i love this neighbor


No cash, no vote breh.

Those dang Democrats.

It's all Zelenskyy's fault.

Check please.

Commiefornia does something useful

Crappy penal colony does crappy penal colony things


Current Nasrallah news below. I'll be avoiding fluff news like retaliatory missile attacks and other happenings and just focus on the dead or alive status and related rumours or statements.

What Happened? Israel blows up some building in Beirut in an attack supposedly targeting Hassan Nasrallah, Hezbollah's very elusive big bad leader.

(this is somehow the best available footage lmao)


IDF officially announced Hassan Nasrallah is kill Times of Israel

No body yet. No Hezbollah statement yet. I still consider this unconfirmed but it's extremely unlikely for the IDF to announce this without knowing for sure especially considering how long it's taken to do so.


(in reverse chronology)

New York Times reports that Iranian officials expressed concern that the absence of a statement from Hezbollah on Mr. Nasrallah's status portended bad news and that "The cellphones of Iranian officials across the country beeped with text messages and phone calls asking variations of the same question: Any news from Sayyed? It was a reference to Mr. Nasrallah by his nickname and religious title." NYT

Iranian foreign minister says at UN meeting "the Israeli regime used several 5,000-pound bunker busters that had been gifted to them by the United States to hit residential areas in Beirut" Timers of Israel

(Curious that they are specifically saying bunker busters when this information would be impossible for them to confirm. It's as if the target was in a particularly protected area and that area was penetrated successfully?)

IDF says they are still investigating the results of the "very accurate" strike. Guardian

Hezbollah Health ministry says at least 6 are confirmed dead. No names given. Guardian

It's been hours since the strike and Hezbollah has made no official statement. Only info we have is from unnamed sources at low levels or outside but close to Hezbollah. Top leadership appears to be radio silent and unreachable according to sources close to Hezbollah. Times of Israel

Guardian reports sources close to Hezbollah say Nasrallah is "alive and well" Guardian

Iranian leaders are seething with Pezeshkian saying the attack is an "open and fragrant war crime that once again revealed the nature of state terrorism of this regime." Times of Israel

Ali Larijani, an adviser to Iranian supreme leader Ali Khamenei, tells Iranian state television that "any leader of the resistance will be replaced". - When asked what leaders he was speaking about Larijani looked panicked and changed the subject Times of Israel

Random unnamed Israeli official says "It's very hard to imagine him coming out alive from a strike like that" Times of Israel

Amos Yadlin former head of IDF intelligence says that his sources, which he does not name, are adamant that Nasrallah "is no longer with us." Times of Israel

Sources in Hezbollah claim Nasrallah is "fine".

Israel blows up some building in Beirut in an attack supposedly targeting Hassan Nasrallah, Hezbollah's leader.


this neighbor :marseyfuckyou: a class A troll, funny :marseylaughpoundfist: ahh mofo. Wears rival twam colors :marseytrippy: to enemy :marseycruisemissile: territory :marseymanifestdestiny: WHOEVER GETS HIM TO RDRAMA :marseysurftheweb: TO MAKE AN ACCOUNT GETS PAID 10K MARAEYBUX/ COINS!
:ooo: Before he Died, Hassan Nasrallah was watching a Hasan Stream :donkeykonggigathonk:


What Happened To The Next Game Gods 24 Years later? :marseygamer: :marseydoomguy1:

The only guy i know is Cliff Bleszinski, who i think fell off? :marseyconfused2:

New 'arisson, New Butt


HIV Male feminist

Poor /u/queennpink she doesn't understand what she's unveiled.

Realizing what trump did on January 6th as treason, has nothing to do with hate.


Forgiving them of their sins doesn't mean I should vote for them. I can only for one and that requires judgement. I will ask God's forgiveness on that.


I mean, one of those real humans is literally a male feminist who stole money from kids with cancer, but go off.


Sure, but forgiving someone doesn't necessarily mean trusting them again. For example, Trump plausibly SOLD NUCLEAR SECRETS TO FOREIGN ADVERSARIES and should not be trusted anywhere near the White House again


If I say Trump is a wicked ruler I'm using the same terminology that David used in the psalms. It's no virtue to be unable to name evil.


I believe that the choice is between mean tweets Trump and war crimes Kamala.


The thread is filled with way more removed comments you can probably find.

Almost sad

Just ended a bad date

!cuteandinvalid !lgbt It's gonna be one of those nights 🥲




Most Based Comments

Basedness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘

Don't think OP got the reaction they were hoping for.... I couldn't see any with my scrolling -- have they come back at all since posting? 😅 (3)

Basedness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘

Just need a few more lights and you're good! Cheers (2)

Basedness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘

God this is ugly as frick. Who funded you? (0)

Angriest Comments

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

I can't describe how much I hate this. The brown cabinets look terrible with the black cabinets. That black and white marble looks like a mistake, or like a child designed it and the vaulted ceiling with the stepped cabinets makes every part of me want to scream bloody murder. As an electrician, the pot light placement, or lack of placement is a crime that warrants the death penalty. You sir, have absolutely awful taste. Please never post anything again (1)

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

props to you for doimg this, but i really, truly hate everything you've done. Those shelves above the doorframe are also insanely placed. What a pain to reach!!Everything here is so sterile and painful while also somehow being painfully dark and grim. (2)

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

It's a unique design and I don't understand all of your negativity. It's something that HE designed for HIMSELF. He is posting because he is proud of the uniqueness and the hard work, craftmanship, and doing it with his Dad. Maybe you love it, hate it, have criticism, or nothing but negative comments and the inability to think outside the box. In terms of resale, there are things people like and don't like when buying and they change it or they ask for it to be changed. The kitchen is often a selling point,but obviously he is talented enough to reconfigure the kitchen if he later feels he needs to. So many people on Reddit are so freaking hateful and full of negative opinions and energy. Hiding behind phones for the sole purpose of being negative or rude to others. I admit, I have posted some negative things before, but try posting something positive or don't post at all and see if you have a better day.Does it make you feel better about yourself knowing you were rude to s... (1)

Biggest Lolcow: /u/NerdDexter

Score: 🐮🔘🔘🔘🔘

Number of comments: 3

Average angriness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘

Maximum angriness: 😡😡🔘🔘🔘

Minimum angriness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘

NEW: Subscribe to /h/miners to see untapped drama veins, ripe for mining! :marseyminer:

:marppy: autodrama: automating away the jobs of dramneurodivergents. :marseycapitalistmanlet: Ping HeyMoon if there are any problems or you have a suggestion :marseyjamming:

Ubisoft teases newest game


To append another installment in my failed orange site schizo series, I want to focus on this LinkedIn/Quora transplant I ran across:

I have a law degree from a top 30 law school (globally) and a BSc from a top 10 school (globally) in my specialisation (Physiology). I also did a minor in Psychology as a lol (again highly rated but who gives a frick about an actual joke/sham subject).

(screeching about poors omitted)

Thanks for the laugh. And hey - smile bro, you learned something today.

I don't really care about the topic he's complaining about at hand. You just know that anytime someone drops their pieces of paper as a trump card that they are probably some kind of fart sniffer.

Here is he citing his opinion on climate change:

I've got a BSc and I'm fully acquainted with the arguments for man-made climate change, as well as the proposed solutions.


Some other orange siter takes issue with him:

You clearly don't understand the issue in the slightest.

Thanks for coughing up something most people have heard before, perhaps work on why that particular screed is irrelevant.

Yes, because my position is at odds with yours I 'clearly don't understand the issue in the slightest'.

Do better. :marseynails:

I thought we left this kind of talk two years ago. It's why I'm convinced this guy is in his 30s or 40s, especially when he comes to in to b-word about macOS updates.

If you keep reading the thread someone attacks him for using the word "variance" wrong and because of this our hero is probably not an epic science enjoyer :soycry:

You are correct that I'm not a scientist by profession, though - I have a BSc and an LLB from a G8 school. I don't use my BSc professionally. That fact has no bearing on my ability to use words for their plain meaning, though, or to understand basic scoentific concepts.

Have a good day, mate. :platymicdrop:

Chudgod drops in with the most intelligent take on AIDS of all time (comment is flagged so you will need an account to directly view:

The global fight or the African fight? Those aren't the same thing.

AIDS simply isn't a real problem anymore outside of Africa, a place where people still believe in witches and where they r*pe children because they think having s*x with a virgin will cure them of having HIV.

But don't oversell that and pretend that the rest of the globe is at risk.

Boring statistic citer (also flagged):

Don't forget, guys, blacks don't commit crimes at rates profoundly disproportionate to their share of the population and the police are bad. Say it until you believe it.

It's funny how he'll go into huge detail about climate change and explain the statistics but he won't do it here. Almost like... :marseywingcuck:

I cannot imagine this guy has a lot of genuine friends in his life.


He has won a GOLDEN :marseyrich: MARSEY :marseyfallenangel: award :marseywholesome: for his efforts!

Great job, butthole!


"erm actually the North sentinelese are heccin peaceful and wholesome and that IDIOT totally deserved it for believing in God". -Redditors, basically.

As a side note I hate the North Sentinelese. A lot. People have this weird thing where they simultaneously pretend like they're full human beings who are definitely equal to the rest of and act like they're an endangered species of animal who have to be protected and can't be held to a basic fricking ethical standard.

Then when this shit gets brought up they pretend like the tribe of raw meat eating primitives who never discovered fire are the smart ones and the real idiot is the idealist who decided to believe in something.

Nuke North Sentinel, honestly.



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