- DickButtKiss : Good, church is mad gay and cringe. especially non-denom where some hippy strums an acoustic guitar
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Please pretend this is real and not the most obvious bait in history
Same person:
This account is actually 3 years old and has 10k karma from talking about generic foid shit. I think this might actually be real
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The comment in question was her posting an imaginary quip in response to "your body, my choice" and then being told it's a joke. Here it is:
And so I tried to explain the joke
Did chudrick get owned or is this real
I'm confused and distressed
!fellas help
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- Fresh_Start : Zimbabwe has fewer r*pes per 100,000 than the US.
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Hey guys! Basically as the title says, how bad do you think things will get? I have a lot of anxiety and tend to FLY to conclusions. So in my mind I see us moving towards a full blown dictatorship/ something of the sorts. Everyone around me calls this insane due to the constitution. But like, Roe V Wade. Plus historically governments fall.
What do yall think?
steeljubei 378 points 22 hours ago*
I'm sure this option will piss people off but it's just my take. I've traveled to some pretty not so great places in South America and s.e Asia. Places where people were dirt poor and the gov was basically just corrupt dictators with military police. What I noticed is the situation varies from town to town and people with tight community bonds and family did the best and stayed put. Only those fleeing for their lives, out of fear of retribution ( during the time Venezuela gov collapsed and there was a "purge") benefited from fleeing to a neighboring county, but only for so long. I watched as Ecuador absorbed a huge flow of refuges, ok with it at first but then things turned sour quickly the following year and political problems and violence flowed into that once peaceful country. My point being, you cannot run from these global problems, they follow you. The world is in a state of populist dictatorships and unless you truly fear for your life, stay put. Don't break your economic and social ties for nothing. If you're wealthy and you can uproot and re establish yourself in a culture more aligned with yours, go ahead and do it. You don't have anything to lose.
Mistaken_Frisbee 574 points 22 hours ago
I had a longer rant, but I'd just look to Texas. Our government is functionally controlled by 3 politicians who are in turn controlled by a tiny number of wealthy conservative donors. It's just accepted here. The legislature can no longer meaningfully stop the governor's agenda, and all 3 politicians retaliate aggressively against any Republican politicians who don't toe the MAGA line 100%. Project 2025 effectively started here. Free speech is curtailed, AG is constantly using his office to commit his own crimes and investigate women, trans people and their families, and basically anyone he wants. There's absolutely no connection between what Texans want or need, or bad things happening to us, and consequences for the state. But it looks mundane to everyone else and most people just live with it.
Sensitive-Yellow-450 35 points 18 hours ago
I'm a retired historian of the Cold War era. I'm using post-Soviet Russia for my template of what to expect: turnover of public assets to private oligarchs, arrests of journ*lists and lawyers, further consolidation of wealth at the top, elimination of social safety nets, consolidation of power so that all branches of govt are one party, elections that are neither free nor fair, elimination of personal and political enemies, elimination of individual rights especially for women and minorities, deepening poverty and scarcity, takeover of universities and science, blackout of legitimate information sources, and... Well, you get the idea.
It took about 15 years for this to fully occur in Russia. I anticipate it will take a few months here because there will be an all-out blitzkrieg once Trump is in office.
I have no helpful suggestions. It seems too late to do anything at this point.
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hi all. sorry if this isn't the right place for this, but i'm looking for some support, advice and/or words of encouragement. this will be very vulnerable but potentially insensitive. i really appreciate you reading.
i'm 22 and an american from california. politically i lean very far left. i've been to womens marches, protests of all kinds, and am very active in my local political circle and in political spheres online. i'm typically a very empathetic person, and i feel a lot for other people. i cry easily and my family and friends say i'm very compassionate.
for the last few months i've found myself with a much more negative outlook on men in general, almost bordering on misandry. this has become especially prevalent since the presidential election; i just feel like i don't care anymore, about men or their feelings. i'm becoming straight-up mean to men i don't know, online and irl.
this started in april when i was followed by a strange man for the first time in a train station. i'm living in germany at the moment and it has happened two more times since then, but my reaction to it has become much more unwieldy and violent. i've started yelling at these men, and threatening them with violence. this has translated into my behaviors towards men who aren't even doing anything wrong– like sitting next to me on the bus– as well as online.
i've cut off the people i know who have voted for trump but of course there's still lots of discourse online. i'm tired of hearing "your body my choice," i'm tired of hearing men complain about being lonely when it's their own fault. i'm over it.
my boyfriend is german and trans, so obviously also a minority and i don't blame him at all. but i worry i'm becoming callous and cruel and that it will impact relationships i don't want to crumble. i'm moving back to america next month and i'm worried it will get worse there. if anyone has any advice i'd love to hear it.
All I'll add is that misandry doesn't exist. That's like someone saying that they're heterophobic. And yours and every woman's feelings are normal and valid and oftentimes even underplayed given how much men truly hate us
you cant hate men enough, sweatheart
We don't hate you. We hate you validating all women's feelings while ignoring all men's while thinking that's not misandry. (I voted for Harris)
Oh, those poor men. Living in a society THEY created and which favors them in just about every. single. aspect. Where your biggest fear when going on a date is if the woman looks like her photos. Where you can go home late at night without having to wonder if you'll reach it alive.
Tell me more about how we should feel bad for you. And why the frick you're even thinking that this forum's a space where you being here is acceptable in the first place.
this woman is fat and single i guarantee it
I'll suggest that you stop using social media as you aren't capable to moderate your own emotions and instead is fueling anger.
: All zoomer women know is drink boba, cast hexes, abort baby.
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stop having sex with men. period. stop having sex with men you don't know, with men you can't verify will stay wit you, with men who want to get people pregnant, with men who you think you can fix, all of them.
— Retta (BRAINY ARC) 🍉🍉🍉 (@NightFawnArt) November 6, 2024
Stop having sex with men. they don't care about you. https://t.co/UWed7KAqDJ
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Time for 4 years of celibacy
Ladies, get off the dating apps. No more s*x. No more pregnancies. The vow of celibacy starts now. Drop your partner if they can't respect your celibacy. Keep interactions with men to a bare minimum. Ignore them online. They no longer get access to us until they can prove they're capable of caring about our basic rights, health, and safety. The "good men" failed us by letting the bad men proliferate. They all have to be punished in a way they can understand. American men need to fix their fellow men. Let them suck the poison out of each other. We have the power to shun them. We have a right to defend ourselves. Men are not safe. It's time to fight back. Let's hit them where it hurts. This is the power we have.
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Naked https://t.co/PxP5UH9c0G
— Brittany Venti 🐿️ 🦝 ❤️ (@BrittanyXVenti) November 6, 2024
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Top comments are general yaas kween comments - but also comments saying he's better off.
98% chance of being bait, but it's working well.
He dodged a bullet.
Anyone willing to break up with someone over politics is honestly pathetic in my view. I hope you break up with him so he can find someone who isn't as petty as you are
Breaking up with someone because they dont share the same core values and most basic morals that you do is anything but pathetic or petty.
People who have opposing morals are not compatible long term.
What a crazy argument.. it's not like he voted for the opponent he just didn't go out and vote. Soo unhinged and insane lmao.
Two things. If you are small minded enough to let politics ruin an otherwise healthy relationship, you are being unreasonable in my opinion.
Two. Maybe he did not vote because he did not have a candidate that he could support without guilt or shame.
Lots of couples have very healthy, long, and happy relationships even with different political and religious views. You both need to figure out a way to work around your differences or stay separated.
Oh just re-read the title, you did already break up with him lol good. Now he can get started living a better life without you
If I was him, in this situation, I'd be counting my lucky stars! Because man did he dodge a bullet. You sound unhinged.
That's what I was going to say, this is childish to highest degree.
You'll have to explain to every female in your family why they're forced to carry their pregnancy in cases of r*pe and incest.
Oh no you can't murder children, whatever shall you do!
Look up the 4B Movement.
Oh no. A bunch of femcels are refusing to have s*x!
Those things do matter, because he basically told you what he thinks of your rights being taken away…not a fig. He doesn't care. No, you shouldn't be with someone like that.
Her rights aren't being taken away. The echo chamber that is Reddit does not represent reality. You are part of the reason Trump won. Grow up.
Her rights have been taken away. Women are already dying because their rights are being taken away.
Stay broken up, he dodged a bullet
If you voted for Trump, you'll have to explain to every female in your family why they'll be forced to carry a pregnancy from r*pe and incest.
OP is the one who dodged a bullet.
Firstly, I'm Canadian.
Second, when did trump say he's going to ban abortions? His position is to leave it up to the states.
He would not answer the question "would you veto a National abortion ban?" And his vice president is a fricking psycho who says that people without kids are sociopaths. Mark my words, reproductive freedoms will be eroded until they are gone.
lol !remind me or whatever that thing Reddit does is
I set up a consult for my surgical sterilization thisMorning. You are deaf, dumb, and blind if you don't see what's coming.
Yep, women dying because they can't access medical care is HYSTERICALLY FUNNY. You're a fool.
Wow, there was the vote Kamala needed. Imagine that.
This past election cycle has damaged our country to the point, it will probably never recover. So I can understand why you feel the way you do. Last night, your standing as a citizen was downgraded to second class, when Trump won. Our democracy was shattered, when Trump instigated an insurrection Jan 6th. My wife and I have been married 39 years. But if one of us started to support Trump, we would break up. It's not whether you are a democrat or republican. It's about being a patriot, and supporting democracy. You made the right choice.
This is why people are leaving the left buddy. Because of divisive, alienating people like you. The fact that you'd end a 39 year marriage over your partners political beliefs is actually insane. The Dems have you by the balls.
? Never offer an analysis on politics again. The dems lost because they didn't go left enough. They played to the center and paid for it. Ya goober.
What analysis did I offer? Never gave a reason why they lost. All I said was that's why people leave the left. Because people like you are obsessed with labels and alienation instead of welcoming disagreements and conversation.
Voting for someone who is a threat to women's rights, gay rights, democracy etc is much more than just a disagreement. At that point we have completely different morals and I dont want someone with such differing morals in my life.
What women's and gay rights are being taken away? Give me an example. Trump has repeatedly said he has no interest in federal bans on abortion (which calling that a right is a stretch to begin with). He wants to leave it up to the states which is a completely reasonable take.
How tf is reproductive rights (a healthcare issue) a state's rights issue? Even conservative women recognize it as a healthcare issue. Actually everyone except conservative men see it as a healthcare issue. But yeah hand wave it away.
Also if you want an example look no further than the three Supreme Court justices Donald trump selected who were the voices to remove roe v wade as legal precedent. Have you been living under a rock? Like this is basic shit dude.
Because the states should have a say in whether or not a women has the right to terminate a life inside them. It's a moral issue, not healthcare. Women aren't magically getting pregnant. Roe V Wade prevented states from dictating laws that affect their citizens.
My husband chose not to vote. I disagree with his decision. I'm not going to end the relationship over it.
Wow, by not voting against a male feminist that wants to force birth our wives, sisters, and daughters, your husband is giving his permission to r*pe and do the same. He is basically a male feminist. And with you not leaving him, you are supporting r*pe and the stripping away of women's rights. YOU ARE A MALE FEMINIST.
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Im disowning anyone who voted for him
No good person can vote for Trump, cut them off now!
r/askmen is not seething, this makes me seethe
There's too much to list, visit /r/askwomenover30 to enjoy it yourself
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Ever since we've first formed words, men have hated us. Was it envy due to our innate power to give life? Was it our perceived weakness of not choosing violence but instead foster different approaches of conflict resolution? Maybe they hated the thought of us being able to choose the best mate and withhold s*x. In the end, the why doesn't matter so much as the fact that their hate is deep and eternal and all encompassing.
They constructed systems to hold us down, exploit and violate us. They invented gods and morals and inescapable prisons to keep us in check and make us believe this hatred and fear of women was justified and their male, supposed superiority a natural given. Through constant repetition and brainwashing they made US believe in their evil worldview. Made us hate ourselves, aligne with the male devils in striving for a supposed advantage if we'd just conform and submit. But even those of us who fell for their separating lies and propaganda, in the end, felt the innate hatred. Even the "good, submissive ones" would be r*ped. Would have their bodily autonomy taken away, would be treated like objects, would be confined to a mere accessory, discarded the first instance she became inconvenient, old or sick.
They rely heavily on the countless hours of work we do. Without payment or recognition, so as to keep us chained to our male masters, unable to leave or build our own lives. Even if we comply with their unnatural and unjust systems, their hate lingers. Sometimes they use excuses when they hurt, exploit, enslave us. In many instances, they don't even bother with that. Of course, it's the women's fault! Why did she had to dress so provocatively? Why did she question the status quo? Why would she insist that she has just as much right to live as a men?
We're living in times where the systems to justify that hatred have become more invisible - not the wrathful and very present god that hates women for seeking knowledge but a faceless system like capitalism or patriarchy, so deeply routed in our thinking and everyday life, we're only slightly aware they're even there.
But the hatred is still felt. It is there when it's so completely absurd and unthinkable to elect a woman president. It is there when a convicted male feminist and known misogynist can take office of a country famed as the proverbial bearer of democracy and freedom. Again. It is palpable when they take away our bodily autonomy and rather let us die than choose for ourselves. It's the fact that they rather our gay or trans kids kill themselves than show them acceptance.
Don't let them fool you into thinking they apply some kind of natural order or god given morality in their hatred. Don't think for a second that there's anything resembling kindness or empathy involved. They hate us for who we are and will always act on this hate, in subtle and not so subtle ways.
Today, hatred once again showed it's ugly butt face. And I'm sick and tired of living in a world built upon hate, fear and domination where every system is built to embolden the fragile male ego. Where there's no place on their side for women or any other person who is not exactly like them. Just beneath them.
What a shitty and flawed creation we humans are.