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So thank you all for giving me 1000s of little :marseyhooves: bundles of joy every single :marseykiwimom: day :marseywholesome:

:marseykneel: Namboothiris lived. We exist :marseygiveup:

Sometimes I imagine being born a Kulin Brahmin 150 years back instead of today. Some of them had 30+ wives. Just....


Now we wagecuck :marseycut:



Kinda disappointed she didn't mentioned how she get her degree and talked about Covid vaccines and what happened to those

Sunday night drunk thread

It's 5, I'm allowed to drink now. (Ignore the fact I was drinking this morning those in the group chat)

Had to spend the majority of the day filling out paperwork that literally should not be my problem. Some nurse was being bitchy because I used shorthand instead of printed English even though she should have known what I wrote. Now I'm just trying to put the past couple days behind me and enjoy Belvedere.


How can black men sound so wise ?

To me the actually fun part was that some of my black guy friends liked this post

Neurodivergent pineapple

Patient presents with severe anemia pulse Ox 89%, neutropenia and possible pancytopenia upon blood work. Final diagnosis was stage 4 bladder cancer so how did we end up at that diagnosis?


69 y/o male presents after multiple bruises and bone pain, neuropathy and paraprotein general screening. Further testing showed non IgM paraprotein. There are only 2 diagnoses that makes sense so start asking questions for this very obvious guided answer.

II fricking hate non medcels

Covering for a friend remotely and patient on plavix is mad that I ordered recommended they go to the ER. I'm about 1100 miles away and I don't even know what hospital they go to typically. Go to the ER, get a CT and then follow up with somebody else because I'm only doing this given my friend is sick.

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How do I send a groomercord link without it being blocked?




God I fricking :marseyfuckingfunny: hate the ED

I have a 30 minute break over a 72 hour shift outside :marseygrass: of required sleep :marseybearblanket: time. I'm tempted to let my license lapse because if I have to deal with another heart :marseyxmr: attack :marseybackstabtrans: and cardiology I'm going :marseysalmaid: to lose my mind.

Pizzashit. Be afraid.
Only Congo will stand :dasrite:


Best race mix is Asian, white, and Latinx

The Asian makes the white smarter, while the Latinx gives healthier family values while the white balances out and allows the latinx to let their family have some space without becoming too distant.

Black is okay, at 10% for better physics. Any more and the mutt starts running away from responsibilities.

No middle easterners please. No good blood there. No good values. No good achievements. No good work. No good intelligence.

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