Tiffany Henyard (the scandal-ridden Chicago suburb mayor) gets into a brawl in the middle of a town hall event

This is how she actually conducts herself during meeting :marseyxd:

Here's some of her prior controversies highlighted by rdrama (I highly recommend reading these- this woman is one of a kind):

EFFORTPOST Let's Play Civ4: Dawn of Civilization Cute twinks Part 5: Crusades :marseycrusade: :marseycrusader2: :capysaladin: :parrotsaudiarabia: :parrotmorocco:

We're playing the turboneurodivergent Dawn of Civilization mod for Civilization IV that replicates world history. :marseyfluffy: !g*mers

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Last time, on LPC4DoCF, the Roman Empire had started to fracture. It's 624AD and after a barbarian onslaught, the Kingdom of France declared itself independent. We reconquered Clermont and spared them. Egypt and the Levant have seceded and joined the rising Abbasid Caliphate. Not on our watch :marseycrusader2:

First and foremost. Per @Ubie request I am starving the Irish to death. They get one cow pasture as a food source until I build a mine for them to toil in and the rest are to work directly on building boats until they perish. :marseyhiberniangenocide: :marseyhiberniangenocide: :marseyhiberniangenocide:

Our stability is now Shaky now that the Golden Age is over and done with. Expansion and Economy is not negative, but not good. Foreign is bad of course (it always is) and Military is suffering a little because of our barbarian wars. Domestic is our only saving grace as we have compatible, modern civics and Catholic religious unity. :lucewave:

We have room to expand. Obviously. We just lost most of our eastern territories :pepereeeeee:

Most of my army in this territory got evacuated to Knossos in Crete. I don't have means to transport them yet so they're on a little island vacation for now. :marseybeach:

A long time ago I conquered the Kingdom of Nubia, rivals of Aksum. Aksum were pretty ungrateful little b-words about it, but it's been good land and it's now really paying off for me. Nubia did not secede, so some of my troops were able to evacuate there. This gives me an opportunity to quickly retake Egypt from the south.

First turn and with our cavalry we've already retaken Waset, the holy city of Islam. Easy! Muslims btfo :marseyxd:

Oh wait

Oh holy mother of Christ

I now know what it feels like to be on the other end of a "Stack of Doom" :marseyitsover:

Our reinforcements land, but it's not enough. I'm going to die :marseycryingfast:

But suddenly they pull back. I send my spies to take a look.

All the beautiful Roman Roads we built are being used by the enemy, and apparently they got distracted by Persia. :marseypraying: Thank the Lord. This will give us time to retake Egypt and regroup our army.

One of our missions to the Mande finally succeeds, so we have another Catholic civilization along with us and the French.

St. Peter's Basilica in Roma serves as the Apostolic Palace from the base game, which is basically the religious medieval U.N. We control the Pope basically, so we have influence over diplomacy in the Catholic world. Since there's actually a Catholic presence in the world now, we can put something to a vote. We call for a crusade against the Abbasid.

Neither of them want this, but with our control over the religion they don't actually get a say. The crusade is on. :marseycrusader: :marseycrusader: :marseycrusader:

We can even team up with our ancient frenemies of Persia. We've always been in something of a cold war with them, but Turkey is a bulwark to Greece, so helping reinforce their cities is in our interest. Plus our espionage network in Dorylaion has been pretty valuable :ninja:

Our espionage reveals that after some butting of heads their military strength is about equally matched with Persia, overall. And we are way stronger than them in totality :marseybeefcake: They just have their army consolidated.

FINALLY the lazy butt Persians research Civil Service and cause us to fail the third Historic condition. Reminder this is intentional, I want a Space victory. :marseytransastronaut:

Civil Service was the only technology I had available to research at this point so it's about time.

We've helped them out so much that they're now pretty advanced, technologically ahead of schedule and researching stuff we don't have. With our spies in Dorylaion we can just steal anything they discover thoughbeit :marseyrobber:

By the time the Arabs return with a host of Ghazi we're ready for them, we've retaken Egypt and reinforced the army. They have a slight terrain advantage but we can soften them up with our gunpowder artillery :marseyhwacha:

We're victorious :marseyparty: With a Great General too

After having researched Commune we can now have this guy build an "Armory" as well to speed up production. Roma is still benefiting from the Flavian Ampitheater so we're going to build on there and churn out superbombards and supercavalry

^^^lol he's clipping into the background :marseynope:

Harun al-Rashi is now willing to sue for peace. He's willing to offer us Jerusalem unharmed or even convert to Catholicism. Some intriguing options here :hmm: but no :marseyno: We're conquering these frickers and taking Mesopotamia.

We're going to have more problems to deal with though

The Moors are about to spawn in Iberia as well.

I haven't seen one of these unique civ spawning warning messages yet, I think they only show for civilizations in your vicinity (maybe I missed the French one?). It doesn't really make sense here if the Arabs hadn't conquered North Africa and the Umayyad Dynasty don't exist. :marseyconfused2: but whatevs the messages are really cool :marseycool:

Regardless, we're about to be beset on both sides by muslims :capyeffendi::chudconcerned::capysaladin:

As well as Christians :marseyflagspain:

Again... Muslim control? :marseyconfused2: but again :marseycool:

I have an army in the west ready to fight these both the Spaniards and the Moors, but... I'm going to let them go :marseyspit:

In fact...


France is mechanically capable of becoming a vassal now, but capitulation is tricky. You need to batter an enemy into submission in a war until they feel it is hopeless. Unfortunately we don't have much room if France has two cities - if we conquer Bordeaux and besiege Paris and they refuse to capitulate, we're kinda stuck.

Right now they won't voluntarily swear fealty because we're "too powerful". :marseyunamused: Pretty sure they will still capitulate if forced.

Spain is still in the "Rise of the Spanish" and can develop for now. When the "Rise of the Spanish" event is over I might invade and try to get them to capitulate. If they go to war with the Moors first I'll join them. The Moors usually build an Islam specific wonder in Cordoba, if we can capture it it would rule.

So for now I'm going to let western Europe secede and develop independently, and the Catholic world are now all my friends :grouphug:

I liked Tarragona :marseysad: but the Silver mine it had is now exhausted so it's less valuable anyway. The one thing that sucks is that muslims now control the Strait of Gibraltar and west Mediterranean, so our mobility is reduced.

I'm focused on eastward expansion instead anyway. :marseycrusader2:

We liberate Ohrmazd-Ardashir from Arab control for our Persiabros.

Gets us some brownie points, and the city was outside of our expansion zone and not really that desirable. If the map is coherent at all, yellow is a "Contested Zone" while red is strictly foreign. Agarum is the furthest south in our contested zone. The Abbasids are willing to surrender it peacefully at this point.


England is about to split. We'll gonna let them go too. :marseywave2:

We're back to Stable. The economy has been a rollercoaster with our conquests but this has been offset by trade route buildings that start becoming available around medieval times. Most notably we now actually have Good Relations and positive foreign stability :marseysoypoint2: I didn't know such a thing was possible. I guess all the liberation has worked out :marseyembrace:

Before there are more European powers on the map, we may as well invade France now. The only other European nation is Spain and they don't like them that much, so they won't be annoyed.

Charlemagne probably thinks we're schizo :marseyblep3:

Success! France will now capitulate.

The Kingdom of France is now the "Province of Gaul". They are our semi-independent b-word, we can direct their research, they join our wars, and we can sometimes demand resources. With Bordeaux they will still be able to colonize. We'll just have to help them out in technology a little.

The Mali Empire will voluntarily vassalize as well, but unfortunately for our Malibros we don't really want them. :afroblackjak: There's only room for five vassal civilizations. We do want to maintain good relations though when the slave trade starts tho.

Spain has declared war on the Moors, so we'll take our army from France and join them to retake our western territory. They didn't get a chance to build any wonders, oh well.

We might as well make this into another crusade :carpletsfuckinggo:


Reconquista time :marseyflagspainpat:

As we retake land we start to get overextended. Time to whip neighbors and enact population control :marseycracka:


Cordoba is defended by a Great General, Abd al-Mu'min. This is the first time we've actually gotten to fight one in combat.

Morocco goes down :marseyflagmoroccogenocide:

And frick it, let's go take Hungary too, there's a nice gold mine :marseymerchant:

Right after Morocco's defeat this crazy b-word declares war on me :marseywut2:

Apparently Spain is dead set on completing the Reconquista and Catholic Roman controlled Cordoba isn't good enough.

She's very stubborn and refuses negotiations even after I retake Tarragona and pillage the heck out of her land.

Only after taking her capital and forcing her to relocate her palace to Santiago does she surrender.

I was going to liberate Cordoba anyway :marseyeyeroll: She is now a vassal with France as the "Province of Hispania".

Islam has been thoroughly BTFO. There are no more muslim states in the world. The Moors are dead and the Arabians collapsed when Turks took Mecca. We now control from the Strait of Gibraltar to the Sudan and Iraq, with two vassal provinces.

We're Solid stability but getting a little too big for our britches :marseyobesekfc: and risking a correction. Fortunately I have a couple Great People I've been sitting on who can trigger another Golden Age should it be necessary. :marseygolden2:

Other rising threats are coming - I think the northern Italian city states are going to attempt to split off around 1100AD, and the Ottoman Empire is going to reconquer all my middle eastern gainz around the 1200s. :marseyscream:

We already have technology to start exploring the New World but the Aztecs haven't even been born yet. That will have to wait until 1300~. I want Roman conquistadors :marseyconquistador:

Part 6 :marseyluther:

Reported by:
  • DestoryerCarbine : you could have made this a multiplayer AAT but you didn't. shamefur dispray
EFFORTPOST Let's Play "Civ4: Dawn of Civilization" Cute twinks

In honor of Civilization week I suggested doing a Let's Play of Dawn of Civilization, a mod for the best installment, Civilization IV. DoC is the spiritual successor to Rhye's of Civilization and turns Civ from a random map game into a total Earth history sim. It is still in development to this day. This is the recently released 1.18 version of DoC with a MASSIVE new world map and several new civilizations.

I want to take a Civilization into space. We will see how long this goes. RfC/DoC is designed to make it difficult to maintain a strong empire throughout history. It is possible I'll shit my pants and my empire will collapse. It is also possible we'll hit a gamebreaking bug or a broken turn at some point. Either way let's fricking go!!!!!! :platycheer:

I asked !g*mers for a vote:

Wait wtf, a tie :marseythinkorino: Between China and Rome

I'll guess I'll have to change my vote to be a tiebreaker.

We will miss out on seeing the expanded Bronze Age and early game but I think this will be more exciting. China is more about casually expanding and fighting a shitload of barbarians. Rome is poised to conquer the world. :marseymarmotroman:

Playing on Monarch/Epic


You'll notice that we're currently the "Italic Peoples", and an independent city called Melpum is in the north. Right now we're looking at the "Stability View", the blue overlay is our Core region. We want as much population as possible here. As Melpum is in our core it will not be indepenedent for long.

When the settler unpacks his bags our southern neighbors say hello. I have a bad feeling about these fellers :marseysquint:

Roma is founded. We're going to start with a Ballista, Rome's unique artillery.

Our first settlers on boats go down to found Rhegium at the southern tip of our core, putting us in range of the Greeks. Sometimes the Greeks settle Rhegium or Messana, but since they didn't, we get a settler to do so.

Diplomatic overview of the region. We are the "Roman Republic". The icons to the right show if we have a trade connection, the religion, their attitude towards us, and stability. Greek City States are stable, Carthage is very stable. All civilizations are currently pagan, which functions basically as No Religion, but of slightly different stripes. The Greek City States and us are Olympian, while the baby sacrificing Carthaginians are Baalist.

Most of the pagan distinctions are cosmetic, but it's possible to win a Pagan Religious Victory. Our victory conditions are as follows:

The third condition is unique to Olympianism. The Baalists have some other shit.

It's very possible we could hit this victory on accident. Some people believe if you hit X victory and Y victory later, you didn't actually get Y victory. Either way, I don't really want a Pagan Religious victory, they're lame.

The Historical Victory for Rome is as follows:

Two of these goals will trigger a Golden Age. I'm going to attempt for the first two at least. The "Late Antiquity" goal I'm less concerned with. It's a little RNG dependent on how China, Persia, and India are doing across the world. My goal is to go into Space, but just for keks it'd be fun to hit a Historic victory on the way. If not, oh well, I just want Romans on Mars.

The opening text talks about our "superior political system" as the Roman Republic. I'm going to throw that out the window.

We get a free revolution on the first turn (otherwise it would take turns of Anarchy to change civics). I'm switching to Deification, there's little point to continue running Animism other than that Deification is unstable when paired with a Republic. We're changing that to to Despotism, giving us the "whip" population rush that you would normally get from Slavery in vanilla (since an autocrat can Get Shit Done). With Slavery and Redistribution we have a very stable civic combo.

Since we switched to Despotism, we are now the Roman Kingdom.

Mediolanium (formerly X Chucks Melpum) joins Rome in the next turn. Brennus of the Celtic Chiefdoms (Gaul) greets us, his flavor of Paganism is Druidic. They are backwards as shit you'll note in the score disparity. The Celts are a new civilization in the expanded 1.18 map, previously they were represented entirely by Barbarians and Independent States who were much more hassling. We're going to leave them alone in Gaul to hug trees or whatever for a while.

Many later spawning civilizations get an Advanced Start to get the ball rolling. Due to Rome's unique power of Infrastructure (giving a production boost to any buildings already built in Rome) we're focusing on getting buildings up.

The Roman Legions can build Roman Roads too, this is cool as heck and will help our workers out.

We have settled our core. Padua is a little cramped, but it will make a fine production city with exclusive access to Clams and makes for a strong chokepoint (soldiers can't move around the marsh to the south). The Carthagians didn't settle Iberia yet so we have it to ourself, and we found our first city outside the core in Tarragona. The Green means this is a historical expansion area, which is a little more forgiving than just settling randomly. The key is we want the population in our Core to exceed any settlements outside of the core. If the population outside the core exceeds we get an overextension penalty.

This is of course a very stupid representation of early Rome. Rome did not just pack their bags and peacefully settle the north and south, nor Iberia, but remember that we're simulating the history of the entire world here and have to fast forward through some shit.

We negotitate for Open Borders with the Greeks so our ships can pass through and meet Cleopatra. :marseymommymilkers: :tayadmire:

"Your head would look good at the end of a pole" indeed :horny:

Then we meet Darius of Persia

The Persians are the first with a true nonpagan religion, Zoroastrianism. They naturally founded it, hence the little star.

The foreign advisor notes that all my new friends around the Mediterranean have Shipbuilding which gives them access to War Galleys. These are going to btfo my pathetic little galleys unattended. If I want to conquer shit other than stupid Gauls I'm going to need their boat technology and they are all willing to trade it. Cleopatra, being a dumb foid, has somehow failed to research Writing which is a mere 380 beakers compared to Shipbuilding's 252.

This is an okay trade, just a bit in her advantage.

Now she likes us a little more!!! :marseyshy5:

Pretty sweet random event, Padua gains a cultural boost

Borders are expanded, not much we can do with that now, but still neat. Saves us from needing a monument or temple.

We meet Buddhist Ashoka of India from a scout in Greece :marseymonk:

and even more surprisingly, a still-alive Assyria. I would have expected them to be rekt by the Persian Empire by now, but apparently they signed a peace treaty. Notice in the diplomatic overview that they are the first Unstable civilization (the red dot on the blue thing turned down). This is also another new 1.18 civilization, probably why there's such a generic introduction.

It looks like they might hold Jerusalem. We could open borders/trade, but there's little point to and it risks annoying Persia.

From our exploring, the Mediterranean World looks like this:

We have enough of an army to launch an invasion once we get some ballistae and warships up. We'll have to skip the Punic Wars for now because Greece is the most valuable target.

Speaking of which, they've stirred up some shit

("declared war on !" I think is an independent state, or an unknown civ)

This is probably Alexander the Great.

Unfortunately for Alex, now my waifu is asking nicely for help :marseylaying:

She even spots me some cash, she's so cool :marseyadmire:

Due to my simping, the war effort must move faster than anticipated. One of our precious galleys narrowly escapes a Greek ship. I was hoping for two ballisate, but we have one at least, and enough Legions to fill up our boats, with a War Galley fresh from Tarragona.

It begins

Oh but wait, while we're gearing up for our first great conquest Hannibal "Cute twink" Barca needs to come by to tell us we should have a turn of Anarchy to completely change back our entire political system and lose the advantage of rushing units. I am suddenly tempted to start the first Punic War instead. Telling him no grants a diplomatic malus.

On the plus side, he apparently somehow got roped into this war with the Greeks too, so he FINALLY allows for open borders. But now I'm suspicious he's talking to Cleopatra too :marseysquint:

>Will sign Peace Treaty

Yeah, no, not happening :marseyladybugxd:

Athens falls with a couple casualties. Shortly after, the Greek City-States collapse into a series of Barbarian and Independent states. Losing a capital deals a massive blow to a Civilization's stability - it's not guaranteed to destroy a Civ by any means, but if the Civilization is already overextended, screwing up their economy, pissing off the world, and losing military battles they're toast :marseytoastbread3:. This is the first collapse/civil war seen this game, and it will make mopping up the rest of Greece a bit easier.

Athens is BEAUTIFUL. With three Wonders, it is VERY profitable and will get us a Great Merchant or a Great Prophet pretty soon. This is going to put us in a much more favorable position for our future conquests.

We have an idea on where we stand. We are behind only Carthage and Persia on tech. This is good - China and India isn't past us. Persia has researched Nobility first and gotten a free general from it, oh well.

Greece is conquered. Unfortunately, some butthole appears to have razed the independent city of Sfard. A Persian swordsman is standing right there, so I'm blaming him. Darius is beginning to piss me off. The "Pax Romana" historic goal requires 4 cities in Anatolia and now we only have 3. We'll have to resettle somewhere.

This was the easy part. Now we have about 30 turns to finish several buildings for "Bread and Circuses". I need the Law and Currency technologies for this (mainly Currency, but Law will help). A Great Person is due in Athens in 10 turns, it's a coinflip if I'll get a Great Prophet or a Great Merchant, the prophet would get me Law and the Merchant would get me Currency. I may hoard cash at 0% research funding and 100% fund research after I know who I'll get.

For Pax Romana, I think Carthage may control the Levant, so we're gearing up for some Punic Wars to take both the Levant and Africa. :slimespartan: I'll need to settle somewhere in Anatolia to rebuild the city that got rekt and colonize Iberia and Britain. Finally I'll need Egypt, the New Kingdom of Egypt is a bit unstable so they might collapse, that way I won't have to betray Cleopatra :marseysad: but on the other hand she built the Parthenon so it might be advantageous to :rape: her as soon as possible.

For the final technology condition, Architecture and Politics are the most in danger of getting researched first by another civ. Persia is closest to this, and they are prosperous and super stable. It may be worth an incursion into their lands to frick them up if we don't get spread too thin.

The Religious Victory doesn't look like it's at risk of hitting. We are going to control 7 wonders probably eventually, but if I don't build many more temples we should be fine.

Ok join me next time if you feel like it :yay: These were like barely that many turns but I felt the need to explain my opening moves and now it's almost time for bed :platysleeping:


Part 2 :marseymarmotroman: Part 3 :marseypope: Part 4 :marseybarbarian:

Part 5 :marseycrusader: Part 6 :marseyluther: Part 7 :marseypilgrim:

Part 8 :marseyoldguard: Part 9 :marseyreich: Part 10 :marseyastronaut2:

Uyghur genocide


I thank God in heaven China is heading towards disaster with their demographic crisis . Nuclear holocaust is preferable to a world dominated by these losers. Also Americans have been rendered into Sinoslaves through Tiktok so there's no hope there. The Chinese will exterminate the American pigsogs. Launch the nukes now!


Kingdom Come: Deliverance is a lovely eurojank game where you play as a special-ed student who learns to swing a sword in Bohemia. It garnered attention upon its release for the lead dev's refusal to add Blak people to the game, for "historical accuracy", and he continued to play the chud after the game sold well. (Montage of various chuddy tweets from back in the day)

However, the upcoming sequel has been struck with disaster - a leak showing the darkest Muslim man in existence lecture the player about how good Islam is hit the web and created a frenzy. Additionally, there was a rumour about an unskippable gay love scene between the canonically straight main character and some random dude.

Naturally, this caused some panic among chuds. Was their hecking based Czech studio infiltrated? Where did it all go wrong?

They took to Twitter to pester the studio head, Daniel Vavra, to ask for clarification. Instead of an answer, they received non-responses in various forms

Finally, the silence was broken

Yes, there is a proud Kang, and yes you will frick the bussy, and you'll like it darnit!

Responses have been measured and reasonable

Claims abound of plummeting preorder numbers and de-wishlisting

Mark Kern has also become an enemy of the state, claiming the game definitely isn't woke.

I can guarantee that none of these r-slurs were going to play it anyway, particularly because I've not seen anyone mention this particular line from Kern's review:

Combat is similar but easier than the first game

The real goyslop is in making the mechanics dumber so that hecking valid enbys don't cry when forced to learn a moderately interesting combat system.

Kill all kiwiggers

How worried are you about the rise of fascism?


Reported by:
EFFORTPOST The Uvalde School Shooting [Part 1 - The Shooting]

So it should be no surprise at this point that I'm obsessed with morbid topics and that I'm generally a demonic person who deserves no love. However, I still crave a gf to care for and have s*x with. The way things are looking, it seems like I'll be an incel for the rest of my life but there's a work event in early February and I'm hoping maybe I'll meet a cute white girl there and we'll get married and have babies. It's a long shot, but I don't have many options. Don't act like I've never tried. I've been rejected in real life, and it's a non-starter online. As soon as anyone sees my face IT'S OVER. And this is not even considering the fact that I'm 156cm. It never began and I'm so depressed that I'll have to face the future sexless, loveless, and without anyone to care for me. The reality of it is brutal and I live it every day. I want a girlfriend so badly but I don't know how to get one. This year I've dedicated myself to finding a gf. I'll try any strategy that I haven't already and I'll accept every rejection that comes my way. The truth is I need love.

But that's not the topic of this post. Instead, I'd like to discuss one of the worst massacres in USA history - the Uvalde school shooting. The event took place on 24 May 2022 at Robb Elementary School. In total, there were 22 deaths (including the perpetrator) and the victims were around 10 years old. The perpetrator is Salvador Ramos. Here's a picture of him.

I know you're itching to jump into the main events of the day, but there is some backstory we need to cover first before we get to the bloodshed. So I suggest you get yourself something to drink or nibble on because this is going to be a long post going into intricate details. Before we continue, there is something I want to share. I'm still in love with my friend Sarah. Sometimes I send her loving messages, and she responds politely but it is obvious she only sees me in a platonic light. Sometimes she just ignores me completely. Am I being a creep?

I don't know why I keep torturing myself like this. I can't stay away from her even though I know I can't have her. My life is a tornado of broken emotions. I'd also like to mention that I've quit benzos and ambien. It's over. I have no more prescriptions. There are no pills in my house. I am free. I still crave the pills but I know that the time has come to leave them alone and continue with normal life. I can't go my whole life blacking out every other day. Now I only vape weed.

It's also worth mentioning that I've been enjoying Starfield recently. It's a really good game to get immersed in. I have no idea why people hated the game so much. There's plenty to do and it nails it's atmosphere really well. I like travelling to different planets and exploring new landscapes. I also think the story is well-written and I like Sarah Morgan very much. I think consumers are finicky and they don't really know what they want. Starfield is a perfect game and anyone who thinks otherwise is a deformed cuck.

Tell Me About Uvalde

I should start by mentioning I have never visited Uvalde. However, when the mass shooting occurred, I was obsessed with everything to do with Uvalde which allowed me to amass considerable information on the area and its history. The small town was established in 1853. It is located near the border, which means it faces trouble from a lot of border jumpers escaping from police. Consequently, it is not uncommon for schools to go on lockdown as police attempt to track down these criminals. Yes, people who enter a country illegally are criminals and I stand against illegal immigration.

It's worth highlighting how small Uvalde is. It has a population of roughly 15,000, making it an incredibly tiny town. Despite how small the town is, it has a robust police force with 39 police officers, 2 animal control officers and 11 civilian employees.

Slightly unrelated, but I need to go to work now and it's raining heavily. I'm already a nervous driver so it's going to be super scary to drive when it's raining so hard but I'm going to do it anyway. I hope nothing bad happens. I'll stop here to get ready for work and continue writing this piece at work because I'm basically getting paid to do nothing at the moment.

Whew, made it to work safely. It was a rather uneventful drive except when I stopped at a pedestrian crossing to let folks pass, some cars decided to overtake me. They're buttholes, they should have waited. Nobody respects pedestrian crossings anymore. You're supposed to stop if there's somebody there. Frick off with your car elitism.

Now back to Uvalde. As you can imagine, the town has a high Latinx population, with about 78% of its population identifying as Latinx. and nearly 20% identifying as white. Within Uvalde, there exists a few schools but the one we're concerned about is Robb Elementary. Located on 15 Old Carrizo Road, Robb Elementary was a school created in the 1950s and it was a part of the Uvalde Consolidated Independent School District. Due to white flight, the school had a population of over 90% Latinx.

Despite its small police force, the cops received a wealth of training. The city of Uvalde spent 40% of its budget on the policing department during 2019-2020. Furthermore, following the horrific Santa Fe shooting, Texas had given UCISD a $69,141 grant to improve security measures. I'm sure this would go to good use. The Chief of Police of the UCISD Police Department was Pete Arredondo.

So Who is Salvador Ramos?

So here is where things get a bit spicier, as we get to talk a bit about our killer. Salvador Ramos was born on 16 May 2004 in North Dakota. It's insane to think that kids in the 2000s are already shooting up schools. On an unrelated note, one time, I was talking to a younger cousin of mine and he asked what music I was into and I replied that I like hip-hop. He asked me what artists I like, so I responded Lil Wayne, Kanye, etc. and he said "oh those old rappers." Imagine my shock. He started naming the rappers he was into and I didn't know who the frick they were. Who the frick is Pooh Shiesty and the Shiesty Gang? What is Ice Spice? Frick this shit, I'm 29 and I already don't know shit about pop culture.

Back to Salvador Ramos. He lived in Uvalde from his early life and he attended Robb Elementary. He did not enjoy his time there and he was bullied mercilessly because he was poor. It is also reported that he had no friends. I was also bulied and have no friends. Just thought I should mention, no reason. He never finished school because he was dismissed in 2021 for having excessive absenteeism, which I don't understand. "You stay away from school for so much, we're going to punish you by letting you stay away from school forever!" Proper punishment would have been forcing him to go to school.

Now, from his teen years, it was evident that there was something not quite right with Salvador Ramos. He had fits of anger, and he was known to abuse animals, including cats. This isn't negligible, as it is a known fact that many many serial killers begin their tomfoolery by killing animals first. If you want to see him hold a bag of dead cats, you can follow the link below:

Cats are good because they take of pests. If it wasn't for the domestication of cats, humans would have never had the agricultural revolution. Therefore, it is bad to kill cats. One time, when I was a child, there was a kitten in the garage. My dad didn't see it and he ran it over.

Salvador Ramos didn't keep his sick shit to himself and he would go on an app called Yubo where he would threaten women with r*pe and abuse because I guess he found it funny. He would also threaten to commit a school shooting, something he would stay true to. Several people reported his account, but no formal action was taken which is an indication of just how lax moderation is on some sites. For this reason, I believe that the moderator to user ratio should be 1:1 and everybody should have a moderator observing their every move because there are just too many chuds out there and it's getting out of hand.

Salvador Ramos didn't spend all his time on Yubo. You see, he had plans of making money. He didn't need too much money, just enough to enact his dastardly plot. So he got a job at Wendy's. There, he mostly stuck to himself but he nevertheless gained the reputation of "school shooter" because he always wore black and had long, black hair. Personally, I think this is discriminatory. There is nothing wrong with wearing black or having long, black hair. This is like someone assuming I smoke weed because I have dreadlocks (I do smoke weed, but that's not the point). I hate stereotyping and I believe you should judge a person by the content of their character.

Although Salvador Ramos initially lived with his mother, they had a fight over the wifi, which caused Ramos to move to his grandparents house. It's not mentioned, but I KNOW it was about porn. Salvador didn't want the wifi cut off because that would snip his porn supply and he didn't want that. It's that simple. Anyway, now that he lived with his grandparents, he had a little more privacy and a bit more freedom. He would ride around with his friends shooting cars with BB guns and eggs. Of course, Slavador couldn't drive so it was his friends that were handling the wheel. In case you're wondering, Salvador was generally described as a quite person, although he could get aggressive at times. It should be noted that many of these descriptions come from his mother who has been very supportive of her son even after the disastrous events that took place in Robb Elementary.

So where was I? Right, I was discussing the past of Salvador Ramos. Of course, he had a girlfriend. Everybody but me has a girlfriend. Life is so fricking unfair. His girlfriend describes him in sweet terms and she was trying to change him to be a better person. He was also in contact with a 15 year old in Germany. This will be important later.

Salvador Ramos Begins His Evil Plan

Don't mean to spoiler you here, but Salvador ends up killing a bunch of kids. To do so, he needs a little planning. So he's living with his grandparents which means he has minimal expenses. Hence, he gets to save all the money he's earning from Wendy's. Imagine going to work as a fry cook for months just so you can save up money to kill kids. This guy is a sick frick. Fueled by pure hatred. He needed guns, so he asked his sister to do it for him. His sister refused, but this wouldn't be enough to deter Salvador Ramos. He waited until his 18th birthday and on that very day he went to Oasis Outback where he purchased a Smith & Wesson semi automatic rifle. A few days later, he purchased a Daniel Defense weapon.

His grandparents found out about the guns and they demanded that Salvador Ramos get rid of the gun because the grandfather had a felony so he was not allowed any firearms in the house. Of course, Salvador Ramos did not listen and he simply hid the guns. Salvador Ramos was intent on causing as much mayhem and carnage as possible. Having two semi-automatic weapons wasn't enough for him, so he installed a hellfire trigger to his Smith & Wesson. This is basically a device that increases the rate of fire of the weapon. Up until this point, there is no evidence that Salvador Ramos had ever fired a gun before.

The other day I watched this movie called Disgruntled Employee and it was about a male worker that worked in an office with all female workers. The workers were mean to him so one day he locks the building and he r*pes them all. The acting is terrible but I watched the whole thing from start to finish. Overall, a 2/10 movie, would not recommend. Have any of you watched this movie?

Now a gun is darn near useless without ammunition, so Salvador Ramos made sure he stocked up with so many bullets that you should think he was going to war. He purchased 1,657 total rounds of ammunition and in his sick, twisted mind, none of if was going to go to waste. To carry all this ammunition, he acquired a tactical vest, but the vest did not include ballistic protection. This is another detail that will come into play later. A day before the shooting, he called his sister crying talking about how he wanted to die. This was an ominous sign of things to come.

So we have a suicidal kid that kills animals, hates the world, is known as a school shooter, and has guns. What could go wrong?

Salvador Ramos Enters Robb Elementary

So is there any way this massacre could have been stopped? Well of course. Salvador Ramos had terrible opsec and he posted pictures of his guns online days before the attack. A little more than a week before the attack, he posted a message stating "10 more days" to which someone responded "Are you going to shoot up a school or something?". Salvador dismissed this and told them to stop asking dumb questions. The final opportunity to stop this atrocity came on the day of the attack. As previously stated, Salvador had a female friend in Germany. He told her that he was about to shot his grandmother. Then he told her he had shot his grandmother, then he informed her that he was going to shoot up a school.

The girl responded flippantly, not believing that Salvador Ramos would do anything of that nature. Well, she was punished for that shit, and she was found guilty of failing to report planned crimes. Well, everything he texted was true. He got into an argument with his grandmother over him not finishing high school, and Salvador Ramos responded by shooting his grandmother in the face. After that evil deed had been accomplished, he got into his grandparent's Ford F-150 and made his way to Robb Elementary which wasn't too far away. However, you should remember that Salvador Ramos did not have a driver's license so he was driving erratically. His driving was so bad that he crashed into a concrete ditch. If you look at the map, it's kinda clear that he just couldn't handle that corner due to inexperience.

He was slightly injured, but he was also in murder mode so this did not slow him down. A nearby funeral home heard the commotion and went outside to see if they could help. They were rewarded with a volley of bullets from Ramos, causing the two men to flee. One of them fell down but they luckily weren't shot. It's a blessing that Salvador Ramos didn't know shit about handling guns because he could have killed way more people if he had the aim of someone like Payton Gendron. The two men called the police and reported the incident. So, at about 11:28am, the police already knew there were was a shooter near the school. Keep that in mind.

Stumbling, he made his way to the school and scaled the fence. At this point, all was not lost. There were still a few opportunities to stop this mass shooter. A school resource officer had received the 911 call and headed to the school but instead of pursuing Salvador Ramos, he pursued an innocent teacher! This goes to show that the school resource officer knew nothing about the students he was protecting, as he couldn't even identify the teachers of the school. Disgusting. This mistake ended up costing several children their lives. Another opportunity came when a police officer was passing and he caught sight of Ramos. He had clear view to shoot Ramos. However, he chose not to because he was waiting for permission from his supervisor. Consequently, he didn't take the shot.

After entering the school grounds, Salvador Ramos entered the school through the West-facing entrance. A teacher had closed the door, but it did not lock as it was supposed to do. Salvador, crazed and murderous, began firing shots at 11:32am but it took until 11:43am before the school was placed into lockdown. Now, as I said, the area was used to illegal immigrants leading to lockdowns, and not everyone had heard the shots, so initially, the lockdown wasn't taken seriously. But it was very, very serious.

It should be noted at this point that it was graduation day for Robb Elementary, and after the graduation event, the children were allowed to either go home or spend some free time with their friends at school. Some kids chose to go home while others stayed behind and watched a movie.

Salvador Ramos Does a Very Naughty Thing

Now Salvador Ramos is in the school. He only brought one of his guns onto campus (the Smith & Wesson) and he wanted to shoot humans. He barged into room 111 which was being taught by Irma Garcia who was watching over 11 students. He said "Goodnight" to Irma Garcia before he fired shots at her, causing the children to scream in horror. But they would not be spared from the violence. Salvador Ramos then aimed his guns at the children at began firing at them. All 11 children in the room died. It was said that some of the kids suffered from "overkill" meaning that he shot them a ludicrous amount of times to the point where they were unidentifiable. He was having fun being a sick frick. He then entered room 112 which was adjoined to room 111 and began opening fire in there.

The inhabitants of room 112 had heard the shooting and the teacher Arnulfo Reyes told the children to hide under the desks. He regrets this because he feels like he turned his students into sitting ducks. However, this was the training he was given in the eventuality of a school shooting. After shooting Mr Reyes, he started shooting the children. Some of them hid while others, like 11-year-old Miah Cerrillo played dead and covered themselves in the blood of their dead students. What the frick.

According to the surviving students in room 112, the Ramos played sad music during the whole ordeal. Ramos probably thought the event would be over quickly, but he would be sorely mistaken. He heard the voices of the police on the other end of the door and he shot at the door, making the law enforcement flee. That was about the last time they approached the door for over an hour. So what did Salvador Ramos do in a room full of dead kids for over an hour? Well, this information is hard to gather. Some students say he was playing sad music. He also decided to shoot some kids again, and he tried to enter room 109, but the door was jammed shut so he shot through the window.

So Ramos sat around, waiting for a showdown with the cops. Afterall, Ramos was suicidal and it's likely he wanted to die by cop, but he wanted to kill a few pigs before that. But they would not engage with him which left him with plenty of time to come to terms with his deeds.

A common question is: how did any kids survive? He had over an hour to double-tap every single body. I think the answer to this is that Salvador Ramos is an idiot. He literally got outsmarted by a bunch of 10yos. They hid under the table, smeared themselves in blood, and that was enough to convince Ramos that they were dead.


I was going to include the conclusion to the event, how Salvador died, what happened to the school, how the parents responded, and how the police completely bungled the response, but the internet is being poopy at work and I realise that it would need it's own longpost to do the topic justice so I'll break this up into two parts.

This year I want to have a girlfriend so bad I'll do anything. I just don't know where to begin. I just want a kind girl that will love me and have s*x with me but it seems like an impossible thing to do. It's so unfair. Everyday I see people with girlfriends and the one common factor is that they're all taller than me. Nobody wants to date someone who is 156cm. It is over. I can't masturbate my whole life and try to live off imaginary girlfriends. Something has got to give. I don't know what to do. I'm so depressed. Sorry for the repeat Hollys. Like I said, the internet is poopy so it's hard to search for new ones.

Also, should I continue messaging Sarah?

Reported by:
:!marseystrutting: Marseygen's back now :marseystrutting:

Prior thread:

FBA lessons:

True & Honest FBA's unpleased by this, but some respect the hustle

Reported by:
One Punch Man's latest Chapter is a Redraw of a Redraw :marseyxd:


Y'all remember the smash hit One Punch Man (OPM) in the mid to late '10s? The persiflage of the entire shounen genre as an invincible but bored superhero defeats all enemies with just one punch? Filled with other nonsensical characters like the strongest man on earth who's essentially the weakest man alive or the guy whose basically just a male feminist (male feminist) in real life? Anyways, that shit is still going strong but I've to elaborate here, OPM is based on a shitty drawn but sovlful webcomic by ONE, which in turn got adapted into an official (tm) manga with much better art by MURATA. The thingy got picked up as an anime and rose to immense popularity. Naturally, the original tone of the comic has been lost as it essentially became what it was making fun of - but that's a given for japanese "writers" as they're all whiny or talentless hacks or a combination of the aforementioned - except Fukumoto he's bae(sed). Anyway, OPM has always had a terrible release schedule but lately it's gotten so disgusting that even long-time fans are dropping the series.


To reiterate, here's the release schedule of the original comic (ONE):

while lazy he managed something

Here's what Murata has managed to draw after late 2023:

You may notice the Retconned tag after some chapters. And yes, it's exactly like you are thinking. He draws those chapters, releases them, and then later decides he isn't happy with the chapter (or the entire arc) and revisions all of it while making slight adjustments. Anyway, the latest chapter is a redraw of an already redrawn chapter originally released in 2023 featuring a filler side story of a filler arc. So basically the entirety of chapters released in 2024 are retconned - people don't like this ... at all:



This sub can be insufferable

I love OPM, I love all the stupid drama over which wiafu is best (they're cartoons and y'all are weird), I love the characters and story, I love the art. But the thing is we are getting a product for free here, and early. We don't have to wait for the Manga to get released, we don't have to wait for the finalized product to be able to read what's going on. We literally get a look behind the curtain as this is being made. And part of that process is fixing work that they felt needed to be fixed. Who's to blame? Murata? One? Who cares. It's their work. I'll complain about redraws when I have to rebuy my physical mangas because there's an updated version. It's not done until it's been printed and released. It feels like people are acting privileged and entitled because One released his content online, and now they assume they deserve access to finalized and completed content at our convenience. It will be done when they say it's done. Can we just enjoy what we have in the meantime?

I'd argue that trying to pretend that deleting 14 month of progress out of nowhere is completely fine is far more insufferable.

This isn't a look behind the curtains. It's officially released chapters that also gets official translations. No other series even remotely com close to this mess so of course there is nothing wrong about pointing it out.

Another moment of silence for the poor fools read the official version of OPM on VIZ's app. Because VIZ doesn't translate redrawings.

It is fine? That's how the creative process works sometimes

Literally no other manga series does that.

why make us wait a whole year for a promised move forward in this story and then throw it all away? Its not us being ungrateful but if Murata truly wants quality for this manga he ought to take his time rather than rush and give us half-assed butchered storylines and retcon it constantly

What you don't understand is you're not the audience. :marseyxd:

He is getting it right, and the version he wants is what will actually make it into the volume.

He is the audience. Fans like him are the reason why OPM got an official English physicals in the first place. His opinion will be valid if he says it in Japanese or so? That's just silly. He's still a supporting fan, and he could buy the physical manga just like any Japanese fan could. That's a narrow way of looking at it. Every fan contributes to the series' success.

Thread Dump


DISC One Punch Man Chapter 195 - 2nd Revision

To be entirely precise, we were at chapter 195 in November 2023. We're in January 2025 and we're now at chapter 195. A whole year thrown away.

Ngl the constant redraws have killed my excitement for this series. Doesn't help that I personally think the story gets worse with each version (just my own opinion)

Simple redraws or changes to the pacing is one thing, but changing the literal plot or direction is too far. It feels like that they don't have a vision for the manga and is just drawing whatever they feel works, which they then don't stick to and subsequently and in my opinion wastes my time and attention.

This manga fell off so hard, it really needs to be studied. Being so utterly clueless in what direction you want to take the story that you have to rewrite an arc for a third time. Just copy paste the webcomic at this point.

The funny thing is the defenders of the comic on the main subreddit

Well, it's easy to find defenders when the powertripping mods on there will parma ban anybody even remotely stating something negative about the manga.

OPM is genuinely starting to feel like an afterthought with both of its artists at this point.

I know Murata has that animation project he's working on, and ONE seems occupied with Versus and Bug Ego.

Deleting an entire year's worth of chapters, after having already done a complete 180 on the direction of the climax of the most pivotal arc of the series, is actually mental.

What's the point of reading any of this if it can just be retconned whenever ONE or Murata feel like it?

And the people that are on maximum strength copium trying to justify this shit by saying it's some sort of meta-level 4th wall interference by God to prevent his will from being hindered by the plot are just hilarious. Yes, it's totally that and not just blatant mismanagement and confusion by the creators as to where they want to take the narrative.


Thread Dump

All of 2024's chapters are gone from the site lol.

Get ready for another year of ninjas

I'm bored and this isn't as interesting as I've initially assumed. I'll revision this thread in the future. :marseyagreesuperspeed:

President Donald J. Trump addresses the pizzashill drinking issue


neurodivergent wants headpats for buying a video game


it's literally just a screenshot of the steam page lol

Update: my most viewed short for February January solstice :marseyclueless:
WHITEY BAD PLEASE FRICK MY WIFE :marseysoylentgrintalking: :soyjakwowtalking: :soysnootalking: :soyreddittalking: :soyjakyelltalking: :marseycucktalking:


!chuds !nonchuds genuinely what prompts even the most lefty leftoid to say shit like this.

[🤓🤓🤓🤓🔘] was Joe Biden a good president?


Most Based Comments

Basedness: 🔥🔥🔥🔘🔘

Good policy. Poor leadership. (-5)

Basedness: 🔥🔥🔥🔘🔘

May he enjoy the rest of his life with his family. (51)

Hunter had no reason to be paid millions of dollars working for Ukrainian and Chinese energy companies, only reason was due to daddy's last name. Don't know why the left protects these corrupt politicians making millions being public servants. You only pardon people who have committed crimes... (-9)

Basedness: 🔥🔥🔘🔘🔘

The deficit got better, stock market recovered, inflation reduced and unemployment fell (15)

Inflation reduced???? Huh??? (-5)

Angriest Comments

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

Biden gets a bad rap, and while some criticism directed at his administration is warranted, especially when it comes to his admin's communication problems and some policies that were a bit out of touch with liberal voters, Biden achieved some things while in office, while the benefits won't be felt for years to come. (See my reply for more information)I mean, my biggest criticism of Biden was his decision to run for a second term, this put Democrats in a tough spot, and this decision, in no small part, contributed to a Trump victory.I want to recognize however, that not only was Biden stuck between a rock and a hard place when he first stepped foot into office, and thanks in part to the failures of the previous administration, as well as the economic and political fallout from the pandemic, but over the past 4 years, a portion of the American electorate have been far more concerned about their immediate circumstances than any messaging emphasizing some of Biden's successes and/or Tr... (9)

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

Biden's team was solid enough. I think they were heading a correct direction for if they wanted to maintain the Neoliberal project. Waaaay too little ten years too late. And some of their calls were just... very typically center-stupid. But overall? They did a decent job considering that...... Joe Biden is irredeemably stupid and awful. And should go frick himself. He spent over a year giving Israel a free pass to do genocide and doing virtually nothing to stop it. And you can tell it was his call because every leak from the administration told that people were trying so hard to make a ceasefire. But the weak link was Joe "You don't have to be a Jew to be a Zionist" Biden.And the election. What a selfish, awful decision. He just handed our nation's future over to NrX-types and Pseudo-Falangists because he couldn't stomach being a one term president. Because of one stupid old man, we are headed towards mid-century climate and humanitarian disaster irrevisibly. The repub... (0)

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

Weak and feckless, mostly. Made the disastrous decision to appoint a gutless coward as Attorney General right off the bat, then when Trump started to rise again he, as the leader of his party, failed to organize a response. Then he backed down from a direct conflict with Netanyahu as he butchered Gazans in front of every TV screen in the world, meekly offering up "stern warnings" when he had much more powerful cowtools at his disposal.And most darning of all, his towering arrogance to run for a second term at his age because he believed he was the only person who could doomed the country to a full fascist takeover, leading to what will likely be a lot of terror, suffering, and death for Americans and everyone else.Ultimately, he failed to recognize that politics had fundamentally changed since the 80s, and tried to play by Marquess of Queensbury rules when his opponent was carrying a knife. His failure is complete and total, because anything he accomplished during his term is going to ... (1)

Biggest Lolcow: /u/jondo81

Score: 🐮🐮🐮🐮🐮(+0🐮)

Number of comments: 8

Average angriness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘

Maximum angriness: 😡😡😡🔘🔘

Minimum angriness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘

NEW: Subscribe to /h/miners to see untapped drama veins, ripe for mining! :marseyminer:

:marppy: autodrama: automating away the jobs of dramneurodivergents. :marseycapitalistmanlet: Ping HeyMoon if there are any problems or you have a suggestion :marseyjamming:

No rust code in kernel/dma, please.

!codecels nerd fight :bitchfight:


YES, I shamelessly stole these from /r/tinyorangekittens


!animalposters DUTY CALLS

Reported by:
  • Arran : where's part 7 neighbor
EFFORTPOST Let's Play Civ4: Dawn of Civilization Cute twinks Part 6: Protestants :marseyluthercringe: and Mongols :marseythroatsinging:

We're playing the turboneurodivergent Dawn of Civilization mod for Civilization IV that replicates world history. :marseyfluffy: !g*mers

Part 1 :marsey300:

Part 2 :marseymarmotroman:

Part 3 :marseypope:

Part 4 :marseybarbarian:

Part 5 :marseycrusader:

With the research of Logistics technologically the Roman Empire has reached the Renaissance age. It's 1015AD so we're quite advanced, almost a full age ahead of medieval Europe :marseyscientist:

Persia isn't even matching us anymore but China has researched one technology we haven't (Printing Press).

We already have a spy settling east to take care of that :marseyninja:

We're already discovering Brazil, interacting with the natives and fighting panthers :marseybagheera:

We prove that the world is round when we discover Japan :marseyplanet:

In Rhyes and Fall if you found a city in the Renaissance you get a bunch of free buildings. In Dawn of Civilization it's the same, but settlers in a new age can also be used to rush buildings that would have been provided otherwise. Here we can build a bunch of stuff for free with "Rebuild", including a library and a forge. We'll need these because Poland just spawned, hello Poland :marseywave2: :!marseyflagpoland:

Athens has historically been our Great People city since it's conquest, though Rome is catching up. We've had a Great Prophet born here, Eusebius.

We're sending him to Jerusalem to found the Temple of Solomon.

This will let us then build the Dome of the Rock, which will boost the output of St. Peter's Bascilica in Rome.

When we discover Economics we get a free Great Merchant (Marcus Crassus), and with Economics we can have him build a Stock Exchange in Rome

After the Dome of the Rock is built, St. Peter's Bascilica is maxed out at 40 gold per turn.

Rome turns a 150+ gold profit per turn :marseycoin:

England is coming for Ireland.

We go straight for London, after capturing it they become the "English Government in Exile" but still refuse negotiations.

Really wish the AI was prone to settling just one more city in England :marseydisagree: It's kind of annoying that London controls its entire English core.

When a European or Christian civ researches Academia, the Protestant Reformation begins and Europe erupts in war. Since we're already fighting England, now is a good time to do it. Protestantism is founded in Rhegium. :marseyluther:

We can adopt Protestantism, allow Protestantism to spread, or stamp it out. After all the work I've put into Catholicism you should know what I'm gonna pick. :marseycrusade:

England joins the Reformation, as expected. Portugal and the Norse join them. France probably would have if they weren't under my boot. Austria (the Holy Roman Empire) and Poland do not, fortunately. :marseypraying:

The Italian Maritime Republics are supposed to spawn in 1167AD. In a normal medieval game they spawn in north Italy and found Florence, taking Milan and Padua with them. I was afraid my two core cities were going to secede and I would need to reconquer them, but the 1167AD date has passed so apparently not. :marseybeanrelieved: I can focus on the Reformation wars.

The Austrians have claimed Denmark, blocking Norse access from Birka. The Norse have a port from Nidaros but I'm not too worried about them, we might need to be ready for a little naval harassment. They're at war with England, so there's not a risk of them reinforcing them.

With espionage I can see the Portugese army in Lisbon. It's big :marseyscream: (see unit icons at the bottom)

In fact, they're one of the stronger military powers right now. Ethiopia is also up there too, interedasting :hmm:

If I don't take care of them they could frick up my vassal Spain, so while waiting my main army to arrive I reinforce their cities with troops from Tarragona and Alicante.

A couple good wonders are becoming available, to get them up I think it's time to expend my Great People for a Golden Age. :marseygolden2:

The Ottomans should be coming too :chudconcerned: so I want to need to start getting gunpowder units up everywhere to properly fight these guys:

England collapses :marseysigh: If they had just been willing to surrender I would have returned London to them. I maybe should have taken their city in Scotland instead, but I really wanted them to capitulate.

This is going to screw up world history a little :marseyteehee: There will be no British Raj. The United States spawns assuming there are European colonies there, there will still probably be some but not in the same way. We might get a Dutch New Amsterdam instead of New York.

We already have an explorer in America. Maybe we could even colonize it :marseythinkorino2:

At least Alfred did well with his time running London. He's given it a Great General and a Great Engineer. It's still in our historic expansion zone so I think we'll keep it. Ireland is not, so I might set it free.

By the time my army arrives at Lisbon, Portugal is willing to surrender, but as it's the "Rise of the Portugese" they can't capitulate. I figure I will allow peace so I can properly focus on the coming Ottomans.

But suddenly, something extremely strange happens.

Byzantine leader Basil I appears out of nowhere :marseyconfused2:

Apparently Persia collapsed. Right after I lost 500 gold investing espionage against them:marseycry:

And Turkey has become the Byzantine "Empire of Dorylaion". I had no idea this was a thing. :marseywtf2:

This is the city that the Persians burnt down when I first conquered Greece, rebuilt, and I helped defend from the Arabs. It's been a valuable espionage center for centuries. What a journey it's been :marseyshook:

A few turns later we become the "Western Roman Empire", but no cities want to secede. It's not the Eastern Roman Empire, it's just this weird made up new "Dorylaion empire". Fascinating :marseybeanmonocle: Regrettably they do choose to become Pr*test*nt :platyeyes:

My spy sees that Genghis Khan has arrived and the Chinese are fukt :marseychingchonggenocide:

After China collapses they start mopping up the remnants of Persia too

...and harassing my new Byzantinebros

Notice that Mazaka is in revolt, when mongols are the gates the citizens panic :marseyaaatremble:

We're still stable but have outdated civics - apparently the culprit is Merchant Trade.

Time for a revolution.

Regulated Trade has stability and general gameplay synergy with Bureaucracy. I'll miss my Despotism whip :marseycracka: but Monarchy will further boost our stability.

Thalassocracy's benefits are negligible especially as more towns are popping up (Roma is working 3 towns and 2 fishing boats for example so we'll lose 1 commerce), and it no longer has a stability benefit with Merchant Trade. There's not much point to colonize too much but Colonialism will be fun anyway. We'll get some slaves and slave plantations up :marseysoutherner:

So many High upkeep civics and losing the free units from Vassalage is gonna hurt. But it's a very stable combo and Roma is so profitable that focusing all commerce to the capital might outperform the costs.

Sure enough, once the revolution is settled it turns out to be profitable. With Rome pumping out 275 gold per turn :weibodollareyes: we're making 5 gold a turn at 50% research funding instead of losing 6.

Around 1280AD the short lived Empire of Dorylaion collapses.

No Ottoman Empire ever appearaed :marseyhmmm: I'm guessing the weird Turkish Byzantine Empire in their place prevented it.

:marseyhmm: I guess we can go ahead and mop up Turkey now.

We finally have unified borders :marseyhappytears: and we're back to being the "Roman Empire" instead of the "Western Roman Empire".

The mongols right on my nuts are a little worrying tho. When Temujin asks me to fight Kievan Rus I have no problem doing so, any little thing to potentially keep this guy off my back. :marseyagreefast:

I take Tarnopol and call it a day before setting it free. Later the mongols take Kyiv and Sweden France scoops up Tarnopol

Since Spain and France are our provinces we technically have Trajan's borders now! :marseyletsgo:

Oh except Poortugal. Whatevs. What a beautiful empire regardless :marseyopera:

I was really expecting a big civil war and conflict with the Ottomans, it really does appear that the weird Byzantine state blocked them from spawning. This is very good for us. :marseyagreefast: But if the mongols invade, as they're prone to do, it could be trouble.

For now, time to look towards the new world :marseybinoculars:

I accidentally discovered the Inca, spreading disease to them

Mexico is controlled by Toltecs, predecessors of the Aztec. No conquistadors for either :marseygiveup: It might only be available to colonial European powers.

I've given my vassal France and Spanish technology to colonize, so they should get started soon :marseyfrontiersman:

Since I accidentally killed England, I can take care of colonizing America instead

I think I'm going to colonize the Deep South so we can set up some tobacco plantations :marseysoutherner:

And I've got a crew headed to Africa for some labor :marseycracka:

Australia will be next :marseyaustralian: and should be uncontested

Till next time Civ4bros :marseywave2:

Part 7 :marseypilgrim:

Anyone else kinda grossed out watching the Grammys with no one mentioning fascism or standing up to Nazis??? : WhatIsOurPlan



delayed, power out so I'm going out to lunch Making new badges for DKD events please hold

ETA 1-3 hours cuz occupied atm


Return of the King


redditards try to turn a Hobbit-hole of a subreddit into a Mount Doom

First reported by @Senpai: :marseykingcrown:

Some of these read-another-book jannies are alright :nice#:

SRDines, ever caught between cringe and nerdshit are even force to bow:

I bought Lily a cat bed to keep her off my computers

As cute as she is when she falls asleep on my desk, she'd fall asleep on the mouse, keyboard or the laptop. The new cat bed has worked really well.

She's asleep


Now playing: Gang-Plank Galleon (DKC).mp3

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