How many of you neighbors are actually gay?

I know we're all ironically gay on here (BUSSY LMAO), but for curiosity sake, let's have a poll. Are you:

Webbie - Independent

:i: :marseytwerking: :n: :marseytwerking: :d: :marseytwerking: :e: :marseytwerking: :p: :marseytwerking: :e: :marseytwerking: :n: :marseytwerking: :d: :marseytwerking: :e: :marseytwerking: :n: :marseytwerking: :t:

Do :marseygoodjob: you :marseygoodjob: know what that mean, Mang?


timeline pacing is faster and there are no ice zombies. pure politicuckry

You will never :marseyitsover: be a real Christian.

You will never :marseyitsover: be a real Christian. You have no faith, you have no piety, you have no knowledge :marseyreading2: of scripture. You are a manchild twisted :marseybdtf: by controlled opposition and larpers into a crude mockery of your historical :marseysargonofaccat: forebearers.

All the "brotherhood" you get is two-faced and half-hearted. Behind :marseynotes2: your back, people mock you. Your pastor :marseyklennypriest: is disgusted :marseyderanged: and ashamed :marseypaperbag: of you, your "fellows" laugh :marseypopcorn2: at your degeneracy :marseyslaanesh: behind :marseynotes2: closed doors.

Jesus is utterly repulsed by you. Thousands of years of Christianity :marseychristchan: has allowed him to identify frauds with incredible :marseygassy: efficiency. Even tradcaths who larp on Twitter :marseyx: hold idols and tout the Lord's name in vain. Your prayers are a dead giveaway. And even if you manage to get a pastor :marseyklennypriest: to give you communion, he'll turn you away and bolt the door the moment :marseycringe2: he catches sight :marseyblind: of your porn-ridden, animu shrine of a home.

You will never :marseyitsover: go to heaven. You wrench :marseymechanic: out a fake smile :marseyklenny3: every single :marseykiwimom: morning :marseycoffee: and tell yourself :marseydoit: that you're "saved", but deep inside :marseyteapot: you feel the temptation creeping up like a weed, ready :marseyexcited: to crush :marseyironmaiden: you under :marseyhandsup: your lack of willpower.

Eventually it'll be too much to bear - you'll buy a katana, find a fedora, put it on your head, and plunge into reddit :marseygold: atheism. Your parents will find your searchvh history, heartbroken but relieved that they no longer have to live with the unbearable shame :marseycry2: and disappointment :marseywarsad: of your constant God-bothering. When you die, they'll cremate you, and every passerby for the rest of eternity will know your ashes are those of a heathen. Your body will have been burnt back to dust, and all that will remain of your legacy is your pornhub "favorites" playlist.

This is your fate. This is what you chose. There :marseycheerup: is no turning back.


A mix of men calling her a c*nt and women :marseyblops2chadcel: calling her brave.

Whoops. Well it's the thought :marseymindblown: that counts.

[OC] Marsey at the signing of the Treaty of Versailles except she's every person in attendance



For context, he's the artist who created these popular comics that became memes:

He became very popular in the weird comics + broader twitter art community, getting lots of fans and positive reception along with, of course, plenty of haters as well. Last month, he threatened to commit suicide following some incomprehensible zoomer drama. I legitimately can't tell what happened other than that certain cliques were talking shit about him. Probably a lot of things were confined to groomercord (thank god). Also, at some point he drew the 'sharty's attention. Drama post about the suicide tweets here. Those tweets are now deleted, but I found a reupload of the embedded audio message on the 'farms here.

While he was 'dead' - in fact committed to a mental hospital - the sharty found his dox and started spreading it; not posting it, but he had at some point accidentally created a paypal profile for donations that listed his full name. He came back a few days later only to announce that he was leaving twitter for good. He quickly followed up and clarified that there was a non-zero chance he'd return, but only when he had the emotional maturity to handle the toxicity and drama from being internet famous. He only recently celebrated his 18th birthday, so this was probably a good call.

Unfortunately though, it's hard to give up that much fame and attention and he couldn't help but keep oversharing. He later revealed that since returning from the psych ward his parents have been heavily controlling his internet access and the arguments were putting on the verge of becoming a person experiencing houselessness. But I'm sure even though he's a mentally unstable self-described neurodivergent with severe depression and a history of suicide attempts that things will end up fine.

Guess what happened next

He's broke af too. When pressed for details, he explains that the arguments reached the breaking point and he got left at the side of the road like Lassie.

I'm sure that given the details we're privy to - that his parents were restricting his internet access to help improve his mental health and ostensibly have his best interests at heart - that there's no more information that we need to conclude why they kicked him out.

So there's your 'rama. :marseywave: It's impressive that this zoomer managed to speed run the mentally ill lefty artist character arc of burning everything down and ending up destitute (he first got popular last November), but maybe I'm just getting old. :marseyshrug:

Marsey Marsplex, Master of the Marseyville Marsplex
The last achievement is bugged and won't even track :carpraging:

Safe-Sleazy :marseyantiwork:
Reported by:
The War on Medicare has been won :marseyrave: :marseyrave: :marseyrave:


If somebody has more funny details on this pls post


Wtf at least be hot if you're going to be a psycho yandere

:obesedaddysgirl: :!marseydisagree:


Lord Miles claims he's going to take on the Indian Navy and try to colonize the island

North Sentinel Island

The island is a protected area of India. It is home to the Sentinelese, an indigenous tribe in voluntary isolation who have defended, often by force, their protected isolation from the outside world.

The island is a protected area of India. It is home to the Sentinelese, an indigenous tribe in voluntary isolation who have defended, often by force, their protected isolation from the outside world.


John Allen Chau (December 18, 1991 – November 17, 2018) was an American evangelical Christian missionary who was killed by the Sentinelese, a tribe in voluntary isolation, after illegally traveling to North Sentinel Island in an attempt to introduce the tribe to Christianity.[3][4]

Other attempts to communicate such as echoing the tribesmen's words ended with them bursting into laughter, making Chau theorize that they were cursing at him.[26] Chau stated they communicated with "lots of high-pitched sounds" and gestures.[27] Eventually, according to Chau's last letter, when he tried to hand over fish and gifts, a boy shot a metal-headed arrow that pierced the Bible he was holding in front of his chest, after which he retreated again.

On his final visit, on November 17, Chau instructed the fishermen to abandon him.[28] The fishermen later saw the islanders dragging Chau's body, and the next day they saw his body being buried on the shore.[20]

Youtube Drama discusses

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