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- Impassionata : Allende in a real post-ironic mood all expression is genuine mood lmao
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Here's what I did. I called my congressional representative (R) hoping to leave a message but instead his staff picked up. I awkwardly stumbled my way through why I think Elon Musk is insanity. Could tell the sweet little republican staffer hated her life so much as she said, "I'll pass that along." :) I also called my senators and complained again.
Finally, and my personal fave thing I did today, I rolled down my car windows on the way back from school drop off and BLARED the FDT rap by YG & Nippsey Hussle. I made one VT girl's day when she smiled at me because of the song and then I literally yelled "frick Donald Trump" at the top of my lungs. She started laughing in her car. I also made quite an impression on a car full of frat bros who probably voted for him.
Viva la revolución, Dramatards.
Burgers why are you like this?
These are the times which try men's souls.
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"I'm feeling so defeated and depressed as a two fed family. I can't take much more of this."
"I have honestly cried most of the day today. ."
"I've been scared for myself and my friends/work family."
"I'm a middle school social studies teacher and everything I keep seeing just makes me think of 1930s Germany or 1950s Russia."
"I did not sign up to be customer service rep to die and compromise my health. I'm bordering suicidal and had to have my antidepressants upped today."
Jesus Christ, burgers, what the frick did Trump/Elon do?? Is this just about laying off federal employees??
link to the literal Command HQ of the Reddit army
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Coming soon! pic.twitter.com/BETCBf4s3N
— Gunther Eagleman™ (@GuntherEagleman) February 5, 2025
— Eyal Yakoby (@EYakoby) February 5, 2025
The Trump Resort, Gaza in 2030 pic.twitter.com/8ERR1Nyiz5
— Shelley G (@ShelleyGldschmt) February 5, 2025
— Hashem (@HashemAllMighty) February 5, 2025
Thoughts? pic.twitter.com/5zn6HMLSJd
— Jews Fight Back 🇺🇸🇮🇱 (@JewsFightBack) February 5, 2025
Think bigger pic.twitter.com/vxZJpXvxEq
— Kitty Surprise (@KittySurprise1) February 5, 2025
Confetti was needed 🎉 pic.twitter.com/H5TP1H2AIE
— Caт Вee ✡︎🪶 (@CatShoshanna) February 5, 2025
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Unfortunately Jannies have been on high alert mopping duty but heres some REDdit scrapes:
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!cuteandinvalid !lgbt !nonchuds Fcuk you Emlo and Drumpf the Resistance will get yuor butt
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BREAKING: FCC releases full unedited ‘60 Minutes’ interview with Kamala Harris.
— Leading Report (@LeadingReport) February 5, 2025
Leading report i garbage tho, don't follow
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During their meeting, Netanyahu gifted Trump a golden and a regular pager.
— Open Source Intel (@Osint613) February 5, 2025
Trump reacted: “That operation against Hezbollah was incredible.”
😂😂😂 pic.twitter.com/MnvC5vc8jl
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Holy shit it is bleak. There are three Harry Potter books in there and two Hunger Games books in there in the top 10 best books.
Then you compare it to the best books of the 20th century ( still one harry potter book in there in top 10 but they are still doing way better than the 21st century.
How did the quality of the "greatest" works fall down so quickly. It is like humanity has forgotten how to write anything with any depth anymore and it is all at the level of quality of teenage story writing.
Is it simply over for the writing genre as a whole or is it that the best quality writing is actually no longer being recognized as the best because it didn't sell enough copies nor got enough appreciation from writing critics, or is it that there is a complete disconnect between what the average person considers enjoyable writing and what is considered actually good high brow writing?
I think it is a shift in medium where all the people looking for depth and high quality in their literary works moved on to movies and video games instead and all who are still hanging around the writing genre are those who will pick a random niche and the general books based on lowest common denominator which is teenage angst or teenage wonderment slop.
What this means is that the writing genre is going to keep going further down in quality over time and we need to look at the possible extinction of reading one day if everything turns out to be possible to be done by video because people are clearly getting worse at appreciating literature while getting a whole lot better at their expectations and appreciation of better video entertainment content.
In terms of ease of entry into the writing department this is the easiest time period. In terms of making money from it, likely one of the harder time periods. We can expect the quality of writing meant for general audiences to have reached the lowest floor and never rise above it again this generation. The Zoom zooms are too r-slurred when it comes to quality writing in just a book.
Also if you still read Harry Potter books, READ ANOTHER BOOK!
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/u/OkBuddyLiberals - a centrist/neurodivergent neoliberal who's got a custom Manchin flair.
/u/l00gie - a gay Asian progressoid who's basically an embodiment of the reason dRumph won.
slap fight #1 OkBuddyLiberal's longpost about how the Dems really should punch left if they want to win.
Slap fight #2 l00gie's gaslamp/gatekeep/gayboss way to lose the hearts and minds of the American public.
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- King_K_Rool : It's back again
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!nonchuds !lgbt !cuteandinvalid WTF??????? Fricking Trumps America
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For me it was many years ago when I finally finally got together with a lad I'd had a crush on for about 3 years. About 2 months after we started seeing each other he invited me to his house. Which is where he committed the unforgivable sin of picking up a broom and sweeping the kitchen floor.
this neighbor sweeping
I took a man to bed and in the throws of passion he bent me over and as he inserted I did the loudest most drawn out fanny fart in human history. Sounded like a ship coming in to dock. He went as limp as an under-cooked prawn instantly.
Hahahahahaha its called a queef u limey b-word
!fartneighbors vagina fart valid or naw?
Talked about a gay dating website and his obsession with bussy. Then said in a hush tone that "the capybara was a mussad spy" whatever that means. When the check came he threatened me with a "dorg" if i didn't pay.
Interesting how many of these, despite being trivial, are somehow signifiers of unmanliness!
I spoke to a guy on the phone (from a dating site) - he said I made him chuckle. That was the end of the call for me.
LOL chuckle is such a straggy word almost as straggy as "lol".... IRONIC LOL!!!!!!
he had feminine hands
A boyfriend used to use the car indicator by gripping it between his thumb and index finger, with the rest of his fingers up in the air. It gave me the completely irrational ick.
I binned one because he smelled of nothing. No soap, no toothpaste, no body odour, no strags or beer or dust - nothing at all. It was like trying to communicate with a ghost.
It was worse than the one I binned for ordering decaf coffee. No, it isn't just the same only without the caffeine. Or the one I never even considered saying yes to a date with because he vaguely waved a teabag at a cup of watery milk from the opposite end of the staff kitchen before adding 4 heaped spoons of sugar.
Meeting in the nearest city and rang me to ask where he should park. Ick.
Went to eat at Ginos restaurant, you know the chain. Walked in and he called it posh. ick
Then while waiting for our food, told me he'd never tried wine. Ever. Ick ick ick
I was instantly planning my exit from a guy who wore a hand knitted jumper his mum had made him on our second date 😂
i love my mom 😾
My husband says he's going to go and shower, instead of going to have a shower, and it is one of the many things that make me think I can't live with him much longer
if i am living with someone i do the same thing, so they have chance to go to the bathroom before hand.
its common courtesy when u r living with someone and only have 1 bathroom.
Went to a pub for first date. To pay for the drinks he got a little leather purse out of his pocket and counted out the coins. That shows you how long ago that was when you could buy two drinks with loose change. It was the careful way he counted it. It looked so miserly.
anti semitism!!!!
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No one should have to face capitalism alone ❤️
— NYC-DSA 🌹 (@nycDSA) January 31, 2025
Join us February 13th at 7:00 PM at SILO Brooklyn(90 Scott Ave, Brooklyn, NY) and meet other socialist singles. Enjoy games, build community, and be sure to wear red! The theme is red hot ❤️🔥❤️🔥❤️🔥 https://t.co/gKhwNOtr8P pic.twitter.com/04rfpbFDz9
please PLEASE someone in jew york go to this and report back PLEAEs
quick point of privilege reminder of dsa types:
so anyway literally everyone hates this r-slurred idea and obviously a major !moidmoment by some limpwristed bluepilledcel to lure some baddie into their mom's basement
some poor dramatard that seethes that foids like hamas piker will be one step closer to suicide bc of this screenie 🥰🥰🥰🥰
and it goes on and on and basically death to the dsa glory to the volcels
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The embargo for reviews of Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 has lifted. We don't have a review on the site here at Polygon. This is not an editorial decision; we had hoped to review the game. On Jan. 2, Polygon requested a code for Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 from Warhorse Studios, the studio behind the game, and received no response. On Jan. 7, we reached out to the PR firm working with Warhorse, who told us they were "not able to provide access. We'll let you know if this changes." We reached out to parent company Plaion on Jan. 9 as well — no response. On Jan. 10, we saw our peers publishing early previews for the game. We re-upped our request and were again told we would not be given access.
This was very unusual. But this was the situation that transpired with Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2. It can be difficult to tell when a studio's decision to withhold a code from a publication is intentional and personal. That's due in part to the fact that the process for getting advance review codes is about as rote and administrative as it gets. Sometimes, PR firms working for studios send us codes unsolicited in hopes we'll cover the game in question. Other times, we request codes from the game's representatives ourselves, several weeks ahead of the release date, and we get those codes when and if they are available.
As part of our final request for code on Jan. 10, Polygon's editor-in-chief Chris Plante contacted Plaion and Warhorse's PR firm to get a comment as to why we were denied advance access to the game. He stressed in his message that our hope is that this decision wasn't due to any personal bias against Polygon, nor motivated by any of our previous coverage of games made by Warhorse or any other. In short, we wanted to know: Was Polygon being blacklisted?
On Jan. 10, we did receive a response to this request stating that we could get one code for the game on launch day, Feb. 4. We did not receive any clarification as to how this decision was made. Nor did we receive the requested clarification on why the developers of Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 declined to provide Polygon access to the game.
Because we will not receive access to this game until its public release, our review is nonetheless forthcoming but will not be published in time for its release date. We look forward to telling you more about this game in the weeks to come.
KIA Gloats
And now, for the why. From Charlie Hall's review (12 February 2018)
"The game is also not without its controversies. Warhorse is a team of more than 150 people, but the game's creative director has gone out of his way to rationalize his support of G*merGate, a loosely knit hate group that has devoted time to harassing women, people of color and journ*lists in the past. So outspoken is the studio's leadership on cultural issues that they have found it necessary to work with a German outlet to publish anti-fascist, anti-sexist and anti-racist statements prior to their game's launch."
Thank you for that completely unnecessary bank-shot that turned a poor review into a politically motivated hit piece. And you wonder why they weren't lining up for more of that?
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The past two nights I've been stuck around liberals that have stared into the abyss for too long. They claim that scared idiots like conservatives like simple answers. Yet the simple answer they cling to for their election lose is that America is racist and sexist.
Never mind the fact that compared to Biden, Kamala got 6 million less votes. Trump only went up by 3 million votes compared to his last presidential rub. The fact of the matter is no one liked her. She has a history of being unpopular.
They say that Trump is holding onto power so he doesn't go to prison. That makes zero sense because he could give himself a blanket pardon just like Biden gave his family.
I really wish these people weren't in so many of my social circles. I need to find ways to meet more regular people
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02 Feb 2025 pic.twitter.com/MIbymLQ9L5
— actual heathcliff comics (@RealHeathcliffs) February 2, 2025
Kitty Korner tidbits are read-submitted
Helpful [131] Not Helpful [12]Now playing: DK Island Swing (DKC).mp3