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This is all that has to be said on this topic, you can close :marseynoyouzoom: the comments now

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There's a Ricecel on social media who makes content dunking on Westoid Devs by going

Gook Vidya Game Sluts


Jap Vidya Game Sluts


Chink Vidya Game Sluts


Westoid Vidya Game ....."Women"


Same format, he just updates it occassionally with new Ricecel Game Sluts and Westoid Game Slop.

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Then why aren't you posting it here for our consumption? Jeez dramatards are so fricking lazy and r-slurred these days.

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I dont remember his name so I can't find it again.

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>no links

frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you frick you

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yeah let me see the sluts :marseyslutshaming:

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Is it that r-slur grummz?

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Nah its some Zoomer Ricecel

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They're the same devs, the white neurodivergents on the left turned into the white "women" on the right

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In the gayming industry's case these guys just went into lockstep with current thing to advance their careers or maintain their standing by kowtowing to the foids and soyim who kvetched about "le dudebros" for 20 years

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Chuddoid gaymers don't want to accept this TRVTHNVKE tho. It was never an invasion, just a conversion.

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Ugh fricking capitalism enshittifying everything by prioritizing absurd fantasies and short term gains over everything.

So anyways here's my plan to shift the company into making the stories I want and push the narrative to be fanfic and robot-yaoi.

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Fricking which one of you is this? :laugh:



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Most subtle dramatard name

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Huh, maybe some :marseyoctopus2: is actually too obvious.

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BioWare Puts 'Full Focus' on Mass Effect

Please don't




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:#marseyburgers: Boardgames?

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carpy plz pin post

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No I might get yelled at because it's chuddy


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Frick that this is my revenge against these cowtools RAPING things i care about :marseytrollgun: :marseytrollgun: :marseytrollgun: :marseytrollgun: :marseytrollgun: :marseytrollgun: :marseytrollgun: :marseytrollgun: reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

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there is a slim and we're talking the most micro of micro chances mass effect 5 won't suck giant mountains of butt.

it all really comes down to the people involved and how long it's already been in development. If it's like failguard, infested with DEI activists, disgusting AGP :marseytrain2:s, and a bunch of fat blue haired women then nothing is going to right that ship. It's well and truly :marseyitsover: It wouldn't matter even with the ongoing changes with the culture shifting away from what got us here in the first place. Any attempt to restart development now would just result in anthem 2.0

It really comes down to if the devs involved from day 1 are competent or not.

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>Somehow, Shepherd returned


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So... I'm nonbuynary.


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This would be so cringy if we weren't so succesfull at collapsing game studios this year or two, I'll take it :marseycool2:

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We need a chudda marsey.

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Baldurs Gate got it right, and really the only thing Veilguard would've needed is better dialogue. Most players quit before the combat gets repetitive anyways.

All it would have needed was better dialog?

>repetitive combat

Holy cope :#marseyxd:

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That RPG was this close to greatness, just redo all of the dialog and maybe the combat too. Maybe a post-release patch? :marseyclueless:

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Just like Elden Ring!

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Just a lil plot re-write. Maybe change all the companions too

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Bideo game writing has reached a new nadir where fantasy characters now literally talk about dilating. I imagine normies really did stop playing, once they recognized that all the characters had IQs hovering around 85.

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>Bideo game writing has reached a new nadir where fantasy characters now literally talk about dilating.

https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/516/241/719.jpeg !chads !transphobes !g*mers

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frick the last time I saw the word nadir I had to write a short story for english class that made it into a pun to 'remember' it.

I wrote about a "tor-nader" :marseytornado: :marseytwister:

I have never seen or used the word since but I do remember, so it worked :marseyshrug:

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It's in an old Metallica song

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Lol not sure how tor-nadir helps me remember the meaning of it but good job :marseythumbsup:

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His brain doesnt work good its ok.

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Ralph Nader's last name is literally just a different spelling of nadir (I assumed it's the Arabic equivalent of valley, but apparently it also means unique)

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Tbh the writing could have saved it. DAI's most vocal supporters were the ones that enjoyed the character interactions. Obviously if the combat and exploration were fun that would have made it a great game but they didn't seem to prioritize that. Instead it seems they prioritized their characters and worldbuilding, but they did it so poorly there was no saving grace. I don't understand how writers get hired that can't make authentic dialogue - it's your whole job.

I still think it seems like a mid game and wouldn't mind playing it when it goes on sale for $5.

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Baldur's Gate has shit dialogue too, which puts into perspective how bad Veilguard really was.

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I dont understand why this c tier franchise with 3 games over 20 years matters so much

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The first one was good

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Origins was a generational game and it was the first "real" western RPG that a lot of late 20s/early 30s g*mers played.

Everything Bioware makes is always going to be in that shadow and judged accordingly.

Yeah I know they made Neverwinter nights too' but nobody cares about that

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Everything Bioware makes is always going to be in that shadow and judged accordingly.

They also made Baldur's Gate 1 and 2.

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True, but again, the audience of people who hate Bioware now were mostly too young to have played those games

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People who played those are exactly the people who avoid anything Nu-Bioware makes.

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Eh, people mostly remember the Bioware golden age of Mass Effect, KotOR and DA:O. Nobody remembers Baldur's Gate and nobody really wants to remember NWN1

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ADWR was based though

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Isn't Neverwinter Nights supposed to be legit good if you're a DnDcel? :marseythinkorino:

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I am a massive dragon age fan and didnt even consider buying this.

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Does "massive Dragon Age fan" just mean, Played 75% of the first one and liked it but don't remember a moment of it?

Cos if so, same

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Ive played them all, even the last one for hundreds of hours.

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Oh God, he likes inquisition. Someone ping that weird raccoon guy or something

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Solo challenge runs on inquisition are fun

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Maybe if you stopped playing v*deo games and went outside you didn't have to "solo" things :marseysmughips:

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>hold attack button, the game


Inquisition is even worse than DA2.

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Solo nightmare runs with challenges on were actually incredibly difficult.

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That's more true for DA2 than DAI

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Inquisition would be better than DA2 and on par with Origins if the fricking elemental damage/resistance and combo system weren't hard fricked for absolutely no reason.

The bonus 3 dragon challenge fights are just a massive showcase on how fricked they are.

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Aren't there just two?

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My memories of DA:O, not even joking, let's see what I come up with:


  • There's the swamp where the goth chick lives to the south.

  • There's whiny butthurt elves in a forest to the SE.

  • In the middle there's an incredibly boring forgettable generic fantasy down and a wizard tower. The wizard tower needs you to beat a quest to unlock it.

  • The dwarves live underground in a big dwarf city. They have tribbles or something. And there's a guy there who's a gibbering r-slur. This where I quit like everyone else.


  • A goth chick who doesn't get along with her mom.

  • That other girl was a bard or something.

  • Boring sidekick guy Carth, no Kaiden, no... Alistair.

  • An old wizard lady. She's secretly a zombie or something.


  • You're a vampire or something, except without any of the interesting parts of that.

  • You're organizing an army to fight against the bad guy's army. He's a usurper.

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A fricking cheese grater

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I'm not surprised.

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Total game dev death soon

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It was worth tanking the entire industry so long as the six :marseytrain2:s who actually play video games feel validated :marseywholesometrans:

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There was more they/them in devlopement then playing these games

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23% of game devs are some sort of LGBTIABRAAP+

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To be fair. If you are more likely to be hired if you put bi or they/them in resume. It will screw up stats big time

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I love how I can crush the takeover of my hobbies by my ideological opponents by simply...doing nothing :marseyantiwork:

This is the kind of activism I can get behind :marseyneet:

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It's very Eastern philosophy.


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>Peaceful Eastern philosophy

>4 of the 5 most deadly wars in human history occurred in Asia


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Two of those involved one of the sides being very influenced by Christianity tho.

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Jesus was born in Nanking.

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Did this Barv guy have terrible push-up form too?

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Honestly :marseywould: buy :marseyfry:

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Unless Mass Effect 5 is just Miranda butt on screen for the whole game its going to be shit.

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They removed the Miranda butt from the Legendary Edition so it'll be shit.

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>They removed the Miranda butt from the Legendary Edition

https://i.rdrama.net/images/1738260722Wuv5jH34Rf-Ewg.webp !g*mers !coomers

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The toll one pays when a bunch of frumpy dumpy diversity hites bombard your dev studio

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I dunno :marseyconfused2:

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Wait what


Didn't they fix the shit Tali reveal?

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Male gaze, chud. :marseyindignant:

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Because that's unsafe horny chud

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What about Liara's tits on screen the whole time?

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BioWare still has one last franchise to burn before they go under


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TORtanic is still somehow running

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They haven't released a successful game since that wasn't already in development during TORtanic's launch. It sunk the studio.

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BioWare gave that one to another studio

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God I actually hope they r*pe :marseytwerking: mASS effect

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Yeah I've gone from hoping they don't r*pe it to wanting to see just how fricked up it'll be

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Which is funny when, aside from it being unfinished, all they had to do was hire a better writing staff.

look your rpg didn't work and it has a shit story and dialogue but other than that it was brilliant! I don't see the problem

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I can't believe the amount of motherlovers playing this

And go

This is fun from a ganeplay perspective.

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Lol i heard about the cringe trans scene, but didn't know about trans codex https://www.smashjt.com/post/dragon-age-veilguard-writer-slip-up-exposes-insane-trans-propaganda-in-hidden-game-lore

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>Trumps cuts NGO funding

>Reddit immediately swings right


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Don't worry dramatards, no one will learn a thing from this. Catch you guys when Mass effect tanks :marseychudchartdowntrend:

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Nah, we have Assassins Creed Shadows to look forward to!

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That has already tanked. ME still has a faint chance of not being trash but I won't hold my breath.

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I tried to play it to own da chuds but couldn't get past Fortnite graphics.

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Who would buy another mass effect lol, the story is over the mystery of the world has been completely unveiled.

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I know I am late af but I just gotta mention that I got permabanned from pcgaming for this comment in reply to some guy calling people "weird" for "celebrating" the failure of dragon age trainguard, figured with all the chuddy comments this would be no big deal but alright :marseyxd: :

I am celebrating this because I believe that the AAA gaming industry deserves a massive crash. The industry has completely lost the fricking plot, and I won't be emotionally blackmailed with shit like, "but think about all the job losses!" I'm truly over it.

All the microtransactions/season passes/general scummy monetization, increasing the prices from 60 to 70 to 80 and now possibly 100 with GTA6, day 1 patches (that still inevitably leave these expensive games buggy on launch) and absurd file sizes, dumbing the gameplay of every beloved franchise down, an absolute deluge of generic open-world slop that take massive resources that could be utilized to make actual good games, trying to force "live service" into every godforsaken nook and cranny, the list is truly endless. For many people, the too-online leftist/unironic communist activists now pushing their ideologies in the narratives of fan-favorite franchises was the final straw. [editor's note: the previous sentence was definitely what got me banned lmao]

These corporations jumped the shark long ago and need a painful reality check, and I'm hoping that this the death knell for these massive corps. We'll be fine, there are countless AA and indie studios putting out solid shit, give them the limelight in the market.

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no longer a divisive consensus

Well yeah, the license period for the shill bots has probably ended now that the launch cycle PR campaign is complete

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