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Edit: I didn't mean to refer to men as "males". English is my third language so it felt like it would be strange to write "men fantasies" in the title, thus the use of this word. My bad.
I've seen violent anal videos. Punching, slapping, degrading. Pissing inside them. I can't watch it. It's crazy. How is it legal?
Why are feminists so always intimately versed in extreme pornography.
“Man: Hey God, I just want you to know I am committed to protecting my family at all costs.
“God: Gosh, that's great to hear. One of the main things I need you to do to protect your family is laundry. Tons of laundry.
“You know kids — they're so susceptible to infections and viruses. Pinworms, athlete's foot, lice, strep throat, colds and flues. Pneumonia and diarrhea are serious killers of children under five. The list is endless. So you're going to need to do laundry basically daily. Their socks and underwear, their sheets, and put their sneakers through the wash too. I can't emphasize this enough: protecting your family involves a lot of laundry.
“Man: Oh. Um. I was thinking more along the lines of a masked intruder with a gun, at 2:00 AM, raping my family.
“God: First of all, stop fantasizing about your family being r*ped. Second, do you know the stats on break-ins? The vast majority (72.4%) happen when no one is home, and only a small percentage are armed.”
In this episode, women complain about doing chores again.
Anything that disapproves of male fantasies is 'mocking' to men, which is why they get so testerical, and sometimes violent.
Bonus screed from OP
Anyone else here? I'm almost 30, I took driving lessons and even passed the test somehow (not in the US, fwiw), but it's so overwhelming having to keep up with everything other cars do, beware of pedestrians and try to predict unexpected stuff and react quickly enough to it. Every time I tried to drive, I damaged the car (by hitting or at least grazing another vehicle, a lamp post or a gate, despite driving really slow).
I don't know if it's an ADHD thing, but I'm assuming it is because I also have terrible depth perception and spatial awareness, I'm always hurting myself on stationary objects even if they're where they are supposed to be because I put them there, AND I constantly lose focus and start to space out and make stupid mistakes while performing simple tasks that other people can do automatically.
BUT I can't use public transportation or walk more than a few hundred meters on my own, because I'll also get too distracted and miss where I'm going, or forget to check my surrounds and collide with other people / be honked at. It's super humiliating, but I need my husband to drive me everywhere.
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A Danish comedian is speaking out about celibacy, revealing that it's been more than 8 years since they had s*x.
Sofie Hagen — who is non-binary and uses they/them pronouns — says it's now been so long since intercourse that they fear it is off the cards forever.
“Right now, as I write, I haven't had s*x in 3,089 days,” the 35-year-old declares in their forthcoming book “Will I Ever Have S*x Again?,” excerpted in The Guardian.
“I do want a s*x life. I want a happy, healthy, joyful s*x life,” Hagen writes, revealing they lost their virginity at 16. “I would, in theory, like to have s*x. I have a s*x drive. I like orgasms. I like being touched.”
However, Hagen suddenly stopped being sexually active at the age of 27, despite a desire to continue getting hot and heavy.
The comedian candidly claims unresolved “trauma” means they can no longer bring themselves to physically have s*x.
“I sign up for dating apps and swipe ‘Yes, please' to anyone who feels safe, which is, let's be honest, not that many,” they write. “Sometimes, I get a match. I will open strong. They reply and … a wave of discomfort overwhelms me. My abdomen feels tight, I start to sweat, my eyelids are heavy and I don't want to have s*x any more.”
Hagen goes on to reveal that they have been processing a sexual assault that occurred in 2008.
In a harrowing excerpt from the book, Hagen explains that a male acquaintance forced them to have intercourse, despite the fact they repeatedly told him “no.”
The comedian initially dismissed the incident because they were intoxicated and subsequently agreed to go on a date with the man.
“It wasn't until much later, when I began to reframe the night in question as ‘r*pe' instead of ‘drunken s*x', that I began to feel stupid for agreeing to a date with my male feminist,” Hagen writes.
Processing the trauma led to celibacy and, after years without s*x, Hagen started to feel ashamed, believing it was unusual for someone in their 30s not to be getting steamy between the sheets.
“I was afraid that I would discover that I was alone in this,” they heartbreakingly write. “That I was a bit of a freak. And that I am very broken, in a very specific way, which would prove to be both unfixable and unrelatable.”
“Then, on a whim, I posted on social media: ‘Hey, I feel like there is a big obstacle between me and s*x. Can anyone relate?' Within 48 hours, I had received 1,800 responses from people of all ages, genders and backgrounds from all over the world and realized that even though none of us had the exact experiences, trauma plays a big part in everyone's stories.”
The responses have inspired Hagen to break down the stigma surrounding celibacy for young people, and unpack how unresolved traumas may impact our behavior.
The comedian also reveals that “underlying insecurity that comes from an entire lifetime of fatphobia” is another trauma that has potentially had an impact.
Hagen declares “I love my fat body” but admits to be being “s–t-scared” of f intimacy, rejection and not being desirable to potential sexual partners.
Additionally, coming out as non-binary has been another issue for the comedian.
“How do I have s*x without all the gendered sexual scripts?” they ask. “Not to mention my queerness – or rather, my being a 35-year-old queer person who has only ever slept with cis peepeees.”
Hagen feels hopeful that there will be s*x in the future, but has ruled out doing the deed with a stranger, saying they want to feel safe, comfortable and valued.
“If I am ever to have s*x again,” they write, “that is the kind of s*x I want.”
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A woman from San Francisco had started crying before she even began speaking. “I'm here because I'm a racist. I'm here because my body has a trauma response to my own whiteness and other people's whiteness.” A woman who loved her cats was struggling with “how to understand all the atrocities of being a white body.” Knowing that her very existence perpetuated whiteness made her feel like a drag on society. “The darkest place I go is thinking it would be better if I weren't here. It would at least be one less person perpetuating these things.”
Quinn understood; that was normal. He just needed to try again, say “I am a racist” and believe it. The man said: “I am racist.” What did he feel? He said he was trying not to fight it. Say it again. “I am racist.”
“That's beautiful,” Quinn said.
Some members of the group were having a breakthrough. One woman realized she was “a walking, talking node of white supremacy.”
The essay had no real conclusion but as always DEI seminars are inadvertently hilarious.
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I'm kind of shaped like a bullfrog
(broad shoulders, a belly, no butt, slim hips and thighs). I have a heck of time finding pants that fit right. I lost weight and have been trying to find new clothes and I complained to my husband that clothes I try on just don't fit. He believes I can change my body shape through exercise. He's now on my shit list. I'm venting, but if other ladies with my unfortunate body shape can recommend jeans that might fit, please let me know.
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A 24-year-old Wisconsin elementary school teacher was arrested Wednesday for allegedly “making out” with her fifth-grade student — less than three months before her wedding.
Madison Bergmann's alleged abuse of the 11-year-old boy came to light when the student's mother overheard her son talking to the teacher on the phone, CBS News Minnesota reported.
The victim's parents allegedly found texts between the pair, and the boy's father then stormed into River Crest Elementary School with printouts of the conversations.
The deranged text chain included messages from Bergmann allegedly discussing multiple encounters inside the classroom during lunch or after school.
She is also accused of telling the child how much she enjoyed him touching her and “making out,” the charging documents state.
Inside her bag, police also found a folder with the victim's name on it containing many handwritten notes talking about how much they kissed one another, the charges allege.
In one of the letters, Bergmann allegedly wrote, “One of my cousins is in the 5th grade and I can't imagine a man talking to her how we talk. I know we have a special relationship and I do love you more than anyone in the world but I have to be the adult here and stop.”
It's not clear how long the abuse had been going on, but Bergmann told investigators she was given the boy's phone number by his mother in December when his family invited who they thought was a beloved teacher with them to the Afton Alps for winter break.
That was the same month she became engaged to her longtime boyfriend, her social media shows.
According to the document, when officers asked about text exchanges between the two, Bergmann invoked her right to an attorney.
The accused pervert has since been placed on administrative leave and barred from contacting any district students, parents or staff, the Hudson School District told parents the same day as her arrest.
“Learning about a school staff member and alleged inappropriate conduct that breaches trust is deeply troubling for all of us,” the message states.
According to her social media, Bergmann was set to be married in July — less than three months from when she was arrested.
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Britney Spears sparked 'mental health crisis' concerns at the Chateau Marmont in the early hours of Thursday morning as shock photos showed the barefoot star wrapped in a blanket being escorted out to emergency services. pic.twitter.com/pQG5iHzH2X
— Rahmah Sanni (@SanniRahma61573) May 2, 2024
Apparently it was no such mental crisis but she fricked up her ankle doing cartwheels outside her hotel room after a night of heavy drinking. Which is even funnier.
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nonsense with some /h/peakpoors. For those that have never ran across the Money Diaries website, they breakdown the daily spending of a city dwelling woman and almost always pivot into vehicles of relationship drama. I recommend reading it all to really absorb the self-importance and keep in mind this was posted December 2019. Four whole months before the lockdowns.
Occupation: Project Coordinator
Industry: Public Health
Age: 28
Location: Seattle, WA
Salary: $60,000
Gender Identity: non-binary (they/them please!)
5 a.m. — My wife's first alarm goes off and she returns to bed for our daily snuggle sesh. I've been out of the country for the last ten months and just got home two weeks ago, and so it feels extra special to have her next to me. After we get up, my wife and I visit my girlfriend's bedroom and hang out for a minute while the cats beg us for attention like they were just rescued from a deserted island. Missed this, too. I catch the bus for work and smoothly make my transfer. I've only been at work for about a week, so this is a big deal, y'all. We've all sat down and talked budget, but until I see my first paycheck this coming Monday, it's tough to nail down a budget. I've spent the last six years lurching from job to grad school to temp job to fellowship, and so I didn't have much of a financial cushion when I left. My wife is a pro with money, and I'm working to change my habits so I can be the partner that she deserves. The numbers look hopeful.
I'm working on my budget on the bus. I had a big stipend from my university for ten months of world travel that I just came home from, but I spent all of it. Plus $700 on a line of credit. Plus my wife had to float expenses for me sometimes. Plus my girlfriend bought my last flight. Seeing it all written out like that feels awful, but it's the facts of the matter and I'm trying to face them.
28, in debt, and a confusing living situation. Her wife and girlfriend appear to have been living with each other while she was away? I'll go ahead and spoil the crazy revelation that all her problems are due to this stupid relationship dynamic she has going on.
5 p.m.— I get home at 5 and our Imperfect Produce box is here! As I'm unpacking the box, my girlfriend texts my wife and I to tell us that she's given notice at her job. This is....not my favorite. She's a tech world drop out and comes from a family that has a lot of money, so she has a pretty significant safety cushion. At the same time, she didn't work and was on disability for year, and has spent two years bouncing through a long series of jobs she thought would be a better fit. She's entered a new field that has a lot of job opportunities, but I feel like after years of instability I'm ready to have both of my relationships exist with financial stability.
OP is having second thoughts on the girlfriend since it's not really clear how she is going to buy shit for her.
My girlfriend heads out to yoga and I continue working on the plan for thanksgiving. It's our first Thanksgiving together, and it's been a saga to get here. My parents offered to come to Seattle because I've been traveling so much lately, and negotiating plans between my wife, girlfriend, and family gets really complicated. My parents know about my girlfriend and they've all met very briefly on a handful of occasions, but they aren't comfortable having a meal with her. It sucks. I work out a menu, schedule, and shopping list for nine people that meets everyone's dietary needs, social anxieties, and the restrictions of our small kitchen. My wife comes home from her date with her girlfriend and mentions something about her girlfriend and my family's beloved pie recipe, and I can tell this is going to be A Thing. I head out on the bus to do some errands, seething just a little.
I check the price of turkey at PCC to see if we can afford to get a good quality one. Their turkeys start at FIFTY-EIGHT DOLLARS, so I guess not. I get a slice of pizza ($3.50) to console myself. I've arranged to pick up some sumac from a neighbor through the Buy Nothing Project so I don't have to buy an expensive spice I'm not sure I'll use more than once. I come home and launch into a fight with my wife. Of course, it's not really about the pie. Polyamory means being upfront with your deep fears and insecurities, and it can be pretty tough to have to hash that out with people you love. I cry, a lot. We work it out. I order Taco Bell on Grubhub for the feelings. I thought I had 11 dollars in credit, but apparently not. It comes out to be more than I thought it would be, but whatever ($22.30 for dinner for two). 25.80
The girlfriend is revealed to have been wanting to steal the family's super secret pie all along. OP unloads on wife about. There are more thanksgiving drama posts including the brother pricing out the throuple by going to a fancy restaurant.
11 a.m.— We wake up gloriously late. My wife makes me excellent pancakes for breakfast, and we chill for a bit. My girlfriend took the car we all own together last night to see her girlfriend and isn't home way past when we agreed she'd be home so I could use the car. This is not my favorite, so I talk it out with my wife. She makes the very good point that my wanting her to be more reliable is probably related to my wanting myself to be more reliable, especially with money.
I have a meeting with the lead on the project I'm on and it's exciting to hear that there will be more on my plate soon. He gets my pronouns wrong despite me having them in my signature line, introducing myself to his team with them, and being introduced to the entire department (twice with them). I chat briefly with my supervisor and we come up with a good plan to address this.
And two completely random bits:
2 p.m. — I catch myself in the bathroom mirror and realize that my nipples are 100% erect and 100% visible through my shirt. I had a breast reduction a year back for gender reasons and am still learning about when my new chest is and is not visible. I immediately buy a pack of bralettes from Fruit of the Loom and resolve that work = bra from now on. Traveling around the world was not a bra-required occasion, but what you can get away with in Hanoi doesn't fly in Seattle.
I wake up and quickly get ready post wife snuggles. I head to work and do some bus googling on deer hunting, which is a hobby I'd like to get in to. I think it's really important to be honest with yourself about where your meat comes from if you choose to eat it, and I'd much rather eat meat I shot and cleaned myself than from a factory farm. Washington has an online hunter's education class that's only $19.99, and my aunt has some deer rifles she has offered to let me use any time. What I'd really like to hunt is feral hogs. Those don't exist in Washington, so I go down the rabbit hole of looking at guided hunting vacations. The most expensive I find is $1,300 for two days in California and the cheapest is $400 for two days in Oklahoma (including an OPEN BAR). Weekend getaway to Oklahoma in 2020? I think yes.
Barely made it a week before planning to blow $1,000 on a vacation hunting feral hogs (did a double take on this one).
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I honestly don't understand how this is fricking possible
forgot a fricking tampon and now i think i have bv
before i start, please no judgement :( i know i'm an idiot.
i was fricking on my period and i had gone to the fricking gym so i put a fricking tampon on, this was fricking around 6pm. after the fricking gym i had unprotected s*x and fingering. i woke up the fricking next morning and realized i forgot to take my tampon out. i got lube and gloves and tried to pull it out and couldn't. i've been scared and nervous to go to the fricking doctor or the fricking gyno but i finally made an appointment for two weeks from now, and i'm planning on going to urgent care on monday, today is fricking friday, the fricking tampon was fricking put in last thursday.
i haven't been having any pain besides, i constantly feel like i'm having to pee, i can feel like something is fricking in there, a fricking feeling of constant leaking, and now i'm experiencing a fricking fishy smell that is fricking making me want to cry.
i put in an azo boric acid vaginally, not sure if i put it in far enough. and took an azo daily probiotic.
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One guy notices muh double standards
Local cougar brags about being a cradle-robber
This guy kicks the hornets nest by telling the truth
I wonder who could be arguing with him so fervently?
Oh, it's a that posts 24/7 on 2X and relationship advice subs telling women to leave their boyfriends and yelling in rage at said boyfriends. Also a die-hard swiftie who hates men but talks about "27-year-old Adonises." Platonic ideal of a 2X-foid here
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