:newport: Dollar General customer gets C- on shopping cart test :newport:


Caleb's looking a little fatter and more unkempt, diet's not working :marsey#obese:

Most of the video is just circling back again and again to his r-slurred spending habits and weird deflections, he's got an incredibly soporific manner to him, made me forget to add timestamps for some of this

35 years old

He's living (for free) with his parents who he blames for his bpd depression based on things he read online. He dislikes his parents and spends all his time at home hiding in his room.

  • His complaints about them sound like reddit nonsense

He's making 40'000 a year with no real expenses and blowing it all somehow

He tried to go to a couple therapists but they both turned him away?

Previous job he "forced" his manager to fire him because he had an extended foid moment

Now works at a gas station job which he hates but he's too lazy to get a new one

He has one friend who he met through online vidya and the way he talks about him makes it seem like a quasi-romantic relationship

  • Mentions later that he sends this friend money sometimes and then gets repaid him later? timestamp

He was homeless in a car at some point then moved back in with his parents after losing his previous job

He's got some loans or something that he didn't bother looking at the agreements for?

Claims he used to sell houses for a living making 30'000 a month and blew it all :marseysurejan: timestamp

Cost Breakdown for last month - timestamp

  • $956 to eating out last month

  • $409 on mobile game purchases + PSN

    • Varies month to month, he spent $2'000 one month a while back

Mini-confrontation timestamp

Caleb takes a shot at Reddit - timestamp

Car is at 17% interest timestamp

  • 16'000 left on a 100k mile Cadillac

Disputed a bunch of charges on his checking account timestamp

  • something about a bunch of stuff being in collections with a little story

Leased Playstation timestamp

  • Missed a payment? Bought at 1500 on release, down to 900, missed 4 payments?

/r/Money keeps coming up in my feed and it's an endless goldmine of poors


"sandskinnedhippie" makes a sadpost about having debts, $1 in the bank, living in their car, not being able to get a job because of a DUI blah blah blah :marseybeggar: :marseycrying: :marseywords:

Fellow poors notice she has a YouTube Premium subscription

EDIT 4: Some people are asking and criticizing why I paid for YouTube at one point, why am I rejecting donations, etc. Listen. I'm an imperfect human being. I made all kinds of bad decisions in my life , especially financially, and ultimately contributed to my own suffering. I brought myself here. I wasn't a good son or brother to my family. I'm not incapable of redemption, but I strongly feel I don't deserve that kind of help people are offering. Please just respect my decision. I will be ok. This suffering will pass. And there are many out there who are suffering more than I am. But thank you to those of you who are leaving kind and thoughtful words as well as practical advice (which I will follow and need). Thank you.

Bro get the frick up out of here. Seriously. You don't know what the frick work I've been putting in lately. Yes I made mistakes and I'm owning up to it. I've still got interviews lined up next week. And I had an interview at Lowe's today. Quit judging like a peepeehead and acting like you know my character. I'm not out here begging for money. I was merely venting, mind you after a full day of applying and going in person to places. Don't know what the frick is with you judgmental pricks, acting like you've never made mistakes in your life. Get off your high horse

Big brain poorcel :marseybigbrain: has an ingenious way to save like $2 monthly on their luxury

Just use free vpn and make new YouTube account based out of South Africa. Comes out to like $4 a month. Don't have to use the vpn anymore once it's created. Can do this for many streaming services. India is typically the cheapest but YouTube cracked down on that one

Several redditors too fricking r-slurred to spend 30 seconds installing adblock insist that YouTube is UNUSABLE because of all the ads and they simply need YouTube as their sole source of entertainment (:surejan:) because it's the only escape from their life of constant misery :cry:

Me and I'm on disability.

Youtube is basically my only source of entertainment and I can't stand how many ads a single video will have nowadays

It's not a little ad, it is 80% ads, it's literally unusable without premium.

I decided to get it last week. I don't have any other streaming services and have been using YouTube exclusively for about a year for entertainment. They have increased the number of ads to the point that it is ridiculous. I was watching a 30 odd minute video and averaged about 3 ads that I could not skip about every 4 to 5 minutes. I haven't used the music part yet, but when I go back to work on Tuesday I'll have something thing to listen to at my desk.

No thanks. Then I can't have it on my Xbox or TV.

Which I use to help escape from my shit disease.

Is it a coincidence that people who can't find jobs or manage their finances would rather pay monthly fees than type "adblock" into Google and click a button to install? :marseynooticeglow: :marseywrongthonk:


I had to stop watching around a quarter of the way through, it stopped being funny :marseydepressed:

Gia, 25, Sacramento CA :marseytrad:

Homeless living off twitter e-begging and ex-husband sending her pitybux timestamp

Does door-dashing for cash as well as e-begging

  • small amounts, $144 last month?

Attempts to explain the husband situation timestamp

  • He lives in Pennsylvania and wants her to move back but she doesn't want to go there?

  • She wants to live in Kansas?

  • Husband only just started working? What the frick

  • Married in 2018?

  • Both lived in Kansas City, she took care of him? What?

Visited husband a few months ago timestamp

  • Lost her van in an accident while there, he has all her things and will throw them out if she leaves him?

Wants to get a job around Austin timestamp

  • "I can't live in Kansas... I have a warrant"

  • Went to jail for 4 days for "failure to appear"

  • Driving on a suspended license, bad tags

    • got caught going somewhere then caught again while driving back?
  • "I don't know why I didn't go to court" :marseyfoidretard:

Went to college for Film Production

  • About a year, then dropped out because she had to leave Kansas rather than deal with the warrant

Smokes weed timestamp

Caleb notes she smells like weed? timestamp

UK falls into recession :marseybritbongitsovergenocide:

The U.K. fell into recession at the end of last year as the cost-of-living crisis continued to weigh heavily on productivity and consumer spending.

The British economy shrank by 0.3 percent in the final three months of 2023, according to the Office of National Statistics, marking the second quarterly contraction in a row and meeting the definition of a "technical recession."

Analysts had broadly expected a recession, but today's drop was a full 0.2 percentage points lower than forecast.

Though some analysts expect the recession to be temporary, the figures deal a blow to efforts by Prime Minister Rishi Sunak to paint a rosier picture of the economy in what is expected to be an election year.

On Tuesday, Sunak told business executives that the U.K. economy had "turned a corner" and was being widely forecast to grow in 2024.

According to the ONS, the downturn at the close of 2023 was broad-based, led by a 1.3 percent fall in construction and followed by manufacturing and services, with a slowing in recreational activities and auto purchases. U.K. trade and household consumption also struggled.

Business investment increased by 1.4 percent.

Bank of England Governor Andrew Bailey has downplayed fears of a prolonged recession, telling the House of Lords Economic Affairs Committee on Wednesday that he expected a "modest pick-up" to take place later in the year.

"The U.K. economy is likely to continue to flirt with recession for most of this year," Marc Ostwald, chief economist at ADM Services International, said.

"Rates will remain high, even if there are a few cuts later in the year, with little or no fiscal room, and trade with Europe likely to suffer as economies there face a similar outlook," he added.

Inflation is at least starting to slow again, having defied expectations of a small pick-up in December, according to data released Wednesday.

But even that good news was tempered by the suggestion from the Bank of England's Bailey that there would be no imminent lowering of borrowing costs.

Fat poors :marseyscooter: upset that Kansas :marseysunflower: may ban :marseyban: them from using food :marseystamp3: stamps for sodypop :marseyjuggalo:

The question in question was "where will the money come from to pay off national debt".

B-word, you going to be a human battery for the neo feudal vampires, stop worrying so much, neighbor.

Someone let an neurodivergent into the IBEW

Can't travel; has cats

Can't wear close toed shoes. Gives him anxiety



Post about needing to be barefoot on a job site

Reported by:
Walmart delivery drivers debate the ethics of enabling duster huffers
Reported by:
Struggling IDF vet rips pff tommy hilfiger for fast fashion shekels

Slay momma

Anybody ever get injured :marseybattered: at the bins because of other customers? :marseydomesticabuse:

His dad was a vice president at Merill Lynch and Tom knows the struggle of having to wait for the poors to do their one darn job.


Jesus Christ

Heart butt p,ug and meth smoke


Posted to peakpoors because everyone here is seething about not having enough money to buy noise-cancelling headphones to avoid children.

The thing these mongs don't realise is that a childfree seating arrangement already exists. It's called business class (nobody is paying for a two-year old to sit in business when you can have fun inflicting them on all the seethers in cattle) and if you're smart enough to churn credit cards for points you don't even need to pay for it. I fly business basically everywhere I go and just churn through 4-6 credit cards a year to keep me in points.

Doordasher rats on one of his own

It's almost as if it was a deliberate and concerted effort to collapse Western Society since this is also happening in New Zealand, Australia, the UK, and Western Europe at the same time. I know Blackrock is the architect behind Canada's situation(read about the Century Initiative) but wonder who's orchestrating the rest?

There must be something linking people like Larry Fink of Blackrock, Stephen Schwarzman of Blackstone, Klaus Schwab and other players at the WEF besides money. My guess is they want to destabilize and undermine the West to have control over it somehow.

:marseyxd: :marseyxd:

Poorcel seethes about the economy

if you can afford to bulk up and gain 80-90 lbs... you're not poor, sorry

that's the only measure of poverty I care about

Reported by:
Australian poor taunts American poors about how much easier it is to be poor there (totally real!)

America really is a crappy country. I live in rural Australia in my own house with an excellent paying job with no degree and I take yearly international holidays.

I'm a cleaner that makes $33 AUD ($21USD) per hour.

I have $16,000AUD saved toward a house deposit (aiming for $35000AUD).

I can afford dental and other special care and I rent a 2 bedroom house for $150AUD per week because I chose to live rural.

I work part time because I don't like to work too hard and I can STILL afford vacations yearly, have an investment account and put money toward retirement. I have a lot of money in my retirement for a 26 year old.

Why am I bragging? Because I WANT YOU TO HAVE THIS LIFE TOO! Fight the government for it!!! It's your right to live a decent life and afford healthcare. Your government knows other countries have universal healthcare and access to housing yet your government chooses to make things hard for you. Your government wants you to be poor and keep you hungry. Demand better! Start a riot! Riot monthly. Set shit on fire!


She's right about our government taking all of our money !

That's what a government is supposed to do. And then they provide services, health, infrastructure and education to the people with it.

But that doesn't happen in the United States of America. They take all of our money and then they want us to pay for all those things on top of it. And then they tax us for it too. And we're all too stupid, fat and lazy to get together and start a revolution.

Holy shit, kill all redditors and poors


And yet everyone wants to be here, in the US. Weird.

They used to want to come here. Not much anymore. My friend, from Germany, used to visit the states yearly. When Trump was elected, he said he would no longer visit this country. I do not blame him. He said those ignorant Americans are people he did not want to be around.

Vote for Trump to keep g*rmoids OUT of the country

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