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  • Healthy : New Study: Most incels outgrow their misognyny and marry a fat woman with two black children.
  • BWC : :!hesrightyouknow:
New Study: Most German Youth Outgrow Gender Identity Diagnoses

Update 6/15/24: In response to questions about their recent study on whether young people in Germany maintain their gender-related diagnoses throughout the transitioning process, the study authors were contacted for more information.

They confirmed that in Germany, individuals typically keep their medical diagnosis for an extended period as they navigate transitioning. This may include lifelong hormone treatments and other ongoing healthcare services such as speech therapy. They also shared new insights, noting that while changing one's gender marker on identification documents is a common step during transitioning, the study found that less than 0.5% of those diagnosed with gender identity disorders actually changed their marker during the time they were studied.

Additionally, the authors mentioned that surgeries for children and teenagers, tracked by a specific German coding system (OPS code), are quite rare. They observed that the stability of these diagnoses varies by age and s*x, with older individuals generally having more stable diagnoses compared to adolescent girls.

The authors were confident in their interpretation of the data, emphasizing that their study findings align with past desistance research: “The proportion of unstable diagnoses is within the range of previously published international figures, which makes our results plausible.”

The results of this study are a significant finding—there is very little desistance data on the newer cohort of young people under the gender-affirming model of care, and this study adds to growing evidence that for many young people, a trans-identity can be a temporary phase.

A new long-term study from Germany suggests that the majority of young people diagnosed with gender identity disorders do not continue to identify as such over time. The study examined insurance data over five years, revealing that more than half of young people aged 5-24 across every age subgroup diagnosed with "gender identity disorder" no longer had the diagnosis after five years. Specifically, the desistance rate was 72.7% in 15- to 19-year-old females and 50.3% in 20- to 24-year-old males. Among the whole group of 5- to 24-year-olds, only about 36.4% of those diagnosed in 2017 still had the diagnosis five years later, indicating that more than 63% desisted.

One of the strengths of this study is its comprehensive collection of outpatient billing data for all legally insured persons in Germany, providing a large and representative sample. Additionally, the long observation period from 2013 to 2022 offers valuable insights into long-term trends and changes in diagnosis rates.

The research also noted a dramatic rise in the number of young people being diagnosed with gender identity disorders. In 2013, there were 22.5 cases per 100,000 insured young people, but by 2022, this had increased to 175.7 cases per 100,000, representing an increase of nearly 681%. The study highlighted that, in almost all years, the highest prevalence of gender identity disorder diagnoses was found in 15- to 19-year-old females. In 2022, this age group had a prevalence rate of 452.6 cases per 100,000.

“W 15-19 J.” (females aged 15-19) represents the highest overall rate of increase

The study also found that a large majority of those diagnosed with gender identity disorders had other mental health conditions. In 2022, 72.4% of individuals with a gender identity disorder diagnosis had at least one other psychiatric diagnosis. The most common co-occurring mental health issues included depressive disorders (affecting about 57.5% of females and 49.3% of males), anxiety disorders (34% of females and 23.5% of males), and borderline personality disorders (17.6% of females and 12.1% of males). Other frequent conditions were attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

The researchers highlighted the "fluid" nature of gender identity during childhood and adolescence as a likely reason for the high desistance rates. Citing the U.K.'s Cass Review, the authors suggested the need for a comprehensive, standardized diagnostic procedure for youth experiencing gender-related distress.

The study suggests that many young people might resolve their gender incongruence without needing long-term medical treatment. The authors recommend that diagnostic stability and the high prevalence of concurrent mental disorders be considered when starting “gender-adjusting therapy” in adolescence.

They call for more research into cases of "low persistent diagnosis," confirming that “the diagnostic persistence of less than 50% in all age groups in the 5-year follow-up corresponds to the literature.” This supports a growing body of research showing that gender dissatisfaction during adolescence is often temporary and tends to decline with age. This study aligns with recent findings from a long-term Dutch study, which found that most adolescents who expressed a desire to be the opposite s*x no longer felt that way in adulthood.

I guess that means that they were born the wrong gender at first, but, somehow, their brains magically transformed into the right gender. :marseysmugface:


So ever since coming out as trans and people have gradually got used to the fact it's not some sort of joke, I have now become the target of transphobia.

This is funny because when I pretended to be a cis moid and was myself transphobic, they all loved me. I have a special badge for being at that time, far and away, the most transphobic user here.

Nothing has changed except the fact I am now openly trans and no longer join in with any transphobic remarks.

And yet suddenly I'm being called a woman, told to kill myself, subjected to comments about how my children are going to grow up hating me, etc.

I mean look, y'all excepted me as one of you when I was joining in. I passed 100%.

Not a single person suspected I was a trans man.

Makes you think huh.

Transphobes are pathetic.

Transgender Spanish Actor Sues French Politician For Calling Him A “Man”

Spanish actor Karla Sofía Gascón, a trans-identified male previously known as Juan Carlos, has filed a legal complaint against French politician Marion Maréchal, alleging she committed hate speech by calling him a “man.” Maréchal could face one year in prison and a €300,000 fine (£255,300) if found guilty.

On May 26, Maréchal, the head of France's Reconquête! party for the European elections, made a comment on social media about Gascón after it was announced that he had won an award for “Best Actress” at the Cannes Film Festival. Gascón had won the award for his role in ‘Emilia Pérez,' wherein he plays the titular role as a ruthless Mexican drug lord who decides to “transition” in order to evade law enforcement.

“So a man has received the prize at Cannes for… female performance. Progress for the left is the erasure of women and mothers,” wrote Maréchal in response to the news of Gascón's win.

In response to a controversy that ensued, Maréchal reiterated her comments on the news program Telematin the following day, stating: “Saying all day long that a man is a woman does not make it true. Being a woman is a biological reality.”

The French politician's remarks attracted the outrage of six LGBTQ organizationsMousse, Stop Homophobie, Familles LGBT, Adheos, Quazar and Fédération LBGTI + – all of which coordinated action together to file a legal complaint against Maréchal.

In a social media post to X announcing the litigation, French organization Stop Homophobie argued that calling trans-identified men “male” was tantamount to “promoting hate” and discrimination.

“We are filing a complaint against Marion Maréchal Le Pen for having violated republican laws by promoting hatred and discrimination… These illegal behaviors reinforce the climate of violence in which LGBT+ people live in France. Marion Maréchal Le Pen's speeches are heard by those who take action. Since 2016, violence against LGBT+ people has exploded by more than 129%, with the largest increase affecting transgender people. We are more determined than ever to protect them,” wrote Stop Homophobie in their statement.

“Marion Maréchal's comments deny the very existence of transgender people, as well as the violence and discrimination they suffer on a daily basis,” the lawyer for the six associations, Etienne Deshoulières, told the press.

Speaking with Radio France Internationale on May 28, Maréchal responded to the litigation, saying: “I will not be prevented from continuing to say what is the truth. Being a woman or a man is a biological reality, whether you like it or not. The XX or XY chromosomes cannot be surpassed.”

According to EuroNews, Maréchal could be sentenced to a one-year imprisonment and fined €30,000 if she's found guilty of transphobic insult; alternatively, she could be fined €3,750 if she's charged with “sexist insult due to one's gender identity.”

Speaking with Variety, Deshoulières said Gascón joined in the legal action against Maréchal to add credibility to the joint complaint filed by the six trans activist groups and thereby make it possible for Maréchal to be convicted.

Deshoulières, who specializes in defending the rights of transgender people and co-wrote the book “Droits et Libertés des Personnes Transgenres” (translated to “The Rights and Liberties of Transgender People”), was behind a legal complaint filed last year against women's rights campaigner Dora Moutot over “misgendering.”

Moutot, a best-selling author and social media influencer, was hit with a legal complaint alleging insults on the basis of gender identity, and public incitement to hatred or violence towards a group of people on the basis of their gender identity. The complaint was filed on behalf of the mayor of Tilloy-lez-Marchiennes, a trans-identified male named Marie Cau, and Hanneli Escurier, a female journ*list who identifies as a man. Moutot had referred to the former as a man, and the latter as a woman.

Karla Sofía Gascón, previously known as Juan Carlos Gascón, became the first trans-identified male to be awarded the Best Actress prize at the Cannes Film Festival last month for his role in ‘Emilia Pérez,' an award he shared with his female co-stars. In the film, Gascón plays a drug lord who transitions to escape police.

In a glowing review, EuroNews stated, “The show belongs to Spanish transgender actress, Karla Sofía Gascón, who plays both Manitas and Emilia. She nails the ‘born in a pigsty' toxic masculinity of the man who believes a gender reset will offer up redemption.”

The United Nations, academic leftists, and "human rights activists" have tried for decades to get "hate speech" legislation passed in America. So far, they have been unsuccessful - there is overwhelming Supreme Court precedent against it. But don't think for a second that the international "human rights" lobby is ever going to give up on making sure that thoughtcrime legislation exists in every country. America is the last bastion and, once we fall, it's all over.

Also, if you missed it, "gargoyle of Beelzebub" is now a thing, thanks to this transgender "actress". A lot of !terfs are putting it in their profiles.

I'm going to be very disappointed if nobody starts a black metal band called Gargoyles of Beelzebub.

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  • X : why cant the witch use magic to change xer s*x? :marseynoooticer:
Any trans femme actors based in Dublin? CASTING. Paid.

:marseymegaphone: TRANS EMPLOYMENT / EMPOWERMENT OPPORTUNITY :marseymcwagie:

Making a short film looking for actors.

To play the characters

Lavinia - a transgender witch, 17, gothy, goth lolita type, born male, but the reincarnation from a lineage of witches, so considers herself basically a cis woman.

Roderick/Rosetta -17 year old boy, one of a twin brother and sister, who when his sister died age 3, his mother, knowing they had the same soul allowed him to live his life partly as his sister to give her life, and since then the two souls are in the same body. Bigender. Sunny, popular girl, boy-crazy, but as a boy, deeply cynical, grumpy, studious.

Leith Derry - a troubled gay thriller novelist, 40-odd, openly hostile and transphobic but still claims to be a trans ally, is secretly wrestling with their gender identity, but refuses to believe that coming to terms with his femininity does not violate his identity as a gay man. He feels that it is too late to transition, and that is cementing his belief that gay kids are being transed, because he's lived so long as a 'slightly feminine gay man', it's his only personality trait. His relationship with his feminine identity is toxic and tragic.

!cuteandvalid !cuteandinvalid chance to prove your parents wrong and make cold hard cash :marseytransmerchant:

!lgbt there's a role for a fat 40 year old alcoholic strag as well :marseyrdramauser:

2024, director:

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  • X : in b4 :marseytranscope:


With the growing acceptance of transgender individuals, the number of gender affirmation surgeries has increased. Transgender individuals face elevated depression rates, leading to an increase in suicide ideation and attempts. This study evaluates the risk of suicide or self-harm associated with gender affirmation procedures.


This retrospective study utilized de-identified patient data from the TriNetX (TriNetX, LLC, Cambridge, MA) database, involving 56 United States healthcare organizations and over 90 million patients. The study involved four cohorts: cohort A, adults aged 18-60 who had gender-affirming surgery and an emergency visit (N = 1,501); cohort B, control group of adults with emergency visits but no gender-affirming surgery (N = 15,608,363); and cohort C, control group of adults with emergency visits, tubal ligation or vasectomy, but no gender-affirming surgery (N = 142,093). Propensity matching was applied to cohorts A and C. Data from February 4, 2003, to February 4, 2023, were analyzed to examine suicide attempts, death, self-harm, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) within five years of the index event. A secondary analysis involving a control group with pharyngitis, referred to as cohort D, was conducted to validate the results from cohort C.


Individuals who underwent gender-affirming surgery had a 12.12-fold higher suicide attempt risk than those who did not (3.47% vs. 0.29%, RR 95% CI 9.20-15.96, p < 0.0001). Compared to the tubal ligation/vasectomy controls, the risk was 5.03-fold higher before propensity matching and remained significant at 4.71-fold after matching (3.50% vs. 0.74%, RR 95% CI 2.46-9.024, p < 0.0001) for the gender affirmation patients with similar results with the pharyngitis controls.


Gender-affirming surgery is significantly associated with elevated suicide attempt risks, underlining the necessity for comprehensive post-procedure psychiatric support.


TRAs: "Follow the science!" :sjwjak:

Unbiased researchers: "The science says you'll be more suicidal if you cut your healthy body parts off and try to cosplay as the opposite s*x." :marseyphrenology:

TRAs: "Not that science! It isn't affirming me! TRANSPHOBES!!!!!" :transtantrum:

This is why you don't treat body dysmorphia with plastic surgery or anorexia with weight loss. You don't affirm delusions or provide addicts with drugs. First do no harm. :marseyindignant:


Just wanted to remind everyone here that.

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(TRIGGER WARNING) Donald Trump Threatens Ban Against Trans Youth if Re-Elected into Oval Office
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The hottest woman I've seen!

And she's still packing!

New poonertoss


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  • CREAMY_DOG_ORGASM : Can you buy me an unban award please :marseyshy3:
  • LunchtimeHowdy : misgendering Dr. Cass
  • whyareyou : just means autism was increasing in the population since 97.5% of these were neurodivergents
  • bussysundae : The increasing suicide rate means there's less neurodivergents :marseyakshually:

What's interesting is how this adressess the copes from the previous thread

>this is all made up

Apparently not, we are presented with NHS internal minutes, and Cass tried to get ahead of things with a vaguely worded acknowledgement that stripped any mention of an increase in the rate of deaths and blames 'cormorbidities' in her report

>the number of patients was increasing so it's natural suicides would increase too

The data now shows the number of patients was decreasing since the NHS wasn't actually providing a meaningful service any more

>I love seeing trans teenagers die, anything to help me stay in the closet a little longer

You got me there :marseyshrug:

The twitter thread:

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Let's have a serious discussion about misgendering Bardfinn

Is it OK to misgender Bardfinn?

I really struggle to use she/her pronouns when discussing Bardfinn. It makes me recoil out of cringe as if I'm about to pick up a cold dog poo with my bare hands.

Even now, I can't do it because I just don't believe Bardfinn is a woman.

It's a combination of the absolute fantasy life he portrays online compared to the real life facts we know about him as well as everything about him screams male-gendered arrogant twat.

But Uncle, harming one trans woman hurts all trans women

I get that and that's why I want to have this discussion. But Bardfinn is a bully, a liar, a violent misogynist, a negligent father, a deadbeat son and a serial divorcee.

He's either lied about or heavily misimplied his career, his qualifications, his credentials, his income, his patents, his ethnicity, his nationality. He lies about the nature of the trolling he's subjected to.

Why would the one thing he's honest about be his gender? He's got a desperate need to escape his miserable grey reclusive life which is the root cause of most of his fantasist narratives, and I believe his trans identity is just another form of escapism for him.

So I genuinely don't believe misgendering him hurts even one trans woman. At best, he's a part-time crossdresser.

Yikes that's getting mighty close to trans medicalism!

Yeah I guess it is. I do think people ought to put a bit of effort into some kind of tangible steps to transition. Earn your pronouns, Bardfinn. The ball's in your court.


do i pass??? :marseyshy4:

/r/femcelgrippysockjail is a shitposting subreddit for self-described femcels. :glassesfemjak:

Recently, a post appeared on the subreddit that appeared to be mocking male incels for their overt creepiness and misogyny:

One user pointed out that the image was actually mocking pooners and thus didn't belong on the subreddit at all:

>This is the last place I thought I would see pooner art

More specifically, the image was self-loathing pooner art, made by a pooner to mock herself and/or other pooners.

As a result, the usual smugposting :classicsmugsnoo: and shit-flinging :stoningshit: broke out. Here are just a few of the highlights:

Finally, a pooner weighed in:

>As a trans man, thanks, this is really great for our overall public image and mental health 👍🏻


This, of course, provoked even more drama. :marseypopcorn:

Eventually, the entire thread was, it goes without saying, nuked by the jannies. :marseyjanny2:

Protip for femcels: if you want to avoid both men pretending to be women and women pretending to be men, then definitely stick to Crystal Cafe and not Reddit. :pepesmug:

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Being gay is outdated

!chasers !cuteandinvalid so true besties! more trans women for us :horny:

!transphobes coping rn looking at a passoid

Man Card Revoked

!cuteandvalid !r-slurs one struggle :marseyletsgo:

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  • Patsy : post the fricking link to the tweet r-slur
:chudseethe: Chuds on Japanese Twitter Have Started Quoting Infamous Transphobe Matt Walsh :marseychingchongitsover:



Openly TERF Member of Parliament Rosie Duffield is cancelling election hustings due to fear of reprisals from trans folk who she has victimised from her position of power.

This is funny because it means she's less likely to get re-elected. Direct action works, people.


A black Jamaican-British :marseyflagjamaica: :marseyflaguk: lesbian TERF known as Aja the Empress (Aja02537920) was recently seen at a rally that was also attended by English Defence League founder Tommy Robinson, sparking major backlash (not just from :marseytrain2:s, but also from a lot of other TERFs). The irony and (totally unsurprising) lack of self-awareness of middle-class white women telling a lesbian working-class black woman how to do anti-racism is, of course, completely lost on them.

As a result, the hashtag #IStandWithAja trended on Twitter. Heroic portraits were made of her and everything.

You can look through the thousands of posts under the hashtag for endless drama and squabbling. :marseypopcorntime:

While !terfs may be united in hating :!marseytrain:s, the political views of TERFs are otherwise wildly varying. As anyone who follows TERF Twitter knows, there are TERFs ranging from far-left to far-right and everything in between, and issues such as Islam, immigration, and the Israel-Palestine conflict are particularly touchy points of contention prone to starting massive infighting. Such is the nature of identity politics and politics in general. :#tradwifeshrug:

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Recently, a thread appeared on /r/anime_titties (formerly /r/worldpolitics, which it switched subreddits with) about :marseytrain2: athlete William "Lia" Thomas, who went from #462 in men's swimming to #1 in women's swimming as soon as he realized that a mediocre male athlete could still easily triumph over female athletes. Thomas recently failed in his attempt to challenge rules that barred him from elite women's swimming, which is what the /r/anime_titties thread was about.

Even on Le Rebbit, not everyone is r-slurred enough to think that a man competing against women in sports is even remotely fair, so the thread quickly became a veritable bacchanalian free-for-all of doubleplusungood crimethink. Some of the highlights:

At first, mods were simply removing one comment after another. However, it soon became clear that Team Reality was very much winning, so the Reddit :marseytrain: jannies, of course, had to shut it down entirely.

When Team Reality is winning ON REDDIT, you know that shit has officially hit the fan. :#marseycope:

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What are your thoughts on reclaiming slurs?

I am very uncomfortable :marseyhelp: with words :marseyswear: such as p**ner and tr*nnie as I find them dehumanising and humiliating, but I know many trans :marseyhrt: people are happy :marseyreportmaxxer2: to use these words.

If someone calls me a p**ner I just get so angry, because being reduced :marseydiscount: to genitals like this is pretty :marseyglam: gross.

What does everyone :marseynorm: here think? Should :marseynorm: we legitimise them or avoid :marseynope: using them?

None :t#o:

  • Sammy is a skelly boy with a peepeelet and a fridgelet in his room. He does a lot of gaming and self-described as being incelesque.

  • Transitioning from male to successful male sounded like too much work.

  • Says plenty of blokes buy him dinner now that he's transmaxxed :marseysurejan:

  • Watches this person that I saw on MATI once (the voice training isn't working)

  • "I don't present in front of my dad, and I'm not in contact with my mother" :marseyxd:

  • Groomercord detected for DIY HRT. It's good there's a support network for getting hormones without the pesky parents noticing :marseykeffalsdance:

  • Sammy has a boyfriend. Buys a granny dress then goes for a makeover and tries to tell the makeup immigrant lady how much easier it is being a woman. She doesn't seem convinced.

  • "Does your boyfriend know about the transmaxxing?" "IDK, let me ask him" :marseysmirk2:

  • The boyfriend looks like a normal Brit bloke. He's pretty much non-committal on any question, obviously just trying to get the bussy and doesn't care about this non-sense.

  • Dinner is slopmaxxed as they talk about how Sammy likes traditional gender roles and obviously can't cook or plate for shit. :marseychefkiss:

  • Talks to some old :marseytrain:. Train says transmaxxing is VALID including when you're doing it to become a diversity hire.

  • BBC man really wants to find someone to call him unvalid without simply calling him a bloke in a dress. He copes about this particular failure even though he didn't really try that hard at all.

  • In 6-12 months time Sammy thinks the hormones will have him bikini ready :marseybutt:

  • BBC man concludes that transmaxxing might be valid but the reasoning must be problematic even though he's really not gotten anyone to say they found it problematic nor will he come out and articulate why it is.

In conclusion, this was a dumb show. It felt too cowardly to either accept the premise or explore any of the claims to why it should be controversial. It also wasn't as funny as it could have been. Shame innit what they're doing with the tv loiscecence pounds? :marseybong:


!chasers !cuteandinvalid slayyy :marseynails:

!transphobes in shambles over not being able to pull off that hot dress 💃💃💃

"lost a bet" :carpsurejan:

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