new toss


There's plenty of fun bickering in the replies about whether Terrence Howard is a crackpot or actually a genius with 97 patents.

Here's an article with some highlights., and here's another twitter thread with slightly less bickering.

>"Read the article before you comment" :soyjakferal: >No :gigachad2:

I only read headlines, then comment.



Guilty as charged

What's some shit you will NEVER tell your partner?

What are dramatards hiding from their spouses and tender simps and frickmeat?

Make it good, what a dramatard is hiding, not a redditor.

i have a new hater :marseycry:

our story starts with @trollololo making this comment (note: i am not an unfunny r-slur)

i posted a funny reply emote (marseyxd) to prove i am not seething and can handle people not liking me

he then gave me TWO shit awards :marseygasp:

i have theories as to why this person doesn't like me:

1. he wants me to breed him

2. im a gay r-slur and my posts are bad (he also wants to me breed him)

3. pinknamephobia

2 is incredibly unlikely, so this is clearly a case of color discrimination

also i tried to give him a flair that says "i love @boogiecat" or something like that but i misspelled my own name so it says "i love @boogie" :marseyspecial:

!pinknames !friendsofboogiecat discuss


I got scammed by the company name Blend. They told you it's data entry job and you only have to give 5 stars to make money. They even created group chat on telegram with lots of people who showed the evidence of how much money they are making everyday. You will feel legit at first as you earned a bit of money at first… but you have to keep putting money/ USDT to give review on expedited trips each time to get your money back… you have to finish 37 trips to get your money back but you will never get it back at the end. First they will tell you only 4 expedited trips to rate and you will get all your money back but little I knew it was a lie.. I went to 9 expedited trips and kept putting USDT in as I wanted to get my money back as they will scared you saying you can only get back when you finish all 37 trips… I was stupid enough to know and fell for it and lost around 50k. Please don't fall for this kind of scam… I learned my lesson and paid 50k for it.

Even dumber then the usual /r/scam victim who falls for romance scams.

Don't worry OP let's everyone know that he won't be falling for anymore sexy Indian dude tricks

Yep I know. Already few people came to me to talk to a guy for recovery… man I am not falling again… from now on I won't lose even a cent from my pocket… already hard enough from getting scammed. Posted here to warn others but got blamed by fricking genius 🀣🀣🀣.

At least he's in good spirits, benefit of being r-slurred I guess :marseyretardchad:

He starts arguing with everyone and I suppose that's why the kitty mods decided to lock the thread


!familyman i cry every time


And choose the opposite. Done, simple as.



Then today, my account was suspended for a piddling offense with no prior warning, and my appeal almost immediately rejected with no further explanation.

:marseycope: :marseyseethe: :marseyrage: :marseyraging: :marseyitsover:

Five stages of Marsey. He's in full on rage mode.

...I have invested in this community combined with the apparent attitude of jumping straight to a permanent ban after a single mistake has utterly destroyed what little desire remained in me to continue feeding this miserable website with my attention, even via an alt account.

So you probably threatened someone or tried to doxx someone. It's in the Reddit TOS sir. You're not doing a good deed by breaking the rules.

I suppose you could call this ragequitting in a way,

Neighbor is totally is. Even a sexy Indian dude like me can see that from a mile off. :marseytunaktunak:

I strongly recommend any other locksmiths here give up on this subreddit as well and instead join us in the groomercord server as it is a significantly better community: more kind, more helpful, more organized, more responsive, more useful... just a more effective and enjoyable experience overall.

So go to groomercord where the Groomercord admins can let you enable your p-do horse fricker shit (see end of post for his original account, he's a pony fricker) .

a moderator who cared, did his best by his community, and refused to let the "power" go to his head--a rare set of qualities on this site.

So a Jannie who isn't power hungry? Prove it.

I will remain active for a little while to answer any questions that might pop up, but consider this my formal goodbye. I appreciate all of you for your contributions to this community, and I hope to see you on Groomercord.

Piss off p-do horse fricker.

Submissions he had:

Pony fricker shit:

All Bronies should die.

I love you all. Happy birthday bros

I somehow kept refreshing /r/drama every day during my lunch break during covid. It was dark days. But it was a light. Then it went to shit. But then the off-site was made and I found out about it. And I just open this shit up every day and seeing a page full of new links in the morning just hits me with a wave of dopamine I can't get anywhere else.

I'll never forget this site coming up during that wisconsin trial. Holy shit.

Mass love to you all


is nice

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