Working on an idiot project, would appreciate codecel input

Imagine for a moment that you are me: a balding smoothbrained millenial on the wrong side of 30 emanating a constant funk of mildew and sour milk. The last time you cared about coding you were booting off floppy diskettes and making HTML websites with frames.

Now, I'm working on an idiot project. I want to make a web applet where I could input text, store it in a .txt file and then retrieve it from another PC.

Is web2py and an apache server a feasible approach? I'm too :marseyretard3: for django.

web2py uses SQL for a storage db, but honestly it's going to be a single user app (just me) and storing the .txt files in a directory with a date/time naming scheme would be fine.

Would this work the way I want it to? I have tried googling but these questions are too basic and r-slurred to find answers to.

New CRISPR-based map ties every human gene to its function

>born one generation before gene edited babies

>if I was born in 2100 I'd be 8 feet tall and have a 15 inch peepee

>mfw only 6 foot with 7.5 inch peepee


[Orange site discusses]



YouTube testing banning accounts for using ad blockers or third party apps

Bros I’m I still gonna be able to use vancedtube?

The Day of the Prompt has come for Artcels. Dall-E 3 is out.



India bros... :marseydisintegrate:

orange site:

@Sasanka_of_Gauda @dont_log_me_out @himachalite @Stoicpeace


:marseyglow: Fedex goes full Fed

carp addition here because @J is lazy

fedex has cameras on all the trucks as they drive around

theyre sharing all of this footage with law enforcement and robots are scanning license plates and compiling where everyone is at all times

there are 4 other companies that do this

Mouse scroll wheel is going out, need recommendations

See title. I've been using the same base model logitech KB+mouse combo thing that every store with an electronics section stocks for a decade, buying new ones whenever I inevitably spill shit on the keyboard every 2 or 3 years. This time around it's actually the mouse that's dying on me, so I need either

1. recommendations on good cheap mice ideally either bluetooth or with a tiny USB dongle, or

2. advice on fixing my scroll wheel

The specific issue is that the wheel no longer consistently produces one unit of virtual scroll per one unit of wheel rotation, which is a problem I've had with other mice in the past but not these logitech ones.


5 years ago, an opportunist dramatard (RIP cakejerry) decided to take over /r/Juniper and turn it into a joke sub. The users over at /r/networking didn't like that and seethed

They tried to get it back lmao :marseyxd:

Eventually, things went back to normal and issues were resolved until now, when a janny wanted to get the dramatards booted out.

It started with a Reddit request from 2 days ago:

Then, when only the top janny was removed, he was MATI about that. Today, he attempted another Reddit request:

Then JC and the angry janny briefly argued about janny shit. Then, the angry janny ran to /r/networking and warned the users that /r/juniper is doomed once again because he lost his mop :marseyjanny::

Here's the modmail before he was removed:

/u/DanSheps•NP7 days agoQuotesource

Hello all,

What is everyones thought on removing some of the top mods who are not active either on reddit or in this subreddit at all?

I think in the past few months, I am pretty much the only one doing moderation within this subreddit.

/u/justcool393•NP56 minutes agoQuoteReportsource

please try and message me before just randomly doing stuff, ty

/u/DanSheps•NP44 minutes agoQuotesource

I did

/u/justcool393•NP31 minutes agoQuoteReportsource

you waited a grand total of 10 minutes before making the redditrequest thread

it was clearly in bad faith

/u/DanSheps•NP29 minutes agoQuotesource

Nope, that was to remove the top top mod who was inactive. Your thread was only today because you didn't respond.

/u/DanSheps•NP27 minutes agoQuotesource

And that was 2 days ago, not 10 minutes after I made this thread. You are active on reddit, perhaps if you actually paid attention to this subreddit it would matter.

I am not sure why you need to be a mod here, you clearly aren't interested in the subject matter and you are not active as a moderator here.

/u/justcool393•NP24 minutes agoQuoteReportsource

You made the redditrequest 10 minutes after the comment seeking to perform a hostile takeover of the mod team. It's in your user history...

I'm fine to reorganize mods and stuff but you need to communicate.

/u/justcool393•NP20 minutes agoQuoteReportsource

In the last 3 months you've had only 75 mod actions

/u/DanSheps•NP20 minutes agoQuotesource

You have had ZERO

/u/DanSheps•NP19 minutes agoQuotesource

This thread is evidence that you aren't paying attention to this subreddit, it was 7 days ago that I asked. I am the only one active here.

/u/justcool393•NP18 minutes agoQuoteReportsource

In addition, you've had 6 comments in the sub in the last 3 months

/u/justcool393•NP15 minutes agoQuoteReportsource

You've had no interaction with the sub and you're attempting to perform a takeover by being non-communicate and hostile at pretty much every turn. You're not active here or really as much on the site

/u/DanSheps•NP10 minutes agoQuotesource

You aren't active here at all, as a mod or commenter. I at least do more then you do in the subreddit.

You were non-responsive to both a DM and a ModMail.

This isn't hostile, what you, CaptainChildLover, PoorLilMarco and JerryFromTomAndJerry did 5 years ago was hostile, in trying to turn the subreddit into a gay joke subreddit or whatever it was.

/u/justcool393•7 minutes agoQuoteReport

Okay... using gay as an insult is... not okay. That's enough.

DM logs:

[–]to justcool393

Hello justcool393,

I noticed you haven't been active in the moderation of /r/Juniper for quite some time. I suspect the subject matter is not something you are particularily interested in either.

Given these two reasons, I was wondering if you would be willing to remove yourself from the subreddit as a moderator.


[–]from justcool393

Hi there,

I'll remain as mod. If you want to add more mods or something that's fine. Would prefer it if you didn't attempt to preform takeovers before telling anyone

[–]to justcool393

You are 100% inactive on here however. No one else has permissions to add mods and don't forget you yourself was part of the takeover of this subreddit 5 years ago

@justcool393 @Marco (not sure what captainchildlover's account is on here if he did have one, but I swear I thought I saw his username here at least once, but guess I'm wrong :marseyshrug:)


I've been following this for a while now, and from my sample whom were ALL previously banned, over half of them have come back to life thanks to rocket daddy taking over.

So I created a graph to see if I could spot a pattern in the unbans. Looks like it's a bit sporadic. Just more and more people being unbanned over time. I'm somewhat convinced that these 82 'pet' accounts I've been watching represent the greater Twitter community, and because 43 have been unbanned, that shows that Elon has kept to his word and really has unbanned over half so far.

As previously said, I also included many 'random' and controversial much smaller accounts, and these two are seeing a decent unban rate too, just like the big accounts with lots of followers.

Btw, Nick Fuentes was unbanned yesterday, but was rebanned today. Ooops.

Me and who?
Reported by:

OPNsense is an open source, FreeBSD-based firewall and routing software developed by Deciso, a company in the Netherlands that makes hardware and sells support packages for OPNsense. It is a fork of pfSense, which in turn was forked from m0n0wall built on FreeBSD.[3] It was launched in January 2015.[2] When m0n0wall closed down in February 2015 its creator, Manuel Kasper, referred its developer community to OPNsense.[4]

OPNsense has a web-based interface and can be used on the x86-64 platform.[5] Along with acting as a firewall, it has traffic shaping, load balancing, and virtual private network capabilities, and others can be added via plugins.[6] OPNsense offers next-generation firewall capabilities utilizing Zenarmor, a NGFW plugin developed by OPNsense partner[7] Sunny Valley Networks.

In November 2017, a World Intellectual Property Organization panel found Netgate, the copyright holder of pfSense, used the domain in bad faith to discredit OPNsense, and obligated Netgate to transfer domain ownership to Deciso.[9]

Some of you may have come across a domain that until September 21, 2017 was home to a controversial website with content targeted to harm our open source project.

On the fore mentioned date we filed a complaint with WIPO, the World Intellectual Property Organization to try and stop this website from being operated.

Until our legal action we were unable to determine the owner of the domains as it was registered using Domains By Proxy, LLC, however we believed the site was created by a pfSense enthusiast who had gone a step too far.

Much to our surprise we received an email on September 26, 2017 stating that the owner of this domain was in fact Jamie Thompson, Rubicon Communications dba Netgate also known for the competing pfSense project.

Maybe this should not have come as a surprise as ever since we created OPNsense they have tried to harm our project and aided in spreading false information, mostly done using anonymous accounts. Their aim has been to scare off new users and keep our project from Wikipedia, this way depriving others from making their own choice.

Their actions have been bad for the open source community as they undermine the very basic principles of open source.

Today we have been able to stop Netgate and although we are glad this chapter can be closed, it does not feel like a victory at all as the time, effort and money could have been spend much better.

The full text of the WIPO panel’s decision on can be found here:

The content of prior to our action can still be seen on the WayBackMachine, the internet archive (beware it contains shocking material):

The video that was not cached contains scenes taken from the film “Downfall”, the historical war drama film depicting the final ten days of Adolf Hitler's rule over Nazi Germany, along with a comment reading “From deep within the OPNsense development bunker”.

[never before seen Schizocopy of the video :capyhacker: linked in op]

As Deciso, the company behind OPNsense we have not yet decided upon further action, but ask all who read this to push back to those who try to harm our community and open source in general.

As a final note, we wish to thank everyone for their overwhelming supporting and are proud to have witnessed the positive development of the project as a whole, a rapidly growing community and the next major release 18.1 almost at our doorstep.

Stay safe,

Your OPNsense team

!codecels !dramatards !schizomaxxxers discuss this unfathomably based and dramapilled company

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