torment your loved ones with demonic artichoke dip this holiday season!

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Are their any coffee connoisseurs on rdrama?

I've recently started drinking coffee, but it's been gas station and shitty coffee.

So, I bought myself for Christmas a french press, a grinder and an electric kettle that I can dial the perfect temperature into to the degree.

I forgot to buy beans when I went shopping this morning. So now I'm trying to find and decide on some fresh roasted beans.


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  • Brasillguana : potatoes are a really good Ana meal because you can eat up to 5lb per day without gaining weight
  • johnnypoop : Yayyy
I made hasselback potatoes :marseytoasty: :marseycomfy:

!MasterChef rate my coloring, texture etc

!thin I'm going to bulk up finally

my dad's fav butter tarts recipe to piss off the !leafs

Butter tarts are kind of like Canada's version of a pecan pie, it's the same kind of syrupy filling but instead of pecans you use raisins. Whether butter tarts should be firm like this or liquidy like this is very controversial, my dad kicks it up a notch by liking them so liquid-y they're barely set. These are a terrible thing to make if you have to transport them 8 hours and then somehow stuff them in a stocking FYI

His favourite recipe was my great grandma's which has no eggs so it has a liquid-y style filling, to make them firmer like the ones you get in the store just add 1 egg to this recipe and cook them an additional 2-5 minutes. The ones in the bottom of this photo are made with egg and are firmer and have more of a crust compared to the ones without egg in the top rows.

For 30 tarts:

30 tart shells (I've been using @JoyceChristmasCarolOates pie crust for most pies lately and it's great but these are just store bought because muffin tins make them slightly too large for my tastes and I don't have tart tins)

1/2 cup raisins

2/3 cup butter

1 cup corn syrup

1 cup brown sugar, packed

2 tsp vanilla extract

1/4 tsp salt

1. Preheat oven to 450 F

2. Put a few raisins in each tart shell

3. Cream your butter and sugar together, then add your corn syrup, vanilla extract, and salt, and mix until smooth. If you're adding an egg to make it firmer, add it here

4. Put in the oven for 10 minutes or until they're as browned as you like, they will firm up as they cool. The ones in my photos were both baked for 10 minutes.

PS. cats seem to really like these so if you knock half of yours on the floor like I did, your Marsey can help clean up :pepewtf: bonus picture of my assistant

:marseycountry: which side are you on, boys, which side are you on?

Don't really have a tradition of cooking any special/thematic "Christmas foods", :marseychef: but last year I was celebrating with my family and decided to make Burgundian beef stew (aka Boef Bourguignon) because I accidentally saw some dude on youtube making it and it looked very yummy. Everyone liked it so I'm gonna make it this year too. It tastes very nice and has a rich and deep flavour which makes it feel more fancy than it really is. It also scales really well as if you want to make more of it you just get a bigger pot and throw more stuff into it, you don't really have to do much additional chopping or frying or whatever else. This also means it's quite easy to make, though time consuming (it took me 1 day to make the stock and 1 day to make the rest of the dish). I recommend everyone try it sometime :marseylickinglips:

Besides that my mom also has a tradition of buying rabbit or goose for New Year's when they go for cheaper which she turns into a roast, so I imagine this year it will be no different. Rabbit in white wine and rosemary is very nice but goose (:marseyme:) is genuinely one of the best meats there is and the best tasting poultry for sure.

So what about you, any specific dishes you're planning on making for the table?


Recipe here:

My girlfriend (male) doesn't like it even though she likes the taste of c*m and it has the same consistency. She's out of town visiting family alone since we're back together but not that back together if you know what I'm saying.

Anyway, made this for myself and the hot neighbor.

My first :marseywinner: attempt at congee

I think :marseyoscargamble: it's not too shabby! Thanks @X for the recipe and help!

EFFORTPOST :marseyvibing: My mom's Shrimp Scampi :!marseyvibing:

Hi rdrama!!! :marseywave2: A few days ago I made this comment about my mom's shrimp scampi recipe and so I asked her if I could make it over this Christmas season to show you strags :marseyembrace: unfortunately she got me an extra pound of shrimp to feed the whole family so the proportions are a little skewed, but nevertheless I'll show my process here!!

Starting with the shrimp, I have three pounds of 31/40 count/pound raw shrimp. Cut open the bags, pour them into a pot and let cold water run over them while you do other stuff. The shrimp need to thaw, but if you leave them out in the open air they get pink and grow bacteria and shit :marseysick:

In the above picture is everything for the sauce itself—a half stick of butter, one and a half onions, two garlic cloves, two lemons, parsley, salt and pepper. I ended up needing to add an extra lemon and quarter stick of butter later on because the sauce reduced too much, but these proportions should be fine if you're not r-slurred like me :marseygigaretard:

Start by turning the fire down low and chopping up the butter into slices so it melts easier. Put a few of the slices in just to grease the pot, and while those melt dice the onions. Put the onions in once done and stir periodically.

Now it's time to focus on the garlic. Garlic is really finicky because it's such an intense flavor, so dice it really finely. Additionally, we want the onions to be translucent before we add the garlic—I also tend to add the rest of the butter at this point just to ease its entry. This is all because if garlic burns it will frick your entire dish, so don't let it happen

Now that the garlic is added, time for the lemons! :marseylemon: I like to zest into the sauce before squeezing, since it adds extra lemon taste and makes squeezing it easier. After that, chop them in half and squeeze them for every last drop. Don't let the seeds get in of course, they're very bitter.

This is about the time I realized I needed more juice and butter. The sauce should look pretty liquidy at this point and I just didn't have it right. Anyway, all that's left to do is add the parsley, salt, and pepper!

It's beautiful :#marseyhappytears: turn it off now so it doesn't burn while you do other things.

Anyway, now for the rice. I like to use a cup of rice for every pound of shrimp, meaning three cups of rice and six cups of water. Rinse the rice beforehand (local chinx :marseychingchong: pls bestow your wisdom, I seem to half butt this part every time and idk what I'm doing wrong). Then, put it into a pot with the six cups of water, bring it to a boil with the top on and then move it to a simmer burner for 22 minutes. We're not going to just be waiting that whole time though—did you forget about the shrimp??

The shrimp need to be peeled as such, and then cooked in the sauce until they turn pink.

By this time, the rice should certainly be done! Simply add it, stir and mix really well until it's all mixed and the rice has soaked all the sauce up. With that, you have shrimp scampi!

That's all for now :marseywave#2:

@Gruench @X !effortposters

Have any of you tried the carnivore diet. What are your thoughts?

/r/carnivore is a very interesting subreddit. It's like /r/antidiet in that they both recommend a pastoral "eat as much as you feel" approach to food. The main difference is that /r/carnivore also recommends eating only animal products.


The guy who tarnished the tendie Halls actually makes some good butt looking food, and

shout out /u/Doggo-Lovato this turned from REEEE to REEspect :marseyclapping:

Lindt 70% is truly a perfect bar of chocolate

3 for $6 at safeway right now, I forgot how good this shit was.

I hate this cute twink
eggs benny

Every Chinese:marseyjewoftheorient: Takeout place :marseymap2: thoughout the country :marseycountry: has the signature Spice :marseysmughips: Bag on their special :marseyretard: menu. It's an ungodly blend :marseyblenderafter: of Chink :marseysunwukong: and Irish :marseyhibernian: cuisine :marseysmughips: from Chinese :marseychineseballoon: Salt and Pepper :marseyflakes: Chicken :marseykfc: served with thrice cooked fries :marseyfrylock: and stir fried :marseykfc: veg of your choice :marseydarkspez: (usually peppers, onions, garlic/ginger or thin sliced cabbage :marseysalad: or carrots.) Everything is then piled onto a wok and tossed with seseme oil and Chinese :marseyblenderafter: 5 spice, chilli flakes, salt/pepper. :marseylickinglips: :marseyfattie:

Near 2000 calories stacked into a bag with a tub of curry :marseyindiarentfree: sauce and plate :marseywithcake: of rice :marseyhappy2: Usually shared with a lot of people since they serve :marseywithcake: a huge portion for around 9-12 euro. :marseypoor:

EFFORTPOST :marseyitsoverwerebackchingchon: chiobu's Silky Cantonese Congee recipe - comfort food for the winter :marseyill:

When it comes to comfort food, congee (or rice porridge) is one of my favourites. It used to be poorcel food when people didn't have enough rice, since cooking rice in a lot of water would make the end product appear a lot more filling to the poorcels :marseychingchongpearlclutch!: Because of this it's considered a taboo to have it during the Lunar New Year because it's unlucky or something like that, however in modern times you'll find that the humble dish is often elevated with expensive ingredients like abalone, dried scallops and whatnot :marseyjewoftheorient!:

Having said that it's still more common to find it paired with more common ingredients like shredded chicken, minced pork, sliced fish and century eggs because we're a :marseyjewoftheorient: bunch who might just want an affordable and yummy meal :marseylickinglips: For the Chinese there are generally 2 types of congee or porridge, one would be the Teochew version that's basically just water in rice, and the other would be the Cantonese version that's silky and thick, and we will be focusing on the latter version because that's the one I like :marseylickinglips:

While I'm aware of the fact that there are no winters in Singapore and it's hot as heck, it's still a popular dish here especially for breakfast. You'd see long queues and long waiting times at the popular outlets here everyday still, so I can only imagine and be envious of how nice a warm bowl of congee during a real winter :marseycry:

The recipe I'm using is for the plain version of it without meat or anything so it's up to your imagination what you want to pair it with. The usual salt and pepper seasoning would probably work with most types of meat that you'll just dunk in the pot when it's 10ish or so minutes before the congee is done cooking.

Ingredients are simple:

  • Rice (any type is fine but Thai Jasmine rice probably works best IMO)

  • Water (I use a 8:1 water to rice ratio because I like it thiccc but you can use more water if you prefer)

  • Ginger

  • Spring Onions

  • Cilantro/Coriander Leaves

  • Chicken Stock/Bouillon

I've not listed the amount you'd need because in :marseychingchong: cuisine we would usually just eyeball an amount that's required according to our preferences lol, but if you really need a visual guide here's the amount of aromatics/garnishes that I've prepared for a serving of 2-3 bowls of congee. Ignore the dried scallops because I don't know how accessible they are to get for westoids and they're expensive, but if you're able to source for it then go for it I guess (crush the dried scallops into smaller pieces, soak it for 10 minutes, use your hands to shred them even more before finally dunking them into the pot 10 minutes before the congee is done)


1. The trick to getting your congee silky and thick is that the rice grains need to burst or something like that while cooked, so we will be soaking the rice in water first to get that effect. Rinse the rice 2-3 times first before soaking it in water for 3-4 hours (it probably doesn't need to be this long idk). Some of the recipes I've seen say that it's not necessary to soak the rice grains if you use the right type of rice, while others would instruct you to freeze the rice the night before. They might be right so you could try it if you're short on time but I'll be doing the trad way of soaking the rice so don't @ me if it turns out bad using the other methods :marseybottom:

2. Once you're done soaking the rice, boil water that's 8 times the amount of rice you're gonna cook, but it's really up to you if you want to add more water later if you don't like it to be too thiccc :marseykween: Once it boils I'd toss a couple of chicken bouillon cubes and stir until it's dissolved. Canned chicken stock or powder would probably work too but bouillon cubes are just more convenient IMO. They look like this if you're confused:

3. Throw the rice in and stir for it for a bit like 10-20 seconds and then leave it to cook for approx. 25 or so minutes without touching what's in the pot because apparently that helps the rice not to stick to the pot or something like that

4. Once 25 or so minutes are up, whisk the rice in the pot for 2-3 minutes until you can see it getting thicker

5. The dish is technically done after you're done whisking but I like it really thick so I'd leave it to cook for another hour or so, but I would add in the ginger and any meat/fish/seafood accompaniments 10 minutes before the hour is up and stir it around for a bit, it's really a preference and time thing. This is the thickness of my congee at the end of it all:

6. Garnish it with spring onions and cilantro/coriander leaves and you're done! The yellow/golden things are dough fritters (Chinese churros I guess) which go perfect with congee and I personally love to spice it up by dousing a lot of pepper in it :marseylickinglips:

It might look plain and boring but because the rice grains have burst they absorb the flavours of the other ingredients cooked along with it, which in this case would be the chicken bouillon and dried scallops, so it's a real burst of flavours happening when you take a mouthful of congee. Furthermore it's easier to digest than normal cooked rice so it's the dish you usually see asians serve to people recuperating from illnesses or something like that :marseymaidchingchong:

!jannies please pin effortpost :marseybegging:

eastern medicine is degenerate but what herbal teas do you guys drink

I think the title is too niche a reference but regardless, it's that time of year again at last so recommend teas that I can pretend have health benefits but are really just dirt water.

I have a cup of ginger turmeric in the morning and two cups of chamomile before sleep and I think the morning could be moved to early evening and so I specifically want something herbal for first thing in the morning but I'm open to others :star:

The pumpkin spice finally ran out and it would be weird to reup on that in December.


new toss just dropped
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how do you like to spice up instant noodles

I do a few variations but here's what I did tonight and really it works for pretty much any kind of instant noodle. For this one I used the king of instant noodles, Indomie Mi Goreng.

2 packs of noodles, one spicy and one regular

dump all the add-ins into a bowl

add a splash of rice wine vinegar, a splash of soy sauce, and chili crisp, and mix it all together

when the noodles are done boiling add a splash of the cooking water, drain the noodles, and mix them in the bowl with everything else

top with an egg fried to your preference (if I'm doing instant noodles that you add water and microwave I add an egg or two in the last 1:40 to poach)

Instant noodles are already good but a little bit of extra effort goes a long way. Just a few extra ingredients make them a lot better.

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Alcohol taxes are two low
Its 35f out and I still wanna grill shashlik.

It's gonna taste great

Savory cheddar and scallion scone

pretty good lmk if you want the recipe

:marseyjewoftheorient: this seafood place be making bank :platyrich:

I'm waiting for my takeout order and their phone keeps ringing non-stop for orders and reservations and they have the most staff I've seen for an eatery that operates under a public housing building (cheap rents)

Even for takeouts there's a nonstop stream of people

And it's only 440pm :marseymindblown!:

homemade munchies thread

i like making sushi when i don't feel lazy

will update with how it tastes, i need to wait for the desire phase of hunger to kick in :marseylickinglips:

!stoners postem (MUST BE MADE BY YOU)

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