
(Thanks @tovarish)

Democratic politicians are coming for your crypto wallets - no, really, this time. CryptoPlebbit sneeds, SRDines react.

Original Thread:


Why can't I just buy drugs with dramacoin? 😞

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  • PolPotEnjoyer : It's only bad because he didn't talk about banning all AI

Some wrongthink in the dead comments:

how do these assclowns never learn to not trust the government?

by "somecompanyguy", who has an important message in his bio

I mean seriously? guy takes a massive lead - steals data, and then proposes a license moat? come on. Fu*k this guy.

by "3327", who doesn't know he's shadowbanned

Sam Altman CEO of OpenAI cries Wolf to Senate panel, decides to play on the fear narrative (which politicians take hook, line and sinker) - - to call for licensing and regulation - - which only benefits major players, of course which huge pockets to bribe politicians even more.

Classic play to elbow out upstart small competitors . . . .

by "stevespang", who doesn't know he's shadowbanned

If safety standards is the r-slurred political correctness filter of chatGPT this will only lead to bad consequences

by "davidguetta", who doesn't know he's shadowbanned

I'm starting to think that OpenAI is a new Facebook, and their CEO is a dangerous butthole

by "ConanRus", who...

:marseygroomer2: discuss the Android vs Apple debate

Reported by:
TIL u can be both following and blocking someone at the same time

@gaslighter !soren !schizomaxxxers !friendsofmimwee discuss

@grizzly what did she mean by this?

Trans lives matter :marseyschizojclove:

Furry rights are human rights :marseyschizogrizzlylove:

Greekstrags give Nully his .onion certificate back 🥝
It's blender
Most practical startup idea- Free TVs for :marseyburger:s but with a catch

On Monday, Pozin’s brainchild, Telly, comes out of stealth after two years in development. Telly wants to ship out thousands (and eventually millions) of free 4K HDTVs, which would cost more than $1,000 at retail, according Pozin.

The 55-inch main screen is a regular TV panel, with three HDMI inputs and an over-the-air tuner, plus an integrated soundbar. The Telly TVs don’t actually run any streaming apps that let you access services like Netflix, Prime Video or Disney+; instead, they’re bundled with a free Chromecast with Google TV adapter.

What’s new and different: The unit has a 9-inch-high second screen, affixed to the bottom of the set, which is real estate Telly will use for displaying news, sports scores, weather or stocks, or even letting users play video games. And, critically, Telly’s second screen features a dedicated space on the right-hand side that will display advertising — ads you can’t skip past and ads that stay on the screen the whole time you’re watching TV… and even when you’re not.

“Telly is giving away the device completely free,” said Pozin, the company’s founder and CEO. “The business will be entirely supported by advertising and affiliate revenue.”

If I ever see this in anyone's house, I'm leaving immediately :marseywalking:

At some point, Pozin suggested, Telly users could place real-time sports bets on the second screen, or, say, order a pizza from Pizza Hut. (Of course, Telly would want to take a cut of each transaction.)

Peak addiction culture :#marseygambling:

The TVs also have a built-in sensor that can detect the number of people who are watching at any particular time. Pozin emphasized that all of Telly’s features comply with privacy regulations.

We're dangerously close to drinking verification cans :marseypepsi:

The cherry on top is this guy is on their board

and chief marketing officer Neal Tiles (former president of G4)



ChatGPT Summary:

"The European Union's amended AI Act includes provisions that could potentially impact American open-source developers and software distributors such as GitHub, along with AI providers such as Google, OpenAI, IBM, and Amazon. The act would prohibit the provision of API access to generative AI models without first passing extensive and expensive licensing. The EU is essentially ordering large American tech companies to put American small businesses out of business and is threatening to sanction important parts of the American tech ecosystem. If enacted, enforcement would be out of the hands of EU member states, with third parties able to sue national governments to compel fines. The act has extraterritorial jurisdiction, so European governments could be compelled by third parties to seek conflict with American developers and businesses. The provisions require high-risk AI projects or foundational models to be registered with the government and could be problematic for anarchic open-source projects. Registration will require disclosure of data sources used, computing resources, performance benchmarks, and red teaming. The EU states will carry out "third party" assessments in each country, on a sliding scale of fees, depending on the size of the applying company. Recertification is required if models show unexpected abilities or if there is any substantial training. The act has vague definitions of risks, including risks to the environment, democracy, and the rule of law."

bard goes woke
Badass UI Colour website :marseyneko:

No more screen calibration nonsense :marseyautism:


HN thread:

He sounds like a redditor :#!marseynoooticer:


Old sidebar content

Just in case anybody gets irritated that I changed it. Removed a bunch of emojis and made it less long than the post listing. Content starts here:

tech/science swag. :marscientist:

Turning Hacker News into a dumber version of 4chan since 2022 :marscientist:

Check out rdrama's (un)official fediverse instance

Unofficial IRC Channel


Banner credits to @Dramamine and @Lascaille



What to Submit :marseynotes:

On-Topic: Anything that good slackers would find interesting. That includes more than /g/ memes and slacking off. If you had to reduce it to a sentence, the answer might be: anything that gratifies one's intellectual laziness. :marseysleep:

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In Comments

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Please don't complain that a submission is inappropriate. If a story is spam or off-topic, report it and our moderators will probably do nothing about it. Feed egregious comments by replying instead of flagging them like a kitty. Remember: If you flag, you're a cute twink. :marseygoodnight:

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[[[ To any NSA and FBI agents reading my email: please consider ]]]

[[[ whether defending the US Constitution against all enemies, ]]]

[[[ foreign or domestic, requires you to follow Snowden's example. ]]] :marseypizzashill:


:marseycool: Also check out:









MALE AI artists are oppressing FEMALE normie artists. Don't let the alt-right fool you, this is a culture war issue.

Who is to blame? The car maker that decided to have 1940s level of security and that you can steal a car with a screw driver, or the city of Baltimore?

That is for American politics to figure out. This is an American political issue and blaming Korean car makers is absurd.

Once you’ve had a gun pointed at you from a car, taken down the license plate, then been told there’s nothing they can do because the car was stolen —- you’ll realize that car theft isn’t some individual problem. We’ve had the tech to solve this problem for decades, but car manufacturers decided to save a few bucks.

The tech to make it impossible to start a car without the owner's consent, even when the attacker has hardware access? Are you also selling magic beans and snake oil?

Magic beans :marseybeandrool:

The easy accessibility of guns in America is not the fault of Korean car manufacturers either. What you describe is not something that people in most developed countries have to worry about.


I consider myself a liberal, but while I think pretty much all drug possession charges should be dropped and decriminalized, violent crime? Robbery? Those folks should absolutely be in jail. I don't care if we have to build tent cities to incarcerate them. You hurt someone intentionally, you should not be breathing free air for a while.

The problem area seems to be property crime without direct violence.

It can ruin the victims life just as much as non-lethal violence (taking away a person's source of income, or transport required to keep a job, or wrecking a business they've spent many years building), but many take the 'it's only property, it's probably insured!' attitude. :marseysoylentgrin:

And many at least see stealing from 'big nasty corporations' as relatively OK:marseyrevolution:. But if people keep stealing from businesses until they close down or relocate and there's no easy shoplifting targets, will the thieves stop, or will they move on to stealing from homes?

"it's only property, it's probably insured!"

People who say this don't have real jobs; not the type of jobs where they'll end up on pain killers when they retire. They have laptop jobs on the softer side of intellectual rigor.

>People who say this don't have real jobs

Implying the people who say this have jobs at all :marseyantiwork::marseyantiwork2:

Money is time traded from your life, health traded from your body to your employer. Stealing property is literally stealing the purpose of hours of grueling work.

Not an issue for the :marseyneet:

'it's only property, it's probably insured!'

I wonder why insurance is so high...

O why there are food deserts when stores continue to get robbed without any meaningful repercussions for the thieves


Reddit Will Allow Users To Upload NSFW Images From Desktop

Ahead of Imgur's ban of sexually explicit content, Reddit announced Thursday that it will allow users to upload NSFW images from desktops in adult subreddits. The feature was already available on the social network's mobile app. TechCrunch reports:

"This now gives us feature parity with our mobile apps, which (as you know) already has this functionality. You must set your community to 18+ if your community's content will primarily be not safe for work (NSFW)," the company said.

Reddit's announcement comes days after Imgur said that the image hosting platform was banning explicit photos from May 15. At that time, the company said that explicit content formed a risk to Imgur's "community and its business." Banning this type of content would "protect the future of the Imgur community." Many of Reddit's communities rely on Imgur's hosting services. However, the social network allowing native NSFW uploads through desktop might be the most logical solution going forward.

Literally how was this not a feature? What the frick do any of their codecels do?

The .zip TLD sucks and it needs to be immediately revoked

lol he has a point


Full thread (login and enable "show dead" for the spicy comments)


previous rdrama thread, but involving redditors :marseysnoo:

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