
Now that @TC achieved all of this (natty) let's celebrate by discussing which real world races were the inspiration for the NMS races.

@TC think the most likely is Korvax are asian, Vykeen are Black, Gek are jews, travellers are whites, autophage are also probably white.

Please discuss and visit @TC's sick battle base when it's done.


Anyone enjoy this quest?
Bloodborne is overrated

Too short, too easy except for some r-slurred chalice bosses, dungeons are boring, doesn't even need to be 60fps. I haven't actually beat it or played it in like a year but that's because it's mid.

i 1cc'd touhou 7

this is small, its so easy now. stage 5 is still the simplest though


!g*mers can you feel my balls tonight?


!nwahs !g*mers I like Bethesda :marseyvault: games :marseylegioncommander: but this is one of the most !r-slurs level take I've seen

Comparative Review: Defense of the Nexus

Hello rdrama. Today I am writing a review of two very similar games, those being League of Legends (2009-present) and DOTA 2(2013-present). I'm doing this for my own straggy reasons, partly because I'd like to think I've gained something from all the time I've spent playing these games. To start with, let's roll the clock :marseytime: back about eight years. I was in high school, and being an even more isolated loner then than I am now, I had very little to do with my time besides reading and playing flash games. Why was I playing flash games in high school when all the fetch kids were playing Bethesdaslop and Black Ops 2 :marseyblops2cel:? Simply put, the only computer I had was a macbook, and there were very few games which fit into my limited budget ($0) and could also run on a mac. In search of further exciting experiences, I discovered that both Dwarf Fortress (2006-present) and League were capable of running on my machine :soyjackwow: (thus sealing my fate as a complete neurodivergent). Perhaps I'll talk about Dwarf Fortress at a later date, but today's subject is League of Legends. I was terrible at it, worse than I am now. I didn't have a mouse :ratvibe:, so I used a touchpad, which is not what I would recommend as in input device for click intensive high apm games.

Anyways, being that I was a friendless loser, I would forgo lunch in the cafeteria, bringing my own lunch from home, and I discovered that one could generally fit a game of League into my limited lunch break. One day, as I was sitting in a corner of the school, one kid, an acquaintance, noticed what I was doing, informed me what I was doing was incredibly straggy (true) and told me that I should instead play DOTA, which wasn't as straggy ( :marseythonk:). And so I got into DOTA. I read guides, searched the web for any suggestion of how to play the game. Unlike League, which has very defined patterns of gameplay, DOTA is much more flexible in how you approach it. Therefore, I was totally lost on how you're supposed to approach things. To this day, I'm still confused on how you're actually supposed to play DOTA in terms of macro. League is much simpler, in this respect. You have your laning phase, and then the ARAM/objectives phase, transitioning into the base defense/enemy team farming phase, before you inevitably :marseymanysuchcases: lose.

The first thing that comes to mind when I compare these games is their intensities. I was reading an interview with one of the designers at Respawn (Titanfall 1(2014)/2(2016), Apex Legends(2019-present)) who pointed out that Titanfall's multiplayer is much more intense than Apex's. It's much harder to play Titanfall for multiple hours without burning out a little, whereas you can queue up for Apex more or less endlessly. I find there to be a similar relationship between DOTA and League. I can play League at the end of the day to relax and destress a little, whereas I need to be in great condition to play DOTA. I have no trouble playing eight games of League in one evening, but queuing up for a second match of DOTA feels similar to pulling the trigger on the shotgun in your mouth :marseygunshotsuicide: This is not only due to the pace of both games, in fact, DOTA is usually slower paced, but because of the mental load (as discussed above, even after ~1000 hours, I'm still lost on what should be going on) and the aesthetics of the game. Truth be told, DOTA's intensity in terms of aesthetics is totally a positive for me. While League gets rightfully clowned :marseyclown2: on for having champions with approximately 10 lines, DOTA's heroes have veritable novels worth of speech. DOTA is one of the few games who's sound effects and voicelines live rent free :marseyrentfree: in my head: Pheonix's ult, "Mere coin?," "Come to Pudge!" It's pure auditory kino. League has far more muted and less interesting sound design. There's literally not a single sound effect which I can recall from memory, even for champions who I've spent hours upon hours playing.

Another factor in terms of mental load are the games respective control schemes. League only allows you to control your one character, everything else is a second class entity. While some characters do technically feature "micro," it is somewhat insulting to the proud history of that term to suggest that controlling any of the various pets or clones in the game is micro. Sure, you can move them around, they might have some limited abilities, but there's no active abilities or anything like that. DOTA is very different. While there certainly are characters who don't have any micro built into their kits, not controlling the courier (note for Leaguecels: the courier :marseypig: is a unit that can carry items from the shops to you) manually from time to time is a great way to feed gold directly to your enemies. DOTA remembers, properly, that MOBAs descend from RTS games, and respects those origins, by remaining an RTS game. Of course, this is all another layer to master, which makes the game that much more taxing to play.

Finally, I would be remiss if I didn't touch on the touchiest subject of all: (im)balance. I am actually quite sympathetic towards the League devs in their approach to balancing the game. It seems like they have a hard job, and there is (almost (fricking stormsurge)) always a reason for them to make the changes they do. However, it is empirically obvious that DOTA is almost always better balanced than League, and it is equally obvious that this reflects very poorly on the League Dev team.




My pick would probably be either Osmund Saddler from Resident Evil 4, or The Rake cryptid.


I just thought of this. Why isn't there any mmo where your magic or class affinity is locked at character creation? Like an Isekai but an mmo. Imagine this, anti cheat is made somehow so you can only make ONE account and everything is random. No rerolls, ip switching doesn't work, etc. You have like 15 magic types or something and some are more random than others. Some people even get 2 but each are slightly weaker to compensate and combine like a naruto kekkei genkai. You might be born with the rare dark type affinity or wind and water so you get special ice abilities from having both. That would so fricking cool. Each would be useful but the gimmick is just like real life. You can be born a handsome guy with shit magic and great at stealing or an ugly guy with a tri magic affinity to create storms. Idk I just like the idea. Call it Magic Lock or something.

Saints Row (2022) developers got free DoorDash :marseylaugh:

The devs who turned dildo bat gangsters into redditors complaining about late-stage capitalism and bankrupted their studio were getting free meal deliveries and board games. Truly the oppressed proletariat :marseymarx:

Reported by:

Sirs you do not install the cheat do not INSTALL. We run a very professional company with very goodsoftware yes are you sure the issue isn't with your machine sir?


You people should be saying 'ez' in online matches more often

Honestly I only have experience with TF2 in that regard cause I don't play other competitive games, but holy heck this is like the easiest way to get people mad. Literally two keystrokes.

I started doing it as a meme just saying 'ez' at the end of games that were tense and not ez or which we lost by a landslide, especially when I'm not being a sweaty tryhard on my main which causes me to be at the bottom of the leaderboard, and it gets people so mad. You'll have people calculate your K:D to dunk on you, lurk your steam profile for hours played, bring up how you got dommed by some newb with 3 hours playtime, leave insults on your profile wall, everything! Nothing is off limits! And you can double down with the worst followups ever like saying that 'but it really was ez' or 'your mom was ez' or whatever and those people will still swallow it and argue with you back and forth for several matches, trying to initiate votekicks and all that.

It's genuinely one of the best ways to troll when considering the effort to payoff ratio

Capcom Secretly Adding DRM to Released Games to Fight Mods

Capcom has taken a firm anti-consumer stance by secretly adding DRM protection to fight against mods into their already-released games, a move that was foreshadowed when they said that mods are essentially no different from cheats in execution.

Despite being one of the only publishers to remove Denuvo post-release of games, something has changed within Capcom, with Enigma DRM now being added to their back catalog of games as far back as the port of the original Resident Evil on Steam (from 2015. and Resident Evil: Revelations (released on Steam in 2013).

As usual, this means that Capcom is only making the experience worse for legitimate customers by blocking the ability to use mods or cheats and also introducing performance and stuttering issues that only encourage people to bypass them by pirating.

Fortunately, people are already finding ways to bypass Enigma DRM, such as a longtime Rockman series ROM hacker. Capcom also realized that the new DRM introduced new issues with their games, as Resident Evil: Revelations got a version rollback soon after, though Capcom β€œassures” that the update will return.

Apart from a direct attack on the games itself, Capcom has also been striking down any videos that use mods, even visual mods that do not affect the gameplay. Renowned Monster Hunter speedrunner group Team Darkside was given a strike by Capcom for using a minor gameplay mod that allowed guaranteed monster spawns for their multiple reruns:



AoE II Live, DauT vs Viper 3-3 7th game ongoing :boomermonster: LIVE

:marseywomanmoment2: :marseysteer:

0:00t - First contact

1:55 - Driver flees

2:43 - Arrest

4:49 - Addressing the crime scene

6:17 - Interviews with suspect

8:40 - Breath test refusal

9:09 - Call with suspect's mother

10:23 - Conclusion

Marsey :marseynecoarc: attacks Luigi

A Japanese :marseymononoke: streamer :marseyetika: bought that pretty :marseybravo: neat AR Mario :marseynintendo: Kart to mess with her cats. I jumped ahead :marseyviewerstare: to the part where :marseydrama: the orange :marseyspelunky: and white :marseyalbino: cat attacks it. And as always... enjoy.

Anyone still playing Minecraft?
Remember what it felt like hearing this for the first time?

Instead of her playing this

She's playing this

!g*mers We're getting trolled so hard

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