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Hey guys hope you don't mind me posting :marseycomplain: here. Hope y'all accept :marseyokay: gay folx

I also have one more chromosome than the regular :marseyregular: gal. Hope you don't mind ^_^

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Who else is allnready for christmas?
I want to have Nikki Haley's babies :marseykiwimom:

Today was a good day :marseysatisfied:

I woke up early, full of energy and not in any way sore :marseymacholegs:(unusual, especially since I was working 16 hours straight at a poll site yesterday). I went outside for a walk :marseytree:, and the weather was just how I like it - breezy and sunny :platysun:. As I walked I felt some pleasant inexplicable warmth inside me :marseyembrace:and then unbelievable happened - a cat looking just like Marsey :marseyviewerstare:crossed me in the street :marseysoypointamogus: and it looked like just how you would imagine Marsey looking in real life:marseyembrace:Feeling elated from my good luck, I put the entire few 234 DC :marseycoin:I had into slots and ended up doubling it into 468 DC:marseywallst:Today was a very good day :marseywholesome:

Do people really regularly take their pets to the vet?

I keep reading on reddit about people who take their animals in regularly and who spend obscene amounts (200+ dollars) on meds and surgery and all that.

I've never once taken an animal to the vet. If they get injured I wait for them to heal, if it doesn't look like they're going to heal I shoot them.

Am I just a !bumpkins?


Selling family heirlooms to feed my car addiction lmao.

I am SICK as a bejitaRAT

Some shitty sort of upper respiratory cold.

My KEKmune system is

:vegetakneel!: KNEELING :vegetakneel:

to this

:vegetaleave: virusGOD :!vegetaleave:

I NEED A DOSE DOC :marseydose:

Just came back from the doctor. Have to change glasses :marseynerd2:

Had these glasses for the last 4 years

Right eye 0

Left eye -0.5

Went to the doctor after a few days of headache, I thought it was sinusitis at first, but I didn't have any other symptom

Doctor said my left eye glass should be upgraded to -0.75

It's over bros, this is how it starts. I'm going Bjork in Dancer in the Dark

Update: I have given up on the housesparrowcide

These neighbors will literally :marseyme: eat out of a feeder even if there :marseycheerup: are several dead sparrows on the ground. Every time I shoot :marseyportalsuicide: at them with a bb gun it scares away all the birds :marseytedsimp3: and then all the birds :marseytedsimp: come back at the same time.

I'm thinking :marseyfranklin: of either getting a blowgun or just scattering cracked corn so that I don't need to climb a tree biweekly to replace the suet.


!animalposters !birdposters

Someone's been eating :marseysaturn: the dead mice and house :marseyvampirecrusader: sparrows I leave :marseypeaceout: in my yard. He comes by at night.

I've been using lead free shot so that he doesn't catch :marseypokeball2: lead poisoning.

Bets on who it is:

!animalposters @sandkwinn

lgldglfmfnnflfm fllsmxlglfm

He said yes to going to a party with some of our mutual friends! He's literally so cute and sweet and he touched me a few times on the shoulder and stuff while we were talking and we both laugh a lot when we're together and everything. Theres just so much chemistry there. When we were walking back to our dorms, we got to the point where we had to go our separate ways. He stopped and just kept talking to me, he's literally so cute and cares so much about me. My cis f friend thinks he's being flirty, but im not sure he might just be nice or have a flirty personality in general. regardless i cant wait to party with him sjjdjskdjjsjskd

this is drama because it is my interpersonal relationship drama


It's been going on for like 3 minutes non-stop already, and the powder smoke went into our office windows so now the office smells weird :soycry:

Update: 41 cannon blasts later, he seems to have stopped :marseybritbongitsover:

Some dumbass I taught doesn't understand how SSRIs work

He was a fellow for 3 years and we diagnosed over a hundred patients with depression and anxiety. We don't know how they help but at least know the pharmacokinetics. I don't know how they effect a patient, I'm no longer a doctor, go ask somebody that's actively practicing for the same answer. I should've dropped him when he fricked up a CML case for acute leukemia a decade ago

I finally took the plunge and moved the URL bar to the bottom in Safari

I'm not sure how to feel about this yet but I think long-term this will be a positive experience for all of us


As enjoyers of the most aesthetic time of day we have to fight back against them

Any ideas?

Somehow got a job offer where I intentionally tried to fail.

I did it out of professional courtesy but I'm still stuck for the next few months. I assumed being open about my gambling and alcohol abuse would be enough for them to never consider me. Now I get to figure out how to respond since it's a courtesy and not a favor but I'll look like a massive peepee if I refuse.

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Why does it sound so loud :marseyraging:


Prior to this it was one day a week and very weakly enforced (basically not at all). Sounds like the higher ups are getting a lot more forceful and I expect they'll increase it to three days before the end of the year. They haven't straight up said they'll be pulling badge swipes to check but I wouldn't be surprised if they start.

Might just ignore it and start looking for another job lmao, I live 40 minutes from the office (was fully remote when I was hired) and I don't want to do that drive twice a week in heavy traffic, in the winter. I wouldn't be surprised if they're also using this as a way to reduce headcount without having to pay unemployment. Hiring basically stopped more than a year ago and while they haven't done any layoffs in the area I work in yet for the past six months I've had the feeling they kinda want to.

The first ever Katser comment and post :marseyreading:

My first comment:

My first post (it was slav shit :marseypuke:):

What was ur stupid lil first post dramanauts? :marseygossipsmug:

I dreamt I was a football player again

I don't know why I keep having this dream.

It's not a feeling of missed potential because I was never very good nor took it very seriously.

I like watching football matches but I don't neurodivergentally obsess over them.

wtf are you trying to tell me subconscious

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