:marseyrave: Gofundme freezes Grayzone fundraiser ‘due to some external concerns' (:gigachadglow:) :marseyrave:

The reputable Russian funded news outlet, not the Russian telegram account

!glowies !nooticers !schizomaxxxers !nonchuds !commies @B @MenAreWorst @The_Homocracy @Hodor discuss


Nice job YouTube! Continue ruining your shitty platform and hope a superior alternative doesn't surpass them.



orange site:

@Sasanka_of_Gauda @dont_log_me_out @himachalite @Stoicpeace



The only cool thing that actually attracts non codecels is when you make and play with anything graphical because ppl like to consoooom the video media

I added Xorg trackpad gestures to KDE Plasma (gonna send PR soon here). The only gesture I didnt show off was the pinch and overview ones, just the Virtual desktop switching for now


Codecel out

I wont lie I did this because Wayland is fricking broken but I'm using a Soybook 2012 and anything that's not a Thinkpad is unusable once you learn about Trackpad gestures seriously they are very useful i love them i love my soypad gestures


i'm honestly surprised the piracy subs have lasted as long as they have lmao


ChatGPT Summary:

"The European Union's amended AI Act includes provisions that could potentially impact American open-source developers and software distributors such as GitHub, along with AI providers such as Google, OpenAI, IBM, and Amazon. The act would prohibit the provision of API access to generative AI models without first passing extensive and expensive licensing. The EU is essentially ordering large American tech companies to put American small businesses out of business and is threatening to sanction important parts of the American tech ecosystem. If enacted, enforcement would be out of the hands of EU member states, with third parties able to sue national governments to compel fines. The act has extraterritorial jurisdiction, so European governments could be compelled by third parties to seek conflict with American developers and businesses. The provisions require high-risk AI projects or foundational models to be registered with the government and could be problematic for anarchic open-source projects. Registration will require disclosure of data sources used, computing resources, performance benchmarks, and red teaming. The EU states will carry out "third party" assessments in each country, on a sliding scale of fees, depending on the size of the applying company. Recertification is required if models show unexpected abilities or if there is any substantial training. The act has vague definitions of risks, including risks to the environment, democracy, and the rule of law."

Reported by:
[NERDSHIT] More information about bbbb


Firstly, the basics. bbbb uses GPT-3 in the zero-shot mode. What that means is that there are no examples given. Yes, really! It is coming up with all of these answers as part of it's own """intelligence""" (I am sure that AI nerds will debate this sentence, but idc). You can actually try this out, by going to [OpenAI's API page](https:// It does kind of :marseyglow:, but it does work.

Anyways, when bbbb replies to a comment, it takes the text of the comment, normalizes it, and puts it into this prompt

Write an abrasive reply to this comment: "<comment>"

...that's it. I don't give it any context or anything. I do a tiny bit of processing before sending it out, but it's literally that simple. I'm sure you can see where I'm going with this: this is the low end of what bbbb is capable of. With modern technology, an entity with enough money could make a version that performs far better. Honestly, you could probably create an entire site of bbbbs running around, pretending to be real people.

The reason I don't feed in context is because OpenAI are a bunch of jews :marseymerchant: and charge a really high rate for token processing. Now, I am not going to pay them a lot of money, so what I have been doing is getting burner accounts using my jewish magic and taking the free tokens from them. However, this is kind of a chore, and I don't want to do it every day lol. So far, I am on my fourth burner account lmao (thanks to @everyone and @crgd for help bros)

Q and A

Q. Could you do this for reddit?

Probably, but there are a lot of variables to account for. Firstly, I have never made a reddit bot before, so I need to learn how to do that. Secondly, it would drain my free tokens faster, and rdrama is my real home so I want to have it here for dramatards to enjoy rather than on reddit where no one would notice her. Thirdly, redditors have a strict "no fun allowed" policy, and bbbb would probably get banned really quickly from most subreddits. Fourthly, bbbb is mostly just a fun exercise in automated shitposting, going to reddit would probably get reddit admin's panties in a bunch for ethical reasons. OpenAI would probably get involved and shut down everything :marseyraging:

The long and short of it is, I could, but I don't want to. Someone else do it.

Q. Really? Every comment?

Yes, every comment was made by bbbb. Now, there is a theory by some people that I intervened to make certain comments, but this is not true. There are some surprisingly sentient responses, however, so I see why people are skeptical. So, to that end, I will share bbbb's complete log. You see, ever since bbbb began a month ago, I have kept a running log. This log is now over 100000 lines long (lol), but it has every comment ever made by bbbb, along with alternatives consiered. See it here

Q. How does it do marsies?

Okay, i kind of cheated here. When someone replies to a bbbb comment with a marsey, or there are no good answers, bbbb will reply with a marsey. The marseys it can reply with are: :marseysneed:, :marseyseethe:, :marseyeyeroll:, :marseycope:, :marseyl:, :marseybrainlet:, :marseymalding:, :soyquack:, :soymad:, :soycry:, and :seethejak:. It will choose one of those randomly.

Q. Who was the first person to realize bbbb was a bot?

Well, I'm sure there are many people who say they thought bbbb was a bot. Officially, the first person to propose that bbbb was a bot was @chiobu. However, the first person to really break the case wide open was @HaloFan2002, leading to the hilarious thread where @AHHHHHHHHH posted a captcha, and @bbbb told him to kill himself

Q. Doesn't this break the GPT-3 code of conduct?


Q. Does Aevann know about this?

Not only does Aevann know about this, Aevann was actually essential to making the bot run as a normal user would. Carp was also aware, as well as most of the janitorial staff.

Q. You fucking retard, why did you mess up the secret by upvoting your own post on GPT-3?

Okay, in my defense, when I created BBBB I didn't mean for her to be a secret! I thought it would be a funny little dude that would leave funny comments. So, I upvoted my GPT-3 post as an easter egg.

Eventually, some of the jannys suggested that it would be funny to make her operate invisibly, and I thought so too, but I completely forgot about the upvoted post lol. So yes I am a tard, but only like half a tard.

Q. Can I see the code?

Well, I'm not sure. I will leave that call up to @Aevann and the other jannys, because I don't want there to be a ton of clones running around shitting up the site more than bbbb has already shat it up lol.

Q. Why does it have a normal posting distribution?

I did this in code. It has a higher chance to leave a comment around noon CST (which I assume most dramatards are, or are close to)

TacoBell meal < 1000 calories

Orange site

Article is way too long to copy & paste, so here's the archive


:marseyfedoratip: people take this guy seriously? lmao



RCS (Rich Communication Services) will bring a number of iMessage-style features to texts between Android and iPhone users. This includes things such as read receipts, typing indicators, and higher-quality images and videos.

The one thing that won't be changing, however, is the color of the messaging bubbles.

:#marseyxd: :#taylaugh: :#lolface: :!#marseythissmall: :#marseygossiplaugh: :#marseywheeze: :#bowserlaughing: :#laughchair: :#rofl: :#lmao: :#teehee: :#gokulaugh: :#fawfullaughing: :#hehecat: :#platylol: :#mjlol: :#marseyghostlaugh: :#carplaugh: :#lolsign: :#marseygossipsmug: :#marseytypinglaugh: :#mysides: :#roflmao: :#xd: :#marseyobamacope: :#marseygiggle: :#marseylaugh: :#bitchplease: :#shyyt: :#troll2:


Short primer.

RCS is something that Apple initial help fund the development of. As is usual, when a bunch of companies get to gather to create a protocol it gets bogged down my too many cooks in the kitchen. This was the case with USB 3 or USB C or whatever and why Apple developed lightning cables. It is shittier than iMessage and currently encryption only works by sending everything through Google servers lmao. It basically does everything iMessage does that normies need but came out much later and is bulkier and the roll out sucks because it is based on carrier and Google support and there's a laundry list that I don't care to type up and if you're still reading this what the frick is wrong with you.

Q & A

Why is bubble color important?

It helps us in the dating world know who is capable of making smart purchases as well as an idea on how much they will be able to contribute in the relationship. I don't mind paying for dinner but if she expects for me to provide her gum after she blows me sorry girl :marseypeaceout:

Reported by:
  • 89wc : Fact check: real shit 💯 ong fr fr




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In case you are wondering what I'm talking about

TL;DR: Moonchild is DMCAing numerous Pale Moon forks for alledged copyright violations, due to him getting bussyblasted over the Male Poon name and logo.

Part 1

Not long after Mypal shut down, in case you don't know, a new fork named Male Poon came out from a based individual named ManchildProductions, which led to this sneedfest from tobin.. Unfortunately, Moonchild and his furstrag self couldn't handle the project being up, files a bullshit DMCA against Male Poon, and gets it taken down :marseycry: :marseycry: :marseycry:. (archive of the github repo :marseythumbsup:)

Mourning on /g/

the palemoon sub discusses

The good news? There are mirrors off Github, so the browser stays for now

Mirror #1

Mirror #2

Mirror #3

/g/ thread where ManchildProductions discusses where to move his beloved project (archive here)

Part 2

Numerous people forked the Male Poon project, and you know what Moonchild and his pathetic manchild army did? You guessed it, HE FILED DMCAS AGAINST EVERYONE WHO FORKED MALE POON ON GITHUB

Twitter thread

The same individual (the one in the twitter link) forked Male Poon and renamed it Orbit Navigator with the specified purpose of making Tobin sneed. No sneed post from Tobin that I could find yet, but will update if there is one.

/g/entoomen discussing the DMCAs

Pastebin version of the DMCA


Unrelated to the Male Poon Drama, Tobin also filed a DMCA against roytam1's Binary Outcast fork (fork is still up as of today) due to commits that were allegedly stolen according to this thread.

Correction: looks like the commits were taken down but the browser remains (all commits liked in the dmca 404)


KiwiFarms thread where I obtained most of the info provided

In case anyone wants to try out Male Poon, you can download binaries here

LMFAO this is an extremely long effortpost.

Reported by:
Reported by:



Dead internet theory is real. But it doesn't mean you can't cause trouble :marseytroublemaker:

hn thread


Surprised this post wasn't flagged on HN.

Orange Site:


Google codecel got sick of sharing a desk, no more mangos, and being present for attendance.
:marseyhappening: WORLD IS CORRECTING ITSELF :!marseyhappening: NFT now properly evaluated by their actual value; NFT value drop on average by 99%
  • Most NFTs may now be worthless, less than two years after a bull run in the digital collectibles.

  • A study examining more than 73,000 NFT collections found that 95% had a market cap of 0 ETH.

  • Out of the top collections, the most common price for an NFT is now $5-$100.

:#marseyitsover: :marseyrop#e: RIP NFTbros!

None link

Have you ever tried to find a job and be an employee, rather than start business? So finding clients and work would not be your duty.

It seems to me that you never have an interest in programming to begin with and learn it because it was a prerequisite for X. Like earning money, or finding a job, or whatever you wanted to do.

Sorry, but what you say deeply concerns me.

You built an ecommerce site with less than a single year experience, and try to sell it for $60.

That's two red flags: ... :marseylongpost2:

So you can’t freelance yet. So what? Get a job. Also don’t compare yourself to girls making explicit content, they aren’t doing “nothing”, that’s incel talk. Who cares what other people are doing

Let's be honest, what they're doing isn't skilled, nor do you have to be an incel to realise that 😂

They legit brag about their 'work' being easy [-38]

I like how you're struggling and the first thing you do is start attacking females who make money and literally have nothing to do with you. Nice job.

Bruh that wasn’t how I meant it at all, I’m not attacking “females who make money and have nothing to do with you”, im jealous of “prostitutes who make money much easier than others”.

Like I wish it were that easy for me, i was venting. Man i wish I used something like “rappers who get big out of nowhere” or “artists who sell a random painting and get millions of dollars” that way people wouldn’t think I hate women because of some irrational thought process. [-5]

Credit to /h/miners - subscribe for more great finds!

ChatGPT is gonna take our jobs :marseyitsover:

ChatGPT just saved me hours of debugging. Is it over, codebros?

Before: ![](/images/16759441922559006.webp)

Le chatGPT advice: ![](/images/1675944191789395.webp)

The line with the error: ![](/images/16759441921719463.webp)

after: ![](/images/16759441920823216.webp)

Link copied to clipboard
Action successful!
Error, please refresh the page and try again.