Fříеndshíр wíth USА ís оvеr, Сhínа nоw mу fříеnd
Nine Inch Nails - Another Crashed Car
@WeihnachtenSalvador Dox

!Nonchuds !anticommunists



after a decade long debate about “cancel culture” i honest to god cant think of a single person off the top of my head who was actually “canceled”

Andrew Lawrence ( 2025-02-11T17:04:33.631Z

bob chimes in:

The only "canceled" person (who didn't get, say, ARRESTED like Weinstein) was Dave Chappelle and the guy who canceled his show was ...also Dave Chappelle.And then there was still another season of the show.

Bob Chipman ( 2025-02-11T22:41:40.788Z

SEC says Roblox is sus :marseyamogus:. Refuses to elaborate

SEC Confirms Game Service Roblox Part of 'Active Investigation

  • Agency withholds details, saying release may harm efforts

  • Company has faced questions about its reported player data

Responding to a Freedom of Information Act request, the commission said in a letter Friday that it couldn't share correspondence between staffers referencing Roblox, saying it could cause "harm to the ongoing enforcement proceeding."

"We have confirmed with Division of Enforcement staff that there are responsive emails between Enforcement staff referencing Roblox and that these emails are a part of an active and ongoing investigation," the commission said.

Bloomberg News couldn't confirm the subject of the investigation. Roblox didn't respond to requests for comment, and the SEC declined to make any additional comment.

Hunterbrook Media reported in November that Roblox was under investigation by the SEC, citing Freedom of Information Act requests. Hunterbrook cited an October letter from the commission saying it was withholding documents "which could reasonably be expected to interfere with enforcement activities." Its affiliate, Hunterbrook Capital, had a short position in the shares.

In October, the now-defunct short-seller Hindenburg Research published a report on child-safety concerns at Roblox and also alleged that the company had inflated its metrics, including the number of users who regularly play Roblox games and the amount of time they spend on average on the platform....

The video-game company has faced scrutiny over children's safety on the platform. Since 2018, At least two dozen people have been arrested by police in the US, accused of abusing or abducting victims they'd met or groomed using Roblox, Bloomberg News reported in July.

Shares of Roblox fell 11% on Thursday after the company reported slower-than-expected growth in daily users of its service. It reported 85.3 million active users as of year end.


YouTube's algo promoted the shit out of this spam to me and so now you get to suffer, too.

My Boss Gave Me an Unthinkable Choice for a Promotion"

What started as a routine day at the office quickly spiraled into something far more unsettling. I had spent years working hard, proving my dedication, and striving for the promotion I had long dreamed of. But when Mr. Thompson called me into his office, the conversation took a turn I never expected. Suddenly, the path to success wasn't about my skills or experience—it was about something else entirely. I was faced with a choice I never thought I'd have to make. Would I sacrifice my integrity to get ahead? Watch to find out how one moment changed everything…

#ForbiddenDesire #FamilyDrama #ConsequencesOfAffair #TalesOfRegret #ShatteredTrust #SecretAffairs #CautionaryTale #SocietyAndJudgment #EmotionalDownfall

#AfricanLegends #CulturalTales #AfricanStory

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StoriesOfLove, EmotionalStories, Cheating Stories, HUMAN PSYCHOLOGY, Infedility Story, Relationship Stories

:redlight: :marseyban: rule 6 violation by @jackie :!carpban: :redlight:

of course @jackie will not be pinged by this because she muted me, so loss on her part

anyways, because she muted me, i glanced at her profile and guess what i found:

:marseypearlclutch: :marseypearlclutch: :marseypearlclutch: :marseypearlclutch:

not only is fricking she calling another user the fricking p-word, she's calling the fricking !jannies the fricking p-word!!!

this is not fricking only a fricking huge breach of rule 6, it's a fricking massive slight on our beloved jannies, motherlover!

they do it for free, the fricking least they can have is their fricking honor, motherlover!

i think a fricking permanent ban may be in order

:m#arseyjanny2: :m#arseyjanny: :!m#arseyjanny2:

Bussy Singal reports Glowie January 6 has begun :marseyhappening:

Bussy has bad cases of TDS and MDS but he's usually reliable. Is it a hoax? Did I get trolled? Will Musk fight glowcels? Will Zuck show up to fight Musk? Stay tuned :marseyletsgo:

It's time to debunk the myth that poly people are ugly

!nonchuds !lgbt !cuteandinvalid Decolonize polyamory

Thursday - Cross Out the Eyes

Might be my favorite Thursday song <3

New Christian lore just dropped

:#marseydkexcited: :#marseydkexcited: :#marseydkexcited:





crackhead catfish

not sure why i agreed to meet at her house probably because her chats were very thirsty (of course that's the reason) she was very fit in the photos with absolutely massive hands like those of a mason i figured why not

the whole thing was fishy i felt like i was going to get stabbed and it didn't help when she pulled out a machete within five minutes of me being in the house (which was beautiful besides it being decorated like a sleazy gas station head shop)

it was downhill from there and i'd rather just seal all the sad details away in the vault i excused myself shortly after she pulled out an absolutely giant bag of ketamine and started saying we should do mushrooms

not proud to say i considered it her photos from a year ago were very cute

Reported by:
:marseymutt: Another burger plane crashes! This one's military and fell in the ocean :marseyplanecrash:
Zuck on this!! :marseyxd:

This one is pretty good

Just finished watching "The Truman Show"

The creator's mistake was insisting that Truman should be a boy instead of a girl, tbh


the dejenerate podcast - time for monster 13:34

  • momentarious ago there was an incident whereby my indication dropped. It does this. It's a sign of interference/compromise when the blue light goes off and then back on. (I think he's talking about his router/wifi). This has happened twice in 48 hours

  • 0:40 Jinxthinker has massive balls- he went to the shop earlier. But there were 2 trucks outside. Then they had both left when he checked again. There was also an incident with a van and someone getting out! Also a new yellow Jeep has appeared, that wasn't there before.

  • 1:30 He saw 2 humans on the way to the store- a tall, elderly suited one and a shorter, younger one. Jinxthinker gave them the eye as he walked past and vaped at them to show he didn't have anything illegal on him(?).

  • 2:45 Something alarming. He pulls up a screenshot of Paradox Game Launcher asking for locations permission. This is fricked up (agreed); you don't need GPS to play EU IV. The Paradox Game launcher sucks, but it's not a hardcore big deal.

  • 3:30 It's very badass to say pic related in the current era.

  • 4:00 Someone once said, you're allowed to watch pokemon but you're not allowed to have s*x with them. Jinxthinker had a slight inclination to play pokemon, including some ROM hack. The thing is he could best anyone at competitive pokemon.


  • 4:45 AI Navi's are back, then we look at a wrestler named Liv who is more attractive than someone else.

  • brain pauses

  • 5:40 Someone made a baseball reference to the 3rd inning. This was not a reference to a vagina. Jinxthinker does not discriminate based on vagina looks.

  • 7:00 Jinxthinker is a well renowned woman aficionado. Tomorrow he will eat pizza.

  • 7:30 He had American toast earlier. He had 4 toast slices with marmalade after his breakfast burgers.

  • 8:05 The problem with women these days is they don't appreciate the massive testicles he brings to the table.

  • 8:40 These days if a woman approached jinxthinker for the purposes of intercourse, he would deny her.

  • 9:00 He knew a fricked up woman who didn't like him for spurious reasons- she didn't like his drawings (:marseydisagree:). She was foolish

  • 9:30 Here's the secret about pizza- put BBQ sauce and garlic sauce on it.

  • 9:45 Jinxthinker is heartwarmed when he hears people talk about womens. If you are into japanese women wrestling you are 1 step away from Japanese junior idols aka CP.

  • 10:30 He has a fancy of making a new reddit account to infiltrate the wrestling community and provide adults with entertainment of adults right.

  • 10:50 He asked AI what the anime watchers like- they like Attack on Titan, Neon Genesis Evangelion... He plans to fight the anime race by depicting the characters as negros. It will be like when a bunch of them committed suicide because there were negros in Lord of the Rings. Mass suicides predicted as a result of this operation.


  • 12:15 He's just a phile of adults, right. Talks about a good pornography he watched and he can't find the video now.

  • 12:50 There's a facebook page of wrestling & pokemon and there's also on for discussing porn.

  • 13:30 He needs at least 1 monster per day.

!jinxthinkers I also hate the Paradox Game Launcher. I was trying to get into CK3 and now the game just hangs on a loading screen indefinitely. It didn't do that before the Paradox Game Launcher

r/Stupidpol German Election Thread


:marseydisgustnotes: COMMUNITY NOTED Total defunding of Medicaid and reduction of funds for SNAP. : LeopardsAteMyFace


:marseyxd: :marseypearlclutch: :marseypopcorn:

If Trump and President Musk actually completely gut Medicare, Medicaid, corn subsidies and the defence budget, FEMA and even let their supporters die, MAGAcels deserve it.

Community Note by @drumpf

This is highly misleading. The Tweet claims that an $880m cut is nearly the entire Medicaid budget and would eliminate the program. In reality the proposal was for the cut to be spread over 10 years. Source:

Helpful [7] Not Helpful [0]
Light pollution is getting worse, but there is a movement to make our skies dark again :marseybinos: :star:

(CNN) —  When a series of lightning strikes took down power across New York City on the night of July 13, 1977, streetlights, neon signs, and the bright lights of houses and skyscrapers went dark.

And just like that, for the first time in decades, the Milky Way could be seen streaked across the black sky, speckled by thousands of shimmering stars.

"I saw a (starry) sky from my location in the Bronx," said Joe Rao, a meteorologist and amateur astronomer who was living in New York City on the night of the blackout, "which I had never seen before and have never seen again."

Barring a freak power outage, the light emanating from towns and cities due to unnatural light sources is so bright that it washes out the stars. Today one-third of all humans, including 80% of North Americans, cannot see the Milky Way.

For a growing number of people, natural darkness has been lost. When the lights went out in 1977, New Yorkers could see how much they were missing.

Light pollution, the term for the brightening of the night sky by unnatural lights, is increasing worldwide. On average, skies are getting 10% brighter each year globally, with the fastest rate of change in North America.

Many species are suffering the consequences. Every year, up to one billion birds in the US are killed by colliding with buildings, a global crisis exacerbated by bright lights drawing them off their migratory paths at night. Unnatural lighting can disorient insects, and affect the leaf development of trees. A 2017 study found that light pollution poses a threat to 30% of vertebrates and more than 60% of invertebrates that are nocturnal.

Nesting sea turtles, which rely on the reflection of light on the water from celestial bodies to guide them to the ocean, can be disoriented by unnatural lights around beaches, resulting in fatal dehydration or predation.

"We've found sea turtles in elevator shafts," said Rachel Tighe, lighting project manager at Sea Turtle Conservancy, a Florida-based nonprofit funded by the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation. For the animals, she added, "it's confusion and chaos."

And humans are affected, too. While the health implications of unnatural light are still being investigated, research has linked light pollution to obesity, depression, sleep disorders, diabetes, and cancer.

"We know that if you start to shift temperatures you have really profound impacts on organisms across ecosystems, so you would imagine that if we start to mess with light cycles, we might have similarly profound impacts," said Professor Kevin Gaston, a light pollution expert at the University of Exeter, in the UK. "We're all ultimately dependent on this stuff for our very existence."

Unlike other environmental issues like climate change and deforestation, the problem of light pollution could be curbed overnight — by turning off the lights.

In 2020, the small town of Crestone, Colorado, switched off its streetlights when it ran out of money to pay the electricity bill. At night, the streets were dark, but the sky above was bright with stars.

"At the next meeting (of the Board of Trustees), someone said, 'You know, we kind of like it dark,'" recalled Kairina Danforth, mayor of Crestone at the time. Inspired to preserve natural darkness, the town decided to leave the streetlights off.

Soon, Crestone became one of a growing number of towns around the world officially recognized as a Dark Sky community by DarkSky International, an organization that promotes the battle against light pollution.

"We are probably the only Dark Sky community in the world that has no residential lights because they couldn't afford to pay the bill," said Danforth. "Now there's a strong communal support for our dark sky."

As Crestone, and the residents of New York City in 1977, can attest, a total blackout will bring back the stars instantaneously. But efforts to tackle light pollution need not be so extreme to make a big difference, said Ruskin Hartley, CEO of DarkSky International.

"The solutions are simple," he said, "and they don't involve giving up anything apart from bad quality lighting."

Light pollution experts abide by the mantra: "keep it low, keep it shielded, keep it long." In other words, ensure that lighting is low to the ground, that it is targeted to avoid light leaking in all directions, and, if possible, that it has a long wavelength, typically observed as amber colored. Finally, turn lights off when they're not needed.

Some communities are following DarkSky's recommendations by retrofitting their lighting fixtures to reduce light pollution, or simply turning off more lights. DarkSky International has worked with communities and nature reserves in 22 countries to provide support and give official accreditation to areas that have made positive changes. Nearly 300 areas are now accredited.

In 2022, DarkSky, in collaboration with the Czech Republic, developed a European policy brief on reducing light pollution, recommending that "all light should have a clear purpose," that it "should be directed only to where needed," and that it "should be no brighter than necessary." The brief suggests using current EU legislative frameworks — on biodiversity, climate change, and energy efficiency — to push for light pollution mitigation measures.

As of October 2022, 20 pieces of nationwide legislation that concern the mitigation of light pollution had been introduced in nine member states of the European Union since 2000, according to the Czech Republic's Ministry of the Environment.

Countries are further incentivized by potential economic advantages. Electric-powered indoor and outdoor lights consume 17% to 20% of global electricity production, according to the European policy brief, and cutting usage means cutting costs. Areas with dark skies are also benefitting from astrotourism, a growing trend in which tourists travel to stargaze in locations with lower levels of light pollution.

"(Under) the stars are the places we told our first stories," said Hartley. "For many communities, these have been erased and lost because of the scourge of light pollution. But more and more are starting to recover and rediscover this."

Wildlife is benefitting, too. The Sea Turtle Conservancy has changed over 30,000 lights and estimates it has darkened over 45 miles of nesting beach in Florida since 2010, possibly saving as many as tens of thousands of hatchlings. "It's really cool to be able to see such a change so quickly," Tighe said.

Despite positive changes, stemming light pollution is an uphill battle.

Even in some parts of Chile's Atacama Desert, one of the darkest places on Earth, you can now see a distant glow emanating from nearby La Serena, one of the country's fastest-growing cities, said Hartley.

"You can't escape it anymore, and it is just a product of waste and ignorance," he added. "How can we get more people to care about this?"

For Rao, who was 21 on the night that the Milky Way appeared above his house in the Bronx, and is now 68, optimism for the fate of our skies is at an all-time low. "I'm beginning to wonder whether anybody is going to be able to see a good dark sky anymore, 30, 40 years from now," he said. "It's very, very sad."

But as the movement to save the dark grows, there is still a faint hope that a star-studded future is possible.

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You've heard of Climate Emergency, now it's time for Ukraine Emergency :marseyazov:
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