LeBum's Bum just got drafted to the Lakers.

4.8 ppg in NCAA, trash butt bum butt nepotism butt pick.

The midget can't play, 6'3 can't shoot, can't pass, can't rebound, and doesn't play defense. Frick outta here.

Also Rich Paul was telling teams not to draft Bronny or he would play in Australia. LOL. Adam Silver should fine the Lakers, LeBum, and Poor Paul for this shit.

LeMickey and Poor Paul are the biggest cute twinks in basketball.

MJ owns a team but never did this dumb butt shit with his sons. And they were better than Bronny's bum butt.

Michael Jordan is the GOAT for a reason.

None The :marseyturkroach: family

The female :marseyturkroach: Tiktok (pretty tame all things considered and she's closed the comments on all her videos, so no fun to be had :marseyitsover:

1. :marseyyikes: :marseydeadinside:

2. The :chudsmug: start to make their appearance and grabs the attention of a fat who uses "Chud" unironically lol :marseyhmm:

3. Emmanuel returns, causes seethe, and refuses to leave... he might be a Dramatard... emphasis on the "tard" :marseylaugh: :marseyxd:

4. :marseyfrozenchosen: "Grown men grooming young girls :marseysad:" :marseymoidmoment: "Isn't there someone you forgot to mention?"

5. :marseyfrozenchosen: "What a disgusting groomer..." :marseymoidmoment: "It's actually true love sweety"

6. :malefeminist: "Notice how it's always straight men who groom" :chudsmug: :marseynoooticer: enters room

7. :yakub:

8. Young girl gets groomed, "modern women to blame" :marseychud:


Small snippets like this just hint at a long and storied career of making comments that probably should have been deleted same-day.

I love her :marseycry:


it's a vidya journo :marseyconfused2:

Threw together some chili. ๐ŸŒถ๏ธ
LeBron sleeping with his teammates mom :marseywtf2:

LeMickey has no boundaries. Can't be good for the lockeroom, Celtics win again.

And Delonte West did it first with LeBum's mom. LeUnoriginal.

Another reason MJ is the goat.

"I'm on the right." - a gay person, your dad
Love using these weights :marseyjustice: to purge

ppl are trying to figure :marseypop: out wtf shes talking about

!vegana !thin what's she doing?


It's joever for brandon :marseyitsover:



Frick the real debate, let's watch AI Trump vs AI Biden on Twitch.


@r-slur_but_gay tells @x to say that to my face fricker not online



Most Based Comments

Basedness: ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜

Glad it's a damper to your comfort going out to eat. I suggest you stop. You clearly can't afford and you're compete and utter buttholes. Make your own food at home. People never cease to amaze me. (-32)

Basedness: ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜

Good! You deserved to be uncomfortable for doing that. Simple question, no response to bad answer. I'd say the server handled themselves well. You didn't deserve that much courtesy but they can't force you to be decent people! (-38)

Basedness: ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜

I was chased after when I had left already. That level of tip begging was what surprised me. (22)

Server didn't beg. They gave you a chance to have made a mistake. You failed the server/customer mores, not them. I def wouldn't go back there again! (-27)

Angriest Comments

Angriness: ๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก

Serious question. How do you justify not tipping even with a rude and obnoxious server? I have tipped twice, once for our original server who disappeared after delivering our food and the server who actually waited on us. What should I have done with our original server? She wasn't rude or obnoxious. It just seemed like she didn't care or was lazy. (2)

i've never not tipped. the one very rude and obnoxious server i've had in the last 6 years as an adult, we just walked out after she brought us our drinks an hour later. wrote a bad review and called her name out. i've never been so displeased with service that i have tipped under 20%. these broke butt bitches are walking out every single meal they eat out feeling guilty and cheap? jesus. i only eat out with my girl like once a month and i know servers. they're there for your tip money. i'm going to ruin some young woman's day, and ruin my mood because of guilt over $10??? this sub is a joke. anti tipping should be a thing when you're getting ice cream, vape pods, or any other service that's given to you right at the counter. it shouldn't be targeted towards wait staff. (1)

Angriness: ๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก

Because we all know those waiters, driving around in their Mercedes and BMWs, they definitely are the ones we should be taking our anger at the system out on! (1)

Maybe I live in a more affluent area or whatever but I've definitely seen restaurant workers that drive BMWs or Benz's. Sometimes it's obviously a teenager of somebody that lives in the area. Sometimes it's not, though. I personally know one person who works a good paying office job but has Fridays off, and they serve at a restaurant on Fridays and weekends. Why does it really matter what they drive? I tip 20% no matter what, unless something egregious happens, like getting my order wrong twice somehow. The only other time I'm super tempted to not tip is when I get a clearly bad attitude from someone that isn't just having a bad day. The ones that treat you like you're annoying and inconveniencing them for just being there at the restaurant as a customer. That entitled and flippant attitude drives me nuts, and most of the time I still tip because I think to myself that they probably just haven't been through enough of life's bullshit to realize they probably don't have it so bad in ... (1)

Angriness: ๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก

The audacity seems out of control these days. Many times the service sucks and then they still want a 30% tip when I have to wait 30 minutes for a drink and 30 minutes for my check. I don't make that much money either and I don't get a raise every year. I don't go to full service restaurants at all anymore and they still want a tip at the service counter. people have tip fatigue. The wait staff should be mad at the self-service kiosks that started begging for tips because that's really when people started getting tip fatigue (5)

This is it. Those things are the death knell for tipping culture. People are realizing more and more that it is a scam and taking advantage of people's good-hearted nature. No one likes to feel emotionally manipulated just for buying some food. People are largely sick of it, as this sub indicates. (2)

Biggest Lolcow: /u/dannymac420386

Score: ๐Ÿฎ๐Ÿฎ๐Ÿฎ๐Ÿฎ๐Ÿฎ(+3๐Ÿฎ)

Number of comments: 23

Average angriness: ๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜

Maximum angriness: ๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ”˜

Minimum angriness: ๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜

NEW: Subscribe to /h/miners to see untapped drama veins, ripe for mining! :marseyminer:

:marppy: autodrama: automating away the jobs of dramautists. :marseycapitalistmanlet: Ping HeyMoon if there are any problems or you have a suggestion :marseyjamming:

Soyteens have an IRL meet up in Times Square :soyjakcobson:

Many gems to be had in this thread



A man named Joseph Neibich sued Reddit for defamation with intent to unmask 50 anonymous /r/Screenwriting members, but, unsurprisingly, he failed. He then tried to have this case sealed, but, once again, he was denied. So, now, he has actually hired people to create positive posts about how totally amazing he is in order to manipulate algorithms about his case and his /r/Screenwriting harassment on search engines.

Below is the original drama from 2021:

Screenwriters flagged a group of scam contests that exploited aspiring writers by race, gender, sexuality, religion, and/or location for $50+ per entry and then posted warnings on /r/Screenwriting. The contest manager, a fledgling middle-aged screenwriter from Arizona, threatened to sue Reddit if the original posts weren't removed. The moderators stood their ground and case 20STCV10291 was filed in an LA Circuit Court. Over the course of 2 years, that contest manager harassed /r/screenwriting members, both on social media and by calling them personally once he learned their true identities that had been hidden behind the JOHN/JANE DOE ones.

The case lagged on until the contest manager and other parties settled out of court, and it was dismissed in 2021. The contest manager hired online reputation services to remove any mention of his name in case 20STCV10291 from the internet. For example: Xxxxxxx Xxxxxx v. Reddit Inc - Trellis Law or Santa Clara Law's Digital Commons.

Long after Reddit was dismissed in this legal case, the contest manager continued to harass one of /r/Screenwriting's moderators, who then posted the following warning:

Nobody really cared about this lawsuit anymore. That is, until 2023, when Reddit admins posted Reddit's Defense of Section 230 to the Supreme Court, which actually referenced the original /r/SubredditDrama post linked above.

TL;DR: The Supreme Court is hearing for the first time a case regarding Section 230, a decades-old internet law that provides important legal protections for anyone who moderates, votes on, or deals with other people's content online.


Now, this embarrassing old legal case - 20STCV10291 Neibich v. Reddit - would actually be referenced by the largest court in the United States. :marseyjudge:

To update /r/Screenwriting about the Reddit Amicus Brief, moderator /u/wemustburncarthage posted the thread /r/Screenwriting mentioned in the Reddit Amicus Brief to SCOTUS. She mentioned some context about the contest manager's ongoing behavior:

He has stalked, harassed and defamed many of us for calling out his fraud, and while some of us were lucky to receive pro bono legal representation (me included, thanks to the support mentioned in this brief) not all of us had that option, and were put to unjust expense.

A lot of us are still recipients of his obnoxious attention seeking behaviour, hedged under the guise of his delusional belief in his own importance as an industry player. He's not an industry player. He's a citation in a landmark US Supreme Court case, forever enshrined in that legal history, defined in precisely the character he deserves.


Later in 2023, the contest manager decides to file a Request to Seal Records in order to completely hide his case from the public. While that's going on, something weird begins to happen on Reddit...

The username /u/JeffreyJosephNeibich was registered on Reddit and is quickly suspended before he can post anything (because any user name with josephneibich in it is automatically suspended). :marseyjanny2:

/u/JeffreyJosNeibich (now suspended) then pops up instead and begins to spam their user page with random positive facts about the contest manager (all of these have now been deleted, of course):

His love for animals:

Love helping animals get adopted with my hubby Jeffrey Joseph Neibich

Hiking trips with his fictitious wife, "Hillary":

Hillary L Neibich is camping with Jeffrey Joseph Neibich at HorseShoe Bend

And, of course, helping the homeless:

Joseph Neibich took his only day off last week to help a homeless woman find housing.

(The only comment on the post about was from him, and it simply said "Yea." This dude genuinely thought that confirming a post that he himself made would lend it credibility. I also love that he imagines that he's a great script writer, yet that's the best fake story that he could invent to venerate himself. It legitimately reads like North Korean propaganda for Kim Jong-Un.) :marseyxd:

Once the contest manager's request to seal all records was denied by the LA Court, a new subreddit popped up in the hopes of overshadowing negative search results from Google:

/r/JosephNeibich (now set to private) - "All about the life and works of Joseph Neibich"

Posts were made on the subreddit such as:

Life and Work of Joseph Neibich

Joseph Neibich's journey in the film industry is a story of passion, creativity, and hard work. From his early days in marketing at...

Biography of Joseph Neibich:

Joseph started his career in film in 1997, when he moved to Los Angeles and began working in marketing at Paramount Pictures. This experience...

Joseph Neibich Charity Works

...and so forth.

Try it for yourself by searching for "reddit neibich" on Google. Instead of information about the previously mentioned case, you're instead greeted with results about how wonderful and amazing this heroic human being is. :marseygetgle:

The posts on /r/JosephNeibich came with totally legitimate comments from completely real Redditors such as...

/u/Fresh-Ad8642 (now suspended):

I like it I like it

I like

I like

I like it

/u/Sweet_Peet_Scotch (now suspended):

So great and powerful

So great and powerful

So great and powerful

/u/Intelligent-Love6969 (now suspended):

Silly love


Joseph Neibich is great consumer advocate! I love it.


And some other totally earnest new Reddit accounts who just happened to only post about Joseph Neibich:

/u/Academic-CatLover (now suspended)




In other words, a Redditor has been hired by Joseph Neibich to post on /r/JosephNeibich in order to make Joseph Neibich look better on Google search results. Right before that user began posting about Neibich, however, they only concentrated on OnlyFans updates. :daddysgirl2:

A parody subreddit, /r/JosephNeib-word (get it? :marseynice:), has also been set up. :soysnoo5:

Will it work? Or will Joseph Neibich go back to his old ways where he is emailing moderators threatening legal action? Whatever happens, we know one thing: it will be far more entertaining than any script that Neibich could ever write. :marseypopcorn:

bf telling me to lose weight :marseyoverheadpress:




DrDisrespect megathread from /r/youtubedrama

Edit: He kept editing the word minor in and out of the tweet. :marseyxd:

He admitted to texting a minor, he's getting a megathread for the fallout


his response to the accusation with โ€Jake seriously... I get it, it's a hot topic but this has been settled, no wrongdoing was acknowledged and they paid out the whole contract.โ€


His response to the accusation and his response blowing up, "I didn't do anything wrong, all this has been probed and settled, nothing illegal, no wrongdoing was found, and I was paid."


Midnight Society, the company he co-founded, announcing that they are dropping him.


A bloomberg article written about the situation, saying they asked 3 twitch employees to if it's true. they all said yes.


Dr Disrespect admitting he did it, but tries to downplay it. despite him speaking with out a filter, he tried to edit out the fact he spoke to a minor, forgetting that you can see a tweets edit history, so he edited it back in

both versions of the tweet will be here, they are both super long and would make this reddit post a lot bigger than it should be


currently we are at his downfall, as people who were once defending him (outside of his fans) are now on the side of him attempting to groom a minor (notably Actman)

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