
Based takes (all downmarseyd):

This whole drama is very odd to me and feels like a (very) vocal minority of users incorrectly extrapolating their preferences to those of all Reddit users.

Reddit owns its API. It has every right to price access however they see fit. It is wild to think that will spend $10s of millions to support 3rd party apps. Or to expect that they would acquire third party apps.

I predict Reddit will stick to their guns and that this entire brouhaha will have little to no effect on Reddit's user and engagement metrics over the medium term.

If you're outraged and highly engaged with this controversy, do you think its possible you're in a bubble?

Why does the Apollo guy see the API as his entitlement? Reddit ain’t a charity. Neither is HN.

You fill a site with communists who don’t want to work and think everything should be free and then you’re surprised when the reality of running a business outrages them? Stop trying to have it both ways.

The reality is that the Reddit users that actually care about this enough to show up and rage in the AMA are also the ones that are almost completely unmonetizable. So I doubt there was ever really any risk of major loss from this.

Googlecel managers now take attendance and Googlecels lose grade points if they don't say "here"

Note: Site may be go up and down

Note2: Bait and Switch, the link now redirects to a Twitch livestream. Possibly due to hosting issues, possibly to make some $, possibly both

It seems like something may be rate limiting our requests to Reddit. Alternatively the pure amount of requests going to my server may just be breaking everything. Apologies for any issues or downtime.

Stolen from orange your glad i didn't say banana site :bananamario:

Makes it slightly more manageable to find which sites are going dark instead of line by line on reddit (as well as being separated into 2 threads).

Subreddits that have gone private are shown in 'Glow BIPOC CIA Green' for connivence!

Currently 3,166 subreddits have pledged to get BLACKED, 57 where a little to eager and have gone dark alread.

Modcoord list 1

Modcoord list 2 (under 50k)


Someone posts an anti-AI art piece on r/AIWars. It doesn't go over well.

Orange Site discussion

Death to WebP! JXL Supporters Rejoice :marseyjam:

It's over for Googlecels and the dreaded WebP!

!codecels discuss


Do you want to run a Free Software operating system on your totally proprietary closed-spec laptop made by the world's richest computer company while somehow not getting the irony?


Asahi Linux is your only option because they have to reverse engineer all the user hating locked down hardware first, so you get a Lunix distro project led by an ex game console hacker Hector Martin (marcan). Orange Site users are fine with hardware that treats them as a threat as long as it's the newest shiny, but they won't stop trying to reverse engineer the identity of one of Asahi Linux's top contributors. The top three contributors listed on the official website are Marcan himself, an out and proud :marseytrain2:, and most interestingly a VTuber named after the distro (Asahi Lina).

Asahi Lina, our GPU kernel sourceress. Lina joined the team to reverse engineer the M1 GPU kernel interface, and found herself writing the world’s first Rust Linux GPU kernel driver. When she’s not working on the Asahi DRM kernel driver, she sometimes hacks on open source VTuber tooling and infrastructure.

Lina does hit a :marseytrain: trifecta of reverse engineering + Rust + anime, but honestly FOSS is the one kind of doing it for free I can actually respect. You can't blame people for being curious though.

Back in March this Asahi blog post was discussed on HN and some commenters dared to raise the subject of Lina's identity, with some people pointing out how Marcan and Lina share a development machine (same hostname and in one stream Lina gets some file from marcan's homedir).

In response Marcan has a huge public melty on Mastodon where he responds to generalized HN comments point by point on Lina's behalf:

  • I wonder if the driver could be ported to Mac OS? [Lina clearly said in the article that the UAPI is unstable, so no]
  • So Vulkan is 4/3 better now, vulkan.kext wen? [WTF, Lina clearly said don't take the absolute numbers too seriously, also you clearly didn't read the article if you think vulkan would be a kext]
  • Asahi Lina is truly an inspiration for open source reverse engineering.
    • I wonder how long it's going to take for games to start generally supporting ARM. [Lina literally explained the games on ARM plan at the end of the article]
    • [24 comments veering off into trying to doxx Lina and criticizing her]

Then he blocks HN from linking to the Asahi Linux official website by redirecting visitors to google:

if (document.referrer.startsWith("")) {
 console.log("Hacker News is becoming worse than 4chan. Do better.");
 document.location = "";

:marseysoycrytrem#ble: DO BETTER :#marseysoycrytremble:

Some time between March and now, Orange Site admins notice this and alter HN to apply noreferrer to links so people can continue to discuss the #1 vanity project for the #1 vanity hardware platform on the #1 vanity tech forum. Yesterday, the newest Asahi blog post makes its way to HN and somebody points it out:

Why does this posting have a rel=noreferrer tag, when others don’t?

Marcan is immediately aware (I too spend time studying the markup of websites I claim to hate) and declares TOTAL JANNY WARFARE on Orange Site and everyone who has ever been there:

Good job, Dang. You decided to evade a benign redirect to we added to protect our developers. Now everyone who has ever submitted to Hacker News gets to see this banner on our website until they clear their browser history and stop contributing to HN. Don't even think about adding a hash to the submit link. We'll just change the link to your front page then, and then *all* your visitors will get the message, not just submitters.

Marcan has mastered the performative newspeak here, he's just trying to :marseyairquotes:protect Asahi developers:marseyairquotes: from all you unreasonable jerks who want to know who to thank for their working GPU driver:

The best part is when he suggests forcing his HN block on Asahi Linux users too by default :marseyprotestno:

Eventually a meta thread is posted to Orange Site all about the drama but was jannied before I got to it (:marseymeangirls::marseytalking:)

Maybe Lina is Marcan. If you wanna go full schizo, maybe Lina is Byuu :marseyschizowall:. Honestly I don't really care either way because the important part is that it makes Marcan throw a huge tantrum to even speculate about this, which means it should be asked as innocently but as often as possible lol


I don't really understand it since I'm a web dev :marseygigaretard: but it sounds like the AI are coming for non-webdev jerbs first :marseyexcited:


Fundamental algorithms such as sorting or hashing are used trillions of times on any given day1. As demand for computation grows, it has become critical for these algorithms to be as performant as possible. Whereas remarkable progress has been achieved in the past2, making further improvements on the efficiency of these routines has proved challenging for both human scientists and computational approaches. Here we show how artificial intelligence can go beyond the current state of the art by discovering hitherto unknown routines. To realize this, we formulated the task of finding a better sorting routine as a single-player game. We then trained a new deep reinforcement learning agent, AlphaDev, to play this game. AlphaDev discovered small sorting algorithms from scratch that outperformed previously known human benchmarks. These algorithms have been integrated into the LLVM standard C++ sort library3. This change to this part of the sort library represents the replacement of a component with an algorithm that has been automatically discovered using reinforcement learning. We also present results in extra domains, showcasing the generality of the approach.

Got drunk a few nights ago and bought 80TB of hard drives on eBay

What should I put on them?

!schizomaxxxers !codecels !friendsofmimwee discuss

let us do some coding!

let us code futa society together!

int main(){

    for(auto person: humans){

        if(person.gender == 0 /* male */){




    else /* woman*/{







Reddit had layoffs today. Smug data scientists take an L. They didn't even get a severance LM-frickin-AO

Blind thread:

God I hate Reddit, but if we have any jannies on that powerjanny call tomorrow, maybe bring this up!

No severance lmao

They had layoffs in January. Wish I had known so I could gloat about that one too.

Left Twitter bcuz of mean ol' Musk just to get the wingcuck layoff with no severance.

Booohooo muh third-party app devs have to pay now booohooo

My feelings exactly.


From a HN comment:

(...) Aside from this move that is an obvious way to steer user toward the official app and have tighter control, the r/de and /r/France community have find some really concerning behavior by Reddit [1].

Moderator from those community have been contacted by reddit admin to tell them that they created localized version of popular subreddit ( /r/offmychest, /r/tooafraidtoask, ... ) and asked them if they basically could signal boost them. In itself nothing is wrong here. The issue is that people have found that a lot of activity in those subreddit are seemingly just poorly google translated popular post from the original english sub or just plainly generic classique karma bait post (but also clearly google translated).

Karma bots are nothing new but in this case, those subs are brand new, have very few member and very few karma to gain and are basically of interest only to reddit (since the communities already usually had their own better moderated subs). So there is a lot of finger pointing at reddit themselves using bots to try to force engagement in non-english community and virtually (since it is mostly bots) bump their stats before their IPO, which is very dodgy.

Automated :marseybuttfaceshitter:, but with admin approval

Dell is r-slurred. That is all

Orange site reacts:

I'm a fan of the proposed change (as someone who feeds themselves off patents and patent litigation). Do I occasionally do a little patent :marseytroll:-ing? Perhaps. But generally speaking IPRs are absolute aids to deal with and serve just as much as a kick in the balls to smaller inventors as patent trolls themselves.

Limiting them to parties that are actually of interest, will not only make the process less of a pain, but also generate a lot of :marseyseethe:. As such the dramatic thing to do is to support this with all my heart.

Apple VR announced: Apple Vision Pro starting at 3499

Poorcels cope 🤣


I'm looking forward to a few generations in when the AIs are so good at understanding us that most people don't even develop language skills and it's just escalating loops of translation until we're all speaking our own non-linguistic mix of goo goo gaa gaa while the AIs translate our communication to each other so we're exchanging pure meaning.

The term “enlightenment” is really being strained beyond factory tolerances here.

And then you'll get depressed, because real life isn't catered to your every need, so you'll end up shuttting yourself into your own little entertainment bubble of constant dopamine instead.

'I can't wait until society is atomized socially and we all live isolated in catered unrealities.'

That's what you sound like.

Excellent example of why AI, although useful for many things, could never replace human creativity. It will never be unique or incorporate new ideas in the way that real human intelligence can. [-5]

Credit to /h/miners


Total Jannie Victory

I’ve lost track of the ping groups so if someone can ping them thanks. Currently Kojima (yes the gaming one) is talking.

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