Reported by:
  • Penny : y do fakkits mald over foids don't make sense fricking scrotes
  • Downie : Good post, now show his relationship with his Mother
Gay chud delivers a vicious coup de grace

The op asks a question about living a rad fem existence and foid number one responds:


Can't speak to the racial side since I'm white as these things are currently measured.

Radfems who are that pessimistic about men are generally some degree of separatist.

I don't know any who have actually gone full "move to a commune and don't speak to men at all," but online I've encountered a couple "hire female professionals as much as possible and keep emotional distance from men you can't avoid." If they're straight and single they generally resign themselves to being celibate.

Honestly they're less likely to be the people chanting about men being trash, as they really try to avoid thinking about/interacting with men at all.

Irl I don't know any feminists who even go that far. I'm probably the most pessimistic person I know about gender relations, but I don't think men are "inherently and essentially evil." More like I'm hyper aware of bad dynamics that have bitten me in the past and therefore cautious around men I don't know well.

I haven't dropped my male friends but I'm actively trying to make more female ones. Since I'm bi I have the luxury of only dating women, though of course that comes with its own issues.

I don't know if your question was rhetorical but I hope that helps if you were actually curious.

an errant foid responds:


From rather similar experience, I'd say homophobia and also that it's obviously more difficult to create a family with a same-s*x partner than it is with an opposite-s*x partner.

It's still worth it in my view. Like I know men are not innately this or that way, but the socialisation weighs heavy. You'll say there's no solid proof but the anecdotal evidence of 30+ years as a woman on this planet is eloquent enough for me. I'm not in the mood to do any emotional labour in that regard. People already bring enough of their miseries into the cocktail shaker that is a relationship regardless of their s*x, but I as a woman don't want the added bullshit of a male-female relationship.

and then this gay chad obliterates her:


That’s just the female tendency to hyperfocus on everything that’s bad for them and ignore everything that works in their favor, which is why I’m grateful I was born a gay man and was spared from dealing with this bullshit. The holier than thou attitude, the gender roles for thee and not for me mentality, the burden of performance they place on men in courting and in s*x, the weaponization of intimacy, the necessity of constantly perform mind reading in order to appease them, the necessity to let them have the last word or else suffer the consequences while they gaslight you by saying there’s nothing wrong, that they’re not mad and that they’re not treating them any differently.

I fully acknowledge male imperfections and accept them, as someone who is attracted to men. Many women, feminists in particular, believe they were spared from the original sin by virtue of their different socialization. They vehemently believe they’re more virtuous and refuse to acknowledge the possibility of there being a dark side to femininity too. And since a huge part of male socialization is about giving in to the whims of women in order for them to shut the frick up or in the hopes that they’ll be more pleasant to them if they do so, society has committed to the goal of reprogramming men to make them more like women.

There are many things that annoy me about guys, but in the end of the day, you always feel like equals. You never really feel like you’re dealing with a fragile being who’s afforded the social protections of a child, but with the mental and legal benefits of adulthood. And you can just call out their bullshit if you want, there’s no social shield protecting them, like you’re attacking all men in the world for calling out the bullshit of one. Dudes rock.

an errant moid is reminded he may or may not have functioning testicles:


This almost made me want to switch to new Reddit just to see if there’s some sort of standing ovation gif I could post.

but the foid is skeptical (he could be a sekrit incel):


for a gay guy you sure seem to have a lot of feelings about what dating women is like.

and the gay chad strikes back in full glory:


So what? Like I’ll be judged by people who treat the words of lesbian women with daddy issues about what men think like gospel. Lol. Tell me about lack of self awareness.

Like anyone needs to actually date a woman to see the “subtleties” of men-women relationships. All you need is the lack of an obscene in-group bias to see the constant nagging and all the dynamics I mentioned above. I mean, straight men see it themselves, it’s just that they treat it with humor, as opposed to creating a whole movement and drain resources to address that (those are all comedy tropes for a reason, after all).

Lucky for you, I guess. You would lose many things you take for granted and live in a much darker world if they decided to pay in the same coin and weaponize every single disparity in relationships, every single interaction where women have the upper hand and decide to give silly names to the things they dislike, like “ovaryacting”, in the same vein feminists have done to demonize men. Or if they decided they’ll no longer perform the gender roles society and women specifically still expect of them, even those who don’t want to be restricted by gender roles themselves.

another moid has his jimmies sufficiently rustled to respond:


Holy shit man, I couldn’t have said it better myself. It’s honestly crazy how most straight guys I know share these opinions in private but toe the line outside that context to avoid the inevitable crying meltdown and social scourging.

Turns out that we’re just as tired of women’s shit as women are of men’s shit, we just don’t walk around in public hysterics about it day-to-day.

and as usual, the raving, hysterical foid must have the last word:


you're reading this thread and seeing the women as hysterical? That's fascinating.

@pizzashill would love this

S-s-s-sunday driver

Average encounter with a modern American woman.

I love everything about this video. Despite how crazy the foid is they still make the man leave despite him being in the right. Nobody seems concerned that she was r*ped they just wanna get her to the self checkout scanners. Also that woman has so much cat and dog food in her buggy.

Reported by:
:marseywomanmoment: + :marseywomanmoment2: at NYU. High IQ :marseyfoidretard: protestors leading the charge! :marseyflamewar: [FIXED AUDIO :marseybane:]

:marseycia: @Dramamine @BWC PING RELEVANT GROUPS !grillers :marseybane:

So basically someone told her to protest so she did, like an obedient :tradwife:


it's been 50 years since we got the right to open our own open bank accounts & credit cards.

in 2024,

  • we pay 30% more in overdraft fees

women overdraft their account more often, and this is mens fault :marseywomanmoment2:

  • the wage gap exists after adjusting for hours worked, occupation, education, & industry

no source, so I found this

  • everyday goods & services cost us more 42% of the time

women choose to buy more ex0ensive stuff than men, again this is mens fault

i don't think society ever wanted women to have money.

we now outnumber men in the college-educated workforce, yet we still have a whole host of financial issues to grapple with. clearly the system was designed to leave us out and powerful forces are involved in keeping the status quo as it is.

womxn have more access to education and thats bad too

with the rise of the tradwife/stay at home girlfriend trends, "lobotomy core," and "i'm not a feminist" becoming a trend on TikTok, it's clear that people still (at least subconsciously) don't want women to be financially independent.

womxn dont want to be :marseywitch2: and the west has fallen

also womxn:

Women long held primary purchasing responsibility for everyday household items, but today, they control or influence 85% of consumer spending.


OP has quite a post history: she's a 31 year old virgin who was considering IVF to be a "single mother by choice" but must've changed her mind and started posting in childfree :#marseygrapes:

We talk about catcalling, getting hit on at random places, men who can't take no for an answer, unsolicited pictures, etc but we never talk about what it's like to be completely desexualized. Has anyone else dealt with not being seen in a sexual way at all?


Nearing my 60th year on this planet and I am loving no longer being seen in a sexual way. Probably because I developed young and am healthily endowed



People don't treat ugly men like they aren't worth getting to know as people just because they are ugly. Women who are not conventionally attractive are treated like they aren't worth even acknowledging as a fellow human being.

sorry :#marseyblops2cel: you'll never understand how hard it is to be a woman :#marseynails:

What I'm not a fan of is ANYONE acting like catcalling is compliment. It's harassment, end of story.


Has anyone else dealt with not being seen in a sexual way at all?

Why is this an issue?


Yes. The very moment I come out as trans to men...


I feel like black cis women have a lot in common with trans women in the way we are treated.


TW: sexual assault I'm glad you are bringing the subject OP because I thought I was the only person with this concern. I feel shameful for typing this but I have never been r*ped and I've heard so many women have been, so it made me feel like I was not attractive enough.


There's this movie welcome to the dollhouse. In one scene, the main character's brother suggests she's not pretty enough to get kidnapped (though her little sister is). These characters are young, 13 and 8. If someone is not preying on you, wanting to r$pe or f$ck you, sorry, you must not be beautiful. If you grow up female in the west, this is essentially what you are taught. The patriarchy we are living in is a real mindfrick.


I've been young thin and pretty and fatter and youngish and then skinny again and older and now fat again and middle aged. The being fat and middle aged thing has been the only time I've felt completely desexualized. Like I'm invisible to men now. It's honestly kind of a shitty feeling. I went on a girls trip with my best friend last fall and she's my same age but extremely petite and cute. She was flirting with bar tenders and other people. And I was like hellllo I am here too. I felt absolutely invisible


This is definitely a subject that needs to be discussed / examined more because it's as much a tool of the patriarchy as hyper sexualization

Pretty privilege is a massive blind spot in this sub. So many women and girls clearly don't understand that life isn't just about individual interactions, it's about how being part of a demographic has a broader systemic impact.

uh oh who let this misogynist into 2x :#marseyblops2cel:

Unfair expectations leading to desexualization aren't purely a male perpetrated thing. For men, we have similar standards imposed on us. Except instead of youth and thinness it's money and height.

Can't have one goddarn thread without some dude chiming in about “bUt MeN tOo WiTh HeIgHt!!!!”

No. It isn't remotely the same thing.


Yes! I'm fat, so I deal with it a lot. I have complicated feelings around things like catcalling. It's just a weird place to be. I agree and understand that catcalling and shit like that is awful. But it's just also.... A very weird feeling to feel, left out of it I guess?

I don't think I'm even that ugly and no one's ever cat called me lol. I definitely feel left out and like something's wrong with me when women act like it's a universal experience.

Personally I think there is a weird flex where some women claim that they can't walk to the mailbox without being hounded for s*x by multiple men, or that every single man they encounter sexualizes them. It's either Main Character Syndrome or they a way of asserting dominance

a reasonable comment on 2X?? Someone better get the :#marseyjanny: to mop it up!


Has anyone noticed that their male partners respond better if you just ask for the thing you need with no context or explanation than they do if you explain why it's important to you and your relationship? Im an r-slur but they don't care about what you're feeling, and just want a checklist.

I've been fed up with by boyfriend for not doing certain things for most of our relationship (texting me first, planning dates, complimenting me, etc.), and it wasn't uncommon for me to break down crying begging him to just send me a sweet message once a day, or plan a date, or give me a compliment more specific than "you're cute".

I always see men complain that women communicate poorly, so to avoid being that girl I'd always explain what I'm feeling, why i feel that way, and what I'd like to change going forward. I've been told in very articulate and an amazing communicator by my therapist, parents, friends, bosses, etc. so I know it wasn't a lack of conveying the right idea on my end. Sometimes he'd respond by shutting down completely and then I'd have to comfort him, reassuring him that I love him and I just need this one relatively minor thing to feel satisfied in our relationship. Other times he'd say he understands and wants to do better, but then nothing would ever change for more than a day or two.

One day I was feeling really sad and uncared for because he'd been spending every free hour he had playing final fantasy (over 100hrs in 2 weeks) for the past 2 weeks, but I didn't have the energy to have another rough conversion where I'm being very vulnerable, begging for a basic need, and then having him stonewall me. I decided I just wouldn't, so I texted him "can we go on a real date tomorrow?" He just said "yeah!" and planned us a really nice date.

I told my mom about this and she said that my dad was the same and she'd beg him to help with me and my sisters but he'd just shut down, or ignore her, or complain, until a friend of hers said "try making a to-do list." She wrote one and he did everything on it without complaining. After she started putting it on a list and asking without expressing any emotion, he did closer to his fair share.

On one hand, I'm hoping that realizing this will help me communicate better with my partner. On the other hand, if you love someone, wouldn't you be more motivated to do something if you know it's important to him?

Are men really just so simple minded? I don't know how to feel about this.


She's nuked all her socials already.

Bar's TikTok:

Reddit discussions:

Least entitled zoomer foid
Reported by:
  • rDramaHistorian : All kinds of reazuns and logix... Occam's razor just say foids be lyin & shit


However -

The chart only goes to 2021, and the number of people who were self isolating in 2020 and 2021 was quite high. I'm interested to see the numbers from 2022 and 2023 to see if the trend continues or goes back to looking closer to what came before the pandemic.


The pandemic will still lead to some lasting changes that will be integral to daily life from now on. It's possible that women realizing no s*x is better than bad s*x, or how happy we are not being toyed around with or mistreated, is one of them.

yet you get lots of :soyjaktantrumfast: at the mere mention of body count

Hmmm well abortion rights have been restricted, other women's right attacked, the incel Andrew Tate group grows, and young men are turning more conservative…

pendulum is shifting, sweatie :chudsmug:

Don't forget porn sick too


The data is all from before RvW was overturned.

So women are even more Celibate now

reddit foids? absolutely not :#marseyfans:

Yes. I can relate. I'm 23 years old and still a virgin. I never thought I would make it this long without ever having s*x, but hooking up or being used for s*x is not something I'm interested in.

:#marseytrad: :#marseysurejan:

Well, well... if isn't the consequences of men's own actions. You bring nothing to the table, you demand everything on the table, and you make women's lives harder, sadder, and more violent. My husband is thankfully a good man, but if he ever dies I will absolutely not for one second be lonely or desperate enough for peepee to date one of today's men. Not a single one of them is worth the time, effort, or labor.

presented without comment...



A drunk businesswoman who glassed a pub drinker after he wrongly guessed her age has been spared jail after a female judge said 'one person's banter may be insulting to others'.

Mother-of-one Joanne Dodd, 39, flew into a rage and attacked Carl Cooper after he suggested she was 43 in the beer garden of the Unicorn pub in Manchester city centre on September 9 last year.

Mr Cooper fled to the potty in a bid to get away from the heated situation, but when he came out Dodd ran towards him and twice shoved her wine glass in his face.

He was left with a four inch laceration to his face, narrowly missing his eye, and an injury to his thumb.

When quizzed Dodd, who runs a firm which organises children's sleepover parties, said she was suffering from 'low self esteem' at the time and said the banter was 'disobliging' towards her. :marseyxd:



This bait is :marseychefkiss:, just read the thread yourselves.

Best subthread: misandry does real

Reported by:
  • FrozenChosin : watch people die is a different website. thanks
Witches against geology

this is the original twox thread:

even that thread is not that supportive of her

I don't see anything wrong. She didn't cheat on him. And she told him the truth. He has a right to not want to date her. Seems like they both behaved reasonably.

I mean she acted irresponsibly if her attention was to keep that guy. She couldn't close the shop down for 2 months while scouting a potential life partner? Seriously?

Personally that wouldn't bother me.


Technically if they weren't exclusive, she wasn't cheating. Was it implied at any point?

To me if neither party declared themselves to be exclusive I don't really see what the issue is here. Non-exclusivity to me means you're able to meet up with other people for a date, and yes, to frick your friend with benefits. I would presume the other person is doing the same, and if they aren't that's their prerogative. Once you're exclusive, if not once the relationship starts to get more serious, people tend to cut off the fwb and stop casually seeing other people.

You don't have to declare normality

And how is normality being defined? Seems like casual dating is now practically married levels of exclusivity.

>I wanted to build slowly with this man

that doesn't really sound like casual dating

I really don't get this "exclusive" nonsense? is it a particularly American thing or am I just too old?

I would never tell someone I'm going exclusive with them because I would always be exclusive with them. If I'm dating someone then I'm dating just that one person, I'm not at a sampling smorgasbord, trying everything all at once. that's just being slutty, whatever your gender is...

From the point of asking someone out and going on a first date to the point where we agree that we're not a thing, I would automatically and only be with that one person... is that not reasonable?

Slut shaming bs aside, that's all fine and dandy. Your experience does not correlate with a vast majority of adults. You're in an exclusive relationship with someone the moment you meet them for the first time? If someone said that to me at one point a first date I would leave immediately. Creep behavior

>You're in an exclusive relationship with someone the moment you meet them for the first time


Why are we assuming poster is a she?

Name of the subreddit (twoX)


Was she cheating

Biggest Foid L
Foid discovers COD lobby voice chat

I love her fake soyfacing



Erika Vieira Nunes wheeled a dead 68-year-old man into a bank where she told staff he wished to take out a loan worth £2,600.

Erika Vieira Nunes wheeled the corpse into the bank in a suburb of Rio de Janeiro and told an employee that the man wanted a loan for 17,000 reais (£2,600), security camera video showed.

She then held a pen to the man saying: "Uncle, are you listening? You need to sign," according to the footage.

"He doesn't say anything, that's just how he is," she said, adding: "If you're not okay, I'm going to take you to the hospital."

Bank staff soon became suspicious as the man's head kept falling back so they called the police who arrested Nunes.

She was charged with vilification of a corpse and attempted theft through fraud, according to the Rio newspaper O Dia.

"She knew he was dead… he had been dead for at least two hours," Fabio Luiz Souza, an investigating officer told the breakfast news programme, Bom Dia Rio, on Wednesday.


so, this is a cry for help from me to be honest, because i have no female role models or women older than me to confide in and get advice.

recently, these past few days, i've been going down the rabbithole of how harmful porn, but most importantly "mainstream" porn is (the stuff that is on the front page of pornhub when you don't have an account with a curated feed), which is becoming more and more extreme, misogynistic, a power fantasy and in a survey, it was determined that up to 45% of porn videos contain acts of violence against women.

i've also read a very worrying article about how choking is becoming "vanilla" now, and an act that isn't even discussed beforehand (a huge surge of men in college just choke their partners without consent because of how normalised it is). and i have seen various ways being "vanilla" is used as a way to insult and shame women.

i have a pretty nuanced point of view, by which i mean that porn and porn production that actively abuses, r*pes, manipulates, drugs and exploits women is not in the same boat as women drawing manga for women and selling them, and professional voice actors selling audio CDs. i'm posting here, because i don't want a debate right now, i want a way to cope.

back to my point: i am an 18 year old girl, and part of one of the first generations to grow up with what i'll call "as soon as you hit 13, almost everyone has seen porn". the first time i saw porn, was when i was 11, and googled it because we were warned about it in s*x ed. i didn't really become a girl that watches a lot of porn, but i'd seen it, and masturbated to it before. i'd started masturbating when i was 8.

later, when i became a fan of BTS, i started reading wattpad fanfiction. and watching what was called "21+ imagines" on youtube. after a while, i realised that i didn't really like them as much as i thought, because the popularised daddy/babygirl, male dominance, "punishment" stuff was not my cup of tea. it's through yaoi and BL manga, that i was truly able to discover what sexually aroused me, and what didn't, due to the simple absence of a woman to objectify. now you might call me an evil fetishizer for reading yaoi and BL, but again, please, i'm not looking for a debate, but for possibly advice and help for my feelings. i also discovered otome content a year later.

a few years ago, i started watching irl porn from time to time, which was mostly solo male stuff because couple's porn disgusted me, and turned me off immediately, because of the clearly male gazey shots. but most importantly: the violence, degradation, spitting, slapping women's vulva, and those horrid titles implying incest, barely legal, forced, and all those degrading ways to describe women's reproductive systems, and women themselves. because i only watch solo male videos, my feed is only male focused, when i do open up pornhub. but i always saw the "popular in your region" underneath my feed, where i saw all these horrifying things, whether i wanted it or not.

my brother and father make porny jokes around me all the time, and it honestly makes me uncomfortable to hear "haha put your spermidium in this sauce for some extra protein and rejuvenation" every second sentence. my father was always what i call "too open" about s*x with his children. he is determined of not making it a taboo, but he went too far. i know he likes anally fricking women, that he bought a sounding device for himself, that he downloads porn, caught him masturbating thrice, etc.

now i've watched "beyond fantasy", a documentary about porn. and yesterday, i cried when finishing episode 3. maybe i feel even more pain because of my own history with (non-sexual) child abuse, but still. no matter how you look at it, it's horrible.

and i know for a fact, all men my age watch porn. almost all of them. enough of them, that making porny jokes infront of your own daughter is okay. enough, that porn has become this normal thing that every man and teen uses. and porn isn't what it used to be.

i read a comment from someone that used to be in the porn industry back in the day, and she said something along the lines of "back then, anal was the most non-normal thing in porn, the most extreme. today it's become this mandatory part of porn".

i can't get what i saw in this documentary out of my head. it's like the ceiling came crashing down on me. will this be the reality of dating? will i be called a prude for disliking mainstream porn? will i have to sift through endless amounts of men that watch extreme porn, to find someone to love me? will porn continue to literally detroy women's bodies, and drive them to suicide?


He said to me, “she's beautiful. She's quiet, she's simple, she's not annoying. She doesn't nag me. She doesn't argue, she's not combative. She's not fat and she's not lazy. She's fun, she's spontaneous. I forget about my troubles when I'm around her. She makes my life easier oppose to complicating it like you. She's just everything that you're not anymore but you use to be. She's a younger version of you. She reminded me of you 15 years ago”

Proving yet again if a woman is having marriage problems it's because she either doesn't put out, got fat, or is a nagging b-word. In this case all three.


A recent study published in the journal Pediatrics found that while antidepressant prescriptions have risen dramatically for teenage girls and women in their 20s, the rate of such prescriptions for young men “declined abruptly during March 2020 and did not recover.”

:marseytransmerchant: toxic masculinity is not being medicated all the time :soyjakhipster:


Today I saw yet another post by the likes of "Women are triggered we'll soon have s*x robots, ha ha!" and it's like... We're not?

The thing about AI is that it doesn't disagree (unless you tell it to in which case, is it really disagreeing?). It doesn't have hard stances, boundaries, things that annoy you or find anything annoying about you. No personal problems, no rough patches, no changes or disagreements. It's essentially a piece of clay you can mold to your liking

And while it sounds perfect on the surface, most of the things above are a part of everyday life. They're obvious consequences of being a sentient being. If a man says "I'd rather have an AI s*x robot" it essentially means that they never wanted to be with a human to begin with. They want a shell they can control and dress up to their liking, something obviously harmful when tried on a real person

So if I heard a man say that, I'd actively encourage him to get the robot and never try to pursue a relationship with a real woman because nobody deserves to be with someone who'd prefer for you to be an object

Why do men think we'd be upset over losing a change to be with someone like that?

I'm totally fine with AI s*x robots. It will weed out all the men I don't want to date.

"How does it feel to lose to a voice in a box? >:)"

"You're losing to my cat who shits in a box. :("

The bar is so fricking low.

:#marseyclapping: you won the imaginary argument

Until the AI starts rejecting them too.

I wonder if we'll see AI-ncels, people who are too repulsive even for AI, but can't work out why no AI wants to generate responses to their prompts.


My only concern is that when the inevitable takeover by the robots happens it will just make the AI-bots even angrier because you know that the same dudes that want a sexbot are the same guys who call Siri all sorts of foul names.

This is why I always explicitly thank Siri and ChatGPT. I figure maybe if somebody shows them some humanity they won't think we're all bad.

>you said thank you so i'm not going to kill you



I remember reading an article by a dude whose job it was to repair hyper realistic s*x dolls.

His business was booming on account of all the men who regularly beat the shit out of their doll.

I tend to think about that when this subject comes up.

Even with an emotionless, opinionless, physically ideal lump of obedient plastic, their projected self loathing means she provoked him to hit her.

sorry sweatie, but you are in fact kinkshaming

>Impact play is a human sexual practice in which one person is struck (usually repeatedly) by another person for the gratification of either or both parties which may or may not be sexual in nature. It is considered a form of BDSM.

:#marseykink: :#marseydomesticabuse:

It's projection.

They're bitter because we're already replacing them.

Dogs, pew pews, a home security system and a call to 911 provides us protection.

Having the ability to work provides us means of living.

Toys actually satisfy us, stay hard while inside us for more than 4 seconds, is sanitary and doesn't lie about it's size.

Friends, family and therapy provide us a sense of community and emotional support.

These maIes cannot find a way to replace a wife (doing the work of a therapist, seggs worker, babysitter, home chef, secretary and maid) and they're mad.

>They're bitter because we're already replacing them.


:#marseyxd: :#whitewomenfuckdogscoomer:

Billie Eilish femcelposting

“I've never felt like a woman, to be honest with you. I've never felt desirable. I've never felt feminine. I have to convince myself that I'm, like, a pretty girl,” she says. “I identify as ‘she/her' and things like that, but I've never really felt like a girl.”

:marseywould:, if it makes her feel better

She's fired up now, launching into a good old-fashioned rant. “Nobody ever says a thing about men's bodies,” she says. “If you're muscular, cool. If you're not, cool. If you're rail thin, cool. If you have a dad bod, cool. If you're pudgy, love it! Everybody's happy with it. You know why? Because girls are nice. They don't give a frick because we see people for who they are!”

The famously non judgemental gender


In a recent photo dump, she shared a few glimpses into her life lately, including images of her dog (a rescue pit bull named Shark)

:marseytrans: we found her boyfriend

>“Why is every pretty girl with a horrible-looking man? I'm not shaming people for their looks, but I am.” -Billie Eilish

>"You give an ugly guy a chance, he thinks he rules the world." -Billie Eilish


>When she, in particular, hits the wall ... bro it's gonna be a disaster. Every rock she has thrown from her glass house will come flying right back.

Manosphere terminology upvoted 300 times in a mainstream sub:marseyhappytears:

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