Women are so hard working

This tale is told in 2 separate entries, the first post was first released on /r/relationships but swiftly locked by jannies, then reposted to /r/parenting and /r/relationship_advice. TLDR: Guy marries the first chick that lets him hit in college, she still rides the peepee carousel behind his back for the entire duration of their relationship, prosneeds to gaslamp him after he found out.

God abandoned this cuck 1

One redditor puts it into most simple but beautiful words

Women are whores. In other news water is wet


Final update post

"For the next few weeks we barely said a word to each other; I was hoping she was thinking it over, and I expected her to eventually sit me down and explain herself. I figured she was so far deep in a lie that got out of control, she needed time to think things over.

Nope. I came home one evening to find she had committed suicide by overdosing. So I lost the love of my life, and I'll never know what mistakes she had made. I really wish I could go back in time and forget about it all. Whatever mistakes she made, I honestly wanted to work through it, and now I'm just riddled with guilt that I pressed her for an answer."#

This cuck still stayed in his shed despite knowing his wife kept fricking other men behind his back not once, or twice, but during their entire time together. This strag probably sucked more indirect peepee than tonguing a post wall twink.

The foid meanwhile:

>Frick Chad behind your r-slurred hubbies back

>collect kids from everyone except your husband for 15 years

>get caught

>refuse accountability or an explanation to your family

>keep yourself safe


But I just didnt want to leave it off here, lets look at some of the most r-slurred answers Plebbitors posted in response to this :marseychefkisstalking: bait

"This is gross. My husband and I have slept with other people within the boundaries of our marriage but I would never imagine in a thousand years allowing another man to get me pregnant and bear his child. Nevermind four times. She's so gross. She doesn't care about you."

"Look into chimerism and DNA mutations. Chimeras have two sets of DNA and can have children that do not register as theirs on DNA tests. Also, older dad DNA can mutate."

Yeah bro you are a fricking pokemon look into it

Of course a whole lot of:

"Go to therapy Go to therapy Go to therapy Go to therapy Go to therapy Go to therapy"

:#soysnootalking: :#soysnootalking: :#soysnootalking:

Nah the correct answer would have been murder-suicide but I digress.

Love is

Also his mom told it was his wife who pushed him to go back to Russia :marseyoctopusglow: :marseyxd: :marseythumbsup:

He also maxxed hitting a pipe since his daughter also didn't gave a frick

This kind of videos is good black :marseybadluck: pill

In those class reunion videos you always see that foids :marseyblops2chadcel: aged worse then men yet to this day young :marseyzoomerimplosion: foids :marseyblops2chadcel: think :marseynoooticer: at 30 they can easily get that nerd who was in love with her when they were 16 year old or basically 120lbs ago or 1000 peepees and 10000 litre alcohol :marseycheers: before :marseyskellington:

Western Foids taking L's in Asia is such life fuel

Foids :marseyblops2chadcel2: will make up the craziest bullshit :marseyitsallsotiresome: you've ever heard :marseyjacksparrow: just to avoid :marseynope: accountability for their dating :marseyitsrigged: life. Who doesn't want a stupid :marseyretard6: b-word :marseychonkerbutch: that brings nothing to the table :marseywould: and constantly compares you to the Ultrachad peepee carousel she rode in college.

Russian self proclaimed incel king after saying he wants s*x

They all told they will have s*x with him and be his gf.

Status max famous max is real

This true?


Reported by:
volcel if you wouldn't
Stay strong, bros

If you inkwell at 40 you are just mental ill and not light but ultra severe

married foid learns the :marseytrans: 💊 is not without its risks
Has anyone considered AI-maxxing?
Black pill hit me out of nowhere

Multiple foids I know liked this video. Bro just buy a foid 10k necklace to hold her hand

Reported by:
Tfu no Chinese farmer gf
Foids are evil

So meet up a foid 2 weeks ago, she is mid talked with her she seemed very interested in me but because of thing, didn't hanged out with her since then but she constantly writes me and etc and today I found she has guy friends that she leads hard for monetary reasons :marseydisagree: and one guy got into her ig story, 6' ultra mayo with terrible skin that has big holes and red spots, mouth breather semi balding with thick glasses. I asked her who is this she told me “friend” :marseyxd:


Genuinely seems like a kino life desu. Only thing I disliked about trucker life is having to stay away from family, these guys have to stay away from their kids but otherwise it seems perfect.

As I was typing this they got to a marital spat over the foid not recording a proper tiktok of mountain peaks for the moid


I guess this is what normals are like :marseyretard2pat:

Oh lmao he briefly abandoned her on the side of the road :marseygiggle: in the middle of nowhere mountains lmoa. Must be that personality that attracted the femoid :marseysmughips:

Lol based chinkoid


>click on user profile of woman giving bitchy response




>reread the profile of a normal average guy and people are telling him he's only gonna find love if he meets a third world gold digger


My favorite is the schizo woman in her 40s tearing him down on a level that carnel tilt maxxers can only dream of


My desire for cheap :marseydiscount: coke and a guy that speaks funny :marseylaughpoundfist: English :marseymaltliquor: will always triumph over wh*res


It makes me sad to see so many AF date and marry WM.

I know it's not my business what people do in their personal life but it feels sad to see so many reject their own culture, especially among my own friends/ family. I had a friend that told me they preferred WM because they found them more attractive. If the reason is just physical attraction, it seems like a lot of it is due to media brainwashing. A lot of us grew up with mostly whites until college and probably consume a lot of western media. I didn't know many Asians until college and I felt such relief to be around my own people. I felt a closeness and security with my Asian friends that I never felt with my white friends. I finally appreciated Asian beauty in college (after feeling ugly my whole life) because I was finally exposed to Asian guys and my friends introduced me to Asian media.

Also, as I grow older, Asian guys just keep getting better looking and white guys just look really pale and old next to their Asian wives. A lot of the AF I know also married loser WM who don't work or can't get jobs. One of my cousins has to pay alimony to her loser ex-husband because he never worked. All the AF I know that married AM have good husbands that work hard and look good for their age. I don't understand the love for WM, especially if it's only about looks. They peak in their teens/ early 20s and then they age rapidly, balding by 30.

Ironically for me the girl I love living in Japan who is Chinese had many guys to choose from, white, asian, indian, etc... among her local and expat friends. Can you Guess which guy chose? out of all the people she chose an Asian American like myself except this guy was a more successful version of myself.

I have mixed feelings about it, it could have been much worse but at the end of the day someone else gets the girl anyway and the result is the same.

Everyone needs to de-personalize the situation with wm/af before looking seriously at this issue. I mean really even if the world were perfect and almost all asian females were with asian guys. This isn't going to change everything. At the end of the day women are women and most guys don't understand how they think and you will still have to compete with other guys in order to get her.

It you accept :marseyokay: there :marseycheerup: is no such thing as unconditional love things will become easier

Like most of us don't want a Chad cumdumpster especially with kids. I write :marseychingchongnotes: most because some men are some men. So it's similar to how foids :marseyblops2chadcel2: don't want a ugly short :marseyprincesszeldatotk: guy and you can b-word :marseyarthoe7: “but foids :marseyblops2chadcel: are being judged by their own free will action :marseypop: and men on something they can't change” and you'll be correct :marseyhesright: but you are dealing with foids :marseyblops2chadcel2: so logic :marseyshapiro: is useless. The personality cope is also just a cope, you have to remember soycity is build :marseyikea: in such way that it would :marseymid: punish you if act different :marseyvenn3: from the norms so true unique personality are psychos (they do indeed get more laid than normalcels but that's another topic).

So what do women :marseyextinction: want ? To have all men benefits, all women :marseyuterus: benefits and reduce :marseyrecycling: men benefits so very simple. Like women :marseyblops2chadcel: want that they will be treated similar as guys who get laid. Like a guy who constantly gets laid get praised. So why we don't just praise women :marseyblops2chadcel2: that get consistently laid ? Simple :marseysmug4: look at those popular K-pop :marseyfingergoodjob: bois they often get sexual assaults, harassment and etc cases opened against them so a plain :marseysmug4: ugly ho can get more laid than a supa star. Do women :marseysuffragette: understand this ? Obviously not, since you can't win against a foid with logic. Like they want to enforce fat acceptance and etc on men. They want to enforce their will on other. So as you see you should :marseynorm: respect :marseyfingergoodjob: them but you ain't entitled :marseypaintermerchant: for their respect.

So how do you get a girl ? Become someone who can make her peepee wet and happy :marseywerebackyall: like don't be fat and become rich.

Or you can't stop acting like a mayo or rice boi and be more like Arabs tell them what they want to hear. Because majority hole will believe :marseyparappa: you if you tell them you are a billionaire :marseysubmarine: undercover.

So just remember a foid won't love you if you can't provide her and make her peepee wet

So gooooood morning :marseycoffee:

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