
Neighbor musta been watching Spy Kids 3

Second time this month I'm in the ER. :marseycoldtwinge:

First time was for crashing my motorcycle so I was in shock with a busted collar bone and a lot of bleeding.

This time I'm sick af. It's not the coof, tested negative. Strep test a couple days ago at the urgent care was negative but the nurse just took a swab to test again.

The doc doesn't think it's mono because I don't have lymph swelling in the expected places. Plus can you even get mono twice? I already had it once like 45 years ago. So if it's not any of those things it's probably something really bad.

Oh and I figured out I can make this machine beep if I hold my breath.


Post script: It wasn't mono and the strep swab came back clean again. The doctor said I just have some nasty virus that messed up my tonsils really bad then he cut me scrips for prednisone and percs and they cut me loose. :marseyshrug:

Ultra stragot rage :marseyrage:

So foid saw that the buss driver had fancy nails and started laughing at him and calling him strag then a boomer man decided too kick out the buss driver from the buss and the foid told the buss driver too leave because he is a stragot and there are children here.

@WeihnachtenSalvador love sucking peepee


Most Based Comments

Basedness: 🔥🔥🔘🔘🔘

[removed] (914)

Did your parents know about that horrid shit at the catholic school? (25)

Basedness: 🔥🔥🔘🔘🔘

Stop making a mountain out of a molehill. (-60)

Basedness: 🔥🔥🔘🔘🔘

Have the cross inverted and give it back. See how long it takes them to notice. (-35)

Angriest Comments

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

[removed] (914)

THIS!! This kind of hypocrisy is why I stopped going to church the minute I could. An extremely large number of people who believe in certain religions also seem to strongly believe that they have some sort of “God given right” to walk through and ignore every boundary, every request to stop, and the pain and suffering of anyone affected by their actions. Those who don't believe as they do are just collateral damage to them. They will do this to anyone they choose, but most especially their family members that they have the most financial control and emotional manipulation over, in the name of what THEY believe! It's infuriating. Believe what you want, but stop trying to force others to believe what you do!! Some of the most humiliating, soul crushing experiences I've had were in a church. I had faith in a higher power when I was a kid… until my grandmother died when I was 7 and we moved to a small town 3 hours from the major city I grew up in. I was laughed at by a the kids at chu... (12)

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

Tell that stupid religious person that broke a very basic and sensible rule that sadly a toddler choked on it just that afternoon.And when all the staff saw that it was God killing the poor child they dropped to their knees and prayed fervently to try and save the baby.But God chose to let the poor little child die anyway to teach utter Morons the dangers of choking someone's elses baby out of pure dumb ignorance. (2)

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

Honestly, this comment section is a desaster. There's a lot of Trolls and a lot of Christians giving OP a hard time for complaining about this. What seemingly no one realised is that OP set a clear boundary against Religious imagery and that boundary was completely disrespected. No one's upset that the Grandparents "care", we are upset at how they broke a clearly established boundary and had to force their own beliefs into the household in their effort to "care". They care more about their own religious beliefs than the personal boundaries Set by OP, and that's a Problem. Boundaries were broken and that is, rightfully, mildly infuriating. And I will likely catch a lot of downvotes for saying all this (after all, a lot of people calling out this stuff got downvoted to heck) but I honestly do not mind. What's funny is that Christians feel the need to cry about the LGBT+ community being "forced down their throat" for simply existing, but then it's totally normal and okay for them to fo... (6)

Biggest Lolcow: /u/CharmingAttention731

Score: 🐮🐮🐮🐮🔘

Number of comments: 10

Average angriness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘

Maximum angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

Minimum angriness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘

NEW: Subscribe to /h/miners to see untapped drama veins, ripe for mining! :marseyminer:

:marppy: autodrama: automating away the jobs of dramautists. :marseycapitalistmanlet: Ping HeyMoon if there are any problems or you have a suggestion :marseyjamming:

She looks best on the right

!sigmastacies back me up

Reported by:
Dumped every dollar I have into nvidia

I had a decent amount I got into at 100 something a share back in the day, but I have to decided to go all in at 125 a share post split.

I sold everything - the amazon, the voo, every single asset I have was sold and dumped into nvidia. I will either retire in a few years or move under a bridge.

B-word leaves her man because he's too conservative
...are you doing yours?


Here's a funny bit where this r-slur things his bonus is taxed at a different (higher) rate (it's not, he's just r-slurred, it's withheld at a different rate, but at 25% not 45%)

R-slur trots out the "Billionaires don't pay any taxes" argument again, but this time someone points out how r-slurred he is

And finally, an r-slur who COMPLETELY misses the point of the simplistic meme and doubles down when it's explained to him (notice how the rational poster has like no votes)


Main link is the original clip of the man Tarzaned airing dirty :marseycatpanties: laundry

This is said woman's reaction :marseyjunkie: on twitter :marseyetika: u disgusting :marseytongue: peace :marseymuslimahwereback: of shit think :marseyquestion: it's ok to talk about my Abortion :marseyhandmaid: that I had and lie about the whole thing. (and more!)

Here's the clip of dantes screaming :marseyletsfuckinggo2: like an r-slur :marseyabyss: that got posted to reddit Heres another one where :marseydrama: he calls it where he calls it "the most traumatic event either of them have ever been through"

Heres the leaker whining about how a man who plays league of legends 12 hours a day for a living :marseyzombie2: hasnt been a good friend

Reddit LSF post of the clip with the leaks

reddit LSF post of the clip of Dantes screaming

neither of these threads are very interesting :marseylaying: YET, but theres surely :marseyaware: more to come

!dotards look upon these fools and laugh :marseykekw:

Reported by:
  • MarioMemer : Yea but WHY is it too hard. Is it boss timings? Their patterns? Level design? Weapon speed? Damagae
Normies complain about how hard the new Elden Ring dlc is

Honestly, I agree. I haven't played the dlc, but the original game was stupid cheap with the input reading, one shot kills, AOE attacks that covered the entire field, 6 hit stutter combos, ridiculous closing speed, ect. This is coming from someone that was playing demon souls when it first dropped. Why tf would anyone wanna sit there and get angry at their TV for four hours straight trying to beat the same boss. They gotta reign this shit in. G*mers, discuss.

Reported by:
  • X : you can only hide a :marseytrain: flag


>Actually no, it is you who is doing the colonialism


:marseytunaktunak: on :marseytunaktunak: violence


Do :marseymagahat: really have better mental health? Perhaps not. - r/neoliberal
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