Why cry about a flag?Why cry about a flag?Why cry about a flag?Why cry about a flag?Why cry about a flag?Why cry about a flag?Why cry about a flag?Why cry about a flag?
the dude who made the mod makes mods to replace american flags with pride flags too but those didnt get removed
also its the entire country of the middle east you moralizing redditors. also also you literally seethe about biden stickers on gas pumps get some perspective please you principless gaymers
βThe country of the Middle Eastβ is such splendidly dramapilled phrasing, though. My favorite countries are Texas, the Middle East, the European Union, and Palestine.
companies refuse to sell g*mes without cute twink flags to western g*mers no matter how politely western g*mers ask for them
middle eastern g*mers can have videog*mes without cute twink flags because they throw cute twinks off roofs and stab people who say things they disagree with
the only way to for g*mers to be offered the product we desire to consume is to be capable of making and following up on credible threats of violence
Obviously their primary reason is money but also its unfair for the people in those countries to not be able to play the game AT ALL just because insomniac wouldnt simply swap out some flags, its not the player's fault that their government is homophobic.
Sucks for them. But that's what happens when someone genuinely has principals, and doesn't just pretend to care about whatever in order to make money.
its not the player's fault that their government is homophobic.
unless its america, then you get to judge americans as racist sexist whateverist cousinfrickers who are uneducated fascists blah blah
also they could yknow pirate it. its a pc game
Sucks for them. But that's what happens when someone genuinely has principals, and doesn't just pretend to care about whatever in order to make money.
as right as he is maybe we shouldnt have to bring principles at all into a thing called SPIDERMAN? stan lee had zero principles and no one criticized him
The Saudi regime has survived threats from the Hashemites, Communists, Nasserists, Baathists, and Muslim Brotherhood, but surely if we stick to our principles and withhold Spiderman it will topple.
Never ask a woman her age, a man his salary, or my thoughts on age of consent laws
BrokeBackBuck 2yr ago#2531383
spent 0 currency on pings
if the bible has taught us nothing else, and it hasn't, its that girls should stick to girl sports.
2yr ago#2530525
spent 0 currency on pings
Extremely based. About time these intolerant jerks get shown the door.
more proof that anyone who says based is just the biggest kind of cute twink
if the bible has taught us nothing else, and it hasn't, its that girls should stick to girl sports.
GoldMemer 2yr ago#2531835
spent 0 currency on pings
but haven't you heard?! you can't believe that story because reasons!
I like some of the Gaga songs, what the frick does she know about cameras?!?!
2yr ago#2530516
spent 0 currency on pings
the mod was uploaded by a sock puppet account (i.e. a newly made account by someone who already has an account on the site) and uploaded under the name "Mike Hawk"
Ahh⦠you were at my side all along. My one true mentor, my guiding moonlight...
2yr ago#2530655
spent 0 currency on pings
My favorite part about this is like, I'm gay and this doesn't bother me at all because I'm not a cute twink that makes being gay 100% of his personality.
There's no reason to be "proud" of being gay or whatever, it's literally just part of what you are lol
i dont because then i have to read dopamine addicted s try to moralize and smugpost how we need less freedom of speech because someone released a mod that does something theyre okay with paying money to let the actual DEVELOPERS do
"what? no it's not even my content, I just think banning this person and removing their stuff is an overreaction."
The best way to win arguments is to invent caricatures of your opposition while posting among a group of people who already agree with you
At least drama does it to make fun of people, all jokes are built on exaggeration. These people are doing it super seriously while patting each other on the back.
>To address the banning, which is what a lot of people want to focus on, the mod was uploaded by a sock puppet account (i.e. a newly made account by someone who already has an account on the site) and uploaded under the name "Mike Hawk". It was very clearly done deliberately to be a troll mod. The fact the user needed to make a sock puppet like a coward to upload the mod showed their intent to troll and that they knew it would not be allowed.
Or maybe the uploader just didn't want to lose their job over this.
>In regards to the replacement of Pride flags in this game, or any game, our policy is thus: we are for inclusivity, we are for diversity. If we think someone is uploading a mod on our site with the intent to deliberately be against inclusivity and/or diversity then we will take action against it. The same goes for people attempting to troll other users with mods deliberately to cause a rise. For our part, we will endeavour to do a better job of moderating our website to this ethos ourselves.
Personally I'm waiting for people to try to get mods pulled simply for not having black NPCs in your viking game, that sorta stuff. Or because the author liked a rightoid tweet, etc.
As a g*mer, I understand the urge to call someone a kitty for avoiding a completely lopsided fight in my favor. We're all incredibly lazy and entitled.
Join !friendsofsnappy 2yr ago#2530411
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I just downvoted your post.
What does this mean?
The amount of karma (points) on your post and Reddit account has decreased by one.
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There are several reasons I may deem a post to be unworthy of positive or neutral karma. These include, but are not limited to:
Rudeness towards other Redditors,
Spreading incorrect information,
Sarcasm not correctly flagged with a /s.
Am I banned from the Reddit?
No - not yet. But you should refrain from making posts like this in the future. Otherwise I will be forced to issue an additional downvote, which may put your commenting and posting privileges in jeopardy.
I don't believe my post deserved a downvote. Can you un-downvote it?
Sure, mistakes happen. But only in exceedingly rare circumstances will I undo a downvote. If you would like to issue an appeal, shoot me a private message explaining what I got wrong. I tend to respond to Reddit PMs within several minutes. Do note, however, that over 99.9% of downvote appeals are rejected, and yours is likely no exception.
How can I prevent this from happening in the future?
Accept the downvote and move on. But learn from this mistake: your behavior will not be tolerated on Reddit.com. I will continue to issue downvotes until you improve your conduct. Remember: Reddit is privilege, not a right.
The people who argued just a few years ago, "Why are you concerned with what people do in the privacy of their bedrooms? It doesn't affect you in any way", are the same people who are now malding over what people do in the privacy of their own computers, even though it doesn't impact them in any way. To be clear, I was one of those people arguing that back then. It's what I still believe. And I actually do believe it which is why I'm not pressed over what mod some few hundred scrotes I'll never even meet install in their single player games. Then again, I'm not a Honestly If these creatures didn't have double standards they'd have no standards at all
Never ask a woman her age, a man his salary, or my thoughts on age of consent laws
2yr ago#2531340
Edited 2yr ago
spent 0 currency on pings
This is really great dramartistry, but I would like to make one small suggestion, if I may. A lot of the conversation is still too logical and reasonable. People are actually listening to each other and responding to each others points. There's no real anger, no blood in the water.
What I'm getting at is that somebody needs to be accusing an LGBTQIA+ of being racist and hating Arabs because they don't want them to have bibeo games, and then somebody else needs to tacitly accuse that person of supporting gay murder. It's just a minor change to your masterpiece, but I really think that ought to raise the temperature by several degrees.
alt title: soy g*mers still not calling out the corporation that is censoring their games for the middle east because they think the person who made the mod is a chud they can single out as the reason you need to vote Biden 2024
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Imagine getting buttmad about a flag replacer mod that you totally don't have to install if you want to see strag flags everywhere.
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its not a mod
it just enables the
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Apparently it's not that complex of a mod, it just switches the flag texture pack to the Middle East/Russian version
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Middle East games should have gotten the gay edition and other countries the other edition for maximum seethe
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This man gets it and me apparently.
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It would just get banned from selling immediately
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Nah, everybody else should getting the US commie flag
Seethe will go through the roof
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That is an ugly flag, should've done a Triangle on the LHS over a square.
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I like how whoever made this gave the
squinty eyes
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Na it replaces the flags with a custom texture, its there in the mod files
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Why cry about a flag?Why cry about a flag?Why cry about a flag?Why cry about a flag?Why cry about a flag?Why cry about a flag?Why cry about a flag?Why cry about a flag?
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the dude who made the mod makes mods to replace american flags with pride flags too but those didnt get removed
also its the entire country of the middle east you moralizing redditors. also also you literally seethe about biden stickers on gas pumps get some perspective please you principless gaymers
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Its a region (where almost nobody recognizes that trans lives matter)
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Yea but who cares. Its like africa, no one knows its a continent
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The Iranians do!
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βThe country of the Middle Eastβ is such splendidly dramapilled phrasing, though. My favorite countries are Texas, the Middle East, the European Union, and Palestine.
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Best part is its not even a mod
it just tells the game to load the texture that is used in middle east versions
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The best part is that the mod author also released a mod that chances EVERY flag in the game to be the lgbt flag
source: people on twitter were saying it
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Many people are saying it!
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yes it's probably true but I can't be bothered to check, plus how would I? He got mopped from Nexus.
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companies refuse to sell g*mes without cute twink flags to western g*mers no matter how politely western g*mers ask for them
middle eastern g*mers can have videog*mes without cute twink flags because they throw cute twinks off roofs and stab people who say things they disagree with
the only way to for g*mers to be offered the product we desire to consume is to be capable of making and following up on credible threats of violence
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You can clearly see the flagβs texture file in the mod pack
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unless its america, then you get to judge americans as racist sexist whateverist cousinfrickers who are uneducated fascists blah blah
also they could yknow pirate it. its a pc game
as right as he is maybe we shouldnt have to bring principles at all into a thing called SPIDERMAN? stan lee had zero principles and no one criticized him
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It's about principles in video game modding, sweaty
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The Saudi regime has survived threats from the Hashemites, Communists, Nasserists, Baathists, and Muslim Brotherhood, but surely if we stick to our principles and withhold Spiderman it will topple.
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If you thought the Arab Spring was crazy, wait until you see g*mergate 2.0
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They targeted g*mers. G*mers.
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more proof that anyone who says
is just the biggest kind of cute twink
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Leftoids culturally appropriating smh
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also the literal game company that made the game: "oh pweeze awabs buy our game we've removed the strag fwag and replaced it with amewica's"
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but haven't you heard?! you can't believe that story because reasons!
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Incredibly based, in awe of this dude
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ironic for something to make the game less gay
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gee I wonder why there's such a big overlap of people who want this mod removed and who are okay with loli porn mods.
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My favorite part about this is like, I'm gay and this doesn't bother me at all because I'm not a cute twink that makes being gay 100% of his personality.
There's no reason to be "proud" of being gay or whatever, it's literally just part of what you are lol
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that's your internalized homophobia speaking, sweaty
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I love it when g*mers are butthurt
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i dont because then i have to read dopamine addicted
s try to moralize and smugpost how we need less freedom of speech because someone released a mod that does something theyre okay with paying money to let the actual DEVELOPERS do
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Remind yourself that theyβre g*mers and donβt actually amount to anything
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The best part is if it was an actual dev on the game who released the 'mod'
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He's talking about the modder without a hint of self awareness lmao.
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according to several people on twitter, the same modder also made a mod changing every flag to the gay flag
funny and dramapilled if true
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The seethe to pixel ratio is out of control
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In response to absolutely nobody saying they are being cancelled
Chuds = Owned
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The best way to win arguments is to invent caricatures of your opposition while posting among a group of people who already agree with you
At least drama does it to make fun of people, all jokes are built on exaggeration. These people are doing it super seriously while patting each other on the back.
Sneeding if you will
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Or maybe the uploader just didn't want to lose their job over this.
Personally I'm waiting for people to try to get mods pulled simply for not having black NPCs in your viking game, that sorta stuff. Or because the author liked a rightoid tweet, etc.
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I don't know what you said, because I've seen another human naked.
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As a g*mer, I understand the urge to call someone a kitty for avoiding a completely lopsided fight in my favor. We're all incredibly lazy and entitled.
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Someone needs to make a mod that replaces the pride flags with BLM ones and watch reddit turn on itself to decide over who's more oppressed
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All flags are trans flags
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Already been done with Ukraine flags
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There are several reasons I may deem a post to be unworthy of positive or neutral karma. These include, but are not limited to:
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Spreading incorrect information,
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.Am I banned from the Reddit?
No - not yet. But you should refrain from making posts like this in the future. Otherwise I will be forced to issue an additional downvote, which may put your commenting and posting privileges in jeopardy.
I don't believe my post deserved a downvote. Can you un-downvote it?
Sure, mistakes happen. But only in exceedingly rare circumstances will I undo a downvote. If you would like to issue an appeal, shoot me a private message explaining what I got wrong. I tend to respond to Reddit PMs within several minutes. Do note, however, that over 99.9% of downvote appeals are rejected, and yours is likely no exception.
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Wow snappy actually did
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The people who argued just a few years ago, "Why are you concerned with what people do in the privacy of their bedrooms? It doesn't affect you in any way", are the same people who are now malding over what people do in the privacy of their own computers, even though it doesn't impact them in any way. To be clear, I was one of those people arguing that back then. It's what I still believe. And I actually do believe it which is why I'm not pressed over what mod some few hundred scrotes I'll never even meet install in their single player games. Then again, I'm not a
Honestly If these creatures didn't have double standards they'd have no standards at all 

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I would chop off my pinkies to have all pro-Pride individuals drop dead instantly i am not kidding
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It's a clear sign that we need the hard times to come already so people can gain some perspective.
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Itβs not mod itβs a feature in game. Like the turn alphabet flags off for Muslim countries
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I hate reddit jannies so fricking much
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This is really great dramartistry, but I would like to make one small suggestion, if I may. A lot of the conversation is still too logical and reasonable. People are actually listening to each other and responding to each others points. There's no real anger, no blood in the water.
What I'm getting at is that somebody needs to be accusing an LGBTQIA+ of being racist and hating Arabs because they don't want them to have bibeo games, and then somebody else needs to tacitly accuse that person of supporting gay murder. It's just a minor change to your masterpiece, but I really think that ought to raise the temperature by several degrees.
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Do they know itβs not a mod but just the gameβs Arabic release?
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alt title: soy g*mers still not calling out the corporation that is censoring their games for the middle east because they think the person who made the mod is a chud they can single out as the reason you need to vote Biden 2024
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The /r/pcgaming was mostly chill and laughing at people being mad at mod. Why lock it?
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much saner
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Feel like there's an open market for a modder to replace all flags with gay/trans flags and link their gofundme or something
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look at these cute twinks yet we're
the bad guys for wanting to throw them off roofs
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