Reported by:
  • Arran : Vaccine Misinformation
added 83 marseys


:#marseyswastika: :#marseyswastika: :#marseyswastika: :#marseyswastika: :#marseyswastika: :#marseyswastika: :#marseyswastika: :#marseyswastika: :#marseyswastika: :#marseyswastika: :#marseyswastika: :#marseyswastika: :#marseyswastika: :#marseyswastika: :#marseyswastika: :#marseyswastika: :#marseyswastika: :#marseyswastika: :#marseyswastika: :#marseyswastika: :#marseyswastika: :#marseyswastika: :#marseyswastika: :#marseyswastika: :#marseyswastika: :#marseyswastika: :#marseyswastika: :#marseyswastika: :#marseyswastika: :#marseyswastika: :#marseyswastika: :#marseyswastika: :#marseyswastika: :#marseyswastika: :#marseyswastika: :#marseyswastika: :#marseyswastika: :#marseyswastika: :#marseyswastika: :#marseyswastika: :#marseyswastika: :#marseyswastika: :#marseyswastika: :#marseyswastika: :#marseyswastika: :#marseyswastika: :#marseyswastika: :#marseyswastika:

Hole improvements: follow holes for notifs, new holes 50k DC

Stanley: Where's a person go to the bathroom around here?

Magnet: Pick a hole, any hole.

Holes (2003)

arr-drama dot net has a tumultuous relationship with holes of all sorts: sometimes Carp ravages your holes arbitrarily, sometimes we debate whether gussy or bussy is the better hole. Today we bring you a welcome relief from those petty concerns: you can now be notified when people put things in your holes! Holes are now also more readily available for purchase.

This update adds a "Follow" button to the top of every hole, right above the "Block" button. If you click it, you will receive post notifications for new posts in that hole. You can, of course, later unfollow the hole whenever you please.

Additionally, holes cost 50 000 DC now and anyone can make one if you have the DC. However, they are deleted after 2 weeks of not getting new posts :marseysal2: EDIT: One (1) week of not getting new posts. Two weeks went nowhere.

EDIT 22:20Z: /h/neoliberal has been purged for inactivity. Carp considered this very important to announce and was going to shit up your feed with another changelog. You're welcome for getting an edit instead.

Reported by:

Aevann did these changes obviously but he’s been coding for like 15 hours straight so I’ll post the changelog


Did some sort of thing with gunicorn workers and also server management wherein a bunch of different servers handle different computer words in exciting new ways. You have this to thank for the suddenly extremely improved load times.


All images are now webp. This takes up about 10% the space as before. This makes everything load much more quickly. It also means:

  • all previous thumbnails are permanently trashed. The images are fine. It’s just the thumbnails that are fricked. You can still click to see the image. Future thumbnails are unaffected.

  • if you had an animated pfp, you’ll need to reupload it. Some other issues with past gifs. Future gifs should all be unaffected.


Major improvements to Club security, patched various workarounds, gave chadmins new tools for this and other things. Go ahead, look at the source now. See if you can figure out how to get in without an invite. Losers.

Reminder that CC is not for day-to-day posting but for discussion of sensitive topics free from prying eyes. Misuse of Club facilities will result in your membership being revoked.

Reported by:
:marseyantischizo: hid all these marseys from the emoji picker (u still can use them if u remember their names)

hiddem marseys:

:#marseyschizochadthankscapylove: :#marseyschizoschizolove: :#marseyschizochadyescapylove: :#marseyschizochadbasedcapylove: :#marseyschizocapylove: :#marseyschizosorenlove: :#marseyschizocarplove: :#marseyschizosallove: :#marseyschizoidiolove: :#marseyschizostimslove: :#marseyschizobyolove: :#marseyschizocapygitcommitlove: :#marseyschizopennylove: :#marseyschizogrizzlylove: :#marseyschizofartbinnlove: :#marseyschizomajorgenerallove: :#marseyschizosnakeslove: :#marseyschizoabsinthelove: :#marseyschizochadseethecapylove: :#marseyschizodongerlove: :#marseyschizoducklove: :#marseyschizolangleylove: :#marseyschizohobocellove: :#marseyschizojoelove: :#marseyschizobussylove: :#marseyschizohanklove: :#marseyschizogeeselove: :#marseyschizodussylove: :#marseyschizonekolove: :#marseyschizodoggilove: :#marseyschizojclove: :#marseyschizogetogetolove: :#marseyschizochiobulove:

Reported by:

We are still waiting on the launch of the full shop. Yes. But it’s coming.

Anyway I lowered the prices of the existing items by a ton. Go nuts.

Oh, also, all but the bottom tier of paypig now get free ban awards each month instead of just the top two.


Hat submissions are now to be done with this link:

This will massively expedite the process of adding them, much like the new Marsey submission page has allowed for like two hours of Marsey additions to be added in a matter of a couple minutes.

Please use this hat submission page going forward. You’re not required to move your yet-unapproved hats from the hat submission thread there, but it would be cool if you did. Not the end of the world if not though. Please delete your comment in the OG thread with the hat if so, to avoid conflicting filenames. Note that I am still working that thread, so if you see your currently-backlogged comment got jannied, it means I took care of it. Previously I would just upvote things I had processed.

Remember to thank Aevann for revolutionizing our custom asset library with these forms. They’re real game changers.


Previously, there were two huge issues with DMs:

  1. They’d populate in the main Notifications tab, which often caused DMs to be overlooked, as clearing their notification was tied to just clicking the bell at all and they’d likely be buried under normal notifications, and

  2. The actual Messages tab sorted by date of the first message received, rather than most recent. So even if you were diligent in checking that tab to keep up, conversations would inevitably get buried. If someone messaged you on Monday and you’d been discussing something, and it’s now Saturday, every message you received from Tuesday-Saturday would be above that conversation, regardless of replies.

@TwoLargeSnakesMating has resolved both of these issues and it’s SO GOOD. Praise him.


added Chat on a TRIAL BASIS

Chat is in alpha. It may never get out of alpha. We are TRIALING IT for ONE WEEK to see if it hurts the site. Report bugs and suggestions in this thread. Remember to ping @Aevann because I can't do shit.

You liking chat does not mean it will stay after the week is over, nor does it mean it will ever return. We are monitoring metrics that are entirely unrelated to your enjoyment of the chat. Your feelings are of NO CONSEQUENCE SO GET FRICKED.

A quick access button will be added to the mobile bottomnav and the upper desktop pane tomorrow.

Emojis are supported. Images are not, for obvious reasons, though this may be added at a later date.

The 50 most recent messages are visible at present. If you feel this should be increased or decreased (why?), say so after using it and explain your answer.

added "touch grass" award :marseygrass:

costs 10k coins to buy and bans its recipient permanently, recipient has to send the chadmins a timestamped picture of them touching grass to get unbanned :!marseygrass:

idea by @duck

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Two minor but significant QOL changes

"Caaaaarp there are too many Marseys"
"I can't find Marseys because I don't know how to scroll caaaaaaaaaaarp"
"Caaaaaarp heeeeeelp I don't like some Marseys and they get in the way of Marseys I do like caaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarp"
"Hey carp how come carp there are carp too carp many marseys carp and carp no carp categories carp huh carp"

There, I've preemptively made half the comments in the thread. And I have a rebuttal: THERE ARE NOW TAGS. On each and every one of the 700some Marseys. My hands hurt. But now, for example, you can search like "halloween" to bring up all the Halloween emojis. Or "schismatic" to bring up the Orthodox ones. Or "groomer" and "borpa" and the like for :marseypedo:. Or "animated" for all of the animated ones. There are over 700 Marseys to date, but I think I did a pretty fantastic job of accounting for most common descriptors of most of them. Each one has multiple tags - sometimes quite a few - and you can just search a piece of the tag to get the results. So you don't need "pizza" for pizza; just "piz" is fine. Or even just p, though that will bring up every other emoji with "p" in it as well.

NEXT UP, @axolotl had the brilliant idea of adding a LOAD MORE button to long threads. I think it caps at 50 comments now? Or 70? Or 100? I'm not sure what we settled on, I was very tired when we were testing. Anyway, @Aevann built it this morning and it is PHENOMENAL. No more 10+ second loads on huge threads, they should be fairly instantaneous now. It is not retroactive (we can make it retroactive though, but the comparative speeds are fun) but everything is a million times better for future threads. It is now retroactive.

You may need to clear your cache to get the emoji picker updated. I'm not sure. Do it anyway though, it's been too long since you did it last.


People aren’t using cosmetic awards nearly as much as I’d like them to so now we’re doing this.

Cosmetic awards are things like fireflies, wholesome, stripper cake, glowie, etc.

Go forth and break threads.

Reported by:
  • 1 : Hats.
  • peepeehands : hat
  • whyareyou : making chuds is dramaphobic because people wont expect chuddery if someones not chud awarded and tha
reduced chud award price from 2500 to 500 (death to rightoids)

:#!marseymini: :chudsey: :#marseymini:

nuked a bunch of inactive Holes

In our continued efforts to trim the unsightly fat created by the short-lived Nu-Ruqqus experiment, we have culled some more Holes. Owners have been compensated 3500 dramacoin for their loss. You’ll notice that this is 1500 less than the 5000 that was offered for a voluntary surrender a few weeks ago. You should have listened.

A list of shuttered Holes (no activity in a week+) follows. An asterisk (*) indicates that it was manually spared by special request. This time.

(28 rows)

If you own a Hole and would like to trade it in for 4000dc, let me know in this thread. This sort of generosity is fleeting. If you own a Hole and do not want dc, but want the Hole to continue to exist, I would suggest starting to use it. Manual review will precede the next round of purging and zero-engagement spam will not cut it.



fixed emoji tags and added 65 new marseys

my hand hurts

frick off and die

ft. :marseymiku: by the amazing @McCoxmaul

there are a lot of rly good ones that dont seem to have had threads

@JoyceCarolOates had some gems

i love historical figure marseys

his anti(??? 😳) abortion ones are great too

@BigBussyHunter and @cynic also came through with some treasures

@chiobu as always killed it

you may have to clear cache


nvm that didnt work

@Aevann why is marseygunshotsuicide by @cynic broken

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(changelog) the super fetch update

Democracy is so not fetch, so we’ve gone ahead and done this anyway. The word “cool” is now automatically slur filtered to “fetch”. Those who voted no will soon be banned for being either children or, worse, zoomers. Those who fail to change their name color to pink on Wednesdays may also find themselves on the chopping block.

Krayon (sister toucher) has had his sentence enacted as well.

My Christmas vacation is now over and I have to work in 35 minutes and I don’t wanna :(((((((

Reported by:
  • aminobastard : Lies. Charged me 10k and didnt give the award. Where's my refund?

did i already post this video here

idk but here it is again if so

added "simps for" and "hates"

just like "simps" and "haters" but reversed, it will show you who you upvoted most and downvoted most :marseywalking:


(changelog) did this

welcome ur new fish overlord @Hotepianflorist

u can now upload audio files :marseyjamming:


download the new version here :marseyglowaward:

It’s live :donkeykongchestbeat:


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it doesnt really merge per se

it just moves these stuff from one account to another:

  • posts,
  • comments
  • subs u mod
  • subs ur exiled from
  • badges
  • awards
  • coins
  • marseybux
  • truescore
  • winnings counter
  • coins_spent counter
  • lootboxes_bought counter


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