ideology, and the reason most people (including those who'd be marginalized under them) are not condemning them right now is because they (alongside other armed groups of different ideologies) are currently the only effective resistance against Israel in Gaza. And I realize I might've made a crappy transition to that topic in the first place too, it started with me disecting the in-show argument "you're one of the good [members of an oppressed group]" and arguing that a people under occupation can't/shouldn't be separated into "good/harmless civilians" and "armed/evil terrorists", if the root cause of "terroristic actions" is oppression from an outer force and said "terrorists" are sometimes the sole glimmer of hope of their societies. And when I meant to say something in the sense of "Gaza is an example of that, where you can't separate the people based on their reactions to their own oppression, the 'peaceful' ones may disagree with the 'radical's ideology and methods but in the end they still share a common struggle and goal, the true big bad here being the colonial oppressor (for now) who created the conditions for violent resistance and religious fundamentalism to spread in the first place", it ended up coming across to her as "all of Gaza supports Hamas".

Eventually I just gave up arguing, on the basis that "hey, at least she supports a ceasefire too", and we continued our friendship and communication like normal. Though that underlying feeling of frustration and disappointment kept lingering within me...

Some time later, over the course of a few months, we watched some movies together... and some of these movies (e.g. "Wicked") also contained themes of oppression and discrimination, presenting fictionalized depictions of them in fantasy settings, and another one was about colonialism and it's effects on nature. Obviously, when watching these, my brain also inevitably made the connection with Palestine (among other things), but was frustrated knowing that I couldn't tell her that without having to argue again.

Over time, I opted to sprinkle in some political articles (not even just about Palestine specifically, but also White Feminism and other instances of colonialism and imperialism, including an analysis on zionist antisemitism) in my stories inbetween pics of my mundane activities, hoping she'd read them, without me having to shove it in her face directly. But it proves to have been for nothing...

Fast forward, and I share with her a leftist commentary&analysis video about Arcane ("Arcane has always been centrist", great watch btw). We discuss some stuff we agree and disagree on in a civil manner. Eventually I somehow couldn't help but mention Zionism and Palestine in a small side comment again (my bigger argument was not centered around it). She noticed, and got upset again, disagreeing and stating "uhm I disagree, Palestinians aren't oppressed, they are the ones who started it and are being racist towards Israelis". I got annoyed and replied something along the lines of "Bruh, Israelis are the indeed occupiers and oppressors here, how you still so ignorant?" and announced that I'll share some sources for once. She took great offense to being called "ignorant", and claimed she'll also share some from her side.

I took some time for research and sent her several long lists with sources covering several aspects (the beginnings and proof that this is indeed colonialism, casualties comparison, Hamas & PA and other factions, women (including female journ*lists and resistance fighters), greenwashing, ressource distribution...) with some of my own commentary in between (which for once was actually quite calm, objective (Edit: ok the first few messages were emotionally charged too), and non-accusatory). Though it didn't take too long either, because I have already semi-prepared myself for such confrontation. Then I waited. 1 week of silence. Then, her reply finally arrived. It was not as bad as I thought it'd be, but still disappointing. She essentially just wanted to retreat from the argument, refused to share her sources bc "it would only stoke the flames", once more insisted she was already well-informed long before receiving my links since she "has been keeping up with this war for a long time", and suggested we should just shift our focus away from this topic because she otherwise enjoys hanging out and talking with me. I took offense to that, since she essentially admitted to not even have bothered looking at anything I sent. And her offer just... rubbed me wrong. Having to avoid this one topic when it's reflected so often around us, in reality and fiction. And in general, how could she deny the plight of one people, but then preach how "all oppression is wrong"? If she's on a completely different page than I am? So I took only 24hrs to draft different responses, and sent some replies that could be dumbed down to this: "Sorry mate, but if I can't discuss stuff like this with you, we're not compatible" "Also, you mean you can't support guys who commit mass-r*pes, but yet you are fine with me 'supporting them'? (since according to your own logic, pro-Palestine and pro-Hamas are the same thing)" "I really don't want to do this, but I think it'd be better for both of us if we go seperate ways. Goodbye" and one pic with a cartoon saying "We can disagree and still be friends - yeah, on pizza toppings, not genocide". And before she had the chance to respond, I blocked her.

And now I wish I had taken more time to think, before doing any of this. Because now she definitly resents me for good. And it would've not ended like this, had I done things differently from the start. We had plans together, and I ruined them. I wish i could've either kept it alive but simply at arms length (like make it clear if she insists on these views, I merely can't consider her my closest of friends and that our relationship evolving into anything beyond platonic will be off the table), or just break it off much gentler, without blocking... The subtle contempt I felt before that point has abruptly transformed into much more debilitating shame, guilt and regret since.

To wrap this all up, I guess the main questions I derive from this experience and would like you to give your thoughts on are:

Was I justified in feeling the way I did (even if I might've overreacted?

What would you have done in my place?

Do you think we could've continued being friends like that, that it would've been ok?

And any advice on coping with the consequences of my actions and my grief overall? Surely I'm not the first to have been in this sort of situation, right?

General advice and sources on how to be more compassionate and come off as less zealous when engaging in debates like these?

Bc in left circles, we always argue about how friends can agree-to-disagree, except when it comes to human rights and genocide. Would this have also fallen into that? Since otherwise we're both very pro- any human right you could think of (except she isn't really pro-Palestinian rights, I guess... or technically she is worried about Palestinian women, but only in regards to the violence they suffer at the hands of domestic patriarchy, not recognizing the additional suffering caused by colonialism and that either source of gender-based violence does not justify the other). And isn't there at the same time a common complaint about how the left is so weak because we are so divisive over too many things?? (or does it apply here at all?)

Like do not get it twisted, she is not evil, she is not a zio herself (though one of her fave celebrities is one), she probably has her heart in the right place, she's just very stubborn and was unlucky to have received a half-assed and probably patronizing attempt at education from me, an equally stubborn plus impulsive and hot-headed individual. And now she's surely heartbroken too, maybe even more than I am. She is a very forgiving person, but I doubt we could ever get reconcile this time... or if we should even get reconcile at all. Bc now I know I won't convince her to consider a different perspective ever. And if her stance made my uncomfortable, mine probably made her uncomfortable too.

Ok thank you for reading my entire stupid yappery, I'm interested to hear you all.


You were a massive, ginormous peepee. You shouldn't apologize. She's better off without your endless diatribes, purity tests and holier-than-thou "learn or burn" link dumps. Poor girl was like, here's a dweeb who literally supports fundamentalists Islamist terror groups and think raping, mutilating and murdering girls at a music festival is "resistance", but I'm still gonna give his shmuck butt a chance. And you just kept blowing it over and over again. Leave her alone and go be miserable by yourself or with someone who does some useless Palestine virtue signaling street theater.

She didn't "engage" with your nonsense link dumps because she's a mature, emotionally developed human being who prioritized a relationship with you over political disagreements that neither of you have any actual influence over. She didn't need the validation of defeating your viewpoints or convincing you. She gave you the most precious thing she has, herself, her time, her attention, even as you kept insinuating that she was lacking because she didn't submit to your arguments.

I know you're a kid. Do whatever you want. She's better not being around a toxic person, and if you're not one yet, you're well on your way. As for her, don't you worry, she'll put a finger out and guys will line up around the block to give her attention and care and support and love which she deserves.

You didn't expect this on a leftist sub, but here we are. I hope one day you can look back and really see what an ugly person you were to a nice girl who went out of her to overlook areas of disagreement, try to make peace and be with you, something which is very rare in this world.


Neutral is complicit, frick her


[GOOMBLE :marseyladybugitsover:] Will the Canadians rise up?

Yes, a Canadian Citizen will successfully kill at least one USAmerican before March 3rd, 2025 and a credible source will report that the killer was politically motivated by Trump's actions towards Canada (tariffs, annexation threats, etc.) - 31 bets

nothing ever happens - 171 bets

As with similar bets, I will provide a five hundred (500) dramapeso bounty to the first to send me an article describing an example of the above. If no such article is sent, then on March 3, I will spend five (5) minutes on google news trying to find such an article. If I do not find it at the end of that time, then chudjak wins the bet.

!bets !goomble !goomblers !goombling !edgelords

!remindme March 3rd "resolve canada"


Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 VA is :marseytrans2: chasing by slipping into Instagram DMs :marseyscream: Kiwi Exclusive :marseykiwi:

Kingdom Come: Deliverance II's Pan Ptacek has hit up transvestite streamer Gilticus.

(According to the streamer)

The actor who played Pan in the game came across Zhenya's cosplay and wrote in a private message expressing his gratitude forย herย playing the game. A little later, he wrote more, "I don't remember ever seeing such a beautiful woman before." When people started writing to him saying that "such a beautiful woman" wasn't a woman at all, he replied that he didn't care about that and wasn't going to retract what he said

Trans WOMAN in question

Dirty sly chasing in progress revealed by streamer neo-egirl



Reported by:



Reported by:
  • DickButtKiss : Cloak n dagger been in the game the whole time, its not a new release dumbass - trans lives matter
  • FamilyKongShill : someone ban this coomer r-slur le s*x = le funny
  • prrk2 : this is not an effortpost
  • H : I assumed Cloak and Dagger were always dating. They've been around for probably 40 years.

For those who are unaware:

These is Cloak and Dagger, a Marvelslop superhero duo:

Cloak (Tyrone "Ty" Johnson) and Dagger (Tandy Bowen) are a superhero duo appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics. Created by writer Bill Mantlo and artist Ed Hannigan, the characters first appeared in Peter Parker, the Spectacular Spider-Man #64 (March 1982).

Cloak and Dagger are teenagers who were injected with synthetic heroin that gave them the twin superpowers of light and darkforce control. Dagger can create daggers of light and use her power to heal, while Cloak can teleport and turn intangible through the darkforce. Both draw powers from the emotions of those they touch, Dagger through hope and Cloak through fear.

:#marseysquint: :#marseyblacked: :#chudbbc:

THE BLACK GUY IS LITERALLY NAMED TYRONE :#marseydarkxd::#chadblackyes:

Now if you thought that in the comics and in the Disneyslop they were not BBCpilled enough, well then, now these are Cloak and Dagger in the based and chinxpilled kino that saved the VVest:

Predictably, the most popular canon BMWF couple in modern vidya have been an absolute goldmine for BBC kino :!chadwomannordic::chadblack::marseycoomer2::marseyblacked::marseybbcsweater:

Below is my opinion on this matter:

Tandy Bowen from Marvel Rivals is BVILT for the most vantablack BIPOCcoal Sub-Saharan African BIPOC mandingo Congolese BBCs, she is THE biggest blonde-haired mudshark BIPOClover coal burner in all of Western Comic book history, it is astounding how literal fricking Chinks were able to handcraft and make a sluty White girl character design that screams "I FRICK BIPOCS!" more than that, her perfect coal burner butt, her mudshark tits, her fancy rich BIPOClover swinger's party slut personality, her mudshark-coded snowbunny dominatrix demeaner, her blonde hair that is the peak BIPOCfricker coal burner mating call.... frick, it is unbelievable how much these Chinks with microscopic peepees intentionally made her look like the peak BIPOClover, not even the most BBC-obsessed Amerimutt would have come up with such explicit and perfect snowbunny White girl design that are undeniably coded for s*x with sweaty African Nigerian African migrants, I love when Tandy Bowen from Marvel Rivals gets vaginally penetrated and creampied by the most vantablack dark BIPOCcoal Sub-Saharan African BIPOC Congolese BBC, like, think about it for a moment, imagine the most gorilla looking mandingo BIPOC you ever saw, blackest gorilla BIPOC ever, big, dumb, and sweaty with a meaty BBC tittyfricking this slut and spraying his load all over her. Making her lick the remains from his BBC and then he takes this White whore and shoves his big black meat inside her kitty and pumps her for an hour before he roars a jungle gorilla roar after he empties his balls inside her and lets his Mandingo BIPOC seed fertilize her BIPOClet-bearing womb. Then he keeps her as his personal cumslut where their lips are sealed to his BBC. Her body craving for a big, dumb, and violent gorilla BIPOC who will create BNWO with his BBC. Marvel Rivals sluts getting bred like farm animals by big black peepees that jackhammer their fertile pink kitties like there is no tomorrow. Furthermore, I've been a union contractor for over 20 years now and I have the experience to say just by looking at those pictures without a doubt, in my expert professional opinion that, this woman was constructed in such a way that she conform to the rigorous set of building codes and standards that makes her not only legally but also judiciously !builtfor !BBC. Tandy Bowen is BVILT for BBC, architected for Africans, erected for ebony, sculpted for BIPOCs, stacked for black, created for coal, materialized for melanin, slave for sambo, spawned for spades, anointed for BIPOCs, shaped for apes, toned for Tyrone, custom equipped, manufactured, artisan crafted, formed by nature, smithed, created and consecrated for BBC

BBC interracial slut Tandy Bowen, Tandy Bowen BBC interracial gangbang, Tandy Bowen BBC interracial creampie compilation, Tandy Bowen BBC interracial double penetration, Tandy Bowen BBC interracial anal slut, Tandy Bowen gangbanged by BIPOCs, Tandy Bowen, impregnated by BIPOCs, Tandy Bowen procreating with BIPOCs and giving birth to BIPOClets, Tandy Bowen sucking big black BIPOC peepee, Tandy Bowen deepthroats big black African BIPOC peepee, Tandy Bowen shooting interracial porn films with 10 BIPOCs, Tandy Bowen best interracial porn scene AVN award, "Tandy Bowen gangbanged and creampied by BBC" most searched interracial porn category, Tandy Bowen BBC interracial bukkake, Tandy Bowen swallows BIPOC c*m from BBCs, Tandy Bowen drinks BIPOC piss from BBCs, Tandy Bowen licks BIPOC anuses, Tandy Bowen tongues a BIPOC's anus, Tandy Bowen rimming BIPOC buttholes, big black BIPOCs ejaculating in Tandy Bowen's slutty snowbunny face, big black BIPOCs ejaculating inside Tandy Bowen's mouth, big black BIPOCs ejaculating inside Tandy Bowen's vagina, big black BIPOCs ejaculating inside Tandy Bowen's butthole, big black BIPOCs pissing in Tandy Bowen's slutty snowbunny face, big black BIPOCs pissing inside Tandy Bowen's mouth, big black BIPOCs pissing inside Tandy Bowen's vagina, big black BIPOCs pissing inside Tandy Bowen's butthole, big black BIPOCs cumming and pissing on Tandy Bowen's slutty snowbunny face, big black BIPOCs cumming and pissing inside Tandy Bowen's mouth, big black BIPOCs cumming and pissing inside Tandy Bowen's vagina, big black BIPOCs cumming and pissing inside Tandy Bowen's butthole, Tandy Bowen invades a male public bathroom in Africa to drink BIPOC piss and swallow BIPOC c*m, Tandy Bowen drinks a cocktail drink of BIPOC c*m and BIPOC piss, a video of Tandy Bowen getting double penetrated and gangbanged by four BIPOCs and drinking BIPOC piss and BIPOC c*m gets livestreamed on the United Nations Security Council meeting, Tandy Bowen licks and swallows BBC creampies from other Marvel Rivals girls' vaginas, Tandy Bowen gets r*ped by a pack of feral BIPOCs, Tandy Bowen getting gangbanged by BIPOCs in Africa, Tandy Bowen getting gangbanged by BIPOCs in the BIPOC ghetto, Tandy Bowen getting gangbanged by 10 BIPOCs on a livestreamed interracial orgy, Tandy Bowen sucking the big black peepees of ten BIPOCs and swallowing loads of BIPOC sperm from BBCs, Tandy Bowen swallowing loads of BIPOC piss from BBCs, Tandy Bowen drinks BIPOC sperm and urine from big black BIPOC peepees, Tandy Bowen is a potty for BIPOCs, Tandy Bowen is a public urinal for BIPOCs, Tandy Bowen is a fleshlight for BIPOCs, Tandy Bowen is a s*x toy for BIPOCs, Tandy Bowen is prime breeding material for BIPOCs, Tandy Bowen was made to be fricked and creampied by BIPOCs, Tandy Bowen is a BBC slut, Tandy Bowen is a BBC whore, Tandy Bowen is a BIPOC lover, Tandy Bowen is a coal burner, Tandy Bowen is a race-mixer, Tandy Bowen is a mudshark, Tandy Bowen is a BBC slut certified BVILT for the most vantablack BIPOCcoal Sub-Saharan African BIPOC BBC.

As a result of Marvel Rivals being an extremely popular mainstream superhero slop game with explicit PAWG snowbunnies who canonically love Bibisis, the normgroids have been affected by the BBCsphere and are now :soysnootypefast: about why fetishizing BIPOC folx is problematic and racist sweaty, such as this example of a 400 IQ black king writing an essay on the racist problems on cartoon BBC porn on the internet:


The obsesseralds of /v/ are also weighing in on the BBCalypse:


Are we finally getting Buck Representation in Chinese video games after Concord?!?!?! :#buckchecker:



!BBC !g*mers !coomers !2dgooners

[๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜] Dear Americans who post to Canadian reddits.


Most Based Comments

Basedness: ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜

While I can appreciate the emotion, lashing out at people who support us (even if it's a token effort), isn't going to help. I'm extremely angry myself, but it's important we don't become like Trump and alienate those who would be our friends. (416)

They are not our friends anymore, any of them. FAFO and find safety elsewhere (-44)

Basedness: ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜

While I can appreciate the emotion, lashing out at people who support us (even if it's a token effort), isn't going to help. I'm extremely angry myself, but it's important we don't become like Trump and alienate those who would be our friends. (416)

You dont have friends with the US.And neither should any country.We are passed that point. (-42)

Basedness: ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜

While I can appreciate the emotion, lashing out at people who support us (even if it's a token effort), isn't going to help. I'm extremely angry myself, but it's important we don't become like Trump and alienate those who would be our friends. (416)

non of them are our friends. (-34)

Angriest Comments

Angriness: ๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก

2/3s???? Please get your facts straight before you write about the U.S. What do you think people should do when the richest man in the world spends 300,000,000 to rig the election with his starlink technology? Rich gun manufactures have flooded the country with guns, rich media has brainwashed many with hate. This is not about people simply voting. Voting no longer works here this is about greed. Greed won and Trump is just a tool along for the ride to get richer, the U.S. is for sale. Check your own country and beware, the destruction of democracy in our country should be a warning to all the world. If it can happen here it can happen anywhere. Everyone that can IS fighting back in their own way but I am losing hope. Greed kills everything. This has been a long unstoppable slow coup where the wealthy, religion, racist took over the government piece by piece coming together in a perfect storm. There are movements of civil war, movements of succession in blue states, the... (1)

What do I think people should have done? Voted. It is a bit late now but the USA should stop threatening my country.What is wrong about the following facts? About 64 % (63.9 %) of eligible voters cared to vote at all. Of all eligible voters, ~31 % voted for Harris, and ~32 % voted for the current administration. (sub-0.5 % of votes went to a few other candidates respectively). Since ~36 % of everybody who could vote did not do so, non-voters are your biggest voting block. ~67 % did not vote against this bullshit which is actually slightly higher than the 2/3 I wrote before.Don't school me when your country fricked up. My country's democracy is stronger than yours have ever been, with all due respect. We are horrified, scared, and sick, being threatened by the USA. I am right, you are wrong. Read my statement again and tell me what is incorrect with (1)

Angriness: ๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก

Before all of this, how did you feel about America/Americans?ย Were we already bad? I'm well aware that things are terrible for most of us, but blaming every American alive who is of voting age is a little over the top.ย I say this with all respect. I know you're upset, and I am too. But I can't just go out and protest when I have a job to work to support myself. Not everyone has that luxury.ย We can talk about it all we want, but I can't convince a MAGA supporter to change sides. I vote the way I do to support my community, but it's only so much. I've been outnumbered for years. I can't just teach uneducated people on why they shouldn't have voted the way they have.ย What can people like I do? I'm already expressive, I'm not able to protest, but I'm expected to grab arms and fight the government? I don't own a gun and have never even held one.ย I see so much hate from Canada (which I understand) but it's just not aimed at the right place. That's the problem America is having, in my opin... (1)

Angriness: ๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก

2/3 of Americans did not vote against this bullshit. The trust is simply lost and over in my country (not Canada) I just feel that the USA can get lost. Fix your shit but do not threaten my country (you did, not you personally but you get it). (1)

2/3s???? Please get your facts straight before you write about the U.S. What do you think people should do when the richest man in the world spends 300,000,000 to rig the election with his starlink technology? Rich gun manufactures have flooded the country with guns, rich media has brainwashed many with hate. This is not about people simply voting. Voting no longer works here this is about greed. Greed won and Trump is just a tool along for the ride to get richer, the U.S. is for sale. Check your own country and beware, the destruction of democracy in our country should be a warning to all the world. If it can happen here it can happen anywhere. Everyone that can IS fighting back in their own way but I am losing hope. Greed kills everything. This has been a long unstoppable slow coup where the wealthy, religion, racist took over the government piece by piece coming together in a perfect storm. There are movements of civil war, movements of succession in blue states, the... (1)

Biggest Lolcow: /u/Nick42284

Score: ๐Ÿฎ๐Ÿฎ๐Ÿฎ๐Ÿฎ๐Ÿ”˜

Number of comments: 7

Average angriness: ๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜

Maximum angriness: ๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก

Minimum angriness: ๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜

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Why is there no Neil DeGrasse Tyson marsey

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