Antiworker asks if he was unreasonably let go; posts explicit list of reasons from his employer


Just received an email from the CEO of the company (not sure if I was supposed to receive this message) that they want to proceed with my termination.

For some context, this is an account management role and I have 4+ years of experience with me being a top seller and performer at the companies I've worked for. The reason I took this role is because I started my own company and wanted something stable in the meantime, and my previous employer lowballed my commission so I left.

I started this new job at the beginning of January and ever since I made a minor mistake in my email, my manager has been micromanaging me about what to say in my emails, how to talk, what time I need to be logged on, and so on. To be honest I've never been micromanaged in this way and it only started happening last week. But I want to know if you guys think this is a valid reason to be let go?

Call center slave self-suck or actually an average Sales r-slur?

:marseywut3: :!marseyfoidretard:

Sometimes I get why oldies chose the politics they did. If these schizos were anything but an irrelevant minority seething into the void now I'd probably not be right leaning either. Yeah we didn't get anything from breaking their political backbone but I'd do it again just cause of how detestable these strags are.

Maybe we needed a cultural revolution.

>Seethes about marriages she isn't even invited to

Most gainfully employed kastu warrior


Still kind of nice to see even among her tarded followers half disagree.

Redditors spot a 1488 Hail Elon CyberTruck :marseyxd:


Based on a TRUEE :marseyserioushatfact: story

Tiffany Henyard (the scandal-ridden Chicago suburb mayor) gets into a brawl in the middle of a town hall event

This is how she actually conducts herself during meeting :marseyxd:

Here's some of her prior controversies highlighted by rdrama (I highly recommend reading these- this woman is one of a kind):

Kanye :marseyyakub: has GONE crazy :marseyinsane: on his X- the everything app TL
monthly website stats post (January 2025) :marseychartscatter:

Our stats:

Cloudflare stats (30 days):


Cloudflare stats (7 days):


Google stats (30 days):

Chats by activity (30 days):

 id  |                   name                   |         owner         | messages past month
   1 | Chat                                     |                       |               13961
 427 | love and appreciation for manul          | @Patsy                |                3222
 959 | SERIOUS MARRIAGE CHAT                    | @Rad_juju             |                3153
 631 | Football Chat                            | @SN                   |                1959
 905 | JJ & Comm                                | @Rad_juju             |                 802
 924 | Mario Party                              | @TriHard              |                 577
 922 | LuigiFuckers                             | @Kongvann             |                 433
 453 | Official CuteAndValid Chat               | @UncleAbortion        |                 388
 746 | πŸ•πŸ•The Dog LogπŸ•πŸ•                    | @Y                    |                 381
 452 | Britbong Rightoid Schizo Conspiracy Chat | @UncleAbortion        |                 210
 208 | The Footy                                | @Avalon               |                 170
 182 | Mops and mop accessories                 | @Kongvann             |                 157
 806 | Official !hornyposters Chat              | @UncleAbortion        |                 151
  16 | FGCHAT                                   | @TrapEnjoyer          |                 141
 471 | @Patsy Did Nothing Wrong                 | @UncleAbortion        |                  97
 818 | Fedchat                                  | @HollyJollyJihad      |                  84
 320 | marital rape                             | @binturong            |                  79
 949 | Cat Chat                                 | @Rad_juju             |                  76
 988 | ART PROJECT                              | @BIGBILLYKONGDONG     |                  72
  47 | Gluewies 47                              | @UraniumDonGER        |                  51
 337 | Public Programming            | @Patsy                |                  48
 977 | COOMthread                               | @Coom                 |                  35
 909 |                          | @JoyceCarolOates      |                  29
 989 | ART PROJECT SUBMISSIONS                  | @BIGBILLYKONGDONG     |                  29
  87 | Tea Party Chat                           | @Drippo               |                  28
 957 | ive only gotten more racist              | @Pasty                |                  28
 117 | /fit/sisters (NO BOYS ALLOWED)           | @box                  |                  23
 432 | 'buchat                                  | @Patsy                |                  23
 871 | JJ & SHILL                               | @Rad_juju             |                  22
 131 | Mountain Lions, Funny Dogs, Smoked Meat  | @Ambervixen_Fluffymug |                  13
 638 | We curl in the squat rack                | @seal_cel             |                  12
 401 | Bundeschat                               | @UraniumDonGER        |                  11
 666 | _666_ HOUSE EDGY SECRET CHAT _666_       | @YappingCat           |                  11
 162 | AI shitposting                           | @WaitingForSummer     |                  10
 543 | last bastion of inceldom                 | @seal_cel             |                  10
 101 | Chadcentral                              | @Losercel             |                   9
 622 | Rothschilds Family Private Chat          | @Count_Sprpr          |                   8
 143 | Slackernews jannies                      | @SN                   |                   7
 606 | friendly dms between best friends        | @Patsy                |                   6
 158 | Funding Χ”ΧžΧ•Χ‘Χ“ ΧœΧžΧ•Χ“Χ™Χ’Χ™ΧŸ Χ•ΧœΧͺ׀קידים ΧžΧ™Χ•Χ—Χ“Χ™Χ | @YappingCat           |                   4
 866 | OFFICIAL JEET HATE CHAT                  | @676974               |                   4
 955 | Ho Chat                                  | @Rad_juju             |                   4
(42 rows)

we haven't been contacted by any law enforcement or governmental organizations in 2025 (or ever for that matter)

!metashit !nooticers !chat !chatchads

Converted to Islam for him, then we split. Feeling lost and alone.
No idea what I'm expecting here in terms of advice tbh.

I was involved with a man who I regarded as my soulmate, things were looking serious. We talked about marriage and the future.

He was from a Muslim background in the Middle East. I'd always been interested in his religion (Islam) and had been studying it. After a couple of years with him, I took the step of converting. Everyone in my family and friends were supportive as they knew it was my choice. There was never any pressure from him.

After converting, we scaled back on the physical side of things and both said it would be best to get married. I was all for this, loved him to bits and wanted my life with him and believed he felt the time.

Unfortunately, his parents back home in his native country had other ideas and wanted an arranged marriage to someone of their choice... After months of trying to make them see reason, he wasn't strong enough to stand by me. So I ended our relationship as I could see it was going to end in tears.

I feel so alone in Islam now. I live in a small semi rural area with no mosque, no community to speak of and I've been shying away from wanting to move on. I feel at a crossroads. There's no chance of meeting a Muslim man here. I feel so lost without him, although I feel ending it with him was the right thing to do as he'd never go against his parents' wishes. Even though he was almost 30 and well-educated.

I'm no so much looking for a husband.. It will take me a long time to get over losing him. He was the first man I ever really loved and imagined a life with. I'm just feeling a bit isolated in terms of being "the only Muslim in the village" so to speak. It's a small and very "white", middle-class community. My ex and I met at uni in a big city, where it's more common to see other Muslims and different nationalities.

I'm feeling so many different things, feel like he's thrown me under the bus. I made so much effort and sacrifice for him, changed my whole way of life and even aspects of my diet and appearance. Yet he couldn't even just stand up for me (with his parents) when it mattered. He claimed to be in love with me (I was his first), yet didn't feel able to have any firm discussion with his parents about marrying me and going through with it.

I feel that being Muslim, this would put non-Muslim men totally off me. Especially with all the negativity around the religion in the media and so on. I don't even have anyone to do Ramadan with, or even talk about the religion.

tfw only muslim in the village :marseyniqab:

also he absolutely knew he was eventually going to marry someone else, but as she said, they were engaging in the 'physical side of things' and moids will be moids if you let them do that

Reported by:
  • Kaczinsky : r-slur not using .old links for reddit
  • Eleganza : do u need me to wipe your butt too
!goyslopenjoyers revolt when one slopper calls for x links to be banned

These are all upmarseyd and all aside from 1 pro-ban comment is downvored, idk what they're putting in the slop but it's turning the !goyslopenjoyers into !chuds

Are there even X links posted to this sub? I did a quick look and couldn't find any

No there are not, but it wont stop people from downmarseying you.

I heard that Musk was so upset about r/stupidfood blocking X that he changed his mind and is now Jewish.


Its virtue signaling. Ppl like being part of the mob. Makes them feel like they're part of something. I agree with you. Don't need a policy for it. It's laughable. Ppl take themselves too serious over the internet. We're taking about stupid foods here.

The only good Nazi is a dead Nazi

You're not doing anything by going around Reddit saying nazis are bad. I know it probably feels like you're in the streets punching Nazis whenever you post these comments but you're just being obnoxious and come off as a virtue signaling weirdo.

Lame. This shit is killing Reddit. Here's a newsflash - China invested in Reddit and they have actual slaves. So, be consistent and ban yourself or sit down.


Frick off. We all know this is some political bullshit that would be forgotten in 5 minutes if people could just stop whining for that long.

And of course, the mod's response:

Way ahead of you, we're just finding the best way to go about that

Tomorrow's protests are gonna be a shitshow : VaushV



I don't care about Beyonce or country music and have never listened to a second of this album, but I think it's pretty obvious this is how Kamala can still win.


not Haivng him as Ur lock Screen bcuz Ur ashamed of His Face ? That Just means U guys are a Private , Introverted , Discrete Couple . not Like all those other Gross weirdos Doing PDA on the Tram !! cant Stop stalking Ur hotter Exes On their Socials ? it's Because U Kno they Cant Compare 2 Ur Boyfriend's GROUNDED, DOWN TO EARTH , UNIQUE hotness <3



Women's idea of romance is cheating

:pepegun: Vote or else :pepereegun:


Never thought I'd have someone blowing up my phone


No Hard Feelings - MOVIE REVIEW!

I need DC asap because the casino is fricking rigged, so you're getting a movie review! This movie is like two years old now and I still think about it to this day, not because of the pornographic scene, but because of the storyline.

The whole idea behind the movie is that a 30 year old dommie-mommie is broke asl and needs to pay property taxes to keep her mom's house. Instead of selling it off, she wants to keep it because of the NOSTALGIA o algo. To get the money, she finds a craigslist offer about a family who's giving away a car for a hot single in their area to "date" their son. The whole reason behind this is that their son is an incel (not a he-man woman hater incel) and they want to get him used to socializing before he's sent off to college. After this, the movie is mostly comedic filler that doesn't really expand on the story, but is still fun to watch. She goes to the place that the son is working at (as the parents don't want him to know it's all staged) and tries seducing him. I forgot how it happens but she ends up getting him in some van and he pepper-sprays her thinking she's going to r*pe him (friggin sweet!). The only other memorable part is the scene on the beach where they go skinny dipping for some reason, a group of teens steal their clothes and a NAKED JENNIFER LAWRENCE beats the shit out of them. After that she tries having s*x with the incel but he refuses, so she then steals HIS clothes and tries to drive off which results in him jumping on her (borrowed) car and fighting for some reason. The scene is both funny and arousing (to me at least). I also now permanently associate Maneater with this scene, which is somewhat nice.

Later in the movie, the incel finds true love and ALMOST has s*x with someone who wasn't trying to use him, but SHE ends up barging in and ending anything that was going on between them. The next day, the incel overhears his parents conversing with the MC about how she needs to convince him to go to college and not stay with the actual love of his life. In a fit of rage, he calls over his groomercord buddy to crash the reward car and tries to scam her into having s*x. He ends up prematurely ejaculating because WHO WOULDN'T? The movie then becomes boring as they retract from the main point about the incel and go back to the MC's useless self-inflicted issue about paying off the house. She decides to sell the house and move to California because her friends are moving away too and this makes her start to think if soying over nostalgia is actually productive to her life.

This movie did have it's own fair share of drama (albeit wasn't that big) where the film was accused of normalizing grooming.

Xhe almost has a point, the part where it falls flat though is that I would be happy to be in his position.

During the whole movie, I felt a huge connection with this dude. I suggest giving it a watch if you're ever in need of a laugh/feeling down/feeling romantical.

Reported by:
is hating foids even worth it?

I've been thinking a lot recently about the logic and purpose of hating foids - is it even worth it? What exactly is the endgame of foid hate, and what do we have to show for the last 20 years of foid hate?

Foids are, like it or not, always going to exist. Foids are, like it or not, always going to be favored over men even by other men as men naturally tend to protect foids even if the foids are vicious monsters that hate them.

Either foid hating is pointless and we give up now or we need radical new solutions to the foid question, as foids have only grown in power over the last 20 years (even during a large spike in anti-foid views.)

As I grow older I find it harder and harder to get motivated when it comes to foid hating - I imagine this to be a little like when a Japanese ww2 vet meets an American ww2 vet.

indians love πŸš‚s

EFFORTPOST Let's Play Civ4: Dawn of Civilization Cute twinks Part 4: Barbarians :marseybarbarian: and Franks :marseydeux:

We're playing the turboneurodivergent Dawn of Civilization mod for Civilization IV that replicates world history. :marseyfluffy: !g*mers !historychads

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

336AD, the Roman Empire is #1 in the world by far but the Roman Golden Age has concluded. We've just conquered Nubia. The Western Roman Empire more or less officially ended in 476AD when Odoacer deposed Romulus Augustus so we're coming up on the timeframe we're supposed to be dead.

We successfully avoided the Western Roman Empire/Eastern Roman Empire split :marseyparty: but more civilizations are going to rise and attempt to fracture off of our existing territory. The Arabs are gonna spawn with a huge butt army ready to spread Islam (which we founded already in Egypt :troll:) and the European powers are going to start cropping up.

I'll need to prepare for this and be ready to retake this shit at a moment's notice from armies leveraged against me. :marsey300:

My goal is to vassalize the European powers so I can benefit from their global colonization.

We've had a small archer regiment providing us contact with India but only now I've gotten a scout east who can pass through the Bengal rainforest to meet China. :marseyliondance:

They inexplicably hate us for existing as with everyone else in the world, but they're willing to trade. They offer jade and venison for our wine and dyes with a lil gold to sweeten the deal.

They seem to be doing well but we're still #1 in the world by far. Persia is the only empire that comes close to matching us technologically - only they can research something we haven't researched yet.

Persia also has a lot of gold. :hmm: I might trade them some technology for cash at benefit to them. This will improve relations, and I have a strong espionage network going with them so if they research something I don't have I can just steal it. :marseyninja: Also, I predict the Arabs are going to BTFO them badly when they spawn.

With the money we gain from the tech trade, we can actually apply more espionage power to steal what they research. DEVIOUS! :pepedevil:

With continued espionage harassment we get our first Great Spy, Locusta*. If a civilization were far ahead of us we could send her to infiltrate for a huge boost, but as we're top dog I'll settle her in Roma for a permanent +12 espionage and small science boost that will continue throughout history. +12 is quite significant early on, so this is pretty advantageous. :ninja:

*This is a particularly cool article I recommend reading :marseyreading:

The dipshit Ethiopians continue to be difficult, despite everything we've done for them. :marseysigh: Repeated Catholic missions to them have been failures and even the Catholic presence in Aksum eventually disappears. :marseylucegenocide: They will not bend from Orthodoxy. Even more insulting is that they've now sworn fealty to Persia. :marseydisagree: It's like they think we're a threat to them. All we've done is help them out and attempt to bring them peacefully into the Catholic faith.

They are officially a lost cause. No salvation for them.

Fine, because I have a new black best friend, the pagan Mande in West Africa :marseybipocmerchant:

After researching Compass I'm able to pass ships through Cape Verde Peninsula and send a mission to Djoboro

I can't wait to spread the word of Christ and have a new Catholic brother!!! :marseydance:


Barbarians start to swarm about 400AD. The Roman Roads are a godsend as I can get my dudes quickly from one place to another as different areas get pounded. Byzantion as an espionage stronghold allows me to send spies out use the Citizenship bribery mechanic, this felt like a gimmick but it's actually super useful here. Just like irl I'm able to pay off the huns to spare Constantinople :marseyquadmagyar: + I get free Hunnic Horse Archers to fight back with :marseyhorsemanconquest:

By 450 it's a full on barbarian invasion :marseybarbarian:

Did you know a !foidmoment almost caused the fall of Rome? In the 400s Valentinian III had a complete :marseyfoidretard: for a sister named Honoria. She was notorious for fricking and sucking around the Imperial palace and Valentinian graciously attempted to set her up with a nice senator while he was attempting to fend off the pillaging of hunnic warlord Attila. Honoria was pissed off by this and wrote a gushy love letter to Attila the Hun out of spite.

The Meeting of Leo the Great and Attila by Raphael

Attila interpreted this letter as a marriage proposal and invaded Italy directly aiming to claim the seat of Rome, which he felt he gained a rightful claim to. Pope Leo I the Great met with Attila personally and somehow persuaded him to back off.

Our stability is okay, but definitely starting to dip. Okay is not good enough for what's coming. As always, military and foreign trickle down with the rest of the world being buttholes and barbarians up in our shit. Economy and expansion are not booming anymore.

Our treasury is doing alright but could be improved (right now we're running 40% research funding). Domestic could be improved easily with some civic changes.

We've researched Feudalism and now have another Legitimacy civic available to us. We don't have much reason to run Citizenship at this point, other than bribing barbarians, but our military is now spread out enough to deal with them. Vassalage is lower upkeep with compatibility with Thalassocracy. This + the unit upkeep will get us about 30 more GP per turn. We also change to Caste System like we should have ages ago, since Slavery is outdated.

Last time I won by researching "Civil Service" first, completing the final historic victory condition. I undid this so that I could attempt a Space victory instead. We're getting to a point where I'm running out of shit to research OTHER than Civil Service and the Sassanids, our only near-equal won't research it either :marseyannoyed:

This is kinda funny and forcing me to do things differently. I'm going to discover Gunpowder much earlier than I thought and get stronger artillery. "Civil Service" obsoletes our Legion so I have 100s more of those running around (which is good, they're based). But these slackers really need to research it soon so I can fail :marseywait:

I'll have to help these idiots out a little and sell them another tech at an absurdly generous price.

~472-480AD Ostrogoths pop up right outside Rome. I think this is meant to represent Odacer or Theodoric, right on schedule. The precision put into this mod is :marseychefkiss:

I wasn't expecting this but I have knights (Lancers) in Roma at this point :marseychessknight:

The game does not appreciate that I survived Theodoric. Charlemagne and France spawn as an independent kingdom, taking Paris away from us.

Bourdeoux and Clermont secede too, and we must fight to get them back.

Remember how when Rome spawned we were given a great military advantage? Well now France gets it :marseysweating: and I have to pull assault forces from everywhere in the empire to recapture it.

How's that for a Stack of Doom motherlovers :viking:

:marseymarmotroman: :marseymarmotroman: :marseymarmotroman: :marseymarmotroman: :marseymarmotroman: :marseymarmotroman: :marseymarmotroman: :marseymarmotroman: :marseymarmotroman: :marseymarmotroman: :marseymarmotroman: :marseymarmotroman: :marseymarmotroman: :marseymarmotroman: :marseymarmotroman: :marseymarmotroman: :marseymarmotroman: :marseymarmotroman: :marseymarmotroman: :marseymarmotroman: :marseymarmotroman: :marseymarmotroman: :marseymarmotroman: :marseymarmotroman: :marseymarmotroman: :marseymarmotroman: :marseymarmotroman: :marseymarmotroman: :marseymarmotroman: :marseymarmotroman: :marseymarmotroman: :marseymarmotroman: :marseymarmotroman: :marseymarmotroman: :marseymarmotroman: :marseymarmotroman: :marseymarmotroman: :marseymarmotroman: :marseymarmotroman: :marseymarmotroman: :marseymarmotroman: :marseymarmotroman: :marseymarmotroman: :marseymarmotroman: :marseymarmotroman: :marseymarmotroman: :marseymarmotroman: :marseymarmotroman: :marseymarmotroman: :marseymarmotroman: :marseymarmotroman: :marseymarmotroman: :marseymarmotroman: :marseymarmotroman:

France's doomstack is defeated by my gigadoomstack and I recapture Clermont. France cannot capitulate for some reason :hmm: Probably a DoC thing for new civilizations. I don't remember all the rules. I think once "Rise of the French" ends they can become a vassal. I don't want to annihilate them, my goal is to have them become a vassal and take advantage of their colonization. For now, I've taken back a city, taken out their army and shown them who's boss.

I'm fine with just holding Clermont as it gives me foot access to Iberia. I just need to get Roman culture flowing fast.

This will be the first of many as new civs start to spawn.

The Vikings/Norse have arrived for example and introduced themselves in England. They may start to raid, but no threat of secession here.

However, around 600AD a certain guy who cannot be depicted visually is born in the Arabian Peninusla :marseymuhammad:

:soyjihadi: :parrotsaudiarabia: :marseyjihad:

Egypt and the Levant is lost :marseyitsover: Most of my army is kicked out and expelled to Knossos in Crete. I don't have enough boats to pick them up in, so they're stranded on Crete for a while :marseybeachtowel:

Conquering Nubia turns out to have been a good idea because it's outside of the flip zone, and gives us a southern vector for attack.

Next time: crusades :marseycrusader2: :capysaladin:


being a sensitive young woman is torture


i'm at my big firm corporate girlboss job and one of my coworkers said something about grad school - i missed a deadline last month, guess that's a sore spot for me - and i just started crying. tried to hold it in but all i managed were tears silently sliding down my face. had to slip out after a minute when it didn't stop.

literally been slinking around the office and hiding in the bathroom for an hour trying to stop crying. once, i thought i was in the clear, but when i put my hand on the doorknob to the meeting room it started up again.

i'm so annoyed because i'm a totally competent person otherwise. i'm not even really ""emotional"", like i stay pretty girlboss professional eloquent deadpan all the time - which makes it even worse when i turn into a blubbery red-eyed swollen-faced mess.

all my life i've been someone who cries at the drop of a hat - in elementary school, during ballet class, at parties, etc etc. one of my exes would get so mad at me when i cried and accuse me of doing it to derail whatever stupid fight we were having and make him feel bad. i kept swearing i wasn't doing it on purpose and i tried my best not to cry but he never believed me. i do try!! i hate crying. it's embarrassing and it's a waste of my time. i'm missing an important meeting right now :( i have to go collect my laptop that's been sitting there abandoned. what do i even say? nothing? say my tummy was upset?

Good lord this woman is a MESS. Someone casually mentioned grad school and it caused her to cry for the rest of the fricking day.





In response to the post that just went up demanding that we ban people from posting links from Twitter/X, and instead only allow Bluesky, we want the sub to understand that we will never restrict where people post their Panthers news from. This is antithesis to the purpose of this sub, a place to aggregate all the news we want to read about the Panthers organization. Heck, we don't even restrict posts that are sources from people like David Newton, and he's usually not a reliable source

Regardless of how you feel about what's going on outside of the Panthers fanbase, in relation to Twitter/X, this sub will always focus on exclusively Panthers media, news, and discussion. Every member here is free to post any links from Twitter, Insta, Bluesky, and any other source of news or discussion they see interest in

/r/panthers mods do the unbelievably rare action of letting the upmarsey and downmarsey system do it's job. They of course are getting heat for it (62% upmarseyd at the moment). Some :soymad:

I don't understand the big deal? If you don't want to see the X/ Twitter post don't click on the link? Most of the panthers reporters/insiders post mainly on X

Honest answer? Virtue signalling

[–]judgeholden72 26 points 22 hours ago

Free market at work is now virtue signaling?

Not banning a website and letting people click on it if they want is the definition of free market lol. What kind of logic steps are you taking to get banning X is actually free market lol.

judgeholden72 -8 points 21 hours ago

Because users are asking for it to not be utilized.

That's the free market. Reddit isn't imposing a ban. Users are asking mods, who are not reddit, to not allow links that have it because those links are less useful

Went back 7 pages, /u/judgeholen72 doesn't appear to post in /r/panthers very frequently, possibly ever. Posts in the /r/nygiants sub every once in a while and a smattering of loser gen X subs. Still claims this is a grassroots every the "users" of the sub is asking for.

Some r-slur tries shit and the mod keeps going "yeah that's fine" and he responses "but what about?".

But that's the truth, I have never removed any posts based on where they were posted from. Usually links to certain sites would just get downmarseyd but the mod team has always been careful to only use our removal cowtools for stuff that is either meant to troll/harass/flame or is irrelevant to the Carolina Panthers

So, nsfw sites are okay to post from? .onion sites? Like, I feel like at some point Reddit would nsfw or quarantine the sub.

As long as the posts are directly Panthers news and discussion related (maybe as a crazy example, some porn star does a weekly discussion about the Panthers while topless) and as long as the post is properly tagged NSFW, then we should have no problems with Reddit

So, and I mean this with all sincerity, if I start just posting full Athletic articles through archive ph, then that's fine? ESPN+ articles?

People already do it. All we ask that you copy and paste the key parts of the content you're posting. So for example if you're posting a paywalled article that lists 5 free agents the Panthers should target, comment those 5 names within your post for people who aren't subscribed

I don't mean posting just the paywalled article. I mean something like:

That should be fine too. I've seen Archive posts on many subreddits and as far as I've seen Reddit has no rules against it

This guy gives up against the slight rebuttal, cries about how much he doesn't like X, and then says the mod is taking it too personally.

I'd argue against it from a functional perspective. Because Twitter has removed the functionality for non-users to see threads or visit profiles, it's simply a bad source and we should have higher standards of accessibility for the reddit audience.

I've lost count of how many other sites that get posted here that are paywalled that most members have no issues with. The Athletic, NFL+/ESPN+ articles, and many other links posted are paywalled

Cmon bro you know it's hard to use, it's not about a paywall, it's about links that I don't want to click because I know it'll annoy me if it's part of a thread that I won't be able to read. With the others you mentioned people tend to post a copy of the article in the comments for non-members. It's a hallmark of the reddit community that makes this place fun to go to, and it doesn't really exist for tweets. Put it to an official vote or something, it's weird how personal you're taking this.

Put up a poll in a thread with a bunch of flairless posters are commenting.

Put up a poll and see what the user base thinks

I don't think we need to, no sub rules or reddit rules are being violated, it's just a matter of preference and opinion.

This would fall under the often lamented umbrella of "over moderation".

Which ironically people call us Nazi mods for lol can't win for losing

Is there any way we could do an actual poll? It seems to be a widely supported move because of… well the nazi salute stuff.

I get wanting to protect peoples ability to post news, but can we really not vote to avoid supporting a nazi?


I'm going to start posting Panthers news in 4chan and start linking to it here.

It's patently ridiculous to say any source is okay.

And this is a community and if that's what the community wants then the mods should feel obliged to comply.

You're (likely) not a credible source, while a panthers beat writer who uses Twitter is


🫑 it's been fun while it lasted, i seem to be in the minority here and that's okay, but that man can not be supported in any way

Then don't read it lol. Why does everyone think you can tell other people what to do.

Not telling you to do anything man. I wanted my opinion to have some representation on this post.

I'm not telling you to do anything, I'm just wanting you to not be able to do things I don't like. :marseymindblown:

I bought Lily a cat bed to keep her off my computers

As cute as she is when she falls asleep on my desk, she'd fall asleep on the mouse, keyboard or the laptop. The new cat bed has worked really well.

She's asleep

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