Life imitates art.

Goat quote:

>I was wondering, just, in your view do you think it's possible to sue a person, a grandparent for example, in a way which is like… like in an affectionate way? That might convey, like, “I love you and I'm glad you're a part of my life, but I am taking legal action against you”?

:marseychingchong: "You're witnessing the results of 5000 years of sexual repression" :!marseyhomochingchong:

:#marseyglancing: :#!marseyhomochingchong:

Scene from "The Wedding Banquet", where a chingchong is in a homo relationship with a mayo but has a fake wedding with another chingchong who wants a green card to deceive his parents



It has some anime wonkiness (odd dialogue choices) and the captions are terrible lmao but I like it.


Spin Me Round: The Duplass Bros got every cringe humor actor, and 'Guy' from High Maintenance, together in a comedy with a little Edgar Wright twist

The RLM guys liked it and I was eager to see Ben Sinclair ('Guy') in a full length movie, since I've followed High Maintenance from the beginning as a little independent web series on Vimeo. Not bad. They almost went overboard with the cringe humor but held it back. The second act had me wondering where it would lead so it kept my interest.


RLM review with spoilers


From the moment Disney announced that Halle Bailey would star in a live-action remake of The Little Mermaid, racists have bitterly complained that a Black girl might play a fictional magic fish person on film. Because of course they have.

There are good reasons to be mad at this film, another in a series of unnecessary and by definition unoriginal remakes, about the virtues of a woman giving up her family and the very core of her being in order to land a man.

But casting isn’t one of them.

Alas, they wanna be where the white people are, and they’ve found an answer to their woes.

Multiple folks on Twitter immediately focused on the poster boiling down “woke” to just be a synonym for “Black,” a rare moment of pure honesty about what these folks really mean when they complain about it.

Sadly, my brain is permanently fried by years of legal practice so my takeaway was this:

You know, the lawyers who so zealously guard the company’s intellectual property they pretty much single-handedly broke the whole copyright regime to suit their own interests and who historically run to court against companies marketing altered versions of their films? Those folks.

You want thingamabobs? They’ve got 20! And in this sentence thingamabobs are causes of action for copyright and trademark infringement.

Even these live action remakes that no one asked for seem like a Hail Mary legal play to set up some backdoor claim that the substantially similar scripts used in the NEW movie — which gets a new copyright — might give them some limited leverage against future creators trying to work with the original story when it enters the public domain. It’s hard to shake the feeling that this is all part of a far-flung future brief that says, “We grant that Dumbo the 1941 film is public domain… but when the defendant’s work features this scene it is actually infringing our 2019 version of Dumbo.” This shouldn’t work and would make a mockery of the whole purpose behind keeping copyright protection limited, but… can’t fault them if they try.

Anyway, by all means try to sell a digitally altered version of a Disney movie and see what happens! They may just send Chip & Dale after overseas pirates, but trying to take the exact same movie, edit it for the benefit of the most insecure bigots on the planet, and then sell it back?

Disney will undoubtedly be watching the boards and waiting to bring the real legal firepower for that one.

The Littlest Hobo Intro

Every stop he makes a new friend!


Reported by:
The Only Good Journo is doing a Jan 6th documentary

Shit's gonna be lit


Trailer breakdown:

Looks like it's from a VHS tape so it's likely a found footage porno film.


These fanatics are so obsessed with defending his ex-wife that they discovered time travel, became film critics after their film submission was denied for USC's graduate application, then wrote nasty reviews on Rotten Tomatoes!

Utter bullshit.

Watch party?
Watch party
Is this kino?

My fan theory is that the ring hates itself and has a death wish and commits suicide

I think this is the only way the LOTR movies make sense, note this is a movie theory I don't give any shits about the books so book nerds frick off with whatever part of the book contradicts this.

But think about this the ring is supposedly so powerful and seductive yet at every turn it falls from the hands of more powerful to someone less powerful until it finally gets destroyed. It starts out in Sauron's hands who it clearly hates so Isildur JUST HAPPENS to get off one lucky shot that severs the ring from Sauron. Now Isildur has it and Elrond's there but instead of tempting its way into the hands of the even more powerful elf it stays with Isildur. Then Isildur loses it and it manages to get itself into the hands of fricking Gollum. Then it chills out for several hundred years doing nothing until it gets sick of Gollum and works its way into the hands of Bilbo. Then instead of getting taken with Bilbo to the elven lands where it could do some damage it stays with Frodo. And at the same time the IRRESISTIBLE RING doesn't tempt Gandalf into putting it on and instead stays with Frodo. Then they come up with the quest to take it to Mount Doom and again everyone including the queen of the elves resists putting it on and Frodo keeps it. Finally Frodo gets to Mount Doom and the ring can't make them throw it in because it's a drug so it makes them fight over it like r-slurs until it falls in. The ring suicides and gives Sauron the finger as it dies and gets release from its horrible stupid existence. The end.

what are some "wall kinos", other than FMA:B, AoT, GoT?



Do all movies from Thailand end like that or did I just accidentally rent a porno that blew it's budget on special effects and stunts and forgot to show anything sexy for the first hour?

True Romance is soooo bad lol

Why does it feel like it was written by a film student who really liked Tarantino films?

Dude baby flurpy shitto is in the new Star Wars :marseysoypoint:
Disney fricked up secret invasion

So secret invasion is one of the more interesting storylines that came out of marvel comics in the past 3 decades. Currently they got a bunch of pros and cons for how they have set it up for the cinematic universe.

Pro :

  1. It has Nick Fury in it.

  2. It has a serious tone.

  3. It has got black people but they are actually good actors.

  4. It's secret wars which is an actually interesting setup.


  1. They made it into a TV series instead of building it up across multiple movies in the background which would have worked way better for secret wars setup.

  2. Lack of medium big value actors. I respect Samuel L. Jackson playing Nick Fury, but your show isn't gonna sell if the biggest actor Nick gets to work with is Iron Man's sidekick. Please at least have Bucky in it, or Captain Marvel.

  3. The trailer background audio is shit. It makes it feel like listening in on a B grade TV show. Get better trailer background music makers.

  4. Nick was not wearing his eyepatch. It's iconic. Nobody wants to look at a dead eye all show even in 2022. Trust me on this bro.

  5. The budget is likely smaller than that for Loki, you can tell the visual effects don't feel flashy and powerful enough. It's good quality if you were still living in 2010-2015 maybe, but otherwise no. However we can give leeway here as it's definitely better than CW visual effects and nowhere does it look actually bad or unrealistic, it's just that we have seen better by now.

  6. Nick Fury led show should be a thriller with a whole lot of secrets and espionage and stuff. The vibes from the first trailer felt more like an action movie equivalent pretending to be spy show equivalent. Like, of course we want the action, but it felt like they are going to be giving away too much of the character process and secrets. Maybe it's just my pessimism bias hopefully.

Conclusion - It will likely be a 70-86% metacritic score show. I don't see a 9/10 though. Could be wrong though, after all we only got one trailer so far.

Loki may have set the bar too high for other marvel shows to keep up. Funny that.

Kino is propaganda?
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