
Frick fellow goomblers

I booked a flight to go play poker and an hour later we had 2 players frick off from the table during a smoke break. We're on indefinite hold because none of us want a 5 seated game. At this point I'm probably going back home even though we're only 40 hands in outside of the 500 agreed upon.

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  • ContinentalBussy : Male hormones and a 5x5 strength program of heavy exercises
Best exercised to get a nice waist and butt?

After people on here told me that I had no waist and no hips, I have made the courageous decision to hit the gym for the first time in my life tomorrow morning at 10am. What exercises should I focus on to build that gyatt for my future husband to enjoy? !cuteandvalid

People need to stop calling me for help because it's a pain in the butt

CRLA2+ Ph-like 36 year old presented and they called me for help since I'm used to treating Ph-like cases. Fly him out to Kaiser, repeat bone marrow for confirmation at TriCore for molecular and cytogenetics. Results should be out within a week. This shit isn't rocket science, why are they bothering an ex doctor for dumb shit like this. I'd rather discuss the lab results than be asked for speculation.

I have upgraded myself today 6

I have upgraded myself today.

Now I follow the exact step that I intend to follow. No more. No less.

How have you upgraded yourself?

Social media manajerk s01e02

cc: @The_Homocracy

Goodnight x

Social media manajerk 🤓



Asking for a friend.

I have upgraded myself :marseypain: today :marseyclueless: 5

i have upgraded myself :marseypain: today

i have improved the flow with which i finish and move from tasks to tasks, and no longer requiring large :marseywide: breaks between :marseyzeldalinkpast: tasks to complete them

ok so date - 03-11-2023

how are you today :marseyclueless: and how have you upgraded yourself :marseyropeyourself: today, and did you become stronger, more stable, smarter, faster, or what else???



Tonight I finished enough work to bleed to my team for the next 2 days and I'm getting philosophical in my free time. Thinking about the various hard leftist friends who've grown to hate me long before I chudded out.

Potential drama happening near me

My landlady, a sweet old :marseybabushka: normally seems to have gotten in a fight with some other :marseytrad: over how to allocate personnel for some resident's association thing, I woke up today to her shrieking with that foid on the phone, She had come out of her house(she has a small grandchild who I think would've freaked) so it was all very clear from my room. I think she called her a witch during the phone call too, it was in Hindi but she's Punjabi so when she spoke fast I was :marseyconfused2: Then some other people from nearby flats came to talk with her and she was saying she won't participate as long as that lady is involved, apparently that lady said she roams around too much and she was seething asking them if this young girl is her mother in law :marseyxd: :marseypopcorn: First time I'm hearing a fight like this, I wonder if the other foid will show up here too :marseyexcited: Would make for a good fight. Her daughter in law kept trying to calm her down but she was so mad. :marseyscared: Our foids get mad in the :marseyseethe: I'm not talking with you unless you tell me what's wrong way, Jatnis get mad like scrotes lol. Wouldn't have been surprised if she dropped a bhosdike with how hard she was screaming. :gigachadqueen:

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  • Gato : btw that guy's last name is rivera :marseyschizowall:
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Heya, I hope everyone is having a great day! :marseywave2:



The point of this thread is to foster intergenerational solidarity between the boomers and zoomers of by getting to know about each other's generation more. Boomers ask questions about zoomers and zoomers answer them, and vice versa.

I'll start.

Is it true that each zoomer has their own personal Groomercord server where they invite their friends? Like, you don't just have one Groomercord server for your entire friend group, in addition to that, every single one of you has their own personal Groomercord server, and you all invite each other into your personal servers?

Found this cute shit on a path

Trails do NOT have pavement :marseyfrontiersman: :marseybonsai:

Team projects, amiright? :marseyitsallsotiresome:

So for a class I'm in we all got put into teams and have to do a meeting with the professor every so often going over our progress. This guy last time said his grandpa died and he couldn't attend, ok sad situation so we covered for him. Today we were doing our "dress rehearsal" presenting our project and everyone was supposed to talk so today was a more important meeting than usual but right before the meeting this frickin guy said he had a last minute emergency. :marseysigh: ok fine, I'm in the meeting on groomercord (since our :marseynerd: butt professor said he likes it better than zoom) when I notice that the guy with an :marseyairquotes: emergency :marseyairquotes: is playing fricking Ark Survival Ascended :marseyeyeroll: does he not know groomercord shows the games you're playing? :marseyskull:

This guy is honestly amazing for how little work he's done this semester lol I almost respect it :marseyretardchad:


Asking for a friend :marseychinchilla2: :marseysweating:

Update on my jobmaxxing arc :marseyzoomerimplosion:

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