I unironically hate my wife and want to divorce her

Divorcees of, what do you even do in this situation? How do you get the ball rolling without getting all your money stolen away and your life ruined?

I can't bear her anymore. She makes me miserable when I'm around her. I look forward to her going to work because being in her presence makes me seethe.

She's unloving, she's involved in politics and that's all she talks about which makes me so bored. She has lost all sense of fun and humour. She's got a shit part-time job but is actually quite capable -- if she spent half the time she spent doing politics shite for free she'd have a decent career. If I dare raise the fact she's got an easy job and does nothing to bring additional income to the family, she gets angry and upset that I'm demeaning her.

She does nothing around the house so it's always a mess. I work full time and have a decent career in data. Currently manipulating behind the scenes for another promotion to director level and, no bullshit about male and females roles in household chores, I don't have the time to clean shit up when she has been at home all day doing nothing important.

Ideally, if she were to get elected as a politician -- which isn't likely to happen but that's what her focus is on -- that would be an ideal time for me to leave her because instead of earning 4 times less than me, she'd earn the same so I wouldn't get fricked with child support.

But it's so unlikely to happen -- she's failed twice before to get anywhere but just won't stop. So I'm stuck. Options are wait another 10 years for the kids to be 18, accept financial ruin and become a poorcel, live in misery cohabiting with a cold fish of a wife who I despise.

What would you do?

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Free again

Well that was quick…

A bunch of factors piled up (including an imminent move to another state) but I am now once again single. I think I might also be a genuine asexual. Anyways I'm never dating anyone again and will live on a farm with 300 chickens and adopted children. Still haven't had s*x and at this point I don't think I could be less interested in it.

What did my coworker mean by this :marseythonk:

I think she thinks I'm neurodivergent (I'm just socially awkward)

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A zip tie did this to me. Do I have soft hands rDrama? :marseysad:
Homeowners Opinions Plz

Mr. Oats originally had the kitchen walls and cabinets painted the ugliest cobalt blue I've ever laid my eyes on (blue is his favorite so :marseyshrug:)

Decided to redo the cabinets in a dark grey and painstakingly add a stone backsplash to the entire kitchen

Progress pics (and no, I don't keep a tidy workspace so :marseybeandefiant:)


I was feeling :marseysunglasseson: after finishing the project, but now Mr. Oats is looking at selling the place so I won't be enjoying my labors for as long as I would have liked to :marseydejected:

!homeowners I have redone the kitchen, the study floors, and the fireplace (Mr. Oats installed hardwood flooring in the living room area and granite tile flooring in the kitchen/surrounding hallways) since the place was purchased. Does anyone have a clue how to get the most monetary value on renovations (I want to get ahead of low-balling appraisers :marseymerchant:)

I went to find my Ruqqus bingo card bc of the other thread and found a bunch of assorted images from Ruqqus days

Anyway here are images from January 2021-May 2021

We will start with @Skelevasterghost seeing the light on one of his schizo accounts 🥰

And now a collection of images from then that I like and I hope you like too!

I paid a drag queen to do a ruqqus promo and they were not happy lol

rDrama is born

Look at my cute picrew pfp

Doing car stuff

Tl;dr: Ford Flex never offered lanekeeping or auto highbeams because the windshield is more vertical than any other model. The entirety of the system is built into the rearview mirror, so I designed an adapter to fit a Lincoln mirror. I started with a mirror from a 2016 Lincoln MKT.

I tried many many different designs for the adapter because I was also learning 3d modeling and printing at the same time. At one point my mirror refused to calibrate, so I bought a second one from a 2013 MKT. Figured it out though and kept it as a spare, then damaged the camera ribbon in it like a schmuck.

Well the other week I was working on the girl next door's transmission and thought it was weird that a Titanium trim didn't have an autodimming rearview mirror. Doing a quick eBay search, came across another lanekeeping mirror for $20. It said it was for a Focus but i knew that was wrong. It was the correct shape for mine, but came out of a Lincoln MKZ.

Now, we need discuss network architecture a little bit. Most Fords/Lincolns were CGEA 1.3 starting in 2013. Flex, Taurus, MKS, MKT, and Continental never got that upgrade; they were all CGEA 1.2 right up to the end.

Some modules are compatible with both networks and there's a configuration bit you change to specify which network it's on. Some modules are hardcoded for a specific network. These mirrors are hardcoded.

In preparation for updating my "how to install lanekeeping in a Flex" guide, I wanted to see if there was any way to get that MKZ/1.3 mirror to work. There's certainly a better supply of Fusion/MKZ parts than Taurus/MKS on eBay.

Right off the bat I could tell there were compatibility issues. When I connected the mirror, I was given "lanekeeping fault", "keep hands on steering wheel", and the lanemarkings showed green / red. All this despite being in park.

I decided to try a firmware update. I was able to pull compatible firmware for the known-good 2016MKT mirror I've been using for years, plus the firmware for the 2013MKZ mirror. I tried flashing the 16!MKT to the 13!MKZ and it kept faulting out, bricking the mirror.

At this moment, I'm not sure if the issue is that I'm putting 1.2 firmware on a 1.3 mirror, or 2016 firmware on a 2013 mirror. The camera itself is slightly different between the two years.

I could try flashing the 16!MKT firmware to the 13!MKT mirror, but I couldn't get compatible firmware for the 13 and would have no way to recover it in the case of failure. The mirror itself is useless in a car -- missing ribbon cable and I drilled a couple test holes in it -- but I still use it as a benchtop CANBUS generator for testing modules I build.

It's frustrating doubly because apparently the mirrors are the hardest thing to update firmware on, but any threads in the forscan forum are by disgusting illiterate euros so there's no useful information. The forum/software itself claims to be American and only accepts support tickets in English, despite clearly being Russian.

So all this was to avoid doing my actual job and i wanted an excuse to post this video. The module reflash process scared the shit out of me the first time it ran. I was most confused by the crash alert -- according to every wiring diagram, those LEDs are wired in series and not addressable. It shouldn't be possible to only light up the middle few. Idk. I'm bored and sick of everything.

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Happy 10th birthday to Chewy!

He's honestly the best dog in the entire world.

I should be able to bet my -50 coins this is bullshit!:marseylolcow:

The monetary system on this site is broken and fiscally irresponsible!

Edit: Okay, now I'm up to -150. I think I might be tangentially close to the truth

I just watched a guy pee in a jar

I was at this old guy's house helping him with his computer when he just whipped out his peepee and started peeing in a jar. He kept talking to me the whole time and didn't say anything about it, just put the lid back on when he was done.

[Request] Broke my box spring :donkeykongdoctorupset:

I broke the box spring. I jumped on the bed :!diddykongdoctorupset: :!donkeykongrainbowhop: :!donkeykongrainbowhop: :!donkeykongrainbowhop: :!donkeykongrainbowhop: and the wooden slats broke. It was free anyway.

The manufacturer recommends I don't use a box frame. I will need a new frame to keep the original height of the bed. I want to get a cheap frame on Amazon that includes steel slats but I'm not sure if I should ham it up a little more. Any advice?


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  • smolchickentenders : :marseyglow:
  • rDramaHistorian : Try selling your drugs at vet events sweaty. Easy money + extremely hot studs.
  • PatriceOneal : GF telling you about her day. Yeah... True... no way!...that's great sweaty I'm proud of you 🎮
[Absolutely True Story] A Typical Day at a Drug Sales Rep Conference

Ping! Ping!

It's 8:13AM and I wake up hung over as shit in my hotel room. I look to my left and see an overweight Dr. Feelgood snoring. I don't remember exactly what happened last night but I'm sore everywhere. I look over at my cell to read the notification that woke me up.

“Congrats, Frozen. You've hit your numbers for this quarter!” a text from my boss reads. Darn, I guess I did put out. So glad I finally got 200 doctors. That bonus is mine!

I put on a tight black dress and heels and take the elevator to the lobby. The doors open to a sea of more fake blondes than the Republican National Convention. I quickly scarf down my company provided breakfast (20mg instant release Adderall and an expresso) and head to the conference room in the nick of time.

Pulsating disco music fills the air. Plumes of smoke emanate from the front of the stage as colored strobe lights take out the 3 epileptics in the audience.

A Gavin Newsom look-a-like (with whiter teeth) takes the stage leaving a snail trail of hair gel in his wake.

“We've had some big wins this year,” he says. “We have seen an increase in prescriptions for Marseylumimab after it was approved by the FDA in Q2 for Transmisia. Q4 bonuses will be issued next week to reflect a whopping $1.2B increase in clinically questionable claims to Medicare. As always, you'll have the option to choose between hookers and coke for your disbursement.”

I start to ponder which gigolo from I'll hire when the room suddenly gets quiet.

“But,” he says, tears welling in his eyes, voice breaking. “We must always remember what this is really about.”

His chin quivers and a single tear streams down his face. He collects himself, looks up at the crowd and wipes away the tear.

“Putting. The. Patient. First.”

“Now let's go out there and make some frickin' money 😎”

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Looking for a playmate





🍖🧉🥢🥄🎟️. 🎗️🏵️🏵️🎭 🚄🚝. 🗾🍠🍠. 🍑🌏🌨️☀️,☄️☄️☄️☄️☄️.



Idk how to feel

I love fall/autumn so much bros

It feels nice to finally take out your favorite fluffy blanket :#marseycomfy:


!germs I can definitely recommend the MSC² it could 100% be a location in Berlin. Anyway thank god I was sick and just trying to chill. I left the event at 3am to get the last train so I could sleep out my cold and these Neighbors caused a police incident.


Changed @ScaryHodor's password and thanked the Microsoft support guy before hanging up the phone. Nice try whoever tried too get @ScaryHodor's personal info.

trans furry lives matter


About a month ago I quit smoking the devil's lettuce. :marsey420: No particular reason for quitting, I had strep and couldn't smoke and then just kind of decided to run with it after I got better. Consequently my dream recall has returned.

I've had pretty fricked up dreams for a lot of years which is one of the reasons why I liked smoking weed. The first couple weeks after I quit shit was wild but the last two weeks my dreams have been pretty pedestrian. Until last night when I had a dream about a dramafoid. :marseywomenrentfree: A specific dramafoid.

Let me just say it wasn't anything gross, or sexual, or deviant (beyond the fact that it happened at all), and no I won't say who it was. You're free to speculate wildly. The fact that it did happen though makes me think I should either start smoking weed again or maybe take a break from rdrama. :marseytherapist:

That's it. Thank you for reading my :marseyl: post, your reward is a picture of my dog. She's a good girl.

Bought AirPod Pros 2

𝙸 𝚊𝚙𝚘𝚕𝚘𝚐𝚒𝚣𝚎 𝚏𝚘𝚛 𝚊𝚕𝚕 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝙱𝚎𝚊𝚝𝚜 𝚜𝚑𝚒𝚕𝚕𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝙰𝚒𝚛𝙿𝚘𝚍𝚜 𝚜𝚑𝚒𝚝𝚝𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝙸'𝚟𝚎 𝚍𝚘𝚗𝚎 𝚘𝚟𝚎𝚛 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚢𝚎𝚊𝚛𝚜. 𝚃𝚘 𝙻𝙻𝙼 𝚒𝚗 𝚙𝚊𝚛𝚝𝚒𝚌𝚞𝚕𝚊𝚛 𝚠𝚒𝚝𝚑 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚕𝚊𝚝𝚝𝚎𝚛, 𝙸 𝚋𝚎𝚕𝚒𝚎𝚟𝚎. 𝚃𝚑𝚎𝚜𝚎 𝚊𝚛𝚎 𝚒𝚗𝚌𝚛𝚎𝚍𝚒𝚋𝚕𝚎.


I don't know why I'm sharing this but I'm too keyed up to sleep.

Tfw no mandatory overtime this week

Feels SO FRICKING GOOD. gonna take my b-word to apple bees happy hour

Look at my poor porch. My poorch.

I forgot to take a before pic but 20 years of water running off the roof with no gutters rotted a hole in my screened porch and the whole wall was festering from the inside. Plan on having it all back together by tomorrow.

This is the last section of rot I have to take care off (that I know of) and I'm super excited to be done fixing the exterior. Basement is next.

Life as an armless person

As of writing this post, I have no arms. I'm getting by just fine, using my thumbs and fingers to type is difficult without arms but I manage. The worst thing about having too many arms is that they post on websites without your permission behind your back. Even still, I'm glad that this website is so handicapable.

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