Thoughts on the wire?

I thought it was well written, having that many characters with their own storylines and character developments is almost impossible. But personally I felt like because of this the overall plot dragged severely and it took seasons for small things to happen (I guess you could say things taking forever to happen on a judicial level is impossible but at the end of the day it isn't real and I want things to happen) I loved season 4 especially scenes like when the kids go to a fancy restaurant. Unsure of my own opinion overall tbh. Wondering what everyone else thinks

Drama in San Francisco as student claims ICE is boarding busses and asking students for ID and country of origin


100 comments in about an hour. Lot of people literally shaking.


MUNI operators are on the lookout for ICE agents


It's time to get our DOX ON


skankhunt coming in with some quality commentary. I have an episode to rewatch


AHHHHAHAHAHAHA I never thought I'd see a comment like this but here comes "tech/white lives matter" in a thread about our poor Honduran drug dealers


Anyway I'm pretty stoked how housing is going to get cheaper/available and construction labor is going up let's fricking gooooooooo

I better see KTVU filming ICE soon. If Boston is getting some LEO love I demand it NOW!

Rsx is full of them. Eva is one of the few who know how to do it

which one of you boomers ripped these kong sprites? :marseyfluffyannoyed:

!oldstrags ik it was one of you dinosaurs

https://i.rdrama.net/images/1739146094NTo8M99P1ofAnQ.webp :marsey#trogdor:

ok, first of all, why tf aren't they just transparent from the get-go? why do I have to go in and manually remove the solid color smh

2econdly, why are FRICKING SPRITES NOT EVENLY SPACED :marseyrage: :marseyraging:

I can't go in an spit them because they just threw them in there with all different widths !!!


I had to manually keyframe the spritesheet to move around in blender bc that was easier than trying to split it into frames ong fr fr

and there's FRICKING dead space at the end of the line too so the programs that want X rows X columns don't work because it won't devide easily because the guy thought he was clever inserting some ancient butt long forgotten meme :marseyeyeroll:


theres no frame of reference :marseysigh: you have to pick a point to hold still and that's I assume how we end up with this: :candykongb#lowkiss:

Valentine's Day edition

!incels is there :marseycheerup: even anything :marseycoleporter: that needs :marseyspecial: to be said? At least the gym will be empty :marseytemplate: this evening.

Babe wake up I have another thread full of :marseyflaguk: bong delusion and seethe :marseylickinglips: :marseytrump:


Some nonsense article has come out which cites:

A number of people connected to the Trump team have talked about "regime change" in the UK

:marseynotes: 'a number of people talking' holy shit total journ*list death :marseydead:

I didn't read it but basically it's about :marseytrump: orange daddy wanting to get rid of :marseymao: starmer so naturally it caused some spilled cups of tea in the cute twink subreddit.

Good luck with that. Our next election doesn't have to be until 2029 so the orange turd is gonna have to wait a tiny bit

:marseysmug2: regime change? heh good luck with th-


>This article may be too long to navigate comfortably.

They will be hoping to use Twitter, social media, the papers and propaganda to make him so unpopular that he has to stand down.

https://i.rdrama.net/images/1737824906tHdCUIQDf448sQ.webp :marseyhmm: :marseythinkorino:

Is Keir Starmer really the last bastion of hope for a world without fascist leaders? I'm scared.

Hey remember like six months ago when he released 1700 violent offenders and suspended due process in order to jail people who commented emojis on facebook posts? :marseyclueless:

I know you're joking, but if the UK, Germany and/or France go full right wing nut job then that's the set up for world authoritarian rule.

  • man who can't purchase a knife without submitting a video of him next to his passport :marseyemojilaugh:


I would think a UK headline "United Kingdom wants a regime change in the US" might prove popular.

:really: We have about as much cache on the world stage as, say, Burundi. Paul Kagame publicly bent us over and this chap thinks he's :marseyredcoat: Disraeli

but there is a very real possibility that the US can meaningfully alter and rewrite British politics against our will. :marseysweating:

No they can't.

Coming from reddit user who was absolutely convinced Musk and his Bots are going to destroy democracy any day now?

You have to fight Trump with strength. This means letting it be known that meeting the Royal Family is conditional on Trump and Musk not interfering in UK politics as a start. Oh and I certainly would not be sharing intelligence right now: uk assets are at risk.

Yes, yes, and yes!

>W-we'll uhh.. :marseysweating: stop you from meeting King Charles even though we have no power to do that

:marseysmughip#s: wow talk about soft power! We've really got Drumpf over a barrel on this one :marseyclueless: I actually thought this was a joke until someone replied :marseybrainletclapping: clapping like a seal

Starmer could be described as a lot of things, socialist? Don't be silly…

https://i.rdrama.net/images/1737824907GTx-X6gMmK9REg.webp https://media.tenor.com/LOgnZG_UXl0AAAAx/dead-weak.webp bro please


Frick Trump and his regime. We need to keep his influence away from our way of life.

>our way of life

This guy's entire life is football :marseybrasileiro: and sneeding about Trump and Musk

I love how the Right always harped on their hatred/fear of a New World Order. Guess what idiots? This last election should fall under "leopards ate my face"


So we're happy to be bullied by the US now, but the EU was an issue?



Reddit liberals are now Enochposting. :marseyhmm: Chuds really are playing eight-dimensional chess.


X (formerly chiobu) try to restrain yourself from pinging this guy with r*pe threats :marseycheerup:

[🔥🔥🔘🔘🔘] Just a typical morning at the US Embassy in Ottawa, Canada


Most Based Comments

Basedness: 🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘

A big sorry to you from the U.S.Just know that at least half of us want nothing to do with these tariffs. (-37)

Basedness: 🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘

As a red blooded 'merican. I'd flip it off with you. (-11)

Basedness: 🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘

And a flappy head. (199)

Can confirm. We all look exactly like South Park portrayed us.  (31)

Angriest Comments

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

He even has Canadian hands (927)

Bro I'm so glad this was the first thing I saw 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 (4)

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

Just because a president is dumbo, and 30% of voters elected him along with his team, doesn't mean you should hate an entire country for it. This is the problem with people today—you don't realize that hatred starts from small things. Then one day, you wake up wondering, why do they hate us back? and suddenly, there's a war. Hate me or disagree with me all you want, but today it's this guy, tomorrow it will be another, and so on. This is how hatred toward an entire nation grows—because of a single person who comes to power. One leader's actions shouldn't define an entire people. (1)

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

There are a lot jokes… but in reality this post is sad.The orange frick, his administration and the policies they are enacting has made an average citizen in arguably our closest ally nation feel it necessary to give us the finger.Instead of "making America great again," these pieces of shit are destroying our standing on the world stage (which was already shaky to begin with). (1)

Biggest Lolcow: /u/CaBBaGe_isLaND

Score: 🐮🔘🔘🔘🔘

Number of comments: 2

Average angriness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘

Maximum angriness: 😡😡😡🔘🔘

Minimum angriness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘

NEW: Subscribe to /h/miners to see untapped drama veins, ripe for mining! :marseyminer:

:marppy: autodrama: automating away the jobs of dramneurodivergents. :marseycapitalistmanlet: Ping HeyMoon if there are any problems or you have a suggestion :marseyjamming:


べソテ そんゲ



EFFORTPOST Evil flag upsets vexillology Intellectuals


not much drama at first


some actual flga strag discussion about colour theory or something



symbols used by evil people are OBJECTIVELY bad

:soyjakhipstertalking: :soycrytalking:


the Orange :marseyexcitedorangetalking: in the Indian :marseysaluteindiatalking: flag represents Bharat racism, except absolutely UNIRONICALLY :marseyagreesuperspeedtalking:


some brave chuds farm downmarseys


"Yes it is" "No it isn't"




"Firstly I for one would compare the Apartheid flag to the confederate flag or Rhodesian flag neither of which are appropriate. Furthermore, both the Union Jack and rising flag should be seen as problematic and I'm glad you agree with that." :soyjakhipstertalking: :soyjakhipstertalking: :soyjakhipstertalking: "The BritBong flag is raping meeeeee" :soymad: :soymad:

miraculously even some circlejerk gets counterjerked against the usual Vexilloligy Intellectual shitlibs which equates symbolism of historically abhorrent regimes/nation-states/movements to be automatically abhorrent




:cdmhug: :sorry:

Anyways the weird things in all of these tiresome debates and slapfights, is that virtually zero safricans are ever involved with these flag MEDIA LITERACY and/or the denial of association with past atrocities/Apartheid connotations ect.

It's very difficult to explain, but trust me you can instantly pick up on the speaking patterns, lexicon and terminology with regards to how Safricans usually have internet slapfights - of of this shit you've seen is exclusively foreigners/westoids/yanks - be they performative shitlibs or Eurocuck Stormfronters utilizing Boers as a proxy for whatever pan-white racial international brotherhood whatever.

1st, actual Boers/Afrikaners, the actual turbo giga-chuds, would never ever utilize this


for pan-Afrikaans cultural celebration or whatever. The green Y symbol is already a racial-harmonious symbol in meaning, and the Black/Yellow stripe is explicitly african in connotation, as well as a call-back to the ANC (African National Congress) early symbolism. The Modern Safrica flag was explicitly chosen by the Mandela Administration to be a blending of previous Eueropean and african symbolism, whilst deliberately excluding symbolism of the Union of SA (the Apartheid State) flag characteristics.

Back in early 2000s internet, when the early web was not so sanitized, and linkrot would not claim like 75% of the internet, and old forums could still exist, including many many Stormfront and actual Boer supremacy sites - the vast majority despised the Y-green stripe symbolism, and conflated it to an Assegai (the signature short stabbing spear of Zulus/Xhosas/Swazi peeps) busy raping/stabbing :rape: :rape: :rape: the old Transvaal flag (which was the much more dominant between the two historic Boer republics)



So that the modern :marseyflagsouthafrica: flag was basically being R*PED by BBC :marseyblackcock: :marseycock: Like i'm not joking or lying, this was the dominant discussion for afrikaans teenage white supremacists on the pre-4chan dustlands of the internet, as small as it was in the early 2000s, and would continue to do so.

Thus any replication of the modern :marseyflagsouthafrica: by just replacing the colour from red to orange, would not have been done by boers, and was instead, strangely enough done by foreign Stormfronters, not grasping the already pan-racial unity symbolism of the rest of the flag.

Additionally there had been a few adult discussions for using the orange coded :marseyflagsouthafrica: flag for afrikaans, but that was a great rarity



like if you read the above fotw article, you'll be under the impression that this "Afrikaner" flag was a large movement, when in reality it was small, unpopular, and with even the majority of Boers being completely ambivalent. In reality it was some last ditch, Boer giga-boomer vexilloligy neurodivergents having a hobby thought experiment


Long boring point, there has never been a real threat of resurge of such symolism.... especially when the actual South African brainless white supremacists with no self-preservation would just fly or parade the Union flag as it was.


On the opposite side, the shitlibs who foam at the mouth :marseychainsmoker: :marseychainsmoker: :marseychainsmoker: for evil WRONGTHINK racist symbology, you know the kind of fools who take 4chan bait of OK :marseyokay: and milk drinking :marseysipping: as fricking subterfuge attempts of conveying coded Mayo supremacy between racists, is a very Westoid yank shit type of purity secular type religiosity

similar to Christian Soccor moms, trying to out purity each other, by demonstrating how they got rid of Rock-and-Roll, Pokemon and Harry Potter from their household cuz that shit is Satanic - it's all very performative - to the extent that these progressives brainwash themselves into fricking believing the colour ORANGE is itself racist, not because of any local connections to their home country, but simply because their purity spiral on the /r/vexillology sub has reached it extreme conclusion, so that just because the Apartheid South African regime had orange within its flag, it automatically means frickin all orange colours on all flags must be associated with chuddery :marseybeanannoyed: :marseybeanannoyed: :marseybeanannoyed: :marseyitsallsotiresome: :marseyitsallsotiresome: :marseyitsallsotiresome:


Additionally the lexicon of of these obvious, white, western, upper-middle class is NOT that of black Safrican peeps, whom often do have real-world reasonable and unreasonable beef with white safricans, and especially afrikaners - the fact that many afrikaners racists do in fact try to find ways in which to transmit racism against blacks without being caught, such as in schoolyard poems, songs, jokes and lymrics. Many very unsubtle

The racial tension is also much so between black and white peeps in Safrica, that ill feeling in the air, in meetings can be cut with a butterknife. Uncomfortable associations like black manual labourers sitting behind a pick-up truck, while whites sit in front can lead to friction, regardless if there's cause for that. Example if i work on my father's farm, we are often so dirty that only the designated driver sits in front, because we've worked with pitch-coated wooden beams, and our hands are covered in sticky residue, and thus I and the black labourers in in the back, until we reach the tap and soaping point - but it often enough occurs that it's only my father (who has to do the driving), and the black men with their gloves sit in the back - a Speedcop/Traffic-cop might take out his ire on my father, replicating the behaviour of Apartheid era bosses, who never let 2nd -class blacks sit within, or the front for any reason, because of their inferior status.

Because of this, a large amount of racism afrikaans humour revolves around being in a superior/inferior status in life depending upon whether you sit in front or the back of the Bakkie - and blackcoloured peeps are certainly aware of such, there is no need for coded flags.

Additionally when black liberals talk about latent afrikner racism they don't talk like fricking redditors :marseybeanannoyed: and call each other "Media illiterates", or use "context and connotation" or "inconvenient symbolism" - black liberals are much more blunt when they tend to describe safrican white racism, it's difficult to convey.


:marppy: Drama Report: 2025-02-06 :marseyminer:

Top Drama

🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘While attending a media day event, Travis Kelce said "it's a great .../r/Fauxmoi (5M)64%3647
🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘Lets all just get along :)/r/GenZ (427K)57%1552
🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘Trump & Elon are right and doing a GREAT job, Reddit is wrong and n.../r/TrueUnpopularOpinion (148K)56%676
🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘Society isn't serious enough/r/The10thDentist (303K)60%524
🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘I was unaware that growing old made your cheekbones grow disproport.../r/GGdiscussion (5K)52%408
🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘Am I wrong for letting my 8 year old changer her brothers diaper?/r/amiwrong (432K)53%409
🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘Why everyone's against Trump's plan? It's not so bad/r/IsraelPalestine (96K)49%373
🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘RGV Businesses: Fly your American flag upside-down as a sign of dis.../r/RioGrandeValley (61K)49%322
🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘Handy Chart of EVERY Socialist regime tried in the 20th century and.../r/austrian_economics (51K)53%340
🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘Try not to disappoint, Henry./r/GGdiscussion (5K)47%294

Relative Drama (takes into account the size of the subreddit)

🤓🤓🤓🔘🔘I was unaware that growing old made your cheekbones grow disproport.../r/GGdiscussion (5K)52%408
🤓🤓🤓🔘🔘Try not to disappoint, Henry./r/GGdiscussion (5K)47%294
🤓🔘🔘🔘🔘COME STAND WITH US!!/r/Oceanside (11K)49%117
🤓🔘🔘🔘🔘Well, well, well…./r/realhousewivesofSLC (35K)57%296
🤓🔘🔘🔘🔘Handy Chart of EVERY Socialist regime tried in the 20th century and.../r/austrian_economics (51K)53%340
🤓🔘🔘🔘🔘RGV Businesses: Fly your American flag upside-down as a sign of dis.../r/RioGrandeValley (61K)49%322
🤓🔘🔘🔘🔘Passport Design Concepts for Kashmir/r/Kashmiri (26K)53%142
🤓🔘🔘🔘🔘Trump & Elon are right and doing a GREAT job, Reddit is wrong and n.../r/TrueUnpopularOpinion (148K)56%676
🤓🔘🔘🔘🔘Why everyone's against Trump's plan? It's not so bad/r/IsraelPalestine (96K)49%373
🤓🔘🔘🔘🔘Anyone here attending the protest today?/r/PeoriaIL (23K)50%83

:marppy: autodrama: returning jobs to dramneurodivergents. :marseycapitalistmanlet: Ping HeyMoon if there are any problems or you have a suggestion :marseyjamming:

game of thrones circlejerk subreddit upset when a post gets literally circlejerky

Mods banned the user and removed the post lol. :marseymommymilkers:

Post: https://old.reddit.com/r/asoiafcirclejerk/comments/1hz2opq/im_new_to_got_what_season_and_episode_is_this_from/

Title: I'm new to GoT. What Season and Episode is this from??



You have never known a mother's love :soyjakanimeglasses:


Imagine the actress coming across this 😟 :soycry:

Can yall leave this ai shit alone :marseysoyseethe:

Fricking Scary :soyjakhipster:

The body type standards Gen Z boys have in their heads are totally nonsense :soyreddit:

Gen Z invented attraction to big bazongas? :marseysmug2:

What the frick this is literally sexual harassment :soyjakfront:

It's more like sexual harassment, but it's still gross to make porn of a real person without their consent. This was an issue even back in the photoshop era. :soyreddit:

sharing sexual ai clips of a real person is fricking weird even for a circlejerk sub :soyjakdancing2:

Reported by:
  • DickButtKiss : I dont think I've heard of any of these and I'm a big time coomer. These are no pornstars
EFFORTPOST [EFFORTPOST] A Whore Civil War breaks out on Twitter after one whore makes a list of whores who voted for Daddy Trump.

Our story begins with a whore called Em Indica, who decided to make a list of whores in the porn industry who support Trump, obviously intending to have them blacklisted.

You can immediately see the problem with this list. Namely, it is more appropriate to call it a "List of people who have said something that made me in any way upset on the internet", as is usually the case.

Naturally, the whores being called out didn't take this lying down.


I'm so fing grateful for the fans on here guys, thank you.



Yo, what is @BlizzieMcguire trying to say here? "Loser Mayo"?

In all seriousness, it is obvious that Ms. Indica is trying to start a witch hunt here, and to pretend otherwise is r-slurred.

I'am French ! I can't vote in your country You're ridiculous.

This isn't about who voted, its about who's expressed love and admiration for trump. Which you have 🤷🏻‍♀️

ou're free to think what you want and so am I. Is it a trial ? I don't think what you you're doing is really legal …

Correct, and you pissed some people off. That's the consequences of your own actions

No? Where in that is it a threat?

You are telling me that I'am gonna face some consequences, I want to know what consequences are you talking about ? What's your point?

Yeah, some people aren't going to want to work with you because you support trump. That's just the way it is.

So you're telling me that her point is to make me loose my job ? Make me loose money? em_indica do you agree ?

There are people that don't want anything to do with trump supporters. It would be like someone putting you on their no list.

Wouldn't it be funny if the Trump whores decided to make a list of people who support this list and then have them counter-blacklisted. :marseyemojilaugh:

I'm proud to be on the list 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 #MAGA

Follow please I'm retired from the biz and veteran proud thanks peace and love to you. Met ya at avn a few times,

Darn, that's one thirsty boy.

Hey dumb munchkin face skank…how did we not make your commie list?

Fun fact, I once made a post about this guy and y'all seemed to like it.

I'm an extreme alt right?! 😱😂😂😂!!! RFKjr is an independent 🙄

You've literally praised Trump when he won. Sit down.

When? So people deserve to be put on a gestapo list?

So apparently you're slow too.

The future is going to be bright from Elon??!! Okay dude! And JFK slogan. Apparently your not bright.

Yeah. On a photo of him with Trump. Don't let go of that last brain cell there.


Are you mad mommy might get deported?

How do you deport ashes? Asking for a friend!

You toss them over the wall? 🤷‍♂️


im sorry but do you have no life lol ? like to sit here go and look up other people to put them on a list its giving creepy AF and also you made yourself look really ignorant


Remove me from this list immediately

I'm not even a porn star but thanks for the inclusion

It's so nice when big creators give a shoutout to the small creators :marseywholesome:

em_indica would you mind adding me to the list please? Ty

Real interesting to see ♠️ people for trump, makes you think!

:marseythonk: Yeah, a lot of these galls are findommes and hotwives. That just proves how diverse the MAGA movement truly is.

I'm about to stick a lawyer so far up your butt remove me right now


Am I supposed to feel bad for being on this list or something 🤣🤣

I mean, seriously.

This b-word tried to put forth another girl for the list but was too much of a kitty to @ her. :marseylaugh:

And she gets rightfully called out for that.

But then, somebody casually drops that SHE MIGHT BE THE MOST BASED WHORE IN HISTORY:

NOOOOOO WHAT ?! omg. Baddie down

Shes been an issue for a while from what Ive known. Didnt she light a sub on fire?

She also faked being trans on omegal as a "prank"

I had no idea about this jfc

Yeah I unfollowed her shortly after that and for her "jokes" about fricking her finger monkey


It might all be a giant nothingburger though. :marseycry:

She's gonna lose a lot of money with that pledge

If this girl weren't sperging out at the Trump whores throughout this whole thread, I would have thought that she was being sarcastic.

Anyway, let's get back on track:

This completely unethical and unacceptable. Take this down. Perpetuating hate is not the answer. Ffs

Honestly, it's such a red flag that you think it is hateful to provide information like this that I am unfollowing you and will be adding you to my own list of people to not work with or trust.


I wonder if any of them were paid by the Trump campaign and/or Russia


Please enjoy our video "Grab Me by the Kitty" for free on pornhub!

Here's the video link.

You are a NAZI. I look forward to DOWNMARSEYING and NOT RECOMMEDING YOU on the 40 plus sites I am a proud #P4YP member of. WOW Hateful is one of the words you are. Also insane, take a breath. rethink this maybe. SHAME on you.

You tell her, hoss!

I don't think you have to really worry about pressing the thumbs down for this one she won't cross your feed often 😂


next you should make a list of all ur fans/followers who voted opposite to your political beliefs, & block them. because why stop at being partially absurd.

Another good point. How come she's only blacklisting people who don't throw money at her?

One of the biggest lolcows in this drama is a girl called @Betty_BouncePSO, who went out of her way to bring up Project 2025 in almost every reply:

Enjoy it while you can project 2025 will ban all s*x work and porn, y'all just killed your own industry 😆

You're a weird b-word for voting for the candidate that will implement project 2025 which will ban all sexwork and porn, you killed your own industry to vote for a male feminist. 😆😆😆

Project 2025 will ban all porn and s*x work, 😆😆

Educated? Project 2025 will ban all sexwork and porn, you just put yourself out of a job 😆

Project 2025 will ban all s*x work and porn, you just voted to kill your own industry 😆😆😆

Another big lolcow is @KandyKittyXXX who absolutely sperged out at every opportunity she had (at least I think it's a "she"):

Wow the trash is really coming out probably today isn't it?

How dare you think this is about opinions. Oh right, I forgot, you're an idiot.

As I remembered I had to be a coalition to make sure that the fascist party didn't get into power in France. Being French doesn't absolve you of anything. In fact it was pretty much guess which way you voted in France.

Oh my God we got another one that makes me listen to stand how bad Donald Trump's economics are. I failed to see how your educated when you don't see how a 60% tariff is going to impact your wallet not his.

Because if their religious beliefs include bigotry, we are just as entitled to know when someone believes in a sky daddy to justify their insanity.

You know the best thing about you voting for Trump, because I know you'll continue doing porn hoping that you won't be the one arrested for it. Which means you'll be the first to be arrested for it.

The irony of your tweet coming from somebody who just supported a man who literally perpetuated hate.

How is this unethical? I want to stay as far away from these people as possible especially as I work in the industry. To me it's a blacklist that is tremendously helpful.

I don't recall her attending a rally that literally attacked every minority you could name in Madison square garden. If this is the case please show us.

To the surprise of no one, this is what she looks like:


There are several more of these lolcows, but you get the gist of it.

Apparently, there was at least one failed attempt at defamation already.

"Ummm maybe you shouldn't joke in BAD TASTE sweaty."

Here's a blog that lists porn stars accused of sexual assault as well as acting like chuds on the internet. Clearly the same thing. it is somehow connected to this list. Don't ask me how, I have no idea.

This article points out that a person who helped co-author this list, porn star Michael Vegas, is a known abuser in the porn industry. Who would have thought? :taymindblown:

It also helps summarize this whole drama. So there.


:soycry: :soyjaktantrum: :soysnootypefast:



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never forget what they took from you
Classic politician

There's probably drama here

And all through the thread itself

but it's just so surreal that they responded that I'm content to leave it at this


[🤓🤓🤓🤓🔘] was Joe Biden a good president?


Most Based Comments

Basedness: 🔥🔥🔥🔘🔘

Good policy. Poor leadership. (-5)

Basedness: 🔥🔥🔥🔘🔘

May he enjoy the rest of his life with his family. (51)

Hunter had no reason to be paid millions of dollars working for Ukrainian and Chinese energy companies, only reason was due to daddy's last name. Don't know why the left protects these corrupt politicians making millions being public servants. You only pardon people who have committed crimes... (-9)

Basedness: 🔥🔥🔘🔘🔘

The deficit got better, stock market recovered, inflation reduced and unemployment fell (15)

Inflation reduced???? Huh??? (-5)

Angriest Comments

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

Biden gets a bad rap, and while some criticism directed at his administration is warranted, especially when it comes to his admin's communication problems and some policies that were a bit out of touch with liberal voters, Biden achieved some things while in office, while the benefits won't be felt for years to come. (See my reply for more information)I mean, my biggest criticism of Biden was his decision to run for a second term, this put Democrats in a tough spot, and this decision, in no small part, contributed to a Trump victory.I want to recognize however, that not only was Biden stuck between a rock and a hard place when he first stepped foot into office, and thanks in part to the failures of the previous administration, as well as the economic and political fallout from the pandemic, but over the past 4 years, a portion of the American electorate have been far more concerned about their immediate circumstances than any messaging emphasizing some of Biden's successes and/or Tr... (9)

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

Biden's team was solid enough. I think they were heading a correct direction for if they wanted to maintain the Neoliberal project. Waaaay too little ten years too late. And some of their calls were just... very typically center-stupid. But overall? They did a decent job considering that...... Joe Biden is irredeemably stupid and awful. And should go frick himself. He spent over a year giving Israel a free pass to do genocide and doing virtually nothing to stop it. And you can tell it was his call because every leak from the administration told that people were trying so hard to make a ceasefire. But the weak link was Joe "You don't have to be a Jew to be a Zionist" Biden.And the election. What a selfish, awful decision. He just handed our nation's future over to NrX-types and Pseudo-Falangists because he couldn't stomach being a one term president. Because of one stupid old man, we are headed towards mid-century climate and humanitarian disaster irrevisibly. The repub... (0)

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

Weak and feckless, mostly. Made the disastrous decision to appoint a gutless coward as Attorney General right off the bat, then when Trump started to rise again he, as the leader of his party, failed to organize a response. Then he backed down from a direct conflict with Netanyahu as he butchered Gazans in front of every TV screen in the world, meekly offering up "stern warnings" when he had much more powerful cowtools at his disposal.And most darning of all, his towering arrogance to run for a second term at his age because he believed he was the only person who could doomed the country to a full fascist takeover, leading to what will likely be a lot of terror, suffering, and death for Americans and everyone else.Ultimately, he failed to recognize that politics had fundamentally changed since the 80s, and tried to play by Marquess of Queensbury rules when his opponent was carrying a knife. His failure is complete and total, because anything he accomplished during his term is going to ... (1)

Biggest Lolcow: /u/jondo81

Score: 🐮🐮🐮🐮🐮(+0🐮)

Number of comments: 8

Average angriness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘

Maximum angriness: 😡😡😡🔘🔘

Minimum angriness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘

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:marppy: autodrama: automating away the jobs of dramneurodivergents. :marseycapitalistmanlet: Ping HeyMoon if there are any problems or you have a suggestion :marseyjamming:




I'm 28F, my husband is 32M.

Not a good start, he's a confirmed groomer. :malefeminist:

He's always wanted kids [..] I don't express myself as super excited about it.

Stop wasting his time, b-word! :marseywall:

I've seen so many depressed moms who regret their decision

How many happy mothers do you reckon she's encountered that she completely discounts because she can't relate to them?

Last month was our marriage anniversary [..] he had a gift for me. I was excited. I opened the box and it was so creepy. It was a realistic doll like how a baby looks.

Even the sight of a baby :chadbaby: upsets her. This woman is ROTTEN!

I was so creeped out, but I didn't want to ruin the night, so I just said thanked him and went to bed.

Now she's denying s*x to her husband on their anniversary :marseyindignantwoman: because he actually got her a gift from his heart and not a Stanley cup handbag or whateverthefrick

a few days pass and last night sunday, he went out with his friends. [..] he'd be home late. [..] At 4 AM, I woke up to get ready for my shift. I went downstairs and saw him passed out on the couch. I went closer to wake him up so he wouldn't hurt his back sleeping there.

He would rather risk his back than risk waking up this harpy :marseygrin:

Next to him was his drinks. A bottle of lube. And that silicone sticky doll. Without clothes. Placed on his private parts. He was just laying there. Passed out.

This man is so desperate to be a father he used a doll and the lube that his frigid :marseyeggless: wife needs to simulate the warmth of the child she won't provide him with, and HE'S the monster?

Disturbed. I quietly went upstairs, grabbed some clothes and left. I called in sick and checked into a hotel.

Any reason to get out an honest day's labor with these harlots

i don't know how to tell my friends or family. I'm Indian


EDIT TO THIS POST. A lot of people are asking about picture. Before leaving the house, i took a picture because i knew no one would believe me.

Now admitting to an actual crime, very good! :marseywomanmoment2:

Or, more likely, this is a bored 20-something troll that realized getting proof made way more sense than running off, not understanding that running off with no proof is what an actual woman would do.

When you're pretending to be a woman you must heed this

average !goyslopenjoyers ping group member

hope her titties are full of baja blast



Bhnagidesh invasion soon :marseyvietnam:

I'm going to run a cauliflower plantation in the liberated territories.


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