Intern is massive b-word

One of our samples is from a living person. The intern is uncomfortable with the fact that the sample is from a living person. Get the frick over it, we aren't working with patients so it doesn't matter. Prep the karyotype and FISH slides and send the remaining marrow down to TriCore or LabCorp. I don't give a frick that the patient is alive, this is a job and they need to do their job. They are in the wrong field if they think samples given is an issue. If I was the person doing the tap I would make that hip dry just to prove a point that we don't give a shit.


:#space: :space: :space: Frick

:#marseysoyswitch::#space: :space: :#space: :#!marseysoyswitch:

I miss my other cat so much :marseycry:

My other cat is not dead, she is just with my ex.

They where almost matching tuxedo cats and he will never see his blood sister again :marseycry::marseycry::marseycry:

I drank a lot today as it's their birthdays, pour one out tonight for my stolen daughter :marseylibations:

PI on my team needs to learn to stop using purple for signing off documents that are faxed to me

I have told him countless times to trash his annoying purple pens because I can't accept a document signed in purple. It's not even a weird lab policy, it's a national standard that signatures need to be written in black or blue pen. I feel like I'm arguing with a kindergarten child because every time I bring it up he just talks about how he likes purple and it doesn't matter because some guy that is long dead accepted his proposal written in purple ink.

le spooky music at work

>be me

>you are now me

>be at work

>rdrama dot net in the background

>speakers turned off cuz Homoween music and I'm being sneaky

>time for voice chat meeting with the bossman and team

>join chat

>plug in headphones


>mute the tabs

>all better

>be you

>you are now you again

Some selfies from back when I was sexy :\


Home surgery

I found this new mole on my shoulder and it was annoying me so I cut it off with kitchen shears. Worked perfectly, now instead of an innocuous mole I now have a giant bleeding gash on my neck, barely covered by a bandaid. My parents are gonna be weirded out and idk how to explain to them there's no psychiatric problems I just felt like cutting them off.

Anyways I was reading online about mole removal and all the anti home remedy stuff was vaguely funny. Like the chemical stuff not working made sense but the anti physical removal stuff was all like “nooo you can't do a mostly harmless procedure on yourself! You might get sepsis!! We need to check if the mole is cancerous!!1!” Yeesh what gatekeepers. Anyways I'll let y'all know if I die or something, mostly just annoyed by the large amounts of blood I'm spurting.

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Help please

Okay I need a bot that plays youtube audio over groomercord, used to have goated vexera but they got pooped on by google for copyright stragshit. Used a couple other bots but they're substandard in comparison. I know you dramatards got the hot tip on the hot shit, don't keep me in the dark.


Me: :#marseygigaretard:

My sperm: :#marseygigachad:

She's pregnant, it didn't work.

Dinner tonight: freshly baked foccacia, a steak, a salad, and a glass of whisky :taychefkiss:
There's this r-slurred :marseypaintretard: woodpecker who keeps trying to eat my house :marseykiwivampire:

This little :marseymaoist: BIPOC :marseyblackfacexmas: perches right :marseyyes: outside :marseygrass: my window :marseyshortbus: and starts hammering away on my vinyl siding every other day or so until I bang on the wall. Today :marseyclueless: he woke me up at 7am. How do I get him to stop?


The BFBugleberry update

Hello I have been in Chile I am here to learn spanish bang a cute femboy who is cuban with a big afro and fish lips. It has been going very well after getting him std tested I have been rawdogging him. I have been hanging in his apartment, he goes to class and I studied for a GIS application test. He feeds me cuban cigars and spaghetti filled with chiles. We went to that big tower that is the tallest in south America. The past couple days we have had a vacation inside a vacation in Chiloe, it is a very butifyl place. I still do not know any Spanish, which is making a weird power dynamic as I have him lead me everywhere and do everything for me but he is the bottomest submissive to ever live. I have bought him a poncho which he walks around naked in, it is very cute.

Shockingly small pro-Palestine protest

The optics of the attacks must be really fricking bad if turn-out in center of Stockholm numbers in the dozens

I want to start dating again

Where do I find fatties? Tinder and Okcupid have e-thots or kinda fat women but none of the whales.

I legit just want to smoke weed and frick

What the hecko is Amazon trying to sell me?

Heating pad for what?!!


I did not leave my lab for nearly a week, rushed, pushed protocols to their limits, pissed off everybody I interact with, got told by higher ups to go home for my niece to have an enjoyable balloon fiesta. Today is day 1 of balloon fiesta and after coming home at 5am to take her to the event she wants me to get her a plane ticket home. I hired a butler and chef for the duration of her stay but she wants to spend her break at her moms crack den because god forbid I ask her to go to bed before midnight.

This goddarn flu

I got the flu a few days ago. I've had all the symptoms you can possibly get. Including fevers and weird fever dreams.

Once I was a fascist paid to pretend I was a communist and cause trouble in a court in the late 1940s to ruin the trial of a communist to discredit the commies.

Last one I had a mission to start a war between Russia and Turkey but I woke up when I dropped too much.

Anyway this disease is fricking everyone up in Oregon right now.

Best you can do is lay in bed and watch Have Gun, Will Travel. Paladin is a massive chad and Gene Roddenberry writes well for him.

Moving to :marseypatriot:

I will be moving to America (in particular Austin) soon. Telle anything that will prepare me for living in the freest country on Earth.

Also any advice on making friends in new places is appreciated

Reported by:
  • whyareyou : you only wake up in heck for not believign in the jesus ur premise is fake news

Barenaked Ladies


100 Gecs

System of a Down

Smash Mouth


Linkin Park

I bought an endoscope

My Porsche might be fricked, and I ordered an endoscope off Amazon to check it out to determine whether the fix is going to be $1k or $25k (I don't have $25k so I'll just have to get rid of the car). That said, tomorrow I'll have a dual-lens 5.5mm endoscope to put inside things. What would ya'll like to see the inside of?

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