
There is nothing salad-like involved

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Well, well, well... expect a rereview of Panera if this changes things...

Obviously my review had no impact on this, but I'm glad to see they realized some of the problems they are facing atm. Hope they also revamp the drinks in the future. If this changes my opinions on Panera, expect me to make a follow-up to my last post.

Reported by:
  • H : /h/shittyfood
  • STAN_ARTMS : Use onions instead of onion powder :marseysmughips:
Bell peppers stuffed w ground beef, rice, and onion powder
Lobster part 2

Re: Influencers & Starbucks : nycinfluencersnarking

Starbucks doesn't even have stores or franchises in Israel

Burgers don't have culture? Then explain this :marseynails:

Ive never seen bananas this hue before

Does anybody know where people are buying black bananas @? Plz and thank you ahead of time

(I asked the store but when they pointed to the yellow bananas i guess we got cross hairs on different items in mind idk tho

Rubens at home
Lemon pickle with naan bread

My first try at the pickle. Very sour, but I used a bit more lemons than needed so a bit expected. For my personal taste it could also be hotter.

Bangers and Mash from Kildares Irish Pub in West Chester PA.
Heretical Chili Recipe :marseybountyhunter: :marseydead:

I'm celebrating Texas finally starting to get hot this year by cooking up a big pot of heretical chili.

This chili is considered blasphemous due to the beans - despite this, I have tricked enough Texan coworkers to abandon their morals and win one of those goofy office chili cookoffs with this recipe before I became a pale WFH shut-in.


This makes a ton of chili, and a ton of delicious leftovers. I'll usually put some aside in flattened ziploc bags to freeze for later.


You will need:

5 qt Dutch Oven

Food processor

You could also theoretically throw this all into an instant pot for an hour and get similar results, but I enjoy slowly letting my house smell delicious.



  • 1 diced onion

  • 2-3 chopped celery stalks

  • 1 diced bell pepper

  • 3-4 cloves minced garlic


  • 1 lb ground beef

  • 1 lb italian sausage (not in casing)

  • 6 oz bacon, chopped into bits (about half of a pack)


  • 2 14.5 oz cans "chili beans" (can use kidney instead if desired)

  • 2 15.5 oz. cans diced tomatoes

  • 6 oz tomato paste

  • 1 can "chipotles en adobo/chipotles adobado"

  • 2 beef bouillon cubes

  • 1/4 cup beer - I usually use guiness or blue moon, but any non-crazy beer should work.

  • 1 1/2 tsp worchestershire sauce


  • 2 tbsp chili powder

  • 1 1/2 tsp oregano

  • 1 tsp cumin

  • 1/2 tsp basil

  • 1/2 tsp salt

  • 1/2 tsp pepper

  • 1/2 tsp cayenne powder

  • 1/2 tsp paprika

  • 1/2 tsp sugar

1. Throw everything listed under spices together in a small container and set aside.

2. Throw the chopped bacon, beef, and italian sausage into the pot and allow to cook until the ground meat is browned. Once this is completed, drain the meat and set aside. Keep small amount of fat in the pot.

3. Add onion to pot - stir often and at a higher temperature to allow it to brown. Once the onion has started to brown, turn the heat back down a little and throw in celery, bell pepper, and garlic.

4. Open can of chiles en adobo - take out 1 pepper and scrape out as much of the adobo sauce as you can into a food processor. You can use more peppers if you'd like, but I'd recommend starting with one. Mix the 1 pepper & sauce together until the pepper is fully blended into the sauce.

5. Add the cooked meat to the pot of vegetables.

6. Add the pureed chile sauce and beer.

7. Add the spice mix you set aside in the first step.

8. Add beans, tomato paste, diced tomatoes, and worchestershire.

9. Add bouillon cubes. These will dissolve as the chili cooks. Stir everything together until well mixed.

10. Turn heat down to low, cover pot, and allow to cook for about 4 hours. Stir occasionally to make sure nothing gets stuck to the bottom.

It will taste insanely good the next day after cooling -> reheating.

During grilling season, I'll add a grilled chopped serrano with the vegetables.



Sir this is a Wendy's


!cuteandinvalid someone ping !.goyslopenjoyers :#marseyitsover:

And plated. Pan fried catfish w roasted asparagus.

Food deserts 😉

My review of Panera and the Unlimited Sip Club.

I got a free 2 month trial of Panera's Sip Club they are constantly shilling and I have opinions about it. I was planning to send this as feedback for the survey they send me via email almost every visit, but these frickers are so cheap you don't get anything for filling it out. Might as well get some DC instead.

The main problem with this whole thing is that the drinks at Panera just aren't very good. The quality of all the drinks (most of them!) I've had are middling at best. That immediately sets this thing up to fail, it doesn't matter how many options or how cheap the club is if the drinks aren't worth drinking.

The other main problem is that the selection is weird. There are a bunch of items, but they are almost all the same type of product with very few exceptions.

They may have 25 items, but let's break them down so you can see how little meaningful variety there is:

  • Only 4 of those drinks are caffeine free, and 1 isn't available after 2 PM.

  • 4 coffee options, but 2 of those aren't available after 2 PM (including the decaf!)

  • If you want iced coffee, the dark roast is your only option, no decaf, hazelnut, or light roast.

  • The hot tea has many flavors (6), but they only list the ingredients of the Br*tish Breakfast and they all taste pretty similar.

Another issue is the warped sense of value, they market it as "once you get 4 drinks, it pays for itself". However the drinks are an overpriced ripoff without the sip club, soft drinks are $3.19! If you pay that much for a soft drink, you might be r-slurred. This is the only place in town that serves soft drinks for anything over $3, and most places have a much wider selection of sodas. The coffee is $2.89 which isn't bad, if it wasn't gas station quality... None of the drinks they offer as part of the club are worth more than $2. This means you'd need to get 6 drinks a month to make it worth getting.

The frustrating part is they do offer some other nice interesting drinks, but they aren't part of the sip club. I understand why, they cost more to make, but they should have an option to get them for at least discounted. Even better would be making them free, but no refills, or even only allowing someone to claim 1 a week. Any of these solutions would allow someone to get these nice higher quality drinks as part of the sip club, without causing Panera to lose tons of money.

Also corporate has mandated that you get the cups with your order. They used to be right near the counter, however now they have to serve the empty cup with your food. This is brain dead. The time it takes to actually get the drink means your food is getting cold while getting your drink. It also means you can't enjoy your drink while waiting for the food, which takes time. This means the best way is to place 2 separate orders, one for just the drink first, and then another for the food. I don't need to explain why this is stupid. It also doesn't help that the app is slow as shit.

The program has one potential saving grace, the coupons. The idea is that every Saturday (and other days randomly) you get a coupon, not bad right? The problem is most of them suck; from a pathetic $2 off a Pick Two, to "Buy One Get One 50% Off" entrees, few are worth using. This means I usually just end up getting the Value Duets and using the entree coupons on them, as they are the only items that aren't a rip-off.

If Panera wants this to actually go somewhere it needs to do any one of the following:

  • Reduce the cost of menu items to make eating here a better value.

  • Make the coupons better, they don't need to be Burger King good, just better than what they are now.

  • Allow the Sip Club to be used on premium drinks, whether that is only a discount, free with no refills, only so many a month, or some combination of those restrictions.

  • Add more self serve drinks, specifically more soda and decaf options. Pepsi Zero, different Mt Dew or Pepsi flavors, fruit juices, iced decaf (and make the decaf coffee all day please!), and non caffeinated still lemonades would all be fine additions.

Note, it doesn't (nor should it) do all of these, that's unreasonable. However if they did even one of these it would be worth keeping the subscription. As it stands after my subscription ends, I don't plan to ever go back to Panera unless they fix the Sip Club or lower prices.

Also this is a small little tangent, but holy shit do a lot of the stuff they serve have too much sugar. All but 1 dessert item has more than 20g of sugar, and many are around ~50g! Also excluding the drinks that have 0g of sugar, most are around 50g a serving, I don't want to know how many people get refills on these... This place is one of the unhealthiest for desserts where I live, most donut places are much healthier! Kinda wild, it's not like the desserts really sell, so I'm not sure why they do this.

I am curious to see if other people view Panera differently these days so I'm going to make a poll. Do you go to Panera?




I need your advice.

I Support Lipton
rDrama cookbook
Thoughts on Almond:carpangelic:Milk?

I tried it for the first time and I luv it :marseyokaymilk: apparently the one I drank is unsweet and unflavoured but it tasted like vanilla to me.

Never liked "normal" :chudspin: milk too much cause it just left a shitty taste in my mouth. Turns out it's loaded with sugar and cholesterol anyway while the mighty almond :carpangelic: has neither. Though it does have less protein so it's not all better.

How do you feel about the almond? :carpangelic: Am I a strag?

Curried rice and lentils :marseylickinglips:


Heat olive oil in pot.

Add diced onion.

Cook until soft.

Add diced garlic, chilli and ginger.

Cook until fragrant.

Add garam masala, tomato paste, chilli powder, paprika, turmeric, pepper and salt to pot. (1 teaspoon each approx.)

Cook until fragrant. Approx 30 seconds.

Add rice and lentils and toast until a nutty aroma is clear. (I used half a cup of rice and half a cup of lentils)

Add 2 and half cups of water.

Cook to a boil and then simmer for 45 mins or until water is cooked off.

Enjoy! :marseyantiwork:

If your girl doesn't make you this for dinner does she even love you?
Need Indian Lemon/Lime Pickle recipes

So I want to broaden my cooking skills a bit and get into pickling. Since I like lime or chili pickles from Indian brands and due to inflation they become expensive (like 3.5€ / glass) they sound like a good option to start.

Beside the lemons I plan to use mustard seeds, fenugreek, chili powder, tumeric and asafoetida (in German it's called Teufelsdreck, lit. "devil's dirt"), cause those were the ingredients of the last pickle I ate. I obviously googled some recipes and found the following two which sound promising:

a) Elumichampazham Urugai


But maybe some of you has some tips or maybe even a family recipe from your mother/grandmother? !bharatiya help a mayo out!

Menthol Sausage :newport:
Easy beef burgundy

No cap I hate it when big food websites (recipetineats) advertise a guide as being quick and easy, but the first step of the recipe is to marinade something for 24 hours and to pre prepare a stock before you even start cooking. So here is a beef burgundy that takes 45 mins of real work tops and like 3 hours in the oven. (Also no whack ingredients that you only use once and never again)

Start off by chopping up some beef chuck steaks, carrots, white onions (in big pieces, don't dice), and mushrooms. Put some oil in your Dutch oven and start warming it on a low heat for like 5 minutes. Then throw your carrots in and turn the heat up to full. Most recipes I've seen say to leave the oven on the stove until it's ready to scorch your food but I feel like it's bad to let it get too hot without food in there. Keep stirring your carrots until they start to burn on the outside, then use a spoon to transfer them to a bowl. Throw the onion in next, and keep the heat at full.

These should toast quickly, move them back into their bowl once they've been browned nicely.

Do the same to the beef, add it in batches if it's too juicy. Add the mushroom last to soak up all of the leftover beef juice before moving them back out.

Add in a few small tubs of tomato paste, I accidentally used pizza base sauce but it worked out :marseyretard2: . Stir it around the pot for a few minutes or so to cook it, add some thyme while you're at it.

To thicken the sauce I added 5 teaspoons of regular flour. Teaspoon is a chad move here because the flour doesn't clump if you add small amounts each time.

Add most of a bottle of Pinot noir or Shiraz, and a lot of beef stock.

Add the rest of your ingredients, and top up with more beef stock if you don't think it's full enough. It doesn't matter if it feels soupy, it will thicken up in the oven.

Once you've got it boiling again, put the lid on it and move it into the oven, and bake it at 350 F for 2 and a half hours. You shouldn't need to stir it.

Once it's done it should have reduced by itself.

Here it is with gnocchi :marseyletsgo:

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