Twitter account Makes Video Game Foids Pretty Again (MVGFPA)

Samples of his important work

I, Hypocrite

Let's see what else "Lauptrapta" has Tweeted...

Random madfems

You come across this orc in the woods, wyd?
What is Sweet Baby INC?

And why are people soying out abt it?


I'm a lazyposter, but the massive sneed session is all over the place.

G*mergate 2.0 has started lmao, the journos are already collaborating, expect to see media rotation of "far-right", "conservatives" and "Nazis" in headlines over the anti-SBI shitters. PC g*mer, Kotaku and some German shitrag has already posted "Ackshually, it's a conspiracy and SBI did nothing wrong" articles. Zoe Quinn's positive review for s*x guy has posted an article as well. IT'S HAPPENING!!

The gaslightening has begun!

Why are people worried about Sweet Baby?

Just pick any random dev's (non-programming) Twitter that works at a game studio you like. They're not hiding this shit.

do any of you like vicky 2

wickedness must be stamped out!


Her article for Kotaku:

Her tweet in the replies:

Thread she was replying to (she's gone private):

G*mers seething:*mers_think/*mers_think/


This is the same foid who joined the SBID groomercord and demanded users dox themselves:

This is real, btw, she was proud of herself for "infiltrating" the group:

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sporechads wya

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  • forgotpw : Enabling piracy and IP infringement
EFFORTPOST Yuzu Setup for the Tech Illiterate

so with all the posts about Yuzu and seeing a few people confused how to get it setup (@Bussy-boy) I thought I'd just make it's own post

If you feel confident in following directions you can just directly use the guide I used here. I will be assuming you're on Windows 10/11 64 bit

For those of you who don't know, Yuzu is a Nintendo Switch emulator that recently got taken down. Someone has forked their source code luckily tho so you can still use it. There are other ways to play cracked Switch games but this seemed the easiest to me. Lets get started

Download Yuzu

You can download the Early Access build here. Just click the "" link and it will download a zip file. Extract the folder to wherever you feel like. Then open the extracted folder and run the yuzu.exe file. This should install the program and run itself, but you'll get a prompt about missing encryption keys

Encryption Keys

You will need an encryption key file to get the program working. You can download it here or DM me and I can send you the source since it's just text. Once it's downloaded, open Yuzu and go to File->Open Yuzu Folder. This will open the working directory for the program. What you need to do is put the prod.keys file in the keys folder (make sure if you opened it in notepad it didn't rename it to prod.keys.txt). Now restart Yuzu and there should no longer be a warning message.

(Optional) Firmware

You don't need to do this step but it says that some games will crash if you don't. You can download firmware from here, just use the latest one. Unzip the folder, and open the Yuzu folder again. This time navigate to "nand\system\Contents\registered" and paste all of the NCA files from the firmware folder into there

okay now Yuzu is setup, we need some games

Installing Games

Here are a few websites you can download Switch games from: (

I'm going to use Zelda Breath of the Wild as an example because it has an update and some DLC. Note that you can only use NSP and XCI files on Yuzu. NSP files will typically be separated into the base game, updates, and DLC; which can also sometimes be split into 5GB chunks. XCI has everything together, but I haven't really seen any of those. So I'm going to download all the files from this page using MegaUp which is estimated about 30 minutes. Torrenting would also probably be a bit faster but that's up to you, I don't really use it.

Okay so now we have 3 base game, 2 DLC, and 1 update NSP files. First it's recommended we create a folder to put our Switch games. Then we will need to merge the 3 base game files. I was having massive problems with the built in Windows zip utility so I recommend getting 7zip and using that. Just select the part 1,2,and 3 zips together, right click and extract files to your Switch games location; this should merge all of them into a 14.1GB NSP file. Do the same if your game's DLC or update files are split

Before we run the game we should install the update and DLC files. To do this, simply go to File->Install Files to NAND and then select what you want. These are copied to the Yuzu folder so you don't need to keep a copy

I recommend adding your Switch game directory to the main window in Yuzu by clicking "Add New Game Directory", selecting your folder, and then when it's added right click the folder and check the "Scan Subfolders" option. You can also tell from here if your game is being read properly and the Add-ons column will show if the extras were installed correctly. Now just double click the game and you're good to go

Linux Stuff - from @TriHard

Yes. There are only a couple of small things to note:

  • On Linux, you want the AppImage release. Most Linux distros support AppImages.
  • Once you download the AppImage, try running it. If it doesn't work, it's probably because you're missing FUSE 2. Install it with your package manager (I use Artix btw so mine is Pacman): > sudo pacman -S fuse2
  • Keys can be installed directly in Yuzu by going to Tools > Install Decryption Keys, and selecting prod.keys.
  • Firmware can be installed by going to Tools > Install Firmware, and selecting the folder containing the extracted firmware files.
  • By default, all Yuzu-related files are located in ~/.local/share/yuzu.


I don't have all that much experience actually using the emulator so I'm going to skip this part and say just refer to the linked guide. This will help with optimizing Yuzu for your system, show you how to make save states, load mods, etc

If you have any question or if I did something wrong/inefficiently let me know. Otherwise have fun crackers!

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Thoughts on Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth

Since it's been a little over a month since it came out, I want to talk about it and how good it is.

Gameplay wise it's such a huge improvement to LAD 7. Being able to move your character around to chain aoe attacks and combo enemy into each other is so much fun.

Of course this is RGG studios, so the game isn't balanced in the slightest, so if your looking for really challenging turn based gameplay, this isn't it, however the mini minigames do offer so good challenge.

Speaking of the minigames, there are so many fun one, a crazy taxi delivery games, a pokemon game where you collect "pokemon" from beating up weirdo and convincing them to join you, a animal crossing game where you develop a resort, and a pokemon snap like game where you have to find dude in speedos hiding all over the place and take pictures of them, and that only few of the minigames.

The only aspect that isn't a clear improvement over LAD 7 is the story, not to say it's bad, but just not as smooth or well structured as 7, and can feel all over the place.

I really like the new characters however, the party in 7 returns and is just as full as personality as ever. My favorite part of 7 was just how much the character interacted with each other, really made you feel like they were all on the adventure together. The new party members are just a good as the ones from 7, and all the returning ones (except Eri but who cares about her) are just as charismatic as before.

I was a little hesitant about Kiryu returning and being a secondary protagonist, but having him interact with Ichibans old party made it worth it, he plays off character like Namba and Seoheen really well, which is why I think RGG studios deciding to split the party up was a good thing, even if having both Ichiban and Kiryu together was pretty badass.

Also I just want to mention Yamai, I have fought this fricker probably about 5 times now but have yet to be bored of it, he is such a good antagonist/reluctant ally. It seem they are setting him to be Ichiban's Majimai, and he well deserves it.

The music slaps as well, just to mention.

Overall so far this game is one of the best AAA games I've played in the past 3 year, so I would recommend it. Just make sure to at least play 7 first, since 8 is basically a direct sequel to it.

Ghost of Tsushima DIRECTOR'S CUT [Steam]


Release date: May 16, 2024

Price: $60


Bloodborne when?

My wife played the snoot game sequel πŸ¦•

She came into my workshop crying bc she got the simp ending first and it was really bad.

Then I played it and got the best end first and then she did it again and got it too.

Game's good. It's cute and the neurodivergent cripple weeb love interest is a much better and more well rounded character than the pooner goth of snoot game. The protagonist also is better

I read that the worst ending, while not ending in a school shooting like snoot game, is actually worse in this one because of how cruel it is to the girl so I ain't going for it.

10/10 good job furstrag anons again

T90Official - Age Of Empires 2 Hidden Cup swag bois :marseytrophy: :marseywinner: :trophy: :trophy: :trophy:
This contract πŸ˜‚ : HiTMAN <- also the lamest post ive ever seen on /r/hitman

It's over

First it was microtransactions now it's the G*mer Muzzle :marseyslipperyslope2:


TimeSplitters 2 is one of my all time favorite games and this shit isn't it. Not to sound negative but I thought I was watching Fortnite the entire time.

I'm still not convinced this isn't just Fortnite with mods or some shit.

what the flying frick is this, this isn't timesplitters, like the other person said this literally looks like a fortnite mod. honestly i'm half convinced this is an elaborate early april fools joke

if this was indicative of what the next timesplitters game was going to be, then i'm glad it got cancelled and the legacy didn't get tarnished. what an absolute let down

Obviously still in the early development stages but if this is real I'm glad I've been spared the massive disappointment of seeing my love for an atmospheric comedy/horror FPS game series - with a fun MP and cool Level Editor turned into a Mircrotransaction, Battlepass ridden Fortnite clone.

>I often think about TimeSplitters. Thinking "God I'd love a new TimeSplitters or a Future Perfect remake". Then I think about the state of the industry and know that all those unlockable characters, game mode editors and map makers would be sold piecemeal.

>Some good things deserve to stay dead.

What is this shit?! Looks like poor mans Fortnite.

Fortnite and its consequences.

is this real?


You can say but star citizen is not finish and there is still potential but gayshin impact is very meh game to cost that much.

Also: Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales a fricking dlc cost more than destiny 1

No wonder it's over for Sony

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