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The Nagus
The cold open drops more foreshadowing than sunshine on my butt: Sisko wants go to Bajor with Jake- he plans to visit The Fire Caverns (later revealed to be home to the Pah-Wraiths and they will be the site of Sisko's last confrontation with Dukat in the final episode)- Rom is acting like Rom and he quotes our first ever Rule of Acquisition (Number One, no less- "Once you've got their money, never give it back". As the episode progresses we get the sixth rule too- "Never allow family to stand in the way of opporunity")- we see Grand Nagus Zek, his weird staff and his huge manservant Maihardu. Loads of important shit gets shown for the first time this episode (EDIT NB: Because some r-slurs need it spelling out- the writers did not preplan anything in DS9 and merely returned to these ideas later on). This is also the first proper "Ferengi Episode"- a controversial concept as a lot of people don't like them. Although there were some rotten Ferengi episodes, there were plenty of good ones and I've always had a soft spot for them because they show a slice of Star Trek life from a different cultural perspective- a window into another way of thinking and existing within a setting we've only seen from one perspective in the past. Also, they're kind of like Fiddler on the Roof in space.
The Nagus has arrived on DS9, apparently on a cooming expedition. He intends to indulge in five of Quark's most popular holoporn programs. They would tone down the gooning implications in later seasons (and the holosuite would be used more for recreations of the Battle of Britain, somewhat-self-indulgent Rat Pack knock-offs and copyright infringing James Bond parodies- no seriously... Paramount got threatened with legal action by MGM after 'Our Man Bashir' in Season 5. How New Line's Austin Powers avoided this I don't know) but here in season 1, the message is clear as to what people are paying for in the holosuite:
They were together in real life btw: deal with it...
At least he's not really a Jeet
Zek invites himself to dinner at Quark's apartment. Side note- Ferengi use chopsticks and a lazy susan. There he explains his real reasons for the visit: he plans to use Quark's bar to host a biznez meeting to discuss Ferengi biznez, especially Gamma Quadrant biznez. He's chosen Quark's bar because apparently only Quark can arrange some uncomfortable-looking Ikea furniture in a room for short men with big ears to sit on. During the dinner Zek expresses disdain for BIPOC attending the hoo-man school so Rom tells BIPOC not to go there any more. BIPOC is less than happy about this and matters are not made better because Chief Obrien is currently teaching classes because the casting budget for this episode was already stretched by the Ferengi characters & would not cover Rosalind Chao's fee while Keiko is on holiday. This is the same Chief Obrien who literally had to fix every replicator on the station a few weeks back- now his wife's away he suddenly has all the time in the world to moonlight as a teachercel.
Getting back to the meeting: Nagus Zek explains that it's important that the Ferengi expand into the Gamma Quadrant so as to exploit a market where the unfounded reputation they have in the Merchant-phobic Alpha Quadrant can't ruin their chances.
Everyone agrees that this is an unreasonable goyim misrepresentation of a simple hard-working people.
But Zek feels he's too old to lead his people into this new frontier and he announces that he will now appoint a successor... Quark.
Nobody's impressed and spend the next few days low key threatening Quark- someone even tries to assassinate him. Compounding his woes, Zek suddenly dies leaving Quark without any support. Odo suggests doing an autopsy but everyone laughs as Zek's body is already gone- upon their deaths Ferengi are vacuum dessicated and the dishes of their remains auctioned off. One piece of Zek is worth 20 bars of gold-pressed latinum and is expected to double in value by the following year.
I'm not sure what Ferengi do with these powdered remains but those of great men like Zek sell for a high price and generally increase in value over time.
Quark tries to play it tough and act like he knows what he's doing which leads to this bizarre scene:
Turns out the bomb was Rom and Zek's useless son. They then try and blow Quark out of an airlock- something they're only prevented from doing by the reappearance of Zek who faked his death to test his useless son. A test his son failed uselessly. So Zek must remain Nagus and exploit the Gamma Quadrant personally, a task which will have huge implications in season 2. Far from being angry at his brother, Quark is just pleased he's not a complete failure as a Ferengi. For some reason Rom does not face charges for attempted murder.
There's a B plot about Jake teaching BIPOC to read which isn't worth getting into except for this bit where they goon over a hot Vulcan girl:
The first true Ferengi episode is... fine.
It lays the foundations for a lot of future Ferengi culture- their society is not one of true capitalism and free markets but rather a rigidly hierarchical one based on monopolies and price-fixing with the Nagus sitting at the center dictating everything and taking a cut of it all. Later we will learn of the Ferengi Commerce Authority which creates an impossible web of red tape in the Alliance which can only be navigated via extortionate bribes. This is why Ferengi have to gouge the life out of any non-Ferengi they do business with: their margins are so narrow due to all the bureaucracy and corruption.
Quick note on gold-pressed latinum: it's not a currency- it's a commodity and therefore it's price presumably fluctuates. Latinum is a metal, liquid at room temperature, which cannot be synthesised or replicated- hence it's intrinsic value. The latinum is traditionally pressed into sleeves of gold (which can be replicated and therefore has no real value besides looking nice) which are shaped as slips, strips and bars. Although the value of latinum fluctuates 100 slips make a strip and 20 strips make a bar. There are also bricks which are massively expensive but I don't know how many bars make a brick. I think that if you consider a slip to be worth about $1 you are in the right ball park. Other non-replicatable materials include dilithium crystals and possibly uridium (a fictional metal, originally invented for the 1980s vidya of the same name, from which starship sensor arrays are made) because the whole reason for the Cardassian occupation of Bajor was to strip-mine the planet for uridium. I suppose it's possible that different materials use different amounts of energy to replicate and it might just be more energy efficient for the Cardassians to mine the stuff. I suppose it's also possible that Cardassian replicators (which the show has established already as being a bit shit) can't do it but Federation ones can. Anyway...
Jeff Lynne from ELO (or an alien who looks a lot like him) comes aboard DS9 and gets involved in some plot to rip off a Faberge egg thing Quark's trying to sell to a pair of twins (it is never explained why Jeff's involved in this). In the ensuing fight Jeff shoots and kills one of the twins and is arrested on suspicion of murder (although the twins fired first, it was Jeff who pulled a gun on them) while the surviving brother swears revenge.
I do wonder how they cast these twins and who got the decision on which one lives (and gets most of the speaking lines) and which one dies. Did they share both salaries equally? After all- they wouldn't have gotten the gig unless there was two of them.
Anyway, Jeff is one of those tricksy types who gaslamps Odo into believing he can lead the constable to his people- as proof he shows him a shapechanging butt-plug thing he keeps in a locket (why the heck was he allowed to keep this in his cell?).
Sisko and Dax go to Jeff's home planet and find them to be authoritarian buttholes but this week's interpretation of the Prime Directive demands that Jeff is returned to be executed without trial. Odo gets the gig to take him but re-routes to a nebula where Jeff says Odo might find his people. Of course he can't and it's just a stasis pod where Jeff has stashed his daughter (how did he get it here?). The shapechanging butt-plug is a key. He's a dissident, you see and was just trying to protect his daughter (from what? Are they a persecuted minority? We never find out).
The twin shows up in a sharp pointy-looking starship (must be a nightmare to dock) and there's a bit of action which, I'll grant you, does look nice...
...but this whole story makes no sense and Jeff's bullshit about the Changelings (this is the first time we ever hear Odo's people referred to as such) just feels like the episode itself bullpooping the audience into wasting our time watching this because we thought something important might occur. You might also notice a lot of "never explained" and "for some reason" bits in this review- that's never a good sign. There's also this bit where a rock falls on Odo's head and knocks him out- how the frick does that work? He doesn't have a brain.
It's all so disappointing.
Dramatis Personae
Another alien mind-virus has everybody on the station acting weird except for Odo. It was brought on board by a Klingon ship which asplodes after coming through the wormhole after cutting short their planetary survey mission into the Gamma Quadrant. I can't help but wonder how a Vor'cha class battlecruiser can blow into pieces right next to a busy star port and yet not cause any damage to any other vessels or the station itself.
One Klingon is successfully beamed over before his ship asplodes and mumbles one word before he dies; "victory". He carries his own personal logs which have suffered enough damage as to take a while to decipher (or maybe they got the logs from the cruiser wreckage, I can't remember). While this is happening Odo has a massive spazz in Quarks...
...but quickly recovers. This is never explained but is clearly his reaction to the virus. Quark also doesn't seem affected but his usefulness is restricted for reasons you'll see in a minute. Everybody else starts acting paranoid and weird and turns on each other forming into two groups- one loyal to Sisko and the other seeking to overthrow him, led by Kira. The Klingon logs eventually show that the exact same pattern of events occured aboard their cruiser but the significance of this is downplayed by Obrien (acting as Sisko's enforcer while Sisko hides insolently in his office and DNGAF) who, correctly, points out that Kingons tend to get promoted by assassinating their commanders. How the frick things like a Gamma Quadrant planetary survey mission get done under these conditions is unfathomable. The Klingons found some kind of ancient alien historical archive and it somehow causes people to reenact ancient historical events, presumably this was supposed to happen under more controlled circumstances than we see happening here.
There are two good things about this episode: the first is the subtle way the characters are afffected by the archive- they retain their sense of selves and their motivations seem consistent with their previously established characters. Kira's initial reasons for toppling Sisko is that she thinks he and the Federation are a threat to Bajor, Dax is an old man who is full of reminiscences and Obrien is a chippy and bad tempered Irish shit. The second reason is Kira being crazy hot. I never remember finding Nana Visitor this attractive before but, God-she is sexy AF and some of her antics in this episode are particularly coom-worthy.
God I wish I was Quark right here...
Avery Brooks is quite good doing Sisko's Nero act in this episode (Brooks was always better playing bad guys) and it causes him to make a strange alien clock instead of playing a fiddle. the clock was a really nice prop and we often see it in the background in his office during subsequent episodes:
Possibility of making a Starshit hole
I'm thinking we need to have a hole dedicated to SciFi TV and movies- particularly shows like old school Star Trek, Stargate etc. I'd be willing to put 50,000 DC towards it if other people could help raise the other half of the cost. I also have no ability with CSS or banner creation. IDK, what do you think?
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It wouldn't shock me too much if Leaf Judges started getting targeted because of insane rulings that financially ruin governments, and there is no end to these insane payouts.
If I would find a way to start a national petition to push governments to amend the Constitution and ban the judiciary from entangling in such suicidal nonsense.
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Video Games Can't Afford to Look This Good
The gaming industry spent billions pursuing the idea that customers wanted realistic graphics. Did executives misread the market?
Dec. 26, 2024
One way to understand the video game industry's current crisis is by looking closely at Spider-Man's spandex.
For decades, companies like Sony and Microsoft have bet that realistic graphics were the key to attracting bigger audiences. By investing in technology, they have elevated flat pixelated worlds into experiences that often feel like stepping into a movie.
Designers of last year's Marvel's Spider-Man 2 used the processing power of the PlayStation 5 so Peter Parker's outfits would be rendered with realistic textures and skyscraper windows could reflect rays of sunlight.
That level of detail did not come cheap.
Insomniac Games, which is owned by Sony, spent about $300 million to develop Spider-Man 2, according to leaked documents, more than triple the budget of the first game in the series, which was released five years earlier. Chasing Hollywood realism requires Hollywood budgets, and even though Spider-Man 2 sold more than 11 million copies, several members of Insomniac lost their jobs when Sony announced 900 layoffs in February.
Cinematic games are getting so expensive and time-consuming to make that the video game industry has started to acknowledge that investing in graphics is providing diminished financial returns.
"It's very clear that high-fidelity visuals are only moving the needle for a vocal class of g*mers in their 40s and 50s," said Jacob Navok, a former executive at Square Enix who left that studio, known for the Final Fantasy series, in 2016 to start his own media company. "But what does my 7-year-old son play? Minecraft. Roblox. Fortnite."
Joost van Dreunen, a market analyst and professor at New York University, said it was clear what younger generations value in their video games: "Playing is an excuse for hanging out with other people."
When millions are happy to play old games with outdated graphics โ including Roblox (2006), Minecraft (2009) and Fortnite (2017) โ it creates challenges for studios that make blockbuster single-player titles. The industry's audience has slightly shrunk for the first time in decades. Studios are rapidly closing and sweeping layoffs have affected more than 20,000 employees in the past two years, including more than 2,500 Microsoft workers.
Many video game developers built their careers during an era that glorified graphical fidelity. They marveled at a scene from The Last of Us: Part II in which Ellie, the protagonist, removes a shirt over her head to reveal bruises and scrapes on her back without any technical glitches.
But a few years later, costly graphical upgrades are often barely noticeable.
When the studio Naughty Dog released a remastered version of The Last of Us: Part II this year, light bounced off lakes and puddles with a more realistic shimmer. In a November ad for the PlayStation 5 Pro, an enhanced version of the Sony console that retails for almost $700, the billboards in Spider-Man 2's Manhattan featured crisper letters.
Optimizing cinematic games for a narrow group of consumers who have spent hundreds of dollars on a console or computer may no longer make financial sense. Studios are increasingly prioritizing games with basic graphics that can be played on the smartphones already in everyone's pocket.
"They essentially run on toasters," said Matthew Ball, an entrepreneur and video game analyst, talking about games like Roblox and League of Legends. "The developers aren't chasing graphics but the social connections that players have built over time."
Going Hollywood
Developers had long taught players to equate realism with excellence, but this new toaster generation of g*mers is upsetting industry orthodoxies. The developer behind Animal Well, which received extensive praise this year, said the game's file size was smaller than many of the screenshots used to promote it.
A company like Nintendo was once the exception that proved the rule, telling its audiences over the past 40 years that graphics were not a priority.
That strategy had shown weaknesses through the 1990s and 2000s, when the Nintendo 64 and GameCube had weaker visuals and sold fewer copies than Sony consoles. But now the tables have turned. Industry figures joke about how a cartoony game like Luigi's Mansion 3 on the Nintendo Switch considerably outsells gorgeous cinematic narratives on the PlayStation 5 like Final Fantasy VII Rebirth.
- peepeehands : I would kill for a ghetto black girl
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/h/slavshit crossover post!
All translations achieved with Google Translate:
Former People's Deputy of the USSR and former State Duma deputy Colonel Viktor Alksnis died, his daughter Irina Alksnis reported.
ยซMy dad, Victor Imantovich Alksnis, passed away ยป, โ she reported on the Telegram channel ยซBlack Colonel ยปwho led Alksnis himself.
In October 2019, Alksnis was diagnosed with cancer, since then he underwent several operations.
It is reported that on the night of December 30, Alksnis had a ยซhemorrhagic stroke ยป, he ยซfell into a deep coma ยป.
His daughter thanked the staff of the Mytishchi Regional Clinical Hospital, where Alksnis was ยซthe last three days ยป. ยซThey not only did everything for dad, but also helped us, his family, to cope with the grief that fell on us ยป, โ the message says.
In my place Telegram Irina Alksnis apologized ยซfor the long silence ยป. ยซI didn't even write articles these weeks. Family Force Majeure ยป, โ the message says.
Viktor Alksnis was born in 1950 in the Kemerovo region, he was the grandson of the USSR Deputy People's Commissar of Defense for Aviation, the head of the Red Army Air Force, second-rank commander Jacob Alksnis. In Riga he graduated from the Riga Higher Military Aviation Engineering School named after Ya. Alksnis.
Political activity started in 1988, when he publicly spoke out against the Popular Front of Latvia, which aimed the withdrawal of Latvia from the USSR. He was a people's deputy of the USSR, a deputy of the Supreme Council of Latvia. Actively advocated the preservation of the USSR. He took part in the October events of 1993 on the side of the Congress of People's Deputies. In 2000 and 2003 he was elected to the State Duma.
This guy wanted to make Russia independent from western operating systems, so he invited a bunch of open-source/free software guys into the Russian State Duma to promote their work, including the co-founder of ReactOS, Aleksey Bragin:
During round table on the problems of developing domestic software, agreements were reached with participants on the continuation of contacts and meetings to obtain the necessary information and develop a common position.
Today, as part of these arrangements, I had a meeting with ReactOS project manager Alexei Bragin in the State Duma.
Alexey demonstrated to me the achievements of the enthusiastic developers of ReactOS, spoke about his plans.
I got acquainted with the operating system with interest, saw and learned a lot of new things.
Personally, I made sure that Total Comander and Mozilla Firef*x work perfectly under ReactOS.
Alexei and I agreed on further cooperation.
These photos were taken by my order by my assistant E. Oderova to my personal camera. I transfer these photos to the public domain and for public use.
Those wishing to participate in the implementation of the project to create the ReactOS operating system can contact Alexei Bragin through the website https://www.reactos.ru/ru/index.html
Similar meetings will be held with other Russian software developers.
At one point, he even invited Richard Stallman to Moscow:
In terms of the visit โ meetings with the public, supporters of open source software, students, officials, etc. It is planned that Stollman will even perform in the State Duma.
The founder of the modern concept of free software, the GNU project, the Foundation for Free Programs and the League for Freedom of Programming, the legendary Richard Stollman, will come to Moscow. He had already given prior consent and promised to make time for a visit in late February โ early March 2008. Most likely, the visit will last five to six days. In terms of the visit โ meetings with the public, supporters of open source software, students, officials, etc. Perhaps Stollman will even perform in the State Duma, as he arrives at the invitation of Deputy Viktor Alksnis.
The initiative to invite Stollman to Moscow was made by Vasily Leonov, one of the Russian open source activists who lived in the United States for a long time and is personally acquainted with Richard Stollman. It is Vasily who will organize the visit, so you can turn to him with specific offers right now.
ยซFor 15 years of participation in the Linux community (my code is at the core of each copy of Linux), I have a good understanding of formal and informal approaches, numerous business contacts in the United States, where I lived for several years in the 90s, โ writes Vasily Leonov. โ With a purely utilitarian all-market sector S who will take part in his fair alteration โ will not regret it. Both at the level of individual and public, and moral and psychological and, of course, state. Russia as a whole, for example. On the objective side, this redistribution is inevitable, since there is nothing to object to significant savings on licensing in the long run.
Maybe it would be worth organizing an international forum on the topic "For Free Software and Information Security of Russia ". To invite Stollman โ for a long time he was not in Russia, for a long time I did not see him. He takes part in public life with pleasure, some criticize him for this, but after his contribution he can already do what he wants and how he wants. A very strong personality, an unconditional supporter of genuine freedom and justice ยป.
ะะพะดัะพะฑะฝะตะต: https://www.securitylab.ru/news/306059.php
But Stallman later pussied out apparently due to Alksnis being too based for him.
The guy he co-founded his free software advocacy organization with is the same guy who, no joke, managed to get fined in Russia for pirating Windows OS:
When high school principal Alexander Ponosov took delivery of 16 computers, he must have felt it was a real accomplishment for a school in a tiny Russian village. It never occurred to him that on that day in August 2005 he became a criminal.
"I was not very well versed in computers back then," said Ponosov in a phone interview with CBS News. "I went to my friends who knew more about PCs than I did and they told me that PCs today come with pre-installed software. So, we took the computers."
The computers for the school had been supplied by the regional administration. But in his village of Sepych, about 1,000 miles from Moscow, Ponosov did not know that the Microsoft software installed on the computers was pirated. Now, the bewildered director is facing up to 5 years in prison and more than $10,000 in fines for copyright violation.
Russia has been extensively criticized for its failure to protect intellectual property rights. The trade group Business Software Alliance estimates the level of pirated software in Russia at 83 percent. A wide range of pirated CDs and DVDs are openly sold by street traders and small shops in any Russian city. You can even buy them on the sidewalk in front of the famous Lubyanka headquarters of the Federal Security Service, the former KGB.
In trying to improve Russia's image, authorities have begun raiding illegal production facilities, arresting shop owners, and now, going after end-users of pirated materials. Alexander Ponosov believes there is a simple reason why they singled out the director of a village school in an attempt to uproot piracy.
"It is a classic Russian mentality," he says. "They do not touch the oligarchs because oligarchs have got money and can bite back. They go after someone poor and toothless, like us."
The school head has been officially charged with violating copyright law and using pirated software. His case has already drawn a wide public outcry and even made some political forces step in and support the beleaguered teacher.
"A rural high school teacher can hardly be considered the main intellectual pirate in this country," says Mikhail Seslavinsky, head of the Federal Agency for Press and Mass Communications. "Once you start punishing users (of pirated software) half of the country's population, including the law enforcers themselves, may end up behind bars."
A Microsoft representative speaking with CBS News did not sound bloodthirsty: "I had to attend the hearings as it is required by the law โ I was summoned to the court by the investigators in order to assess the damage incurred by Microsoft," said Alexei Potapov. "I had to give a retail price of the legal versions of the Microsoft products, installed on the school computers in Sepych, which was slightly over $10,000."
Microsoft has decided not to file a civil lawsuit against Ponosov "because we understand well he is just an ordinary school master and he runs an ordinary Russian school," said Potapov. "However, no one has the right to break the law."
Alexander Ponosov insists he is innocent.
"This whole campaign may have started off as a crusade against software piracy. But as time went by, law enforcers realized they were unable to find the real perpetrators of the crime โ those who illegally copied and distributed the pirate Microsoft products. And then the solution presented itself: go after an easy target. So, they picked us," Ponosov said.
In attempting to show their commitment to rule of law, Russian authorities have instead created, in Ponosov's words, a farce.
The hearings resume on February 12. The outcome of this case will eventually determine whether millions of pirate software users in Russia could be considered criminals.
So yeah, all in all, a great loss for the open-source/free software community
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!bookworms our first bookclub choice of the year is Franz Kafka's novella, The Metamorphosis.
Because it's like 70 pages long depending on the edition, we'll cover it on a single thread. Discussion thread on January 9th.
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Guarantee you ask any of these people shaming her for doing porn and a fat amount of them probably don't even come close to comparing to the profit she made when doing porn, it's funny to observe but shameful that people really can't grasp basic empathy cause a woman used to do porn
Comments here are petty, god forbid person has 2 professions.
We should refer to people by their previous careers?
When you're a "former" whore?
We should refer to people by their previous careers?
If you google her name she is listed as American Pornographic Artist
Who cares?
Right.... twitch streamer.... thats what she's most known for.
So a woman gets seriously hurt and you're primarily concerned about what else she streams? How is that relevant?
Why are you assuming gender you bigot
Right.... twitch streamer.... thats what she's most known for.
Imagine dedicating your young adult life to recording porn scenes 25 days/month for 10 years straight and people just call you a "twitch streamer"
"Twitch streamer" - shes a porn star - and a great one at that!
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#Valve #Halflife #GMan #2025 pic.twitter.com/mdT5hlxKJT
— Mike Shapiro (@mikeshapiroland) December 31, 2024
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Whamin be nagging
Interviewer: I believe this commitment was something you had already held onto when you first started creating One Piece as a manga for young readers, right?
Oda: That's right. Since I was drawing for a magazine aimed at young boys, I always felt it was my job to make them enjoy the content.
Once I became a professional and started receiving fan letters, I realized most of them were from girls.
Boys, you see, just don't pick up a pen to write (laughs).
They don't have stationery or stamps, and they don't bother to take the time and effort to write something like, "I enjoyed it."
So boys, while they are enjoying the content, won't express their opinions.
When I realized how many opinions came from girls and looked around at the manga world, I noticed many creators who seemed to be influenced by girls' opinions.
This made me think, if you base your work entirely on the feedback you get from fan letters, you might end up creating something that's essentially a shojo(girls') manga (laughs).
After all, if you're drawing with girls in mind, then you're completely missing the point.
Interviewer: But the key point here is that boys don't share their opinions, right?
Oda: Exactly. In that case, I thought I needed to dig into my own memories and recall what I would have found enjoyable as a child. I realized I had to focus tightly on those elements and make sure not to stray from them.
Of course, it's not like boys never give feedback. For example, if they get New Year's postcards from their parents, they might use them to send something to me (laughs).
Then, I'd get messages like, "I love the battles," or "This technique is so cool." These are such typical boyish comments, and when I read them, I think, "Ah, yes, this is the kind of thing they really enjoy."
So, while I deeply value the rare opinions I get from boys, I'm also delighted by the letters from girls.
Those letters feel like an outpouring of lively enthusiasm.
However, if I were to let myself be swayed entirely by those opinions, I think I would lose my position within the world of manga for boys and possibly even my own sense of purpose.
That's something I only truly realized after starting the serialization.
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Some respond normally, some consider there might be something wrong with them but do not hit the mark.
This is one of those moment where I'm reminded exactly how asexual I am. I just cannot wrap my head around a random person ordering me a glass of milk as a sexy thing, especially if I'd never talked to them before. I'd probably wind up thinking they had some sort of weird milk-based fetish more than anything else.
The Daily Mail wants in on this shit
Yahoo boomer comments are reasonably confused
Aol.com just because, even though it pulls from Variety
There are many more. This is the hottest clickbait of the day, and I have clicked every single one of them to read the slight variations.
!actualbiofoids !biofoids !cuteandvalid !bottoms does milk get it done for you or give you the ick?
- HailVictory1776 : Libertarian shit blue lives matter
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Commissioned by feetincel @ftincel
I accept payment in the form of DC and/or feet pics.
K-ON is a slice of life anime about a group of girls who form a band!
You might notice there are no instruments visible in the picture. This is because they do not practice and instead spend their band time drinking tea and eating cake like true dramanauts.
K-ON is official rdrama culture. You have probably seen the characters before because they are on the default profile banner.
I hope with this essential element of rdrama culture institutionalized with these Marseys, we can see a dramanaut resurgence into the New Year.
Remember, fun things are fun!
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Most Based Comments
Basedness: ๐ฅ๐ฅ๐ฅ๐๐
Basedness: ๐ฅ๐ฅ๐๐๐
Answer: he hasn't.Where is your evidence that he's "going alt-right"? Going on a shitty podcast doesn't mean he's "gone alt-right." It means he's willing to talk to people he doesn't necessarily agree with on a lot of issues. He's always been an ardent supporter of talking to all kinds of people.I haven't listened to the episode of Triggernometry that he was on, but I would caution against some knee jerk response to carefully curated responses to decontextualized quotes pulled out of a larger conversation. Stephen Fry is a vocal free speech proponent, and they were having a conversation about some of the challenges for free speech in the world today. Regardless of what's said - that's an area that is ripe for twisting and misrepresentation. On the podcast, he was asked a question by a gay activist who opposes the organization Stonewall, of which he is a former employee. Levi Pay asked Fry how he could support Stonewall, to which Fry responded, "Do I? I am not sure I do support them"... (316)
He's a Zionist mate, you can't get more right wing than supporting Nazis. (-74)
Basedness: ๐ฅ๐ฅ๐๐๐
I don't think his opinions have changed that drastically.Fry is gay and grew up during a time when that was very much not ok, indeed he described it "a secret horror swelling inside him", plus he's seen many people die during the AIDS crisis. Not to mention his bipolar disorder, struggles with suicidality, etc etc. Fry strikes me as an incredibly empathetic individual for whom a lot of his kindness is born out of the ability to personally relate to struggles. (If you haven't read/listened to his autobiography, it's an incredibly moving tale, but definitely not light reading).I may be biased but I just absolutely don't see someone like that flipping his worldview around in terms of support for minorities or leftie causes or whatever else.It's important to remember that culture has moved incredibly quickly on stuff like trans rights compared to gay and black rights in the previous century. (Yes, I know it may not feel like it, and I agree it can feel painfully slow, but it's true just... (97)
Steven Fry has never been left wing in any way lmao, what are you on about? (-37)
Angriest Comments
Angriness: ๐ก๐ก๐ก๐ก๐ก
It would appear Fry is taking the free speech position, that every opinion is valid and open discussions should be able to be had about all positions. I would guess this is how he got tossed in with the far right "free speech absolutists" like Musk and other fascists who don't like it when people call them out for being fascist. Blaming the left also has serious paradox of tolerance vibes.In the end, free speech is a very tricky subject. While I would tend to agree with Fry that open and honest discussion is important, the practical/utilitarian side of me realizes that some opinions and positions are so vile and dangerous that no civilized society should entertain them. The open and honest discussion should begin and end with, "Frick that opinion and frick you if you actually hold that opinion."That's the rub, though. While it is a dangerous and slippery slope to allow governments to decide what speech falls into this category and therefore shouldn't be allowed, it is very much the re... (0)
Angriness: ๐ก๐ก๐ก๐ก๐ก
Small, but not 0. Just like surgical intervention for trans-identifying minors, violence by undocumented migrants, and so many other issues. Each side needs to police the most extreme opinions on that side. As long as the left is unwilling to do so, the fringe cases will be pushed into the mainstream as examples of the slippery slope of leftist ideology. (2)
Angriness: ๐ก๐ก๐ก๐ก๐ก
There's definitely a sort of unrecoverable tailspin these guys get into.I think it's analogous to what can happen when a dual engine plane loses an engine. One wing suddenly gets a bunch of new drag, and untrained pilots will instinctually increase thrust to the other engine, but the thrust asymmetry can cause the plane to enter a rapid spin/dive into the ground.When these public commentators make an out-of-lane comment on trans rights or Israel, they suddenly get huge resistance from the progressive side and a bunch of new boosters on the conservative side.In a plane you feather the prop on the dead engine, and maybe even reduce thrust in the remaining one to balance things out.But instead of taking a second to think, maybe apologize, and give things a second to settle, these guys lean hard into the "free speech champion" role and suddenly find themselves popping out of the clouds upside-down heading at top speed into the "YOU CAN'T CANCEL ME" mountains. (1896)
Biggest Lolcow: /u/yukonwanderer
Score: ๐ฎ๐ฎ๐ฎ๐ฎ๐ฎ(+0๐ฎ)
Number of comments: 17
Average angriness: ๐๐๐๐๐
Maximum angriness: ๐ก๐ก๐ก๐ก๐ก
Minimum angriness: ๐๐๐๐๐
NEW: Subscribe to /h/miners to see untapped drama veins, ripe for mining!
autodrama: automating away the jobs of dramneurodivergents. Ping HeyMoon if there are any problems or you have a suggestion
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Apparently his whole thing is going to retail outlets and pretending to be an rpg character until the cops come
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Veteran CBS News reporter Jan Crawford dinged news organizations for not thoroughly covering President Biden's "obvious cognitive decline" this year until it became unavoidable during his disastrous debate against Donald Trump over the summer.
Crawford, the network's chief legal correspondent, insisted stronger reporting on the topic could have changed the entire election as she responded to a question from "Face the Nation" moderator Major Garrett about the most underreported story in 2024.
"Undercovered and underreported, that would be, to me, Joe Biden's obvious cognitive decline that became undeniable in the televised debate," she said on the Sunday morning show.
further reading: https://nypost.com/2024/12/19/us-news/white-house-aides-hid-bidens-apparent-mental-decline-from-day-1-of-his-presidency-explosive-report-reveals/
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The republican party has been hijacked by silicone valley tech, homosexual, atheist, and billionaire globalists.
— Myron Gaines (@MyronGainesX) January 1, 2025
One of them controls one of the biggest platforms and promised free speech, rather, he wanted to simply control it.
We are cooked.
BREAKING: Trump reiterates his support of H-1B visas, โWe need a lot of people coming in.โ pic.twitter.com/vci6Ishwdf
โ Dominic Michael Tripi (@DMichaelTripi) January 1, 2025
Elon Musk is single-handedly destroying the trust we have for the incoming Trump Administration.
โ Evan Kilgore ๐บ๐ธ (@EvanAKilgore) December 31, 2024
Nobody is coming to save us.
Wearing the skin of his enemies as a trophy ๐ญ pic.twitter.com/bi8mSmHWaG
โ Kaguyaโs Top Gal (@hayasaka_aryan) December 31, 2024
What is going on??? @elonmusk https://t.co/OrRXVxTDBK
โ Hodgetwins (@hodgetwins) December 31, 2024
I've been demonetized on X for almost a year, so I don't care about that.
โ Myron Gaines (@MyronGainesX) December 31, 2024
My problem is that @elonmusk said this was a free speech app and he's betrayed the people that believed in him with the censorship going on right now.
When we saw you support Trump, we got excited...โฆ
Welcome to X,
โ Next Wave America ๐บ๐ธ (@NextWaveAmerica) December 31, 2024
Where hardcore porn is allowed and profitable but criticizing foreign immigrants gets you demonetized or even banned.
Frick you Elon.
I donโt care about Trump anymore. I just want to be on the opposite side of whatever this is. pic.twitter.com/0g3whzrUXM
โ Lucin K (@Lucineh_K) December 31, 2024
Remember kids, X is a free speech platform - as long as you hate on Whites and only use generic Rightwing talking points.
โ Ian Smith (@iansmithfitness) December 31, 2024
Why do you think @elonmusk demonitized and took away people's blue checks?
โ 1984 (@TheOfficial1984) January 1, 2025
Who really runs the show? pic.twitter.com/Q6nEq28Ssb
X has decided Iโm not allowed to be monetized
โ Jake Shields (@jakeshieldsajj) December 31, 2024
X has decided Iโm not allowed to have subscriptions
X has decided Iโm not able to be verified
X has decided Iโm not allowed to use more than 280 characters
When will X decide Iโm not allowed on their free speech platform?
Donald Trump will actively engage in war against whites.
โ Stew Peters (@realstewpeters) December 31, 2024
He will assist the synagogue of satan in the Greater Israel land grab and genocide, and he will import the third world en masse.
Make no mistake, people are being deplatformed and demonetized to send a message to the rest of us: shut up or face the same consequences.
โ Leonarda Jonie (@leonardaisfunE) December 31, 2024
Itโs Marxism under a technocracy. Never forget this mask off moment.
The biggest rug pull of 2024 pic.twitter.com/VrlAPke5TE
โ Gentile News Networkโข (@Gentilenewsnet) January 1, 2025
Getting rid of your enemy and assuming their identity is very jewish behavior. pic.twitter.com/282HYSWk1R
โ Henri Fjord (@henri_fjord) December 31, 2024
Israelis First
โ Gentile News Networkโข (@Gentilenewsnet) January 1, 2025
Indians First
Mexicans First
Americans Last
Welcome to the Trump presidency
Bonus bitching about Jews I found
Trump endorsed everyone who signed this bill by the way.
โ Next Wave America ๐บ๐ธ (@NextWaveAmerica) December 31, 2024
TREASON โ๏ธ pic.twitter.com/EFhlZILoxo
All right, I'm going back to bed now
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Easily fixed by raising the minimum salary significantly and adding a yearly cost for maintaining the H1B, making it materially more expensive to hire from overseas than domestically.
— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) December 29, 2024
Iโve been very clear that the program is broken and needs major reform.
Iv'e been vrey claer that the program is broken and needs mjaor reform.
what happened to going to war oevr tihs issue?
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A brief primer for all the non-leafs
1) Leafs have been largely disarmed. All the most common battle rifles are long banned and our current PM has banned virtually every semi-auto rifle and over 70% of the population agrees with this policy
2) The people who do have decent guns (illegally) are overwhelming either rightwing (who want better relations with the states) or injuns (who hate the fed) and neither of who are in or near our urban centres.
3) America could literally surround half Canadians population in a day by taking lower Ontario.
4) Our army is so underfunded we don't even have rifles and ammo enough for training. Soldiers during their bi-annual training just pull the trigger and say bang