The US is invading Lebanon for its... :marseynotes: salt and rocks

yeah we need to get that stuff that's literally fricking everywhere. The ground is made of it.

can't forget about salt, a strategic resource because it's 176 AD.

this tweet was particularly amusing. Investigative journ*list over here discovers that a huge mining conglomerate gave an entire $3,000 to Democrats

three thousand entire dollars? It's all a giant top hat WASP conspiracy to divest the innocent brown world of its extremely common resources :marseyschizowall:

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The real reason is Americans love war :marsey40k:

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The real reason is because Americans hate wimps and is nagging on Israel to give Lebanon a nookie

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Nookie is s*x.

Noogie is knuckling a nerds head.

I guess either fits tbh.

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I know what I said, burgers are pro :rape: for bullying

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The real reason is the Israeli's are meant to defeat the entirety of the middle east time and time again until they all convert to Christianity because of how based the west has become.

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Palestinian lives matter and that's why they should convert too christianity

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USA is all about war and pointless rocks

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:chad!black2: :marseybear::marseyrefrigerator:

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Not even their destabilisation of Haiti was enough to satiate the Americans' great appetite for Limestone

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Australia has the world's largest resources of gold, iron ore, lead, nickel, rutile, uranium, zinc, and the second largest resources of brown coal, cobalt, copper, lithium, and silver

Which is why Brisbane is currently getting carpet bombed

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After they're done, I hope they turn Melbourne into a giant flaming crater.

:marseypraying: :!marseypraying:

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We can obly hope. I'd shout palestinian lives matter from the rooftops if it led too the destruction of Australia.

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G-d I wish

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Australia gets away with it by being America 2.0, same in everything except accent

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carpet bombed

Then you look at Brisbane and you can safely conclude that yes, this city was carpet bombed

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!strayans if only

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Then Melbourne for good measure?

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Save Melbourne for a ground campaign - I want to see Sydney glassed first

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See, Australia is white and stole all of those resources from browns. They're America's allies in the global subjugation of melanated peoples, so they get military assistance rather than Shock and Awe.

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Actually they're some weird shade of red and melanoma


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God, I can dream.

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A man can dream :#taypray:

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Natural-resource-tards are so tiresome, especially in regards to america which has pretty much every natural resource imaginable in huge quantities except for rare earths

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I thought we had those too, and just didn't extract them really.

I know the US is spending a ton on developing rare earth mines.

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Yeah, I guess that's true as well. Would take a long time (and a lot of subsidies!) to catch up to china, but it's probably a thing america could do if they actually tried

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Their understanding of geopolitics comes from playing Civ.

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It was probably true like 200 years ago, but aside from geopolitics and oil (being controlled by a cartel) natural resources are just not a problem anymore unless you're poor. Just buy them for a reasonable markup from whoever has them, easy.

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Oil isn't even the same now since the US has become the largest oil producer. OPEC can't cut production to sustain prices anymore because USA just keeps on pumping regardless

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It has those too, what it doesn't have are active mining and refining operations.

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Send the chuds to the mines.

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Known for its natural beauty, the US state of Wyoming may soon be known for something buried beneath its stunning topography: An estimated 2.34 billion metric tons of rare earth minerals (REMs), which make the world's computing-dependent technologies possible, were recently discovered near Wheatland, a town in southeastern Wyoming.

According to American Rare Earths, the company's wholly-owned deposits have a potential volume far greater than China's estimated 44 million metric tons of the minerals, which could establish the US as the world's largest supplier.

We actually have a lot, this is only one area in Wyoming.

California has a shitload but we don't dig them up in a lot of places because 1.) We're not an extraction economy 2.) We don't want to frick up where we live 3.) Cheaper to pay for Chinese mined shit until they run out

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Turns out that owning most of a continent means you have access to almost anything you'd ever need.

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America has the best rare earths :marseyvibing:

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Jews after conquering Lebanon and it's endless deposits of limestone :marseyunhappymerchant: :stoning!: :marseyfla!giran: :marse!yflaglebanon: :m!arseyflagpalestine:

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Oh my god, it all makes sense now...

They're going to build six million wailing walls

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They're going to build a wall and make Lebanon pay for it. :marseytrump:

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It makes as much sense as anything else in Middle East :marseyshrug:

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They're going to build the wall and make lebanon pay for it

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Lebanon unironically got ruined by refugee migration, it was one of the more interesting countries in the region.

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Isn't that the entirety of the levant and middle east anyways? Jordans got ethnically replaced by palesneedians after a gorillion moved into that country, making the local Jordan a minority

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goats, sheep listed as top GDP attributes


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Scottish military invading them for s*x slaves

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You're thinking of the Welsh

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Honestly I've never been to the UK except as a connecting flight to Poland once so you're probably correct.

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The fricking entirety of my state :marseyusa: alone :marseyitsdangerous: is fricking :marseytom: limestone lmao

!engineering civilcels imagine the fricking cost estimates if we had to import stone :marseyrock: from Lebanon lmao

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Party rock! :marseyparty2:


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Or haiti. even haitians aren't as stupid as these palestinian lives matter tards

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idk neighbor haitians are pretty horrifying

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That's it I'm investing in concrete and cement producers

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You should invest in nuclear powered boats. They are probably going to become the norm very soon provided nanny states don't cuck out because of chernobyl or whatever. There are already nuclear powered aircraft carriers and nuclear powered ice breakers, it's just a matter of time until a technology gets deployed that makes it possible for transatlantic vessels to also be the same. Only problem is that there needs to be a technology created that makes it fool proof so that in the case of an emergency, the rods stay inside a casing and therefor not get lost, so as not to fill the depths of the oceans with fuel rods. @nuclearshill thoughts?

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As long as they are required to look as good as NS Savannah.

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The reason they didn't catch on already is that it's way too expensive to build them, and they could only be maintained in a handful of ports, which was far outweighed the operating costs being lower. What has changed in that department?

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Regulations load and need to keep experts aboard will kill it tbh. There's thousands of cargo vessels, the whole trade is known for being involved in stuff like smuggling there's no need to give them potentially dangerous tech.

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Based idea. Small nuclear reactors are the way

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!macacos quem de vocês tá burlando o bloqueio do tuíter?

This post rests on native land

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It's funny how commies can't remember the recent wars that were actually about natural resources or locations (Gulf War, taking out the Iranian navy from intercepting oil shipments in the Persian Gulf, invading Panama so the canal doesn't go to the dictator) so now they just Google "resources of [place in news]" as if Peepee Cheney is going to pull up to Beruit with a container ship for rocks

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I wonder if Mexico :marseyflagmexico: or Nicaragua :marseyflagnicaragua: are going to build an alternative to the Panama canal in our lifetimes. If they were sucessful at doing so, it would buckbreak the economy of Panama so hard, although it will probably still reign king considering the ammount of buckbreaking labor that took digging a hole in the Panama Isthmus. Now Imagine not relying on an isthmus, but having to create a hole from one coast to the other. Nowadays with modern feats of engineering it's probably more feasible, easier, and without tons of manual labor that was not required back then, also provided that yellow fever is not a mortal threat anymore, but could these governments ever achieve constructing a megaproject of this magnitude provided they won't just corrupt xemselves, take the money, and leave it incomplete?

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Mexico is building a rail alternative to the Panama canal, and if they build it as fast as they did their other most recent rail project they might get it done in only a few years.

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it would've been cheaper to just start digging it up from under my house or in indiana, but this way creates more jobs and stimulates the economies of the levant, so that's nice

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>can't forget about salt, a strategic resource because it's 176 AD.

with a !kurwa flag you should know :marseysaltlicking: was the biggest source of income for the Polish crown :marseyflagpoland: during early modern age.

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We want the rocks

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"Don't tear up any more of America's fine :marseymayo:-owned land when you can tear up some nasty desert land and take all of their resources with the low low cost of a few thousand :chudmuslim:"

— Every president since Israel was established and began tipping us off

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Based btw

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I didn't say I was mad at 'em!!! :marseysaluteusa#: :mars#eypatriot: :marseymag#ahat: :marseyl#iberty: :marseyeagle#rider:

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Does this guy think "materialism" literally means materials?

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He seems to be confusing it with "geopolitics," which most Xitter r-slurs seem to think is just a fancy way to say "international relations."

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It seems to me like these commies are salty :marseycarlos:

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I guess I just have to sidevote.

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:feraljaktantrum:NOOOOO GIB ME MY DRAMCOIN I GOT KIDS TO FEED:soyjaktantrum:

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The greatest treasure of Lebanon are its people.


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Are you haitian? :marseysquint:

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America is going to war because pink salt is too expensive now

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We hate muslims that's why we blow them up. The resources thing is just a cover.

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If we no war then Lockheed Martin :marseyluthercringe: and Sig Sauer no get $800T/year of gibsmedats from our taxes.

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The US could btfo any government in existence if they wanted with all of its military capacity, they just decide not to, which is why it's always funny to see people say how big of a defeat are recent interventions, when in reality it's better to just leave than raze the entire country to dust just to claim victory

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Seriously. If pornhub is suggesting cuck porn for you, it's because their algorithm has determined, scientifically, that you're a cuck. That's all.


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Lmao all of central Texas is made of fricking limestone, they literally make public shitters out of it

Not to mention Michigan, West Virginia, Utah and PR

Texas has large amounts of limestone reserves, including:

Lower Cretaceous limestone

Texas has around 8 trillion tons of Lower Cretaceous limestone in outcrop, with about 40% of it containing at least 97% calcium carbonate.

Texas Lime Company

The Texas Lime Company in Johnson County has a large open pit mine with high-grade limestone reserves. The mine's limestone bed is typically 25–35 ft thick and the limestone has a calcium carbonate quality of over 96%.

Uvalde County

Large amounts of asphaltic limestone are quarried in Uvalde County for use as paving material.

Texas also has a large region of limestone and Cretaceous shale outcrops in central Texas, extending from Brewster County east to Bexar, and northeast to the Red River.

According to available information, Mount Everest is estimated to weigh around 161 gigatons which, when converted to trillions of tons, is roughly 0.16 trillion tons

I think we're set

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The idea the US invades other countries to steal their oil or other resources is laughable. We're the 2nd most natural resource rich nation in the world and we have oodles of money to buy whatever we don't have. We even tricked the soviets into selling us titanium during the cold war. Helps to have the largest jewish population in the world too I guess.

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Well, is that guy a libertarian?

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He's white, do you even have to ask?

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big Thailand trip in mid 20s as a single guy so probably but not an active one in the US if I had to guess,

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Let the fricking Jews die Biden there's literally nothing and nobody worth protecting there

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Pretty sure Florida is almost entirely made of limestone once you dig down past the dirt, lol.

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